Chapter 41

"The traveling caravan brought news that they had encountered a survivor of a caravan looted by bandits from Beauty's Set (a trading town on the banks of the Blue Fork), so they hope Hire a mercenary here to escort them to King's Landing.

At that time, the adoptive father's first reaction was, did our people do it?Sir, you may not know that, in fact, there hasn't been any banditry in the northeast shore of God's Eye Lake for a long time. "As long as the caravan passing through here pays us protection fees, adopted son Dorian added in his heart.

"So when the foster father heard the news, the first thought he had was whether a mercenary team under our command failed to control his own hands and feet, so he hired a 12-member mercenary team to that A caravan, while ordering a thorough investigation of this matter." Dorian continued,

"It was two days later that we received the news again. At that time, we got the news that the caravan was looted and our mercenary team was almost wiped out. The team of 12 people , 4 cavalrymen, 6 swordsmen and two longbowmen, only one cavalryman escaped alive in the end."

"What happened at that time?" Ian asked curiously. It is not normal for the mercenaries to be completely wiped out, because they will not fight to the death. Once they find that the momentum is wrong, the mercenaries will inevitably turn around and run away. They were still annihilated, which only shows that the opponent either ambushed them, or had a good cavalry force.

"He said that they were attacked by a group of cavalry. The other party had about 30 to [-] people. All cavalry surrounded them from all directions. Because they were attacked by surprise, they didn't have time to use carts to establish a defense line. Fang Chong was in a mess. And he himself escaped by sneaking onto a horse while taking advantage of the confusion."

"The enemy didn't chase him?" Ian asked strangely.

"I also asked him this question, and he said that someone was chasing him."

"Didn't catch up?"

"Yes, he was too scared at the time. He rode the horse and ran at full speed. The opponent gave up after chasing for a while. And he didn't stop until he died of exhaustion after running the horse, and then walked for a while. , before rushing back to the mercenary regiment’s station.”

Ian pondered for a while, then asked again: "Where is the place where they were attacked?"

"The King's Road is near the ruins of Whitewall City, and most of the subsequent attacks also took place there, so we speculate that Whitewall City is the lair of that bandit group."

"I think it's the opposite." Ian shook his head, "I think their camp should be quite far from the ruins of Whitewall City."

"Why?" Adopted son Dorian was incredulous.

"If their camp is near the White Wall City, what reason do you think they have to give up the pursuit? Obviously, if a living person is released, the first thing you should search is the vicinity of the incident. If their camp is really there, Is it reasonable for them to bite the fleeing cavalry?
But if, on the other hand, their camp was quite far away, it wouldn't be a big deal to let go of a living creature.And because they are a bandit group, they will not prepare a large number of horses like a regular army when they act. If they are far away from the camp, they may choose to give up chasing an enemy who is desperately fleeing in order to save horsepower. "Ian said his own conclusions.

"We really haven't thought about this issue, because the vicinity of White Wall City is the only place with dense forests between the east bank of God's Eye Lake and the king's land, and further east is a vast plain, where they have nowhere to hide Yes, only here is a shelter." Dorian explained.

"This is another point of contradiction." Contradictions are a good thing, and things can only be solved if they are puzzling, and things with no characteristics are difficult to start with, "Go on, continue to tell your story. "

"Okay, sir," Dorian paused for 2 minutes, recalling, "After the cavalryman brought back the news, his adoptive father immediately recalled all the mercenary teams.
You know that Westeros has not fought for many years, and the mercenaries here are not like Essos can be hired by the whole regiment, so our mercenary regiment has always been dispersed into small mercenary teams.

After all the mercenary captains who were able to come back came back, we held a meeting in Sir Harrison's castle. However, we discussed together for a long time, and no one could give any valuable clues, as if This bandit group just popped out of nowhere. "

If today is not the second day after the server was launched, but the second month after the server was launched, I have to wonder if this thing is a player's handiwork, Ian secretly thought.

"You don't know how terrible news such a result is for us who claim to have a dominant position on the northeastern shores of God's Eye Lake"

"What does it mean to have a dominant position on both sides of the northeast of God's Eye Lake? You, a small mercenary group, don't take those big lords seriously?" Ian couldn't help laughing, and interrupted Dorian.

"Oh, great lord, tell me, which great lord is there on this land?" Dorian was not angry, but asked with a smile.

"The great lord here." Ian suddenly got stuck. He found that he really couldn't tell who the great lord of this place was for a while. It didn't mean that he had forgotten or didn't understand the situation in this area at all.

On the contrary, he knows all too well.

Because the three great lords in this area are all cold.

First of all, the Butterway family of Whitewall City mentioned earlier. This family was once very powerful and wealthy (as can be seen from their dreamy castle), but it is a pity that they sided with Blackfyre twice during the Blackfyre Rebellion. In the end, the family was wiped out by 'Blood Raven' Brynden, and the White Wall City was not only destroyed, but also salted on the ruins.

The second one is the He'an family of Harrenhal. Their decline has been fully recalled by Shien when he was still buying hunting clothes in Harrenhal. Anyway, they fell into a slump because they sided with Targaryen in the Usurper War. .

The third is the Darry family of Darry City, which was also a very powerful family. Its family can be traced back to the time when the Andals defeated the ancestors and occupied Westeros, with a history of more than 6000 years.

They are the most staunch royalists of the Targaryen family. During the Blackfyre Rebellion, they chose to support the Targaryen side on the Iron Throne. Therefore, after the destruction of the Butterway family, they gained the near east bank of God's Eye Lake. The half fiefdom has become the leading big family in Hejian land.

In the subsequent War of the Usurper, they once again stood by the side of the Targaryen family, and even resisted the Tully family for this.

ps: Please follow up, the brother who raised the book will help you to pull the progress bar to the end, and then click on the next chapter, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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