On the courtyard wall, a short weasel stood, staring at the gray wolf lying on the ground with its round eyes.

In her opinion, the gray wolf was captured by humans and wanted to betray her.

However, she thought that with her abilities, the man in the yard should not be able to catch her.

Huang Er thought so and cursed at the gray wolf lying on the ground.

"You damned Gray, you called me out after you were caught!"

After she finished scolding Huida, her gaze shifted to Xu Zhiqing.

She looked at Huida's miserable condition and was also surprised. Didn't this man fail to catch them the last time he came?
Huang Er was thinking in her heart as she looked around the yard. She immediately spotted the evil-suppressing talisman that made her feel fearful.

Her eyes rolled around. It should be the evil-suppressing talisman that caused Hui Da to get into trouble today.

While she was thinking about these things, she was also wondering why Gray called her out?
Could it be that he wanted her to save him?
"Human, I advise you to let Gray go, or you won't be able to bear the consequences."

Xu Zhiqing asked the wolf demon to call out the weasel, but he didn't expect that the weasel appeared and threatened him.

Boy, that got him angry.

"Come on, come on, tell me, if I don't let him go, what will happen to me?"

Huang Er snorted coldly: "Do you know Erniu Mountain?"

"I know. Gray told me your origins!"

"You are all monsters from Erniu Mountain. There are more than 30 of you in total. In fact, the most powerful one is your king, the Blue Ox King, right?"

"Except for your Blue Ox King, the strength of the other monsters is about the same as you and this wolf monster, right?"

Hui on the ground widened his eyes. He didn't tell anyone about the strength of the monsters on Erniu Mountain. How did this person guess it?

When Huang Er heard this, the expression on his furry little face froze slightly.

"You damned gray man, why do you tell everything to others?"

After she finished scolding Huida, she looked at Xu Zhiqing again, and her expression became a little unpredictable.

The man in front of him knows the strength of Erniu Mountain, so why is he not afraid?
Could it be that he has some powerful method?

Huang Er thought about it in her heart, and her expression finally relaxed.

"Human, we don't have any bad intentions here. We just want to invite you to go to Erniu Mountain!"

Xu Zhiqing snorted coldly: "If I were an ordinary doctor, and if I were treated like this by you two monsters, wouldn't I be scared to death by you?"

These words made Huang Er pause slightly.

She tilted her head and thought that the human in front of her seemed to be saying something like this.


"Human, it's not that we don't want to invite you politely, but we are monsters and we don't dare to appear here during the day!"

"That's why we sneak in at night!"

"We didn't mean to scare you, we were just forced to do so!"

Xu Zhiqing discovered that as the weasel spoke, there was actually a look of grievance on her face.

So she feels wronged?

When the weasel spoke, it was a woman's voice, though it was a little sharp.

It may be because the throat has not yet fully developed.

"Even if you were forced to do this, you can't scare me? Not to mention that you still wanted to take me away by force even though I didn't agree to go!"

Xu Zhiqing's words made Huang Er, who was standing against the wall, dare not look directly at Xu Zhiqing.


Xu Zhiqing stared at Huang Er. He felt that the captured wolf demon might be rather dull-witted, but the Huang Er in front of him had some intelligence.

She even tried to reason with him, a human being.

Not right either!
He is a human being, and he is trying to reason with the weasel in front of him?
Just as the weasel was about to speak, Xu Zhiqing suddenly said, "The wolf demon has told me why you came here. Now I want to verify whether what the wolf demon said is right or wrong!"

When Huang Er heard Xu Zhiqing say this, she glared at the wolf demon again.

Then she looked at Xu Zhiqing.

"I know why you asked him to call me over. You're worried that he might lie to you, right?"


Xu Zhiqing gave Huang Er a thumbs up. Although Huang Er didn't understand, she still thought it was a gesture of praise.

Huang Er straightened his chest and stood up straighter.

"Don't you see who I am, Huang Er? I am the smartest monster on Erniu Mountain!"

Xu Zhiqing smiled brightly.

"Since you are the smartest monster on Erniu Mountain, then tell me about your Green Ox King and your Green Ox King's wife!"

Huang Er looked at Xu Zhiqing suspiciously, and then she looked at the wolf demon lying on the ground.

She understood something instantly.

"Okay, I'll tell you, my king..."

Huang Er recounted the story of the Green Ox Monster and his wife. There was basically no difference between what the Green Ox Monster and his wife had said and what the Wolf Monster had said.

