Conquer Berlin

Chapter 106 Serious Gap

When the glider landed safely on the ground, the whole glider was severely deformed. With a bang, the door of the glider's cabin was violently kicked open. Snoopy retracted his paws and jumped out with a heavy backpack and a heavy machine gun. Anti-tank rocket launchers Light as nothing on his back.

After Snoopy jumped out of the cabin, Sean and Jimmy jumped out immediately, followed by Barbara and the four-member group of recruits. According to the previous practice, they were each responsible for the safety of the surrounding area, spreading out in a circle and guarding with guns. The surrounding safety, no one knows what kind of battle will be encountered in the next moment.

After Gou Bin jumped out of the cabin, he turned on the small flashlight and took out a map to take a rough look. Since it was night, it was difficult to distinguish the geographical location here for a while. The sound of the crash of the glider seemed to have alarmed the Nazi soldiers. The barking and the flickering of a flashlight.

When Gou Bin heard the sound of the Nazi patrols coming, he quickly directed the team and said, "It's not suitable to stay here for long, Sean, Jimmy, you two lead the way, Barbara, Michelle, you two are responsible for the safety of the left and right wings, the key point Take care of Josh and Gibbs, Snoopy, you and I will protect the rear wing of the team, no problem, right? Dog, dog..."

Under the command of Gou Bin, a famous division of labor, a group of nine people began to advance in the dark. The reason why Gou Bin let Sean and Jimmy lead the way was that Sean, an old fried dough stick soldier, had rich experience. I don't have enough experience, and the task of a basket of baskets is only starting now, and I absolutely can't show the courage of ordinary people.

After Sean got Gou Bin’s arrangement, he and Jimmy immediately led the team towards the southwest. Their mission this time was to launch a super cannon within the city limits of Bordeaux. Judging by the current geographical environment, this place is definitely not within the scope of Bordeaux, nor is it Know where they landed now.

Not long after Gou Bin and the others left, a group of 20 Nazi patrols appeared on the crashed glider, and three hounds barked in the direction Gou Bin and the others were leaving. rushed out.

After the Nazi patrolmen searched around the glider for a while, one patrolman was ordered by the captain to run back to the original road to report. Among them, nineteen Nazi patrol soldiers ran to the southwest.

Nan Village is located in a small town not far from the city of Millau in France. After the Nazis attacked and captured France, Nan Village completely became a Nazi den for selling money. Even though Nan Village is a small town that is not well-known, there are indeed brothels in it. In order to live, most of the local women had to work as prostitutes to make a living. Coupled with the cruel methods of the Nazis, they have been deterring the restless local armed personnel here.

There is a Nazi motorized infantry battalion stationed in the small town of Nancun, a reinforced motorized infantry battalion with more than 500 people, two regular companies and two mixed companies, ten tracked armored vehicles, more than 100 motorcycles, and more than 50 military vehicles. It is equipped with all kinds of heavy weapons, and there are four full howitzers with a diameter of more than 200mm. It can be described as a fully equipped regular army team.

The barracks is divided into two parts, the inside and the outside. There are purebred Nazi soldiers inside, and the outside is mixed personnel. The people inside are a bit chaotic. The French and Jews are all mixed up inside. They are the ones who die the fastest in sneak attacks by armed men.

A group of uninvited guests suddenly appeared in the back mountain of Nancun town. Nine unexpected visitors ran out of the forest. Gou Bin, who ran at the back, dried pepper along the road to prevent the pursuers from catching up along the road. He had already prepared When Gou Bin set off, he had prepared a few packs of pepper powder, and these pepper powders were obtained through untold hardships.

Sean ran to the road sign and glanced at the crooked French characters, turned his head with a cry of surprise and said, "Wow~Wow~Cruze, it seems that we have seriously deviated from our destination, Nan Village, damn it, this is actually the south of France Nan Village in the city of Millau is still far away from Bordeaux!!"

"Miyue?!" Gou Bin's heart turned cold when he heard Sean's words. If Miyue is walking from Bordeaux, it will take ** days at the fastest, and it will take four days to drive for three days, not counting. Along the way, there are Nazi outposts and the like. This is a Nazi territory, and it is an indisputable fact that most of the outposts are there.

Jimmy doesn't care about what is in Miyue now, as long as he can complete the task on time, the rest of the people have similar ideas with Jimmy, their ideas do not represent Gou Bin's ideas, now Gou Bin just wants to finish the task quickly , ready to prepare for his next plan before the big landing.

Michelle picked up his sniper rifle and went to investigate the military camp outside Nancun Town for a while, then said in shock: "Cruz, the front is Nancun Town, at least there is a battalion of troops stationed there, it belongs to the fast-response motorized infantry regiment , man, there are four towed 200mm howitzers, we are in trouble!"

