Elden: Ring of Calamity

Chapter 310 The world

Chapter 310 The world
"Three reasons." Luther answered frankly.

"First, Kalia has been famous for magic since ancient times, and Her Majesty Reinara is the only magic master in the world. But precisely because of its leading position in the field of magic, Kalia is the one that needs us the least among the three dynasties."

"Moreover, the Rhea Lukalia Academy has been a nominal vassal of the Moon Royal Family for hundreds of years. Joining them will not help Kalia in terms of reputation. In terms of actual interests, they have always believed in Her Majesty Reinara's magic system and are wary of the theory of origin. The two parties do not even have the most basic foundation of trust, let alone subsequent effectiveness."

"On the other hand, under the rule of Her Majesty Marica, the Golden Dynasty has certainly shown a tendency to embrace all schools of thought and let a hundred flowers bloom. Rodel is no longer the only one that focuses on prayer magic like when the dynasty was first established. In the past twenty years, he has also made many achievements in the field of magic. However, the internal situation of the Golden Dynasty is too complicated. The struggle between the new and old parties has not only continued for many years, but has become more and more intense. If you join them, you will inevitably be drawn into the vortex of the struggle between Her Majesties Marica and Radagon, and you will be crushed to pieces if you are not careful."

"Whether it's me or Azle, we are too old to fight for power and gain. Perhaps that's why we were so slow to watch the ambitions of some young people in the academy grow. We failed to stop them from falling into the abyss of destruction step by step, and dragged the Origin Faction into this dead end."

Luther sighed tiredly as he spoke. Lucia keenly noticed that he no longer deliberately called himself "I" to show respect, but used a more casual title. The seemingly thoughtful etiquette earlier was both respectful and defensive. Alienation.

Of course, this kind of discussion about camp allegiance is not like holding Lani's hand and talking about love. When there is love, there is no need to hide it or worry about anything. At this moment, the two of them said that there is no need to test it, but in their hearts, all kinds of speculations and plots have never stopped for a second.

But no matter what, Luther at least showed an attitude of "being honest and frank", which always laid a good premise for the subsequent conversation.

"I understand that Your Highness has only been in contact with us for a short time, and we still lack sufficient trust. However, with Your Highness's mediation skills and vision in Rodel for several years, I believe you can see clearly that we are really not good at and have no intention of those intrigues. If it were not so, we would not have been put in a passive position so many times since the conference, causing so much trouble for Your Highness."

"Therefore, the Golden Dynasty is not the best choice for the School of Origin. In this case, we only have one choice left, the Ancient Dragon Dynasty - or you, Your Highness Lucia Sanx."

"Since the Star-Moon Age, it has been known to the world that the ancient dragons were not good at magic. Fam Azra was closed for hundreds of years after the Forbidden War, and various magic industries mostly relied on cooperative trade with Kalia. This did not change until Your Highness emerged in Rodel. Today, although Priest Lance has laid a good foundation for the magic industry in the East China Sea Islands, Your Highness and I know that these things are far inferior to the foundation accumulated by Kalia for hundreds of years, and it is even more difficult to compare with the Golden Dynasty, which uses the entire border area as a source of supplies and swallows up the strong foundation accumulated over fifty years."

"Only if the School of Origin joins the Ancient Dragon Dynasty and brings the most needed complete magic system to Your Highness, including but not limited to magic theory, classics, technology, equipment, and even the large number of young and middle-aged wizard talents that you want most at this moment, can we promote Fam Azra's rapid progress in all aspects of the magic field. Only in the Ancient Dragon Dynasty can we play the greatest role."

Lucia stared into his eyes, chuckled for a while and said, "Master, why do you say that? It's as if Sky City and the Golden Tree will have a bloody battle tomorrow."

Luther stared back at him, with a faint smile on his old face that was half dark blue pyroxene, as if he was not going to say anything more.

Lucia curled her lips in her heart. The old guy saw through everything but didn't say it out loud. He was able to be stubborn and deny it. Who couldn't understand what he was thinking?

There is no way they can fight at the moment, as he still has a close personal relationship with Godwin, but this is based on the premise that Sky City and Kalia are now highly tied together, and Queen Marika can sit firmly in Rodel.