"It seems that this wolf demon really didn't lie to me!"

Xu Zhiqing muttered to himself and looked at Huang Er.

"How do I know that your king's wife wasn't abducted to the mountain by your king?"

Huang Er wanted to argue with Xu Zhiqing when he heard this.

Xu Zhiqing waved his hand.

"Don't tell me too much. If your Qingniu King really wants to see a doctor for his wife, then let him bring his wife to your house in person!"

"I'll give you ten days. If he brings his wife here within ten days, I'll be willing to treat his wife. If he doesn't come..."

Xu Zhiqing fixed his gaze on the wolf demon.

"Then he won't have to live!"

The wolf demon lying on the ground trembled. He lowered his head but dared not say anything.

Huang Er's heart also trembled, she could hear the murderous intent in the human's words.

She glanced at the human, then at her companion lying on the ground.

"Okay, I'll tell the king about this!"

After Huang Er finished speaking, he jumped outside and disappeared.

Seeing this, Xu Zhiqing looked down at the wolf demon.

"I wonder if your king will come over?"

The wolf demon lay on the ground, not knowing how to respond.

He hoped that the king would come, but he was also worried that this human had evil intentions towards the king.

"Your name is Gray, right?"

Xu Zhiqing looked down at the wolf demon.

"You will stay in this yard for the next few days!"

How could the wolf demon say no?

Xu Zhiqing was worried that the wolf demon would escape, so he walked up to the wolf demon and injected his magic power into the wolf demon's body, sealing the wolf demon's magic power.

"If you want to escape, you can, but you only have one chance!"

After saying this, Xu Zhiqing nodded to Xiaolongnu and others behind the door. There was nothing to do here, so they could practice well.

Afterwards, Xu Zhiqing returned to the house.

The next morning, Youruo and Kong Ci came to the yard. They were both frightened when they saw a big wolf lying in the yard.

After the two men heard what Ren Yingying said about what happened last night, they both looked at the big wolf curiously.

Both of them looked at the wolf demon with curiosity.

I don’t know if the body structure of this wolf demon is any different from that of an ordinary wolf.

When the wolf demon noticed the gazes of the two women, he whimpered and shrank back into the corner of the courtyard in fear.

He thought the two human women were too scary, as if they were going to skin him alive. Seeing that the wolf demon was so timid, Youruo and Kongci were curious but did not continue to watch the wolf demon because there was already a patient at the door.

The two men entered the front clinic and began to treat the patients who came that day.

In order to facilitate the reception of patients, Ren Yingying specially opened a door in a house in the front yard.

This house is specially used to receive patients who come to seek medical treatment.

Xu Zhiqing was not in the yard, so he came to Yang's house.

This time, he met Yang Tianyou.

When he saw Yang Tianyou again, he discovered that Yang Tianyou was emitting a faint fluctuation of magical power.

Obviously, he should have mastered the skills that Yao Ji gave him.

Although Xu Zhiqing was curious about what method Yao Ji gave to Yang Tianyou, he would not be stupid enough to ask unless the other party told him.

The skills are not meant to be shown to outsiders.

Generally speaking, the Dharma is not passed on to others.

"Congratulations, Brother Yang!"

When Yang Tianyou heard Xu Zhiqing's words, a smile appeared on his face.

It seems that Brother Xu should have noticed that he had mastered the martial arts.

At the same time, Yang Tianyou felt a little curious.

"Brother Yang, how did you know that I have mastered Kung Fu?"

Xu Zhiqing laughed when he heard this. Instead of answering, he looked at Yao Ji.

Seeing this, Yao Ji explained to Yang Tianyou softly: "Husband, generally people who have just entered the sect will not restrain their aura. Brother Xu's realm is very high, and he can sense the fluctuations of the magic power outside your body!"

Yang Tianyou suddenly understood after hearing this.

"Is there such a thing? Does that mean that after a long period of cultivation, we won't be able to tell how advanced the other person's cultivation is?"

Yao Ji smiled and nodded.

She was also the happiest when her husband came into the family.

"Sister-in-law, I came here today to share something with you. Since Brother Yang is here, I'll tell you all at once!"


Yang Tianyou said curiously: "I want to hear what you want to share, Brother Xu?"

Xu Zhiqing didn't say much. He sat down and recounted what happened last night.

In particular, he focused on the love affair between the green bull monster and humans.


