Conquer Berlin

Chapter 104

When the submarine floated to the surface, Sean and Jimmy were the first to climb out, and it was impossible not to climb out. The water leakage at the rear of the submarine was very serious, and the turbulent seawater rushed in, but Gou Bin ran to the rear of the submarine at the risk of his life. And the great hero Snoopy hasn't come back yet, so we can't just leave him there and ignore him.

When Sean and Jimmy climbed out of the submarine, they immediately raised their hands and dared not move. Five cruisers and three destroyers surrounded the submarine, and there were allied speedboats wandering around with loudspeakers calling for surrender. Aiming at the submarine, Sean and Jimmy believed that as long as the two of them moved, there would be a few shots.

A dozen bright lights shone on the watchtower of the submarine, and when Sean and Jimmy were wondering how to explain it, Barbara waved at the submarine with a loudspeaker and shouted: "Hello!! Sean, Jimmy, Mrs. Well, you are not dead, this, this way, hey hey... my own people, don't scare your own people, Bruce, let's sail over there!"

A speedboat speeded up and headed towards the submarine, followed by three speedboats with technicians on board, and finally captured a Nazi U-boat. Of course, it was the first time to take pictures of the cloning technology. The surrounding boats salvaging survivors saw the speedboat. Making way, Sean and Jimmy were relieved when they saw Barbara.

"Yohoo!!" Barbara was not at the gun position of the speedboat at this time, but stood in front of the speedboat and screamed strangely, with her hands spread out in a wretched way of being on the scene. The four recruits saw Barbara Even Bruce, who was driving the speedboat, couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, wishing he could rush over and kick Barbara away.

"Next!" When the speedboat arrived at the submarine, Barbara threw the cable in her hand onto the deck of the submarine. Sean and Jimmy tied up the cables of other speedboats one after another. After Barbara got on the deck of the submarine, the first Time to hug each other with Sean and Jimmy.

After hugging for a while, Barbara reacted immediately, pushed Sean and Jimmy away and said, "Hey, hey, wait, where's Cruze? And Snoopy? Where are the two of them? Why didn't you see the two of them? Sean, Jimmy, where are the two of them?"

After Barbara asked such a question, Sean remembered something and slapped himself on the forehead and said: "Oops! I almost forgot, don't go in, the submarine is about to submerge! Barbara, I will explain to you later, Jimmy Hurry up, go see if Cruz and Snoopy are here!"

Sean's words were already too late. When the three of them embraced, the Allied technicians on the deck immediately ran to the submarine watchtower and got into the submarine. The three Nazi sailors raised their hands and stood on the side, not daring to move. , Waiting for the Allied forces to come to receive their three prisoners of war at any time.

Gulu... Gululu... Gou Bin dived into the engine room in the submarine. In the diesel-smelling water, Gou Bin swam forward desperately with both hands, with a flashlight hanging from his neck, and swam towards the stern along the road. Amidst the clucking sound, the submarine The sound of collapse and disintegration is still clearly audible in the water.

Gou Bin patted the dead fish away with one hand, shook his hands, and slowly landed towards the bottom of the submarine. He held on to the door rail of the submarine with one hand, and moved forward with the other hand. Gou Bin, who walked into the torpedo room, held back Taking a deep breath, he looked for Snoopy with a flashlight in his hand.

Bang Dang... Suddenly there was the sound of falling pipes crashing in front of him. Gou Bin took a flashlight and glanced ahead. There was no sign of Snoopy in the dark sea water, but there was a three-meter-wide mouth pierced by the tail, which really made people feel uncomfortable. Gou Bin was startled, for fear that Snoopy would be swept out of the submarine by the sea water, if that were the case, he would be in big trouble!

Gou Bin was holding his breath and almost wanted to cover his breath. The whole submarine's stern was filled with sea water. Gou Bin couldn't breathe fresh air, so he continued to move forward with a smothered face. No matter what, Gou Bin had to find Shi Nu Bi, if it wasn't for him to close the leaking pressure valve, they would have been buried at the bottom of the sea by now.

'Snoopy? ! Gou Bin, who had been searching for a long time, finally found Snoopy. At this time, Snoopy was crushed by iron pipes in the submarine tank. Moved, and swam straight towards Snoopy.

After Gou Bin swam to Snoopy, he moved away the iron pipe that was pressing on Snoopy with both hands. After removing the iron pipe, he grabbed Snoopy with one hand and swam out. Now there is no extra time to dawdle. The submarine has already started to slow down. As it sank, the vibration became more and more severe. If it was too late to get out, Gou Bin didn't dare to think whether he would be able to get back alive.

Creak...creak...the whole submarine made the sound before sinking, and the deck at the end of the submarine began to flood with water. All the technicians who had entered the submarine ran out in a swarm, bang... bang... the submarine made the sound of internal collapse before sinking, The sound of water pipes collapsing was mostly accompanied by the panicked shouts of technicians.

Sean pushed away the technician who bumped into him with one hand, hurried to the entrance of the submarine, looked inside and said anxiously: "Damn it, why haven't Cruz and Snoopy come up yet? No, I'm going down to have a look, Jimmy , find a rope, I think it will be used later, what are you looking for? Go! Bruce, what are you doing?"

When Jimmy responded and ran away to find the rope, Bruce stepped forward and grabbed Sean's reckless behavior. Bruce didn't feel any displeasure at Sean's vicious words, and held Sean tightly with his big palm, not letting him He lost his mind and ran down to increase troubles or something.

