Conquer Berlin

Chapter 130 The whole city is on alert

When Gou Bin took Nicole Visaya out, Gou Bin, who was not at ease, walked into the space-time machine, picked up the tail of the MP40 submachine gun and knocked on the equipment inside. Nicole Visaya stood aside and watched quietly, She didn't say anything to stop it, as if all this had nothing to do with her. After a while of destruction, Gou Bin took Nicole Visaya up.

When Gou Bin first went up, he vaguely heard the sound of banging on the door and shouting outside, followed by a series of machine gun fires towards the study door. Sean stood by the balcony and opened the window, stuck his head out and saw that there was no After something happened, Gou Bin was the first to jump out, and after Sean jumped out, Gou Bin dragged Nicole Visaya to the balcony first.

Seeing Nicole Visaya's hesitant expression, Gou Bin hurriedly said: "Dr. Nicole Visaya, you jump down first, don't worry, the guy below me will catch you, if he is dishonest, throw it away." He just needs a slap, hurry up! It’s too late to go!”

The banging on the door became more and more urgent. Gou Bin wished he could push Nicole Visaya down at this time. Considering that her life was in danger and there were still many things she hadn't figured out, Gou Bin had no choice but to endure the urging. , Nicole Visaya looked at Sean who opened his hands below, hesitated for a moment and then jumped down decisively. According to Gou Bin's intention, he slapped him if he was dishonest.

Boom~ Gou Bin had already crawled to the window when the door of the study was knocked open. Hearing the sound of collapse outside, Gou Bin turned around without even thinking, and shot the MP40 submachine gun in his hand towards the back. Shooting at the Nazi soldiers rushing in from behind, Biers quickly turned around and hid to the side of the study door.

After shooting and killing two Nazi soldiers, Gou Bin did not continue to fight. When the next batch of Nazi soldiers came in, he let go of his hands and jumped down, screaming... Bang Bang~ Gou Bin jumped out. The bullet pierced the open glass window, and when a group of Nazi soldiers chased to the study window, Sean had already run away with the screaming Nicole Visaiah.

Bang bang... da da da... The Nazi soldiers at the window shot Gou Bin who jumped down to escape. In the hail of bullets, Gou Bin turned left and right to avoid the bullets. He turned his head and shot while running away. When Sean called to jump over the wall, Gou Bin dropped the MP40 submachine gun in his hand and ran over the wall to escape.

"Chasing!" Bills yelled after finding Gou Bin and the others escaping, gnashing his teeth at the window of the study. Seeing that the secret passage opened, Bills was not in the mood to look at the space-time machine inside. The most important thing was Nicole Visaya. Doctor, the space-time machine can still be built if it is destroyed, but it will be troublesome if people are gone!

Before running back to the hotel, Gou Bin took the opportunity to go to a small hospital in the city. After buying some medicines at a high price, he returned to the hotel when the Nazi soldiers were guarding and blocking the streets. The hotel owner looked puzzled, Seeing that the Nazi soldiers were searching for something, they quickly closed the door of the hotel and put up a sign of suspension of business.

In the hotel room, Nicole Visaya put her hands on her chest in a panic, and stared at Sean cautiously. As long as Sean dared to come over, she would immediately pick up the collapsed clothes hanger to defend herself, which made Sean puzzled. I don't know what the old woman in front of me is afraid of herself?If he knew that Gou Bin would make a fuss by himself, what would his reaction be?

Sean looked at Nicole Visaya who was so scared that his face was completely pale, and he was so depressed that he was speechless: "Hey, put it down, let it go, what are you afraid of? I won't eat you again, really, hiss~ It hurts, this Seriously, Cruz, where did he go? I’ll take care of it myself if I come back, I can’t stand it!”

Seeing Sean's actions, Nicole Visaya crawled back pale with fright, holding the defensive weapon tightly in her hands. His sensitive words really made people speechless, and what Gou Bin once said, Ni But Visaya became even more convinced that this Sean must not be a good guy, otherwise he wouldn't be so reckless, wouldn't he?

It wasn't until Gou Bin came back that Nicole Visaya breathed a sigh of relief. Gou Bin saw Nicole Visaya's face and was watching Sean's scratching. Well, he was speechless. If this happens, I hope I don't scare people into stupidity, it's a crime!Gou Bin directly put the medicine he bought aside.

Gou Bin walked to the side and opened his clothes, revealing the pus-soothing wound, grinning his teeth and hissing his mouth, he said: "The Nazis have started martial law throughout the city, Dr. Nicole Visaya, I didn't expect you to be so honorable that you let the Nazis The whole city is under martial law, it seems that I have underestimated your identity!"

Under Gou Bin's gaze, Nicole Visaya sighed and said, "Sergeant Cruz, you are too high on me, so I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, I'm actually Jewish, and this space-time machine is just a theoretical research." , I just didn’t expect impatient experimenters to participate, plus my clan members at that time…”

Nicole Visaya told about the situation at that time. It turned out that Hitler planned to use more than 50 Jews for virus experiments. In addition to the space-time machine accident that she participated in at that time, Nicole Visaya immediately fooled Hitler when she knew about it, so as to rebuild time. Let go of those clansmen or something on the condition of the machine.

