leading to the throne

Chapter 12 The Late Defender

Chapter 12 The Late Defender

In the depths of Ke Lin's consciousness, above the five yellow clouds, a new black iron statue appeared in the west cage, which looked exactly like the man in the suit.

With a slight touch, there will be endless twisted, chaotic, scarlet, crazy... Memory fragments hit like a torrent, like countless impressionist and abstract paintings, accompanied by countless whispers and wild laughter, Flooded in Colin's heart!
Inexplicably, a tyrannical, wanton, and arrogant impulse appeared in his consciousness, urging him to torture and kill!to have fun!Go to slavery!

In an instant, he felt as if another person had slipped into his consciousness, wanting to occupy the magpie's nest and control his body!

"What a domineering will! But..." He clenched his teeth, his consciousness withstood the attack, and his eyes showed firmness, "You are already dead!"

This sentence sounded the death knell of the dead, echoed repeatedly in the consciousness, and finally dispelled the tyrannical consciousness bred from countless memory fragments!

Immediately, Colin's consciousness crossed countless fleeting images, saw many vague and cruel fragments, and arrived in front of a high wall.

Under the blood-colored sky, the high white wall flickered with spiritual light, and sporadic fireworks and two stigmata could be seen.

One milky white and one jet black.

"Second-order transcendent, Luther Will Bayer!"

Under the illumination of the spiritual light, Colin got the corresponding information.

"He has the trait 'Bloodthirsty', and the ability 'Bloodstained'..."


Boundless exhaustion hit, Colin didn't even have time to react, his consciousness was swallowed by exhaustion, and then his vision went dark, and he couldn't keep awake at all——

First, he experienced fierce battles, endured the burning of his soul, and confronted the soul of the wrist-cutter, and now he had to analyze the extraordinary foundation of the wrist-cutter, and was exhausted.

He passed out.

Just after Colin fell, within 2 minutes, the sound of breaking through the air came from a distance.


A glass in the corridor suddenly shattered, and a red-haired woman in a large suit and black-rimmed glasses jumped in.

"The place where the spiritual power is so boiling must be the place where the battle is fought!"

After Davelyn Moran stood firm, she turned her head and glanced at Colin and the corpse next to the wall, her face showing astonishment.

"what's the situation?"

She saw the red and white things painted on a wall, looked at the corpse whose head had been blown off, and Colin who fell unconscious on the ground, and fell into a state of complete confusion. Then she covered her mouth and nose, and her stomach was churning. .

"What's going on here?" She squatted down carefully and sniffed Colin's breath.


The sound of the elevator arriving was heard, followed by the opening of the elevator door, and a slightly stern voice came from it——

"When encountering something you don't understand, the first thing to do is to observe the scene."

The man who spoke was wearing a brown windbreaker, with a sharp-edged face, slightly slender eyes, and meticulously combed, shiny hair.

He was tall and thin, and he walked as if accompanied by a gust of wind. After stepping out of the elevator, he looked around and finally locked his eyes on the unconscious Colin.

"Do you know this man, Miss Moran?"

"Ah? Yes! This person is Colin Vallaine, here... his home is in the building opposite!" Devlin replied nervously.

"Sure enough, it's exactly what I thought. When the text message was analyzed and the address was located here, I knew it was related to this person." Captain Robin nodded, looking at the corpse at the end of the corridor, "So, Do you have any clue about what's going on here?" While speaking, he took a step and began to look around.

"Ah, clues, um," Davelyn racked his brains, and finally he saw the door that was divided into two, "Ah, it's like this, Mr. Varlin ran here and brutally killed the owner of this room Yes! They may be because of, neighbourhood, yes! Colin Varland lived across the way! They were very close, perhaps there was an argument, and then Mr. Varlin jumped into this room and committed a brutal murder! It's too It's scary! I didn't expect him to be such a person, we want to protect the scene and arrest... him? Captain Robin?"

After speaking, Davelin's voice gradually weakened after noticing the furrowed brows of the man in the windbreaker.

"Your analysis is a little out of line." Captain Robin, who was wearing a brown trench coat, shook his head.

Davelyn looked puzzled: "Oh, I'm really not good at this. It wasn't Mr. Varlin who reminded me before, and I didn't even notice the real cause of our captain's death. Yes, Mr. Varlin is a good man, he must not be the murderer. What do you think, Captain Robin?"

"I understand." Captain Robin stopped in front of the corpse and ordered lightly, "Miss Moran, measure the spiritual concentration here."

Davelin seemed to wake up from a dream. She took out a pocket watch from her pocket and ran to the end of the corridor, completely ignoring the blood and stench. She opened the pocket watch and pressed a switch, and a slender, ultraviolet-like light shot on the corpse's wound.

Then, the red-haired girl exclaimed: "There are two values, one of which has a weird residual level of 2.7, which is still a normal second-order value, but the other weird residual level repeatedly jumps between 2.2 and 3.3, with an average of 3.0! It is a value of the third order! Could it be that..."

She raised her head and looked at Captain Robin, with an expression on her face as if she was facing a formidable enemy: "There have been no third-orders from other cities visiting Fort Bolsen recently! According to the management law, when transcendents who want to enter and leave the central region must advance Three days to report! Is it an unregistered person?"

"Don't be so nervous." Captain Robin withdrew his gaze from the corpse, "I have understood the whole process of the matter."

Davelyn looked curious and nervous.

"Let me ask first," Captain Robin looked at the female team members, "Are you sure Jameson is dead?"

"Ah?" Devlin was full of surprise, and then became even more nervous, "Why do you ask that? You have seen the captain's body with your own eyes!"

"Then I understand." Captain Robin nodded and said, "I have caught Jameson's spirituality here, but after careful inspection, it is somewhat different, and it is much stronger than his spirituality, so It's become obvious."

Davelyn became more and more confused, she hesitated, and asked again: "So, what happened here?"

Captain Robin pointed to the corpse and said, "If my guess is correct, this person is the wrist cutter."

"The wrist cutter?" Davelyn was taken aback, and then her face changed drastically, "That insane serial killer, the wrist cutter, died here? Who did it?" She looked at the unconscious Colin, "It couldn't be Mr. Varlan Bar."

"The wrist cutter is here for this Colin Vallaan." Captain Robin was confident, and everything that happened here seemed to reappear in his eyes. In Lin Varan's apartment. The sudden visit of the wrist-cutters forced Colin Varan to flee in embarrassment."

Davelyn was puzzled: "Mr. Varlin couldn't be the opponent of the wrist cutter. Why did he survive in the end, but the wrist cutter died?"

"The reason is very simple." Captain Robin looked serious, "There is a third person here! An unregistered Transcendent who is at least Tier [-]!"

 The partner and the eldest sister in the store are all goats. I just called all night, and the update is late...

(End of this chapter)

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