Yang Tianyou frowned.

Can a human woman and a monster still have a romantic relationship?
He was greatly shocked.

"What kind of person would fall in love with a monster?"

In Yang Tianyou's impression, monsters all have hideous and ferocious faces. How big a heart does that woman need to have to fall in love with a monster?
"Could it be that the Green Bull Demon forced him to do so?"

This was Yang Tianyou’s first thought.

In his opinion, it was impossible for a human woman to fall in love with a monster.

Xu Zhiqing looked at Yao Ji.

Yao Ji didn't have the same idea as Yang Tianyou.

In her opinion, love is something elusive.

If the story about that woman was really as the wolf demon and the weasel said, it is not impossible for her to fall in love with the green bull monster.

"If it's true, then the wife of the Green Bull Monster is worth saving!"

Yao Ji didn't know how to judge, and could only say this in the end.

"If it's not true, the wolf demon deserves to die, and the green bull demon deserves to die even more!"

Deep down, Yao Ji didn't really believe that monsters and humans could have a romantic relationship.

"We'll see later!"

Xu Zhiqing talked about this, and then discussed his experience in cultivation with Yang Tianyou.

Yao Ji has a very high level of cultivation, but doesn’t seem to be very good at teaching people how to practice.

Xu Zhiqing and Yang Tianyou have different techniques, but they follow the same path.

Yang Tianyou asked and Xu Zhiqing listened.

"The inner cultivation and law enforcement is nothing more than absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon to strengthen the flesh, blood, essence, and spirit!"

"We mortals practice cultivation step by step. We have many meridians in our body. If we want to practice cultivation, we need to open up the meridians one by one, let them circulate as one, and finally achieve perfection in the flesh!"

As Xu Zhiqing spoke, he took out a knife and, in front of Yang Tianyou's astonished gaze, slashed his arm hard.

However, after this cut, not even a white mark was left on his arm.

"If it were ordinary flesh, the blood would probably flow non-stop after this cut!"

"If you were out of your mortal body, you wouldn't die even if you were stabbed hard!"

"Of course, what I said doesn't mean that you won't get hurt once you're out of your mortal body. There are still powerful weapons that can hurt you!"

Xu Zhiqing said this and looked at Yao Ji.

"Just like the three-headed dragon that my sister-in-law fought against, his sharp claws could rip out a person's heart in one go!"

"Even a god's body can't handle it!"

When Yao Ji thought about how she was deceived by the three-headed dragon, her eyes flashed with murderous intent.

The three-headed dragon is hateful!
Even though Xu Zhiqing said this, Yang Tianyou was still shocked.

"Brother Xu, to be able to be unharmed by ordinary weapons like you, to what extent must one have practiced?"

Xu Zhiqing smiled slightly.

"As long as you practice every day, you can successfully build your foundation!"

"What does it mean to successfully build a foundation?"

Xu Zhiqing thought for a moment.

"Building the foundation means that even if you don't practice, the mana in your body will circulate endlessly!"

"This means the foundation has been successfully built!"

It is very difficult for a mortal body to successfully establish a foundation. Once the foundation is established, it means that the blood, flesh, and hair in the body have been cleansed by spiritual energy.

In this case, it is difficult to cause harm with ordinary weapons.

When Xu Zhiqing told Yang Tianyou this, what he was thinking about was his own situation.

The "Taixuan Tianxin Zhengfa" he practiced is a combination of the "Taixuan Sutra" and the "Tianxin Zhengfa".

While practicing internal cultivation, the physical body will not be neglected.

He didn't know how strong his physical body was now.

The body of a true person is the body of an immortal.

From the realms of human immortals, earthly immortals, to celestial immortals, each realm will have a different immortal body.

However, if the person is an immortal who specializes in body refining.

Physical strength often requires crossing several levels.

It is like a human immortal who specializes in body training. His physical strength may even reach the level of an earthly immortal or even a celestial immortal.

Thinking this way, it seems that there is nothing overbearing about it.

But what if we compare them at the same level?
At the same level, if you want to harm an immortal who is practicing body cultivation, you will need some special magic weapons and immortal weapons.

If both are unarmed and at the same realm, the immortal who has practiced body training can beat up the immortal who has not practiced body training.

People with stronger fighting abilities usually have either powerful magic weapons, strong bodies, or powerful spells.

His offensive means, a palm thunder and five thunder eight trigrams palm are enough for now. (End of this chapter)

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