Game of Thrones: Royal Game

Chapter 412 Roose Bolton’s proposal

"They are all afraid, Your Majesty. Fear has filled their hearts. As long as the battle situation is slightly unfavorable, these people will flee in all directions." Roose Bolton stood next to Ian and started from the top of the west side of the Great Wall. The tower overlooks the other side of the Grand Canyon, which has been completely wrapped in the snowstorm.

Under the thick white mist, the outline of an ice giant with a towering figure loomed. Behind the ice giant was a small army of zombies, including a small number of ice mammoths, giants, and ice spiders. , thousands of carcasses of various animals and dead savages.

"What about you? Earl, are you scared?" Ian looked back at Luce.

"Fear of the unknown is human nature. Your Majesty, I am not exempt from this."

Ian looked at Luce and motioned for him to continue.

"Lord Stark believes that the best way to overcome fear is to muster up courage," Roose continued after seeing Ian's permission, "But in my opinion, sometimes we have to take more efficient means to ensure that soldiers We will not be intimidated by fear.”

"for example?"

"Let the Unsullied form a war team, Your Majesty. They will execute any soldier who dares to retreat from his post." Roose Bolton made a beheading gesture. "The simplest and most effective thing to defeat fear is to go deeper. fear, but when the soldiers feared the war team more than the enemy, they would fight to the last breath on the city walls.”

"It's a good idea," Ian glanced at the Skinned Man flag flying at the top of the Shadow Tower together with the Imperial dragon flag. He knew that fear was Count Luce's best method, "but the Unsullied in the Shadow Tower are not Many, I have other uses for them. If the battlefield situation requires it, when we can send a commando to take the initiative to attack and rush into the storm to eliminate the enemy chiefs, no one except the Unsullied can undertake such a task."

"And if the morale of the defenders collapses, you will not have the opportunity to take the initiative, Your Majesty." To Ian's surprise, Roose Bolton did not give in, "Now the number of enemies in our sights has reached We don't know whether this is the enemy's main force or just a vanguard.

At the beginning of the battle, relying on the Great Wall and the fortress you built, our soldiers could naturally hold the line of defense as solid as a rock. But when the enemies seemed to come in endless waves, when the enemies who had been 'killed' were When they stand up again under the power of the White Walkers, they will surely collapse. First the cowards in the south, then the Gith and Volantis you brought with you, and even our warriors in the north.

Once our defense line is shaken, the White Walkers can kill many of our soldiers in a short period of time, and these soldiers will become the White Walkers' soldier supply. A far more powerful soldier supply than the corpses they brought, because our soldiers have armor. and weapons. Only the Unsullied are not human beings. Only by letting them serve as supervisors can we persist until reinforcements arrive. "After Roose Bolton finished speaking, he looked at Ian nervously.

From what Roose heard, the young Emperor of Valyria was a man who had been under "absolute authority" for a long time. Every word he said was like an oracle in the eyes of his followers. The Empire His ministers can only obey in front of him, and such a person will undoubtedly be very happy with his achievements and will be willful to an unimaginable extent.

He's probably never been opposed to anyone's face, right? Seeing Ian deep in thought, Luce couldn't help but think that he would be angered by me, and he would order the executioner to use my blood to wash away my disobedience.

But Roose knew that at this time he had to remind the young emperor, and only he would stand up and remind him, just like when he stood up and reminded Eddard Stark that he must first prevent the Valley people from crossing the river (although Eddard With more bold and risky actions, he achieved great success, but Luce did not think there was anything wrong with his suggestions. If Ed acted according to his suggestions, although he would not be able to achieve a big victory like Ed's night attack, it would still be blocked. risk of failure).

"."     What is your choice? Seeing Ian's smiling expression, Roose Bolton's heart was in his throat.

"Those who are good at fighting first try to be invincible, then wait for the enemy to be victorious." Ian suppressed his smile, pinched his eyebrows, and then nodded to Roose Bolton, "You are right, although I have always been against our legion. Their morale is very confident, so confident that even if they face the Dothraki's desperate charge head-on, they will never back down. But our enemies this time are not humans, and half of the defenders here are not Imperial Legions.

General Fermor has already rushed here from Castle Black with 20,000 elites. They can arrive in two days at most. As long as the enemy cannot break through the defense line of the Grand Canyon, it will not be able to enter the northern border to obtain new sources of troops.

Those White Walkers can only repeatedly resurrect the corpses they already have, and these corpses will continue to be dismembered and worn out during the battle. Time and terrain advantages are on our side. As long as we can hold the defense line, I will win in the end. It will only be ours.

I was eager to win. I only thought that after killing the giant, if I could successfully consume most of the magical power of the White Walkers by killing those zombie legions multiple times, I would be able to make Wu who was equipped with dragon crystals more powerful. The Scaled Legion took the initiative and cooperated with my dragons to kill those White Walkers that could not be replenished quickly, and really inflicted heavy damage on the enemy, but ignored these problems."

"Your Majesty?" Roose Bolton was a little confused. The emperor who had already ruled most of the known world in his early twenties, the commander who was regarded as a god by the generals of the empire, just admitted his mistake so frankly?

"This whip can command an army of Unsullied that I originally used as a reserve force," Ian said, waving his hand for the attendant to take a Finger of the Harpy, and handed it to Roose Bolton, " I’ll leave the formation and deployment of the war team to you to guard my defenses, Count.”

"Yes, Your Majesty." Roose Bolton took the whip, bowed deeply, and left quickly.

After watching Roose Bolton leave, Ian was dazed for a few seconds, but he didn't expect that he almost made a big mistake.

Fortunately, the commander of the Shadow Tower he arranged was Roose Bolton. If he had been replaced by another person, who would have considered this issue?

Fermor Nakroz? No, although Fermor, a former Unsullied instructor, is the most talented military person under Ian, his legion has always been the most fearless and fearless of death. He probably will not consider the collapse of morale.

Belicio Valeros? No, this famous Volantis general is Ian's most ardent admirer, and he will not question any of Ian's decisions at all.

Eddard Stark? Also no, even if he thought about the possible collapse of morale, he would choose to trust the soldiers instead of proposing the establishment of the Unsullied Supervisory Team.

As for other people, they probably don’t have the courage to stand in front of me and raise objections, right?

Perhaps too absolute authority is not a good thing, as it will infinitely magnify the cost of making mistakes.

Forget it, now is not the time to think about this. Ian's eyes suddenly froze, because his falcon saw that the vanguard of the corpses was approaching the Skull Bridge. (End of chapter)

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