Conquer Berlin

Chapter 120 Hyperspace Transformation Machine

Di...di... The siren in the hydropower station has never stopped. The long siren reverberates around. In the elevator leading to the third floor, Gou Bin is under the strange eyes of Sean, Jimmy and Sophia. Calmly holding the Browning light machine gun in his hand, Gou Bin didn't know what kind of fierce battle he was about to face on the next floor, but fighting was indispensable anyway.

With a bang sound, the exit was not attacked after the elevator landed, which made Gou Bin feel relieved. There are two things to do here, one is to turn off the water discharge switch of the hydropower station to stop power generation, and the other is to find what Sophia said. The secret, Gou Bin must know that the secret is not as simple as imagined.

Gou Bin glanced at the intersection of the left and right passages, turned his head to look at Sophia who was on the side, and said, "Sophia, where is the control room of the power station? Well, it seems that it is up to you to keep the team vigilant, Sean, whoever destroyed the elevator Switch, don't let the pursuers catch up so quickly!"

Sophia lowered her head in shame. The road here is like a maze. She herself has only been here once, and she was still stealing confidential documents. How did she remember so much in a hurry?After Gou Bin ordered, Sean picked up the butt of the carbine and slammed on the switch of the elevator, preventing the pursuers from catching up for a while.

After Sean destroyed the switch of the elevator, Gou Bin immediately led the way. Now Sophia, the guide, is no longer effective, so he has to slowly grope forward on his own. Gou Bin, who chose the road on the right, groped along the wall, and the road in front of him gradually It became the size of a road in an air-raid shelter, and some wooden boxes were piled up on the side of the road.

Gou Bin didn't know how many times he took the wrong road in the intersecting air-raid shelter roads. He went round and round and came back again. Even Sean and Jimmy on one side couldn't help feeling irritable. After wasting time like this, the people behind The chasing soldiers will definitely come, and when the time comes, there will be an outflanking or something, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Sean glanced at the same channel environment, as if walking back again, Sean said in a cold sweat: "Cruz, there is no way for us to go on like this, this is the fifth time we have come back, in such a Go down, the chasers behind will come, we will not be able to run even if we want to, or..."

"Hush!" Gou Bin, who was leading the way, suddenly made a silence gesture. Seeing Gou Bin squatting and hiding in the wooden box beside the passage, Sean immediately waved his hand to signal the two behind him to follow closely. The two Nazi soldiers in front of the passage Running quickly, the sound of hurried footsteps was getting closer, and Sean and Jimmy felt their hearts beating faster.

When the two Nazi soldiers ran to the wooden box where Gou Bin and the others were hiding, Gou Bin immediately started to attack. The Browning light machine gun in his hand hit a Nazi soldier, and then kicked another Nazi who didn't react. The soldiers, Sean and Jimmy, rushed out immediately after Gou Bin's surprise attack to hold down the kicked Nazi soldier.

Gou Bin glanced at the Nazi soldiers held by Sean and Jimmy. Hearing the shouting, he picked up the tip of the Browning light machine gun and stuffed it into his mouth. He said expressionlessly, "If you dare to shout, I don't mind if you never get out, Sean, Jimmy, drag them both in for a good interrogation!"

Mmmmm... The yelling Nazi soldiers nodded in horror. Although he didn't know what Gou Bin was talking about, the gun in his hand was not a joke. Underneath, two Nazi soldiers dragged to the wooden box, waiting for Gou Bin's next interrogation.

Gou Bin was too lazy to talk nonsense with the Nazi soldier, and grabbed his short hair with one hand and pulled it back violently, ignoring the painful expression of the Nazi soldier, and asked concisely: "Where is the control room of the power station? If you don't want to die, say it!"

After Sophia's translation, the Nazi soldier said with fear on his face: "Go ahead, go straight ahead to the third right turn, and then go straight to the left turn and you will arrive. Don't kill..."

Before the Nazi soldier finished speaking, there was a rattling sound, Gou Bin let go of his hair and pinched his neck with his hands, and there was a clear sound of bone breaking when he twisted hard, Gou Bin who let go of the Nazi soldier's neck seemed to have nothing happened. En and Jimmy were not surprised, but Sophia frowned and didn't say much.

Gou Bin glanced at another Nazi soldier who had passed out, and said to Jimmy who was waiting: "Jimmy, I'll leave this to you, let him leave quietly, move quickly, Sophia, let's go!"

"Yeah!" Sophia glanced at Jimmy, and saw him pull out a dagger from his waist. Sophia, who didn't have the courage to look on, turned her head and followed Sean and continued to move forward. Gou Bin led the way directly in front, and dealt with the Nazi soldiers behind Jimmy hurried to catch up.

