The Laws of Werewolf Hunting

Chapter 86 The Illiterate Guy

Chapter 86 The Illiterate Guy
Philip's affairs at the ball were not over, and a proposal was not enough.

He was troubled and passionately involved in the distribution and planning of benefits, and had no time to watch Caroline Cules' performance.

He and these gentlemen will burn the whole night to divide the benefits and responsibilities.

Meanwhile, Creighton arrives home.

Detective Hook's belongings were taken home by him, and the cash and weapons were shared equally with the others.

The cash on these detectives did not exceed fifty pounds, but the weapons were fairly good. Clayton suggested that Julius and Barbara should use them to practice more firearms, so as to match their abilities and exert their maximum combat effectiveness.

But Clayton no longer thinks about these things. He hasn't slept for more than half a month, and now he misses that feeling.

Not exhaustion, but the illusion of finally being able to let go of everything.

Replenishing energy by eating alone is not all a good thing, it means double the mental stress, and many bad things can't find time to forget.

He has to relearn to sleep.

But there's still work to be done tonight.

Clayton patted the soft mattress longingly, sat for a while, then picked up the suitcase from the floor and took it to the study.

The documents brought by Detective Hook still need to be checked by him.

When he was working, he released Clara out of the fish tank to breathe, and by the way, he was a companion to chat and relieve boredom.

Clayton didn't just read those documents once, he needed to take notes and analyze the behavior patterns of these people in order to formulate follow-up plans.

This is a good habit he learned from an artillery officer who liked to write and draw.

Under the gaze of the blond girl, he flipped through the documents with ease.

In addition to Detective Hook's funding application form, there are also some clerical work-related content, such as the land environmental survey information submitted to them by the civil servants of Sasha City, and the suburban topographic survey and mapping conducted by the detective privately.

It can be seen that the Hooker Detective Agency has seriously considered opening a new stronghold in Sasha City, and it is very... non-commercial.

In several areas where these detectives were focused on surveying, the local slopes were relatively high compared to the surrounding areas, and traffic factors were not well considered.And the area they surrounded was extremely large, even beyond the practice range of a battalion—Clayton's algorithm included the shooting range.

Instead of renting land, they want to buy land.

The difference between the two is that the former cannot carry out destructive construction on the land, while the latter can.

Compared with commercial land, the terrain selected by Hook detectives is more suitable for establishing military fortresses.

Although Clayton was a cavalryman, he could tell at a glance the advantages of the land they chose—high slope hills bordered by forests. Although it was not within the scope of this map, Clayton knew that there was a stream running through it. It is very convenient to get water, and the water source is far away from the estuary, and the location is upstream that will not be polluted.

These detectives are trying to prevent unknown forces from attacking them.

But this is indeed a normal thought, after all, Creighton did it.

Combined with the funding application forms drafted by the detectives, he basically confirmed that there were no lies in what they confessed during the torture.

Interestingly, the best witcher among Hook's detectives didn't bring any valuable company documents, he only brought a diary.

Clayton looked through it out of interest, thinking that he could find something about the training methods of the witcher, or the learning of simple spells, but there were no such things.

This demon hunter seems to have started learning to read and write not long ago. The first chapter of the diary was also this spring. I wrote a self-introduction seven times before, and none of it was free of typos. The description of food, and the record is more frequent at the front, and the interval between writing diaries is getting longer and longer. The longest case has reached half a month, but the accuracy of the words has improved a lot.

Especially the latest diary, the content is different from the previous ones.

When Clayton read this text, his spirits lifted.

"The woman made my badge vibrate, and she was aware of it, but didn't care, and gave me a wicked smile. Of course I wouldn't be fooled by her appearance, she is a monster in human skin I'm starting to regret it, why did I take this task? The firm actually signed a long-term contract with the organization behind this woman, for money, don't they even want their souls?"

"She took the other brothers away. I don't know what will happen to them, but I'm sure that as soon as the cooperation is over, they will not hesitate to kill us like livestock, as my ancestors and teachers have dealt with them Pay back, they will! These monsters have become more and more recently, and it is hard to say that there is no conspiracy brewing among them."

"I told my companions about her identity, but Sotoka didn't believe me, and Danton thought that those papers that only had pen and ink on them would have the same binding force as humans. As long as they give money, they are also customers. Mercenaries My fellow! I can't help it. Fortunately, I already know the function of the strange object that the woman asked us to send, which will help reveal her true identity. Because only parasitic monsters and those druid shapeshifters can Use it."

Werewolves are also shapeshifters.