Bruce held Sean tightly in one hand and shouted loudly: "Sean, be sober, you have to trust your partner and your officer, even if Cruz is sure to save Snoopy, then he must be sure to bring him back, you Wouldn’t it just be troublesome to go on like this? What if Cruz just came back at this time? You’re blocking him from coming up again, aren’t you asking for trouble? Wait a minute!”

Sean wanted to refute something, but after seeing Bruce's sincere face, he moved his mouth a few times and finally said nothing. The aggrieved Sean waved his hands away from Bruce, and stayed on the side scratching his head and ears in annoyance. There's nothing I can do about it, and it's really frustrating.

Buzzing... A speedboat was quickly heading towards the submarine. Adeline was wearing a traditional women's military uniform on the speedboat, standing on the bow with her hands behind her back. The blow is quite charming and heroic, and this counterattack was actually premeditated.

When the British envoys arrived, Princess Diana brought the news that the berets had inquired far away in the enemy's position. Four days later, the Nazis would attack the Croatian logistics base in an attempt to cut off the support of the Allied forces on the Gustav Line. , This plan seems to be very simple but it is full of generosity. The three armies of the sea, land and air are almost dispatched, and there are as many as 10 landing soldiers.

After Farlock got the news from Princess Diana's mission, he planned a carefully crafted cover-up, and calmly transferred the aircraft carriers and battleships of the main fleet, leaving only some old-fashioned rags that were quickly eliminated and discarded. The fleet was confused, and used training as an excuse to send Gou Bin and the others out to serve as scouts, but they didn't account for the oolong's navigation error.

Because of this oolong and accident, Gou Bin accidentally got a Nazi submarine. The whole process was full of dramatic shit luck. If Commander Farlock knew that Gou Bin captured a Nazi U-submarine, I don’t know how he would feel. ?Gou Bin, whose shit luck broke out, became a millionaire worth tens of millions in the blink of an eye!

Just when Bruce was about to say something to comfort Sean, there was a clatter in the submarine. Gou Bin panted heavily, clutching the stairs of the submarine with one hand, and pulling Snoopy’s head to the surface with the other forcefully, staying in the More and more water surface panted and took a deep breath, holding their breath all the way and almost suffocating Gou Bin in it.

Gou Bin was gasping for breath, clutching the stairs with one hand, breathing in the fresh air and said: "Hoo hoo hoo hoo... Come on, there is still life up there, is there anyone alive? Hurry up and throw the root Get the rope down!"

After Sean heard Gou Bin's call from the submarine, he raised his head and cheered and said, "It's Cruz! That's great, Jimmy, hurry up, get the rope quickly, Barbara, come help me, you four idiots What are you doing standing there? Why don’t you come over and help!”

Under Sean's yelling, the four recruits all ran over to help. Jimmy hurried over with a rope that he didn't know where to get it. The rope of the speedboat was cut, causing the speedboat to float out, and the remaining two technicians had no way to get on the boat and could only hold back and squeeze the boat.

Gou Bin and Snoopy finally climbed out of the submarine under the joint efforts of the six people to put the rope and pull it. At this time, the submarine began to tilt and sink slowly. They escaped from the sinking submarine at the first time, followed by Sean and the others, carrying the bulky Snoopy and running quickly.

"Quick, get on the boat!" Gou Bin grabbed the rope of the docked speedboat with one hand and pulled it over with all his strength. The submarine with its head tilted up was grunting and bubbling, and the whole submarine sank quickly under the irrigation of sea water. Gou Bin greeted The people behind jumped into the boat and pulled the rope of the speedboat hard to prevent the waves from hitting far away when the submarine sank.

After Gou Bin waited for Sean and the others to board the speedboat, the submarine had sunk to one third. After Gou Bin took out his dagger and cut the rope, Sean and his speedboat immediately floated aside, worrying about how to jump over Gou Bin. Bin, suddenly heard Adeline's shout: "Cruz, over here, jump over!"

Gou Bin followed the voice and looked over, Adeline stood in the wind and rain, waved to Gou Bin, and at the same time signaled the helmsman of the speedboat to approach the range of the submarine. Time and place drove over, and just as Gou Bin's feet landed on the ground, Adeline rushed forward.

Seeing the situation on Gou Bin's side, Sean squinted and cursed viciously: "Beast! Don't even consider our feelings!"

Jimmy's eyes glowed red, and he punched the iron sheet of the speedboat angrily, cursing angrily, "Beast! Where did this guy put his hands?"

Several pairs of envious and jealous eyes stared at the opposite speedboat. The resentful Sean and the others watched Gou Bin and Adeline embrace each other with sourness in their hearts. The worst thing was that the two kissed wantonly and passionately in public. , which made it difficult for them to accept for a while, who?Don't even consider other people's feelings!

Bruce looked at these eight-woman-like soldiers with a dark face, and blocked the exit and said: "Hey, be careful, this is a public property, don't be so violent, oh..."

Bruce silently glanced at Gou Bin and Adeline, who were kissing passionately in the wind and rain. At this time, Bruce had to admire Gou Bin. If it wasn't for his excellent snatching of the submarine and causing chaos, he might have lost his way in the beginning. If they cannot pass through the Nazi encirclement, they will not have the opportunity to report the chaos of the submarine, and the Allied forces will not dare to launch a counterattack so quickly.

"Hey~ Boss, do you still have a chance of winning against Cruz?" Bruce silently withdrew his gaze, swung the direction of the speedboat with both hands, and thought of a question in his heart. When Bellamy met Gou Bin, the two heroes fought. God knows who will win and who will lose. After getting to know Gou Bin for a period of time, Bruce's inner balance is a little tilted towards Gou Bin. This guy is not human!

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