The Laws of Werewolf Hunting

Chapter 75 Long time no see

Chapter 75 Long time no see
Just after the fat cook ensured that the kitchen was as tidy as ever, a mouse immediately crawled up to Father Petit's feet in full view, which made him feel ashamed.

"This mouse must have just arrived. You can see that it is so thin, it must have not eaten the ingredients here, wait a little bit, I will get rid of it right away."

He assured the priest, then tiptoedly picked up the tongs by the stove, rounded his arms and prepared to send the mouse to hell from behind, as long as he aimed correctly, the heavy iron head could smash open the little head .

But this mouse was audacious beyond anyone's imagination.

The four bare pink paws jumped onto Peti's black priest's uniform and climbed up along the hem.

Everyone exclaimed in unison, but Peti stood still, looking down at the mouse.

The rodent quickly climbed to his chest and stopped.

The cook froze, wanting to hit but not daring to hit.

Peti raised his right hand to cover the mice, then looked up at them: "You guys keep working, I'll take care of it."

No one has an opinion.

The priest went out to the empty backyard, with his right hand spread flat in the pale sunlight, and the mouse squatted on his palm, silently.The forked dry fur sticks to the skin, and there is almost no flesh on the body. The small pure black eyes don't know where to look, and they are not afraid of people at all.

Peti couldn't help being a little dazed, feeling light in his heart, and the emotions suppressed in the eyes of others were released instantly.

The moment he saw it, he knew who was coming.

"Long time no see, Horn." He smiled.

The mouse didn't respond, but continued to crawl back to his chest along his arms, grasping the black priest's uniform with nostalgia, and further stretched out his claws to grab the silver cross necklace, devoting all his energy to it, and refused to leave for a moment.

The Rat Walker's soul is trapped in the body of the small beast, and his personality is gradually blunted.

But the last remnant of faith was reflected in the black eyes, and the intensity of the thoughts even overwhelmed the animal nature - it didn't rush out of its hiding place because it saw the former companion of Notre Dame.

It was the attire of the priest that attracted it, that divine image that more than anything else fought against oblivion.

"I don't recognize me anymore." Pei Ti sighed, "Your body was killed, what a pity."

When he said it was a pity, the corners of his mouth curled up.

He has accepted the righteous way of salvation, if Haun is still the same as before, then he will have to face a heretic who used to be like a brother.

It was precisely because of such worries in the past that he never wanted to contact those "brothers and sisters" scattered all over the place.

"But maybe, being a mouse is better than being a human." He stretched out his hand to support the mouse, passing the temperature over in the cold wind. "This time I can finally take you out. Before you lose all your memory, I still have time to baptize you, really baptize, just like my teacher did to me."

The mouse didn't respond, but the humanoid claws still tightly grasped the cross necklace on Peti's chest, curled up in his palm, like a devout believer praying in front of a god statue.

"Phipas said, let us go to the land of Shechem, and receive righteousness and blessings. Oriel was convinced of his wisdom, so he said yes, and became his attendant. They walked through the towering mountains and the scorching heat with a staff. deserts, and between the cities where tortures are shown, and the paths of the forest"

Patty was used to reciting chapters of "The Heralds" softly. They were young and needed to recite the scriptures before eating at Notre Dame.

Although I lived in a heretical place during that time, the time before meals had a nostalgic tranquility.

But the rat didn't move, and the verses didn't make it feel touched.

After a few more minutes, there was still no movement in the palm, and it felt a little wet, Peti had to stop and spread his palm in doubt.

At some point, the mouse let go of its claws holding the holy cross, curled up in his hand, and transparent liquid flowed out from behind.

All the muscles in his body relax.

Patty looked at it blankly until the cook's loud voice sounded behind him.

"Father, the dining room is set up. Well, what are you doing?"

It is inexplicable that the cook, trying to get around in front of the priest, saw what he was holding.

"He's not moving."

Peti looked at the cook in bewilderment, losing his usual calmness and rationality.

The cook reached out and pinched the mouse, and quickly came to a conclusion: "It's probably because it's dead."

"How did he... die?"

The priest hadn't gotten rid of the joy of reunion, he almost forgot the meaning of death, because it was unfortunate, something that shouldn't befall Haun right away.

The beast walker has two lives, how could he not survive?

The cook pinched the mouse's fat-free belly with his fat fingers, easily broke a few bones, and was amazed.

"It's a wonder, Father, look at this poor flat belly. It must have died of starvation."

This sentence is not flattering, but from the heart, after all, he has never seen a mouse starved to death in the kitchen, and he suddenly felt that he had said more about "how long has it not broken into the kitchen" Confidence.

"When did he die?" Pei Ti was not angry because of the cook's actions, he was still thinking.

How could anyone think about the death of a mouse?The cook looked at the priest strangely, and noticed the filth on his palm. Because the security guard didn't mention his face, he just replied, "It's been dead for a while. Feel it, it's cold."

Unable to understand what Father Petit was thinking, he returned the mouse instead of throwing it on the ground.

"That's right."

Peti held the mouse in his hand, but didn't move a step.

It didn't know how long it took before he suddenly realized that Horn died after holding the cross, but he was immersed in joy at the time and didn't notice it.

Another familiar sibling dies.

"Are you okay?" The cook asked with concern.

"I'm fine." Peti returned to his normal expression, his hands naturally dropped, but he held the mouse's corpse with his right hand, and sighed in a low voice: "That's fine, that's fine."

"I left some food for you, it should still be hot now."

"I'll go."

Peti returned to the building, the walls cut off the cold wind from the outside, and his body gradually warmed up as he walked, so he felt the coldness of the rat walker's body in his hand.

"Clara is probably the only one who knows my real name now," he thought.

That was also the "sister" he hadn't seen for a long time, one of the few children who were still alive.

Peti had the same reasons as Haun for not going to see her.

Once brothers and sisters, but to meet again is heresy and enemies.

And the Holy Grail that made it all is back, and it's been a year of no good news.

(End of this chapter)

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