"Let me see..." After hearing Michelle's words, Sean leaned forward to avoid Michelle's sniper rifle, and observed the situation inside the barracks through the scope. There are as many as five sentry towers in the brightly lit barracks. , Monitor the security around the entire barracks in five directions, east, west, north, south, and middle.

Generally, at night in a normal military camp, most of the lights are turned off. How can it be brightly lit like this military camp?As if afraid of someone's surprise attack, the trucks were lined up neatly, and the motorcycles were even more the same. What made Sean speechless the most was that the perimeter was actually patrolled at five steps and one sentry.

Gou Bin glanced at the military camp half a mile away, lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and then arranged the task: "Don't worry about it now, find a place to hide our whereabouts, I believe the pursuers will find us soon, Jimmy, you and Barbara Bara, go to the jungle on the right to observe, be careful!"

"Okay, Barbara, dog..." Jimmy patted Barbara on the shoulder after receiving Gou Bin's order, and waved his hand to signal Barbara to follow him. After Barbara and Jimmy left the team to investigate, the recruits The group of four began to shrink the guard circle, closely protecting Gou Bin, who was the commander.

Sean leaned forward with his Browning light machine gun on his shoulder, looked at Gou Bin full of doubts and said, "Cruz, what should we do next? Depending on the situation, there are only two ways to go now, one is to forcefully pass through Nan Village , the second is to take a detour to avoid it, the journey is a bit far, but it's better than..."

Gou Bin glanced at the barracks in the distance, touched his chin with one hand and said after thinking deeply: "Sean, don't worry, let's wait and see, with these Nazi frightened birds patrolling at night, I'm sure there will be something tonight." The incident happened, it is estimated that the local rebels did it, maybe we can help and get the help of the local rebels!"

When Sean heard Gou Bin's words, he nodded his head as a response to Gou Bin's suggestion. It has to be said that Gou Bin thought more comprehensively than himself. Sean didn't think about the local rebels at all. After Gou Bin's reminder Feeling very reasonable and maybe worth a try, Sean handed Michelle's sniper rifle back to him.

Snoopy squatted aside, gently put down his heavy machine gun, drew out a dagger and suggested, "Cruz, why don't I grab a tongue and come back, just ask!"

Gou Bin shook his head and rejected Snoopy's suggestion, reminding him: "No hurry, it will be implemented later, they are still on high alert now, and when they lose energy after midnight, we are going to grab a tongue , now the main task is to rest and raise the animals!"

Gou Bin ignored Snoopy, who was downcast, and stared at the Nazi patrol outside the town. If he was alone, Gou Bin would not have to work so hard, and he could break through by himself, but not now, he He is also responsible for the lives of eight of his subordinates.

Sean and the others silently warned the surrounding movement, until Jimmy and Barbara checked the safety of the jungle on the right, and a figure appeared to wave to Gou Bin and the others to signal safety. Gou Bin patted Sean on the shoulder and said: " Alright, Jimmy and the others are done checking, let's go there!"

After Sean received Gou Bin's signal, he beckoned the four recruits to follow behind him. Each of these four recruits has a great effect. Michelle is good at sniping and hunting sentry towers. He can send out information at any time, and can also act as an interpreter. Not to mention Gibbs, a daddy, who is good at digging bullets to save lives and heal the wounded. Burstyn, an engineer, is even more indispensable. The thief is familiar.

Jimmy chose a geomantic treasure. Outside Nancun town, there is a pile of rocks behind the mountain, surrounded by grass half a person high. If you don’t search carefully, it’s really hard to find someone hiding inside. Adding the piles of rocks is a war. People can also rely on rocks to avoid bullet attacks, which is simply a good place to hide their tracks.

Gou Bin was very satisfied with the hiding place here, rolled up his arm and looked at his watch and said, "Okay, we're here to avoid playing by ear, it's past nine o'clock, Michelle, you four go to rest first, Snoopy , Barbara and the two of you too, every two hours change people and take turns waiting for the news!"

After Gou Bin finished giving orders, the others all nodded their heads as acquiescence. Jimmy and Sean did not need Gou Bin to order. They automatically and consciously monitored the situation in the Nazi barracks. Now they can only wait for the news and wait for the local resistance armed personnel attack news.

The rest of the people started to unload their heavy backpacks when they had nothing to do, and rested on their sides to refresh their spirits. Long-distance flights are not a pleasant thing, especially those old-fashioned planes that are bumpy and unstable. It is not bad to not vomit all the way. , when they just lay down, the pursuers who came from behind searched for Gou Bin and the others.

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