The New Party has never given him a good face since three years ago, from Karen City, Dickas, the Dragon Feast case of the Duoris family, to the obvious or hidden obstruction in Rodel's many affairs in the past three years, and even the two-fingered Beta and the missing ancient dragon traitor. If the current King of Elden were to make a list of his mortal enemies, Queen Marika would most likely be at the top of the list, and he would probably be second.

Now, seeing that Queen Marica was increasingly at a disadvantage under the control of the crooked referee of the Supreme Will, the struggle between the two parties was completely unbalanced, and it was completely foreseeable that Radagon's fundamentalism would prevail. When that day came, Godwin's personal relationship with me would be nothing, and Michaela and Marenia's friendship with me would not be an obstacle for Radagon to take action.

But on the other hand, three years after setting foot in this world, what I want is no longer just self-protection, right?
Radagan and his Golden New Party want to kill me, so why shouldn't I want to kill you too?
The remains of the high priest Gulan Shanks still support the magnificent dome of the Golden Temple. The spear of thunder left by my mother still stands between the dragon claws that have completely turned into rock. Moreover, now that I have come to this world, how can I allow anyone to claim to be the king over me?

The world of great harmony where people understand each other and live in peace has never existed from the beginning, or it is just a beautiful illusion deliberately created by those in power to whitewash the situation.

What Marika wants is to buy time and concentrate resources to enable this generation of gifted demigods to grow rapidly in this brief period of peace and become a bargaining chip against the Outer Gods.

What Godwin wanted was to suppress the world with his unparalleled power, and then to calm people's hearts with his outstanding demeanor from a high position, in order to form a check and balance situation similar to that of a monarch sitting high in the court and princes each governing their own territories.

Radagon wants more. He wants the whole world to belong to him, and he wants legal fundamentalism to be the only belief that transcends countries, races and civilizations. As a "half-body", after killing his "real body", is he a king or a god, or both?
What about me? What do I want?
"I understand what Your Highness wants, and I also understand that a mere School of Origin alone is far from enough to satisfy Your Highness's ambitions—" Luther said, "But this is precisely the second reason why we chose Your Highness."

"Among the demigods of this generation, His Highness Latan is more heroic than resourceful, His Highness Lakkad is wise but a little bit cowardly, and His Highness Michaela is first-rate in character and quality, but unfortunately she is not brave enough, and she is not born with an affinity for magic, so she is destined to be a stranger to us. Only His Highness has extraordinary courage, wisdom and courage. In the west, the Royal Family of Kalia is willing to help, and in the north, His Highness Marlennia can serve as a wing. The Lance priest is in charge of the East China Sea. Even if there are some treacherous people who are still determined, they cannot shake the overall situation."

"Looking far ahead, you have been in charge of Gemir for several years. Although the north of Karen is not a solid block, it is difficult for the Golden Dynasty to intervene. In addition, the Stanis family has ruled Morn, the ice dragon Bolerius dominates the Ice Lake, and the storm survivors of Nimgefu and the Star-Moon survivors who survived the forbidden war can all be used as a helping hand in the future. The Golden Dynasty is in a dominant position. Although Your Highness has not yet ascended the throne, isn't it also gradually becoming a dominant position?"

"Therefore, we need Your Highness, just as Your Highness needs us. Of course, apart from the School of Origin, Your Highness only needs to raise his hand and other magic organizations will be willing to follow his lead. However, although I am old and useless, I still think I am better than them."

Lucia looked at the cunning smile on the old man's face. She was not annoyed at all when her ambition was exposed. She just said with interest: "I understand the importance of the Origin Faction, but I still want to ask you, Master. The first two reasons are very sufficient. What could be more important than this last one?"

"Your Highness's dragon language magic is something I have never seen before and I don't understand. I am deeply shocked and itchy," Luther said with his hands spread out. "Nothing can arouse the interest of old guys like me and Azle more than this, and the same goes for the kid Selian."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

Lucia was stunned for a moment, but after a moment, she gradually revealed a smile of understanding, and finally couldn't help laughing and clapped her hands, saying, "It should be so!"

(End of this chapter)

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