After Nicole Visaya finished explaining, she shook her head and said with a wry smile: "Actually, the success of the so-called space-time machine was all deceived. I did this to protect my people. Fortunately, your allies rescued our people, and I You can also slowly wait for things to come to light and commit suicide!"

Gou Bin tore off the rag on his wound, and said decisively: "How do you know that the space-time machine is not successful? How can you confirm all these facts without any real evidence? Maybe there is or not, Sean, Go in and get an injection by yourself, there are no nurses here, you can do it yourself!"

Sean took the medicine thrown by Gou Bin. It was nothing but a bottle of medicine, a syringe, white gauze for hemostasis and so on. Nicole Visaya shook her head when she heard Gou Bin's words. She didn't understand what Gou Bin said. The same, but she thinks that Gou Bin is mostly comforting herself.

Nicole Visaya said: "Time and space are not constant in the objective world. Time will slow down as the curvature of space increases. The faster an object moves, the slower time will be; when the speed of an object reaches the speed of light , time stops, but both change in the same direction as the expansion of the universe."

Gou Bin nodded with half understanding, Gou Bin had never heard of Nicole Visaya’s space-time machine concept, but it was a bit similar to an article he had read before, and there seemed to be some differences in his confusion , but the theory is still inseparable from time travel beyond the speed of light, so how did I achieve time travel?

Nicole Visaya saw Gou Bin's half-understanding expression, and didn't care whether he could understand, and continued like a university lecturer: "That is to say, the increase in the degree of disorder in the universe is accompanied by the expansion of the universe. If you want to increase the speed of an object to exceed the speed of light, you must do it in an abnormal space state..."

After Nicole Visaya's detailed explanation, Gou Bin roughly understood that space is a normal three-dimensional three-dimensional state, and the curvature of the three-dimensional space formed by the cone changes, making the space that was originally at one end of the universe become the other end space, when synchronization occurs between two spaces, time travel will occur.

However, it involves many laws that cannot be predicted by science. The spatial curvature of each point in the space is different. If the curvature of a certain space is changed to the curvature of another space, it will reach a distance of several light years from the universe. From one point to another, so as to realize the speed of light travel, that is, time and space shuttle!

Gou Bin picked up a bottle of disinfectant, put it on the wound on his shoulder, gritted his teeth and endured the pain, and said: "Well, Dr. Nicole Visaya, your knowledge and profoundness have deeply shocked me, whether you agree or not Believe in your concept of space-time machine, but I have one thing to tell you, and I also need your help!"

Nicole Visaya looked at Gou Bin with a smack of tongue and didn't utter a cry of pain like a tough guy. After Gou Bin was sterilized, he nodded and said, "Sergeant Cruz, tell me, what I can do will definitely be nothing. Hesitant to do it, to be honest, I admire your courage and endurance."

Gou Bin put down the disinfectant in his hand, exposed the wound on his shoulder and said, "Dr. Surprised, aren’t you? In fact, the truth is right in front of you, let’s see for ourselves!”

Under Gou Bin's gaze, Nicole Visaya followed Gou Bin's finger pointing, and Nicole Visaya was surprised to find that Gou Bin's shoulder healed faster than ordinary people, slowly growing new flesh at the speed of the naked eye. New skin or something, everything in front of her subverted Nicole Visaya's cognition.

"This is?" Nicole Visaya's eyes widened, she looked at Gou Bin's wound in disbelief, and then looked at the calm Gou Bin again. She didn't know what Gou Bin wanted to say, but he gave herself Seeing the fact of the wound made Nicole Visaya feel a little puzzled and confused.

When Nicole Visaya was puzzled, Gou Bin covered his collar and said exactly: "Actually, I am a person who has traveled from the future. Normally, it is a soul who has traveled through. The reason for my time travel is It is very likely that it was caused when your time-space machine exploded, what happened? Isn’t it shocking, in fact, all of this is almost coincident with the time when your time-space machine exploded!”

Nicole Visaya's eyes widened, and she put her head in her hands in disbelief and said, "'s impossible, how is this possible? Could it be really successful? Then..."

Gou Bin loosened his shoulders, looked at Nicole Visaya's absent-minded eyes and said, "I don't know if it was successful or not, I just want to know, is there any possibility of your empty plane being successful? It's about sending people back to the future world safely. of? Do you have exact time coordinates or something?"

Under Gou Bin's gaze, Nicole Visaya shook her head with a wry smile and said, "Sergeant Cruz, I can only tell you that this is absolutely impossible, unless there is lightning as an energy source, or super energy, otherwise it cannot be done Traveling through time and space, even if it is possible to succeed, the safety cannot be guaranteed, and as for the coordinate time, it is even more impossible..."

Before Nicole Visaiah finished speaking, there was the sound of Nazi soldiers breaking in and searching downstairs. The hotel owner said that there were no dangerous people here, but the Nazi soldiers did not listen to the hotel owner and forcibly pushed him away. I searched around for a hotel room.

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