Chapter 81 Convocation
"I really didn't expect that I could command the great Primarchs. This is the most glorious thing in my life."

———"The last words of the head of the third regiment at the time of his death"

When all the soldiers got off the transport aircraft, the pilot of the transport aircraft immediately started the engine, and the huge tail flames slowly pushed the air fortresses to accelerate slowly on the runway, and finally the speed became faster and faster, gradually vacating , drew a huge shadow arc in the sky, and then disappeared.

When these behemoths disappeared, only one infantry phalanx after another and the war ordnance displayed in the rear of the infantry phalanx remained in place.

From time to time, soldiers were reprimanded because they couldn't help but look back at those war beasts, but in fact, the officers who reprimanded them sometimes couldn't help but look secretly.

Because Ultralisk heavy tanks have given everyone great confidence with their firepower and record.

Not to mention those monster tanks that are still installed in the back.

In the further back, the technical workers are using temporary construction machinery to speed up the opportunity to reassemble the scattered Baxia super heavy tanks.

On both sides of the airport, the endless temporary garrison camps almost occupied the entire area. This was the garrison of the 402nd Division of the Northern Field Army. The camp here was also based on the residence of 15 people.

After the army is assembled, it will be disbanded, and special people will lead these soldiers to where they should go.


Head!Our second battalion has a few super seedlings here today. I think these seedlings may be the reserve of the demon-slaying warriors.

I'm sorry, Brother Wen sits, brother, I will abdicate now, and I, Brother Wen, should be the leader of our three regiments!
(The above is someone's unrealistic fantasy.)
After the disbandment, Wen Yuan planned to go to the heads of the three regiments to report the matter to him. Originally, he didn't care about the extra scouting team, but the size of the nine people was outrageous. After thinking about it, he still It is more appropriate to report to the head of the group.

He has already started daydreaming to become a teacher...

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the head of the regiment busy with the staff, and he could tell by the frowning of the head of the regiment.

At this time, the head of the regiment was dealing with some matters of the regiment headquarters. He had to worry about the deployment of various military supplies and personnel, as well as the collocation and division of the camp.

What's more, there is a tricky place near their station, and several waves of scouts have all turned into it. If they don't know the situation, it is very likely to become a hidden danger on the battlefield.

"Go, go, get out of here."

As soon as he saw that brat Wen Yuan coming, the leader didn't pay much attention, and waved his hand directly to send him away.

"The subordinates are not doing well, why does the leader let the subordinates go as soon as he sees them?"

For the group leader's driving away, Wen Yuan seemed to be able to handle it with ease. He directly and skillfully pulled a chair and sat down, then crossed his legs and smiled, making people think that he was somewhat sick.

Seeing him like this, the regiment leader found it an eyesore, picked up a notebook and threw it over, Wen Yuan shrank his head away and then said awkwardly: "Hehehe, this subordinate has good news this time."

"If you have something to say, let it go, if you dare to apply for supplies again, I will poke your dog's head." The head of the group warned without looking up.

He was too familiar with Wen Yuan, he was like a bandit thinking of ways to pluck wool all day long, and he was referring to this stuff if he didn't want to eat it.

If you have good things, you will show them off. When you want something, you are a dog, and you are shameless. When you show off, you are a monkey.

"Hey, am I that kind of person? I, besides, every time there is a problem in the regiment, isn't it our second battalion who solves it? No, I know that the leader of the regiment is troubled, so the subordinates come here It's gone." Wen Yuan put the notebook into his arms calmly, and then said.

This is true.

Maybe this kid really has a way to find out that tricky place.

The head of the regiment didn't care about the corruption of a certain Erpilian, he said with a face of approval: "Your second battalion is indeed the strongest in fighting power, tell me, your solution."

"The second battalion has nine incredible people!"

As soon as Wen Yuan opened his mouth, the team leader continued to work, amazing person?There is no shortage of such people in the army. Which of the teams folded in earlier was not an elite?

Thinking about it now, his heart still hurts, it's his grandma's.

"Oh." The head of the group nodded indifferently and said, "How unbelievable it is."

"It's incredible."

"...I'll sew your mouth shut if you fart any longer."

Seeing that the regiment leader was angry, Wen Yuan didn't talk nonsense, and directly told the regiment leader about the new scouts from their battalion.

"Are you sure? A big scout with an average of two meters one?!"

Even the head of the regiment is well-informed and well-informed, but he is shocked by this special team. He is two meters tall and has a large body. Scouts must be concealed and agile...

But this team is a target when it comes to reconnaissance. If you still do reconnaissance, you will be found out. Those enemies will come up and chop you into mincemeat.

"No, this is nonsense! Such a man is courting death for investigation, how could the army send such a team! Are they all blind?!"

Before Wen Yuan finished speaking, the regiment leader became furious. In his opinion, this is disregarding human life. Putting unsuitable people in unsuitable positions is murder, especially in the army!
"I'll call now. When I get to the third regiment, it's my soldier, his grandma's. It's not okay to make such a messy arrangement. I want to report it!"

Seeing that the leader put his hands on the phone, Wen Yuan hurriedly stopped him and said, "Don't be impatient, leader, the subordinates haven't finished talking yet, and one of them even..."

Following Wen Yuan's description, the leader's expression gradually eased and he began to think.

If it is really a reserve of demon-slaying warriors, it is not impossible to entrust them with such a difficult task. Even if it is not, it is not something normal people can do with bare hands. Maybe they can really complete the task...

Thinking this way in his heart, the head of the group slowly had an idea in his heart.

next morning
According to the practice of the barracks, the soldiers have to conduct daily training to maintain their combat effectiveness during the day, but it seems to be a little different for Xiang Yu today, because they were called away early in the morning.


Outside the commander's tent where Old Chen led the Primarchs, Old Chen stood upright at the door, and the Primarchs looked around curiously. They had never seen such an endless series of military tents.

The two soldiers guarding the door swallowed. They felt that they might not even be able to withstand a slap from the Primarchs. If it wasn't for Lao Chen, they would have raised their guns long ago.

The Primarchs didn't care, there were too many such gazes along the way, and they didn't bother to pay attention.

"Come in."


After hearing the group leader's voice, Lao Chen immediately led the Primarchs into the camp.

(End of this chapter)

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