The Laws of Werewolf Hunting

Chapter 99 Escape from the Dead

Chapter 99 Escape from the Dead
Clayton was slightly surprised by the fact that he hadn't known about the forest before.

"Is it still like this now?"

"Generally speaking, this shouldn't be the case now." Akzi replied, and he looked at the foreman: "But if there is no one in the house of the Gray Hats, this may be true."

The army is hunting down the mutated beasts in the forest, and they use the "steel tide" of the train to drown out the sound of the guns.

"Where is the exact location of that abandoned mine?" Clayton asked, he had a bad feeling.

The storage environment of explosives is also required.

This would normally be a stable environment, especially in the case of refined whale oil, where shocks could cause the oil to explode.

Akeqi pulled his pocket watch from his chest to look at the time, looked up and answered: "I haven't been there, you can ask him. But don't think about going alone, they have more than one gang maintaining the 'secret base', this matter It’s easier to do it with the authority of the Public Security Bureau.”

"I will apply to the director of this diocese. He will definitely be willing to help after he knows the danger of this batch of whale oil."

Clayton figured it out, and the handover of the Sheriff's Office building in St. Alvin's parish was almost complete.

Soon, he will be able to use the funds issued by the parish council to attack opponents.

If fifteen people who can use guns are willing to listen to his command, he believes that in this environment where all supernatural beings must exercise restraint, there is nothing he cannot do.

He looked at the foreman, who showed a sincere look.

"Those gang members are not responsible and never take me there, so I don't know how to go there, but I know who goes there often." Speaking of the second half, his tone quickened, and he hurried to add, for fear of this A brief pause allowed Creighton to drop his leniency.

"who is it?"

"There's a strip club right around here called Angels with Broken Wings, and their girls are sometimes hired to perform there."

Clayton showed a strange look, but did not speak.This performance made the foreman even more nervous.

"We have a man who retired to live in the forest. He lives with his dog, isn't that true?" The lieutenant turned to ask Akzi a strange question in a relatively cryptic way.

Akeqi was also very interested in his reaction: "There is such a person, he did a lot of things for us before, because he is a Druid, and his skin and joints were damaged by long-term sea life, so After retiring, he applied to us for a piece of land in the forest for recuperation as a reward, but I haven't seen him for a long time, do you recognize him?"

"We also only met recently, he was dying and invited me to his funeral on Wednesday, but I don't know his name yet."

"Is he actually going to die?" Akezi was stunned for a moment before he replied, "Everyone calls him Old Marshall, but he is only in his early forties, which is still young for 'people' like us."

Clayton didn't know how their relationship was, but judging from the fact that Marshall didn't seek help from the Presbyterian Church after being cursed, Marshall probably didn't think there was anyone worth asking for help there, except for the mysterious ghost.

He stared at Akeqi, and spoke in a low voice, his voice was almost only a little higher than the sound of the loom running in the background.

"Are you sure he's retired?"

The word "retirement" is not to be used casually.

This is a special word from Taunton, born from the mercenary culture.

No one wants to fight for a lifetime, that means certain death, so mercenaries will agree with the mercenary regiment they belong to for the number of years of work. The Corps takes money on a regular basis.

After retirement, these workers have nothing to do with the original company.

"I'm sure." Akzi's huge eyeballs turned to the left for a moment, and then turned back, his thinking reaction was more sensitive than the superficial image: "You mean, his current condition is related to Athena Pruger .”

If it wasn't related to the coming of the Holy Grail Society, Creighton didn't need to ask about Marshall's relationship with the Presbyterian Church.

He is expecting the armed forces of the Presbyterian Church to officially intervene in the Holy Grail Society.

"The peace between us and the Holy Grail Society involves a devil's contract, so we can't help. Those invisible people have very strict judgments on the contract. They read minds directly, and Marshall has indeed left the Presbyterian Church. Everyone is so think, including himself."

"what a pity."

"Do you still need him?" Akeqi glanced at the foreman, who had a solemn face, waiting for them to deal with him.

"It's useless."

Clayton replied casually, he was busy thinking, busy indulging in the joy of this sudden enlightenment.

The course of Athena Prugget's actions so far has finally been revealed.

He has already deduced the general scope of activities of this lady, as well as the defensive measures left by the other party, and even the purpose of the Gray Hats to steal refined whale oil has also been answered in his thinking.

For the first time, Creighton had the complete upper hand in this confrontation.

Then he felt annoyed that it was a wrong move to kill the Hook detectives.

If he could know Spider Priest's plan early, he might be able to use those fighters for himself, at least not for her - the Holy Grail has no real willingness to cooperate with those armed detectives, and he already has a proof to prove this Points, not much, but enough to make them retreat.

Next, just ask Mary to help her friend reveal the location of the mine where the Gray Hats are hiding, and it will all be over.

