Wuxia: I just want to practice martial arts

Chapter 103 Mu Ze: I'm Still Too Soft-hearted

Chapter 103 Mu Ze: I'm Still Too Soft-hearted
"Senior, can you hear me talking in front of the temple gate?"

On the cliff, the sweeping monk was sitting cross-legged on it, just like when he was teaching Mu Ze martial arts.

Mu Ze was running lightness kung fu, his body was as fast as lightning, and he appeared in front of the sweeping monk in the blink of an eye.

"Sound transmission and soul search Dafa, in addition to being able to transmit sound for thousands of miles, those with low skills will walk out uncontrollably, and you can also hear a little voice from the other party and determine the other party's location!"

"I heard your voice just now. All the heroes in the world have already left, but you are still here. In this huge Shaolin, there is probably nothing else that can attract you except this old monk!"

The sweeping monk said with a smile.

Naturally, Mu Ze has also practiced the method of sound transmission and soul search. The reason why he asked this question was to confirm whether this sweeping monk had introduced the old method of sound transmission and soul search, so he could hear what Mu Ze said after a few miles away. .

Now it seems that this is not the case, it's just that the sweeping monk is smart enough.

"I haven't seen you in a year, and your progress is really surprising!"

The sweeping monk glanced at Mu Ze, and then said with emotion.

"There is also the reason of senior Wu Yazi. He passed on my internal strength for 36 years. If not for that, I would be about the same as Jiumozhi now!"

Mu Ze told the sweeping monk the news of Wu Yazi's death.

He was silent for a while, then sighed, "Amitabha, people are mortal!"

"The three magical skills I have left behind can certainly keep youth forever, but the internal organs will still be terribly old. In the world, there is no real longevity!"

The floor-sweeping monk sighed, and then looked at Mu Ze, "You came to see Lao Na, didn't you just want to tell the news of Wu Yazi's death?"

"I have a few questions I want to ask for advice!"

Mu Ze said quickly.

"Come on!"

The floor-sweeping monk said leisurely, seeing the demeanor of the floor-sweeping monk, Mu Ze had to admit that a high-level person is a high-level person after all, and the way he spoke was high-level.

"One of them is the Happy Yufeng!"

After Mu Ze finished speaking, he used the Tianshan Liuyang Palm and slapped it to the side.

"My inner strength is a fusion of three kinds of magical powers: the Little Wuxiang Gong, the Beiming Divine Art, and the Eight Desolation and Six Unions Only Me!"

"How does this compare with the real Xiaoyao Yufeng?"

Mu Ze uttered a bunch of words in succession, but as for the sweeping monk, his eyes widened and he stood there in a daze.

"You, what you use is the same as Xiaoyao Yufeng!"

The sweeping monk first affirmed the free and easy wind that Mu Ze obtained after fusing them.

"You mean, you have integrated martial arts such as Xiaowuxianggong yourself?"

Then there was another burst of surprise.

Ever since he devoted himself to Buddhism, it has been a long time since he was as surprised as he is today.

Even if Mu Ze had cultivated into the Beiming Divine Art of the Sea of ​​Qi in the middle of the mountain, he was not so surprised as a formal buddhist and Taoist practitioner.

He is aware of the subtleties of the three divine arts, the Beiming Divine Art, the Small Formless Art, and the Eight Desolation and Six Harmonies Self-Respecting Art.

Even for him, it is extremely difficult to fuse these three magical arts without knowing it, but now, Mu Ze has managed it!
How could this not surprise him.

"That's right. I tried to practice the three martial arts. At the beginning, my internal energy was inflated, but when I closed my eyes, I thought of the medical scriptures in the Vulture Palace, and tried to unblock the blocked meridians and acupoints. By mistake, I found some meridians and acupoints, and penetrated the three divine arts!"

Mu Ze casually made up some of his own cultivation process.

He will definitely not tell the second person about the millstone, no matter how close the other person is to him.

Listening to Mu Ze's explanation, the sweeping monk frowned, and looked up at Mu Ze from time to time.

Brother, are you kidding me, the three martial arts are refused into one peerless martial art, how can you make it so simple?

However, the sweeping monk thought about it and there was no second possibility, so he acquiesced to Mu Ze's statement.

But what Mu Ze said next made him feel confused again.

"Besides that, I also practiced the Yi Jin Jing and the Shen Foot Jing hidden in the Yi Jin Jing!"

"These two magical arts, and the Arhat Buddha Demonic Art I practiced before, are also fused into one magical art. Now, the internal forces of Buddhism and Taoism still coexist in my body!"

Mu Ze told the news that his three Buddhist martial arts had merged into one.

The sweeping monk couldn't sit still.

"Don't resist!"

said the sweeping monk.

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Mu Ze's wrist. Like last time, he probed the vast internal force in Mu Ze's dantian and Shanzhong.

The sweeping monk was numb all over.


For a long time, the floor-sweeping monk looked at Mu Ze blankly, making Mu Ze a little embarrassed, and immediately shouted softly, trying to wake up the floor-sweeping monk.