Clayton immediately became very curious about the strange object that the detectives were about to transport to Sasha City, but there was no answer in the follow-up diary.

"I'll get away, but before that, I have to prevent that monster from coming back to contact us, instilling those dangerous, corrupt thoughts. Or taking advantage of the dead of night to empty our guts. From now on, I will stay up all night, using The mind-boosting potion will last for a while until the follow-up brothers arrive here. This may be my last mission, unless the boss changes his mind. Although the city earns more money, it is no better than the countryside."

Seeing this, the lieutenant regretted letting that witcher die, even though he didn't do it himself.

"My arrows are ready, but there is still something missing. The forest is dangerous now. Those government officials told us that the soldiers are cleaning up those disgusting dark creatures, so I can't go there to collect medicine. I will think about it tomorrow." There is a way to get some aconitum from the pharmacy to put on the arrowheads, but they probably won’t sell me, I’m running out of money.”

The handwriting is interrupted here, and the time of this diary entry is yesterday.

The demon hunter, who was determined to deal with the spider priest, was ready to fight, but it was Clayton and his party who were waiting.

But they really couldn't win this combat power. From the diary, it can be seen that this demon hunter discriminates against all dark descendants equally.As long as he finds out that they are monsters, and the office doesn't have any mandatory tasks on him, he probably doesn't mind pulling his companions along to reward them with a few bullets.

Clayton regretted such an attitude, and he felt that he was still a good person.

Putting down the files, Clayton played with the badge and sleeve arrows that had been removed from the dead witcher.

The badge was still vibrating at first, but it stopped after an hour of shaking.

Clayton believes that its operation also needs to consume some kind of energy, just like electricity, but the lack of electricity can be solved by generating electricity, but this badge does not know where to recharge it.

It might be useless for him to carry the badge, but Julius could take it to Athina Brugge, the young mage still human after all.

Putting down the badge, he turned to pick up the astonishingly powerful sleeve arrow device.The silver metal body is like several drawing compasses cut together, but the length is no more than 20 cm. There are several exposed gears to adjust the tightness of the strings inside, and the width of the slot for special arrows. As long as the length is not excessive , most slender objects can be stuffed into it as arrows.

Clayton hung his and Clara's dinner beef on the doorknob, stringed the Hidden Arrow, found a pencil and stuffed it in, then stood across the room and pointed it at the beef.

At a distance of seven yards, the pencil plunged into the beef.

He brought the beef back to the table and confirmed that the bruise was more than two centimeters deep.Because what he took out was hard frozen beef, the piercing might be deeper.

It is really amazing that a mechanical device less than ten centimeters long can accelerate such a light object like a pencil enough to kill people.

Hearing the pleasant sound of the mechanism spring, the wound on his face eased the pain.

Even a peace-loving man has no less penchant for weapons, and with this near-silent long-range weapon, he can kill targets in the middle of the day.

Clayton played with the sleeve arrow for a while, but suddenly found that the surroundings were surprisingly quiet. At the same time before, Clara showed the ability to keep talking—although she didn't have many profound insights.

He stared at Clara, who frowned, thinking sadly.

This expression should not appear on the face of a little girl whose mental age is no older than ten years old.

"What is Clara thinking?"

He tore a piece of beef and put it in the head's mouth. Clara chewed and answered him vaguely: "Clara wants to say something to mom."

Clayton was taken aback, and stuffed a piece of raw meat into his mouth: "This was already a topic in the early hours of yesterday, haven't you figured it out yet?"

"Clara can't figure it out"

You could tell Clara was really distressed, her innocent blue eyes looking at the werewolf.

"What would Clayton say to Clayton's mother?"

Clayton nearly choked, his parents had died long ago.

But Clara didn't know this, she probably just wanted to ask her relatives what topics they would talk about after they reunited.

But it is a pity that Clayton is also a person who is not good at words. Let him talk, the topic is mostly related to food, whether it is what the mother cooks for the next meal, or the novelty snacks he brought back to share, or he will participate immediately. Work, help herd sheep, milk cows and so on.

He tried his best to recall what Ulen, who was good at literature, said in this situation, but he was too embarrassed to say it.

He is indeed not the kind of person who can express his emotions. Uren's way is something he will never be able to do. Whether he expresses his emotions in a blunt or embellished way, he will feel ashamed.

"I'll ask her, what's for dinner?" Clayton finally said to Clara in despair.

Clara's eyes widened in amazement, but she didn't laugh at him.

"Clayton, don't you have to cook for yourself?"


(End of this chapter)

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