Bruno woke up from severe pain and saw a strange ceiling.

"I'm still alive." He murmured with some surprise and some doubts. He remembered that he had been plotted by the dwarves before.

That bastard, he has been treating him well!
"Are you sure you want to say this first thing when you wake up?" Someone next to you questioned, "Then you are more useless than we thought before."

Bruno looked at the source of the sound. A Nightingale from the Kingdom's Intelligence Department was sitting on a chair by the bed, holding a booklet in his hand, looking very leisurely.

He lowered his head along the way and tore off the blood-stained clothes. The location of the gunshot wound on the skin curled up strangely towards the center and bulged outward, like a blackened hill, but it did stop the injury.

Nightingale closed the manual with one hand, and looked up at him: "A practical knight-errant trick, which is very effective for bleeding symptoms. But simple observation is a waste of time, and you can't learn it through the appearance of wounds."

"I just find it incredible."

Bruno made a dry sound. He wasn't that surprised, but he pretended to be.

"I thought you had accepted this world. What did you find in Carolingian that he would buy your dwarves to shoot you in the street?"

The detective leaned against the head of the bed to relax, and after pondering for a moment, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Well, now that I think about it, maybe Sanders didn't betray me, he was just under someone's spell, like this." He looked at his chest.

Nightingale lowered her eyebrows: "Say it again in front of me, what is this?"

"It's a mysterious spell. I'm sorry, my wording was wrong." Bruno was flexible.

The blond man who worked in the kingdom's intelligence department snorted coldly: "It's against Nightingale's code of conduct to bring you back. You'd better make me think it's worth it."

"Then I'll try to keep it short, cough, cough." Bruno wanted to raise his voice, but his lungs felt itchy. The bullet didn't penetrate his body, but the impact hurt his organs .He covered his mouth until the cough stopped, and some blood sprayed on the palm of his hand.

"This is just a minor injury, and it will be cured soon, provided you have no reservations about us."

"Carolin took in a woman in his mansion, maybe she has some mysterious power. I don't know what kind of relationship they are, maybe they are partners, but they are suspicious of each other. I will be attacked by that group of people say It might have something to do with that woman."

Nightingale raised his eyebrows, and he was surprised for the first time: "You probably haven't been to Carolingian's house, where did you know about it?"

In order to ensure safety, they kept a secret surveillance on this informant for a period of time, and it can be confirmed that all the communication between Bruno and Carolin before was passed indirectly through the servants.

A person of Carolin's status would never let a dubious person into his house. Although Bruno has good skills, but because of his contacts with gangs, his reputation is quite bad. Hiring him publicly will also damage his reputation. Honor of nobility.

"Perfume, my friend, perfume. Cough cough," Bruno replied, coughing and laughing. "When Carolingian's servant handed the envelope to me, every time I could smell the pungent smell on the letter paper, but there was no smell on the envelope. I've only smelled that kind of inferior perfume on street girls. , doesn't that explain anything?"

It is true that Bruno is a low-status guy, and so is the street girl.

How could someone who wears such an inferior perfume come into contact with Caroline?

He had suspected that the servant had met his old lover before leaving, but that didn't make sense either.

What kind of person is in the mood to communicate with his lover while carrying confidential documents that need to be delivered as soon as possible?Moreover, the time when Caroline passed on the news to him was not stable, how could this servant ensure that his lover could find time to meet him every time?

Moreover, the news from Caroline is usually packed in an envelope. If it is only a short-term contact, there should be no smell on the letter paper, and the smell should be outside the envelope.

But there was no perfume smell outside the envelope.

Only the smell on the letter paper meant that someone else had read the document before it was slipped into the envelope.

Only those who were with him could read the unsent letters of Carolingian.

How can a woman who wears inferior perfume mix with nobles? Caroline will not be in a daze to maintain a lover relationship with a woman of this status, and even if he is a lover, he will not read Caroline’s personal letters at any time, especially this kind of A very boring letter.

Then the answer is clear at a glance.

This woman lives with Caroline, but they don't trust each other very much. She even has the ability to conduct surveillance work without the awareness of others, but she doesn't have the carefulness of a professional spy. I don't care about this flaw, it is obviously possessed of extraordinary ability.

"How long did it take you to think about this?" Nightingale straightened her waist and asked with great interest.

"It's hard to say clearly. I probably knew it after I got the message from the servant for the third time." Bruno coughed a few times and sighed again.

At this time, showing off his reasoning ability can no longer give him a sense of accomplishment. Because of his carelessness and greed, he ignored the possibility of this woman causing an accident, which caused the other assistants of the detective agency to be almost out of control.

If possible, he would rather not accept Carolin's employment at the beginning.

Unfortunately, too many people need this money.

Even if he did it all over again, he might still choose to accept it.

 Yangkang is back, and the family matters have been resolved, and the update is resumed
(End of this chapter)

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