"40 years ago, I entered Shaolin with the inner strength of the free and unrestrained wind, and tried to practice the Sanskrit Yijin Jing!"

"I want Buddhist and Taoist fellow practitioners!"

"It's just a pity that I failed in the end! I can only give up my Taoist internal strength and focus on practicing Buddhist magic!"

"Later, my Yi Jin Jing practice reached a critical juncture, and I tried to practice the Beiming Divine Art that specializes in Shanzhong again."

"Still failed!"

The floor-sweeping monk sighed, and then looked at Mu Ze.

"It's not easy for ordinary people to practice a divine art, not to mention that you happened to succeed in cultivating the Beiming magical art that focuses on Shanzhong, and you have mastered the mastery of Xiaoyao Yufeng!"

"But you have practiced the Yi Jin Jing and the Shenzu Jing you said, which is a bit unbelievable!"

"If you weren't right in front of me, I would have wondered if you were transformed by a demon!"

"Your situation, from ancient times to the present, is probably the only one case. With many magical skills gathered in one body, it makes sense for your martial arts to advance so quickly!"

"Apart from the matter of Xiaoyao Yufeng, what else do you want to ask?"

The sweeping monk chanted a Buddha's name, and the restless mood in his heart returned to normal in an instant.

He has practiced Buddhism for so long, yet he still loses his temper because of Mu Ze's words, it really shouldn't be.

"After I practiced the Beiming Divine Kungfu and the Arhat Demon Subduing Divine Kungfu, I got the Little Wuxiang Kungfu and Yijinjing by accident!"

"I then tried to practice the Yi Jin Jing, and the internal force entered the dantian, as if the internal force of the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism in my body were out of balance. In my desperation, I practiced the small Wuxiang Gong to neutralize the excess. Buddhist inner strength!"

"Fortunately, I succeeded!"

"Later, I also practiced the Eight Desolation and Six Harmonies Self-Respecting Kung Fu, and the Divine Foot Sutra, which was also successfully neutralized."

"I have a question. In the future, if I want to improve my internal strength, shouldn't I only cultivate the internal strength of the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism, so that the two can always be in balance?"

Mu Ze asked his own doubts.

He didn't want to be confined, otherwise it would be too restrictive.

The sweeping monk listened to Mu Ze's doubts, and kept silent. After a long time, he opened his mouth and said, "Have you ever heard of the theory of yin and yang?"

Mu Ze looked confused and shook his head.

With this so-called theory of yin and yang, Mu Ze also knew that yin and yang were opposites, and that yin and yang could transform into each other, and other than that, he didn't know anything else.

"Suwen Yin-Yang Ying Xiang Da Lun mentioned: Everything in the world can be distinguished by Yin and Yang, moving and still, rising and falling, extroverted and introverted, hot and cold, bright and dark, the former is yang, the latter is yang. Whoever is Yin!"

"The same is true for inner strength and mental methods. Your so-called neutralization of the two inner strengths is just to keep them in a balance of yin and yang!"

"In the theory of yin and yang, there is a saying of balance between growth and decline. Yin and yang are always in constant change. If any one party is too prosperous or too weak, it destroys the balance between yin and yang, and yang and yin. Something's wrong!"

"After you practiced the Arhat's Subduing Demon Art and the Beiming Divine Art, by mistake, your middle and lower dantians were divided into yin and yang!"

"In my opinion, your inner strength mentality may not be able to practice only one discipline, and the content of cultivation, whether it is Buddhist mentality, Taoist mentality, or Confucian mentality, they are all divided into yin and yang. of!"

"In the theory of yin and yang, there is also the saying of transformation of yin and yang. Under certain circumstances, yin can be transformed into yang, and yang can also be transformed into yin!"

"When you practice a mental method, you only need to transform excess yin into yang, or transform excess yang into yin. Isn't it still possible to maintain the balance of yin and yang in your body?"

After listening to the sweeping monk's words, Mu Ze felt a little confused.

After bowing his head and thinking for a while, Mu Ze shook his head lightly, "When I practiced internal skills in the past, I always integrated Buddhist martial arts into a brand new martial art and Taoist martial arts into a brand new martial art. If I practiced one, I don't know The martial arts of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, this martial art, can it be separated, and then combined with the two magical arts of Buddhism and Taoism?"

What he integrated was martial arts, not pure internal strength.

"It's easy!"

The sweeping monk said with a smile, after all, he looked at Mu Ze, with a gleam in his eyes, "You have integrated the contents of the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism in your body, and then you will integrate the magical skills that you practiced alone in your yin and yang." In the magical power of both, isn't this accomplished?"

When Mu Ze listened, it seemed that there was some truth, but when he thought about it carefully, Mu Ze felt that there were many loopholes.

He used to store his internal energy in Dantian and Shanzhong, which can indeed be regarded as yin and yang, and this Mu Ze can also feel it.

According to what the sweeping monk said, Mu Ze first fused the yin and yang internal skills together, and then practiced another internal energy to transform the yin and yang separately.

But the first premise of these is that Mu Xuan must comprehend the process of yin and yang in the transformation of yin and yang.

