Chapter 235 Execution and Accident

"Wild Wolf Group, which was established during the empire's first army establishment, is one of the empire's start-up battle groups. It was born out of the Silver Moon Wolf Legion. Like the Roaring Group, the Wolf Group likes to raise some huge wolves as their partners, and they are very likely to raise three to five wolves once they raise them, forming a small wolf pack, and the soldiers ride on the leader's foot Leading several other giant wolves on their backs, they gallop between the jungle and the field. They are good at fighting in bushes, hills, and plains. They like to use wolf claw-style power claws to fight with large-caliber heavy bolters. The sigil is their signature on the shoulder armor, and the light blue power armor coating is their emblem."

———— "Imperial Warband Archives"

Purple Bamboo Star

A strike cruiser with the head of a crow printed on it is floating outside the low-earth orbit of Zizhuxing. Stop outside the city.

After the Thunder Dragon gunboat landed, the front hatch was opened, and ten Black Crow Warriors in dark gray power armor came out from inside.

"Turn on the intercom and keep quiet."

Ten soldiers pressed a button next to the helmet at the same time, and the helmet's internal communication system was activated. All their voices would be captured and blocked by the helmet, preventing it from being transmitted outside.

"start to act."



The champion warrior led his nine team members, with a well-crafted hot-melt long sword hanging from his waist, and a special bolter with a scope in his hand.

Among the several team members behind him, one of the team members wearing a special feathered helmet is the priest of the tactical team, and the other two team members carry a heavy bolter and a high-energy flamethrower. Sophisticated and well-equipped special tactics decapitation squad.

"Find the spies and traitors and kill them. For the Emperor!"

"For the Emperor!"


Supreme Chang'an
Imperial Regent's Hall

An extension of the emperor's will, His Royal Highness the Great Regent of the Empire suddenly sneezed, and the Coke in his hand spilled all over the floor.

The regent wiped his nose and felt that something was wrong. He would not sneeze when he had nothing to do, especially for a person like him who has become a supernatural creature with a strong belief in his body. There is no such thing as a cold. It may be some kind of early warning of the mysterious direction.

Wisps of breeze scattered from his palm and quickly condensed back. This is the ability of the regent king, the power to control the breeze, and it also symbolizes the freedom and looseness in his heart.

Even under the protection of energy, wisps of breeze shuttled through the endless space, jumped back and forth with the help of the coordinates of the beacon tower, and returned to the hands of the regent, the regent took back the wisp of breeze, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying , trembling appeared in the eyes.

"The breeze at my fingertips tells me that an extremely distorted, weird and pure thing has appeared on the border of the empire... What kind of thing is that? Absolute desire, and no thinking, eating whatever it sees... ..."

The regent's face was serious. Although he usually looked foolish, irresponsible, and playful, but at critical moments, he would still shoulder the heavy responsibility of the empire. At this time, in his perception with the help of the beacon tower , a brand new gadget has appeared on the territory of the empire, and a planet has been destroyed.

"Body, you should quickly repair your injuries. With your injuries, all kinds of ghosts jumped out. I just saw alien race spies two days ago. Now I am sending people to clean them up. Now there is some kind of essence. It is extremely high and has no specific thinking, like a doppelganger, although the strength is a little weaker, but the infection is extraordinary."

The regent immediately opened the star map of the empire's territory, and magnified it countless times, looking for the destroyed planet, and found the nearest battle group parent star nearby, and sent the most elite fighters to deal with that weird thing.

The regent had a sad face, and he mumbled to whom to tell.

"This unlucky empire is really a huge trouble gathering place. How long has it been since I took over? One thing after another, you are relieved. This mess is all thrown on my head. I don't care, that weird thing There must be a huge monster behind it, if you can’t handle it, don’t expect me to handle it, I’m just a clone derived from the Fengshen who was slaughtered by you, you can’t kill me, can you?”

The sunlight outside the King Regent's hall flickered, and the King Regent nodded in understanding as if he had received some kind of information.

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. I'll send some of your elite descendants to deal with that weird thing first."

The sun suddenly lit up, as if expressing some kind of dissatisfaction, the regent tilted his head, raised the corner of his mouth, and said.

"Let's just say, I'm not wrong. My bohemian and freedom-loving clone is forced to work by you. I can't mobilize the fighters of your children and grandchildren. Besides, what's left in their bodies? Your son's genetic bloodline and your genetic bloodline? Since they both really exist, why aren't they your descendants?"

There was a moment of silence outside, and it seemed that even the swaying trees and the breeze were slightly stagnant. After a while, the sun dissipated, and it looked like a dark cloud.

"I didn't expect that the side that hurt your humanity would come out, why? Angry? It's useless to be angry. If you continue to do this, I'll be a pick. Let me see where is the nearest battle group home planet? That weird thing must be dealt with, play for fun, make trouble for trouble, and if this thing spreads out, the impact it will cause is not ordinary."

The regent quickly swipe the patterns and marked data on the star map, and quickly transfer, three-dimensional, two hands pinch and pull, arbitrarily mobilizing the changes of the star map.

"Aha, I finally found it, let me see which battle group's logo it is."

The Regent clicked on a planet, and in the center of that planet was the logo of a battle group, a clenched red fist.

"It just happens to be a mature and stable multi-functional battle group... The Red Hand decided to send you there."


Imperial Frontier Planet Number 4563
The frontier planet 4563 is an inconspicuous outpost of the empire. The colonial planet only has a large gathering place city and the city center is directly connected to a large space supply station tower outside the planet's low-earth orbit.

Originally, this frontier planet had always been silent, and occasionally became a supply station for some caravans and fleets when they cruised, but today it has become extraordinary.

The Crimson Fist strike cruiser suddenly arrived on this planet through the jump point, carrying the [-]st Company of the Red Hand Chapter on board.

The Crimson Hand Chapter is responsible for the defense and patrol of the vast territory nearby. In the midst of their duties and busy affairs, they reluctantly took out a team that came to the home planet of the Chapter to recuperate a year ago to deal with the star that was ruled by the Regent of the Empire. The planet named by His Highness.

There are not too many people in Yilian now, there are only more than 60 people, and the recruits have not yet been replenished, but these 60 people are enough to complete the task.

It stands to reason that on such a planet with only one city, even a tactical team can basically handle it.Now that a company has been sent over, even if the company only has more than 60 people, it is definitely enough.

(End of this chapter)

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