Gou Bin walked along the route guided by the Nazi soldiers just now. On the way, he encountered Nazi soldiers running to ambush and immediately hid. Now Gou Bin is not in the mood and has no time to spend with them. Escape here is the key, wasting so much In time, the pursuers behind almost caught up.

When Gou Bin led them to the control room, there was still a Nazi officer and two Nazi soldiers inside. The Nazi officer hurriedly packed up the documents, and the two Nazi soldiers looked around for the surrounding safety. The control room is spacious, and the long room is filled with rows of two-meter-high consoles.

Bang bang... After two gunshots, the two Nazi soldiers fell to the ground. The Nazi officer stopped packing up the materials and looked up at Gou Bin who came in with a gun outside the door, without any movement or fear. He looked at Gou Bin and the four of them with more and more suspicion.

The Nazi officer glanced at Gou Bin, then turned to look at Sophia, and said calmly: "I didn't expect you to come so fast, and I didn't expect that there was a spy in your allied army, and I didn't... Gu~~ you ..."

There was a bang, and the Browning light machine gun in Gou Bin's hand was emitting black smoke. Gou Bin looked at the Nazi officer with a sneer and said, "Hey, I didn't expect that I would fire a black gun? You are too calm, so calm that it is a bit scary. Want to play dirty with me? You should be more tender!"

When the Nazi officer fell to the ground, a pistol fell out of his waistband. How dare he play this tricky sneak attack in front of Gou Bin?He was looking for a dead end, Gou Bin's sense of crisis had already noticed him, Gou Bin put away his gun and stepped on his dead body, and opened the documents in his bag, all of them were in German with a headache.

Gou Bin picked up the information and threw it aside, saying: "Sophia, come and see if those materials are useful, Jimmy, guard the door, and let me know if any Nazis come over, Sean, turn off all those damn machines, there must be something wrong with so many switches." One is closing the floodgates, hurry up!"

Sophia came over under Gou Bin's greeting, picked up the documents that Gou Bin threw aside, and read them carefully. Jimmy hid behind the door according to Gou Bin's instructions, and closed the door of the control room to monitor the situation outside at any time. En ran to the rows of consoles and turned off the switches of the machines that were still running.

Sophia rummaged through the stack of documents. These documents were all records of electrification, and most of them were useless documents. After a document was spread out and fell down, it attracted Sophia's attention. Sophia picked up the document book that fell out, Open it up and it feels a little familiar.

Sophia turned the information book to the first page. After seeing the words on it, Sophia said in surprise: "Cruz, this is the document. I saw this document last time. I didn't expect it to still be there. Hey, This is an important confidential document encrypted at the first level, how could it appear here?"

Gou Bin was sitting on the side resting at this time, the wound on his chest hadn't completely healed, and he was still suffering from chest tightness and pain, when he heard Sophia's words, Gou Bin put down his hand covering his chest, and said curiously: "Oh? Really? Sophia, what's written on it?"

Sophia picked up the data book, and explained in disbelief: "The super-space-time converter! According to the data, the hydropower station that energizes the city of Miu on the surface is actually supplying power to the underground research institute in the city of Miu. This time-space converter is the machine that consumes the most power..."

According to what Sophia said, Gou Bin knew one thing. The Nazis had already studied the time-space converter and wanted to change the idea of ​​going back to the past. If Gou Bin does not believe it, he himself is a good proof.

It is said that three years ago, the Nazis secretly developed many new weapons or machines, among which the Hyperspace Teleporter was one of them. After three years of arduous development, the Hyperspace Transmitter was finally successfully developed more than a month ago. Right in Millau's underground laboratory.

A Nazi scientist and several technicians sat in, and after starting the machine, the machine exploded, including the entire basement where the machine was located, collapsed. Afterwards, the Nazis immediately sent troops to blockade the place, but they did not find it under the ruins. These few people.

The scientists involved in the research each held their own opinions, saying that the explosion might have been too violent and they were all blown to pieces, but a carpet search within a few kilometers did not find any human fragments, only the huge fluctuations generated during the explosion made Mi People in the city of Johor became panic-stricken.

Later, Nicole Vesaiah, the chief Nazi scientist in charge of the project, came. After listening to the military's search report and the reports of the staff around the laboratory, she immediately analyzed and judged that the experiment was successful, and compared the matter with the project. Reported to Hitler as a complete success, a large amount of research and reconstruction funds were obtained.

As for whether the time travel of those participants is true or not, God knows, and there are not many materials on it, most of which record the specific process of the success of the research, and even the data are very few, let alone any important design drawings, Sophia read roughly After reading the content inside, I realized that Gou Bin was not listening at all, but stared blankly in a daze.

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