The sweeping monk only said that under a certain chance, the transformation of yin and yang can be achieved, so what kind of chance is it?
Mu Ze rashly tried without knowing how to transform yin and yang, and when they merged together, the order between yin and yang was chaotic, so what about Mu Ze?

Can you count on that millstone to reconcile yourself?
Mu Ze concluded that it is possible to try, but all the premise must be after Mu Ze understands the mystery of yin and yang symbiosis.

It seems that I have to get some books on Yin-Yang theory to read!
Mu Ze thought in his heart.

"Senior saved Xiao Yuanshan, it can be understood that senior was moved by Xiao Feng's reluctance to use weapons rashly, but why did he save Murong Bo? Could it be because he has entered the Buddhist sect and has compassion in his heart?"

Mu Ze suddenly changed the subject, which caught the sweeping monk a little off guard, but he still smiled and said, "Murong Longcheng, the ancestor of the Murong family, has an old relationship with me, so I don't want to die!"

The sweeping monk said leisurely.

"Do you have any questions?"

Mu Ze took the opportunity to ask a few more questions about cultivation, and then shook his head lightly, expressing that he had no problem.

The sweeping monk stretched out his hand, pointing to the distance, and signaled Mu Ze to leave on his own.

Mu Ze stood up, and the image of Jiumozhi suddenly appeared in his mind.

Mu Ze's figure suddenly stopped, his feet seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't take that step no matter what.

A picture of getting along with Jiumozhi in the past suddenly appeared in Mu Ze's mind:
"This is the Shaolin 72 stunt, you can choose two at will!"

"The Flame Knife is just a unique skill, I will give it to you!"

"Master Mu's martial arts are unrivaled in the world, and this little monk admires him!"

"Among the current world, only the benefactor Mu is truly admired by this little monk!"

"Master Mu..."

"Master Mu..."

"Master Mu..."

Mu Ze sighed, anyway, his martial arts are almost invincible in the world, it doesn't matter if he can absorb Jiumozhi's martial arts or not.

Hey, just owe it to him!

"Senior, is the Tubo Great Wheel Ming King Jiumozhi still rescued? If he can be rescued, how can he be rescued?"

Mu Ze still asked how to save Jiumozhi.

Having been with Jiumozhi for such a long time, he has grown somewhat emotional.

This time fighting alone against all the heroes in the world, Mu Ze originally thought that Jiumozhi would take advantage of the fire to loot, but unexpectedly, Jiumozhi was on their side.

Hey, kind as he is!
"That Dalunming King first forcibly practiced Shaolin's 72 unique skills, got involved quite deeply, and then practiced a high level of Buddhist inner strength, which should be what you call the Shenzujing."

"The three poisons in his body are blazing, and it is impossible to heal him normally!"

"Either, he pays for his martial arts at his own expense...or, you absorb all his martial arts!"

"The former at most prevents him from practicing martial arts, while the latter, even though his internal strength is abolished, still has the opportunity to start all over again!"

"However, your internal strength is already balanced between yin and yang. If you absorb his internal strength and the yin and yang become unbalanced, isn't this a way to seek death?"

The sweeper shook his head slightly.

To be honest, he has seen people who are obsessed with martial arts, but it is the first time that Jiumozhi is so obsessed with martial arts, no matter what he wants to practice!
This Tubo national master is too strong, so it's fine to practice 72 unique skills, and he has also practiced a profound internal skill. Is he afraid that he will not die fast enough?
Mu Ze was also silent when he heard the sweeping monk's answer.

"National teacher, national teacher, I have tried my best, it is God's will!"

Mu Ze sighed, thinking in his heart.

"Senior, let me take my leave first, and if I am lucky enough to achieve the fusion of yin and yang later, I will come to catch up with senior!"

Mu Ze cupped his hands and said.

"Then you should hurry up. If I hadn't released my kung fu before, relying on my Taoist pure inner strength, it would not be a problem to wait another 50 years for you, but now, it's only ten years!"

The floor-sweeping monk smiled and said, after finishing speaking, he stood up, took a step forward, and his figure had already appeared at the intersection of the downhill, and took another step, the figure of the floor-sweeping monk disappeared in front of Mu Ze.

"Ten years?"

Mu Ze looked up, the sun had already set, the stars were dotted, and the moon showed a smiling face from behind the clouds.

Will the scenery of the cliff be the same ten years from now?

Mu Ze sighed again. Even a person like the sweeping monk has lived for more than a hundred years. What about him?
Throughout the ages, the one who practiced Neijia boxing and lived the longest should be at the age of 220.

Even if Mu Ze surpassed that person, so what?In the end, it was still a pile of loess!
At this moment, Mu Ze completely understood the actions of the sweeping monk who wanted to practice Buddhism and Taoism together and explore the secret of longevity.

Being alive and healthy is probably the best thing in the world.

"Go down the mountain!"

Mu Ze took a deep breath, pulled himself together, and rushed down the mountain.

In the hut at the foot of the mountain, Xiao Feng and others were waiting for him.

 Ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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