Conquer Berlin

Chapter 144 The Battle of Vengeance

Booming~ Amidst a series of explosions, thick smoke billowed from the top of the mountain depression, ten shells fired in unison, the explosion sound was unrealistic, sand, dust and stone debris splashed everywhere, and even Moloch, who was far away, felt the ground shaking It seemed that the smoky col turned into ruins, and the sand and stones slid down to the ground and rolled everywhere.

Gou Bin, who was on the ground, also heard the explosion behind him. Without any hesitation, he endured the pain like throbbing feet. When the Nazi soldiers reacted, he rolled over and picked up the submachine gun on the ground. Under the killing, the three Nazi soldiers blocking the way fell back like a hornet's nest.

Gou Bin, who succeeded in one blow, ran to the jungle without hesitation. It is a stupid act to fight the Nazis in the open. Only by hiding in the trees in the jungle can Gou Bin have a chance of winning against them. On the premise that they don’t use Karl Mo howitzer bombing seems impossible. The arsenal there has already set up an ambush, and the entire arsenal will explode after entering.

When Moloch found Gou Bin running towards the jungle, he stomped on the ground angrily, pointed at the jungle with one hand and shouted, "Chasing! Don't let him run away, concentrate your forces to chase, tracked armored vehicles to flank, don't let They're gone, turn the jungle to find them!"

So many troops can't eliminate a single person, which shows how perverted this person is, especially the ruthlessness he jumped from the mountain col, Moloch felt powerless and decadent for the first time, this guy is simply not human, how can anyone Is it safe to jump from such a high place?And he can kill his subordinates to break out.

No matter how powerful or powerful Gou Bin is, he must be eliminated. If even he cannot be eliminated, his career will be over. Major Dinoster was seriously injured in a surprise attack and is still in a coma. This is an unforgivable crime of dereliction of duty. Even if there was no movement from Weeks for so long, Morlock couldn't help but worry.

In the Karmo barracks, when the shelling of Tiger tanks sounded, Weeks rushed out of his command camp. Seeing the smoke and dust billowing in the mountain depression two miles away, Weeks' face changed drastically. , Judging from the situation, there seems to be some kind of large-scale attack over there, and the Allied forces are coming?

Weeks grabbed a Nazi artilleryman who was hurriedly passing by, and cursed angrily: "What are you panicking? The sky hasn't fallen yet, what happened on the other side of the col? Where's the correspondent? Where did he go? My father!" Where did the two guards go?"

The Nazi artilleryman who was caught by Weeks said with a frightened and panicked expression: "Sir, sir, I don't know..."

Weeks despised the panicked Nazi artillery in front of him, and slapped him awake, angrily shouting: "What are you afraid of? The sky won't fall, go, call the team to prepare howitzers to attack, what are you doing in a daze? Why don't you go soon? Are you looking for a draw?"

After Weeks finished speaking, he kicked out the dragging Nazi artillerymen, and ran angrily to the underground armory of the church. His two subordinate artillerymen were guarding below, and Weeks walked towards the church. The arsenal ran to it, and at the same time greeted the people on the road to help carry the shells up.

In the armory in the basement of the church, it was so dark that you couldn’t reach your fingers. Weeks said cursingly: "Grandma, what's going on here? Why is it so dark? Go up and get a fire and come down to have a look. The others and the officer I'll go in and lift the cannonball up together, hurry up!"

When ten Nazi soldiers ran down the basement and were about to run into the weapon depot, Weeks seemed to find something wrong. When he touched something soft under his feet, Weeks was taken aback and shouted, "Wait, wait, wait." Ten Nazi soldiers stopped, and at this time the Nazi soldiers who went up to get torches and came down illuminated the situation below.

"Hiss~ Fuck!!" When Weeks saw the situation of his underground armory, he couldn't help but gasp, the door of the armory disappeared, and the door was densely entwined with ropes, as if spiders were entangled here. Like a nest, the most deadly thing is the deadly grenade tied to the rope.

"Ah~" The Nazi artilleryman standing in front was frightened by the spider web in front of his eyes. To the sizzle of the grenade fuse.

"Fuck! It's over!!" Weeks opened his mouth wide and said a few words. It's not that he didn't want to run, but that he ran in vain. When all the howitzers inside exploded, within ten meters of the entire church was about to Razed to the ground, can he run faster than a grenade detonating in just two or three seconds?

Boom~ Before Wicks disappeared from the world in front of him, he saw only a dazzling glare in front of his eyes, followed by a soaring flame and black mist piercing the sky tens of meters high, and the sound of thunderous explosion spread all over the world. Carl's Cathedral was in ruins, and the center of Carmo's barracks was a large oval hole.

"This... this is not true!!" After Morlock heard the loud explosion from the Carmo military camp, what he saw when he turned his head was soaring flames and a series of explosions. After shaking, calm was restored in just a few seconds, and the burning Carmo barracks was destroyed.

When Gou Bin broke into the jungle, he heard Carmo’s loud explosion all day long behind him. Seeing Carmo after the explosion, Gou Bin showed a smug smile. When Morlock looked over with fiery eyes , raised his middle finger to scornfully sneak away.

"Chasing!!" Moloch, as if losing his mind, shouted the order to chase, left the command vehicle and followed the Nazi soldiers into the jungle to chase and kill Gou Bin. Now his only way out is to kill the allies who hid inside. Army, maybe he can still be promoted without demerit, if they can't kill Gou Bin, they wait to go back and accept the punishment of the military court.

"Ah!!" When Gou Bin broke into the jungle, two Nazi soldiers rushed over, holding Mauser rifles in their hands, trying to knock Gou Bin out. The two of them kept guarding outside the jungle. Bin broke in and became their target, and the two of them rushed over immediately without being polite.

"Looking for death!!" Gou Bin despised the ignorance of the two Nazi soldiers. After dodging the sudden attack, he quickly grabbed a Nazi soldier who missed the attack with one hand. When he reacted, he punched hard. It hit him on the temple on the side, bang~ the Nazi soldier's eyes protruded and he fell to the ground softly.

After finishing off the Nazi soldier, Gou Bin grabbed the gun from his hand while he slipped to the ground, and bang~ Gou Bin shot another Nazi soldier in the head, and this guy actually raised his head and was about to shoot himself. , and don't look at whether his own speed is faster than Gou Bin's.

Gou Bin, who succeeded in one blow, did not stop too much, and ran straight towards the position where the gunfire was loud, and there were gunshots from the Nazi soldiers chasing after him. Gou Bin shot at the back while running, trying to It's not easy to kill these people, unless you play tough guerrilla tactics, and the jungle is the ideal place to choose.

After Morlock led a team of more than 50 people to chase Gou Bin away, he reached out his hand to signal the team to temporarily stop advancing. The jungle here is not very big, only ten hectares in size. It is really troublesome to hide people. Morlock looked around and said: "Scatter and search in groups of three, pay attention to the movement around, shoot and be alert as soon as there is movement, search!"

Following Moloch's order, the team of more than 50 people dispersed into more than a dozen small teams. After searching all the way, the Nazi soldiers could see the bodies of their companions. Most of them were killed by Sean and the others, or were ambushed. Moloch didn't know how many people were left in the 200-strong motorized infantry battalion, but seeing the situation in front of him, there were probably not many.

Gou Bin hid on a tree, using the lush leaves to cover his figure, Gou Bin who was standing on a high place found Feiros, who ran to a place not far from Gou Bin with a heavy machine gun on his back, Looking at him, he seemed to have noticed the movement here, and came to support immediately.

After the third batch of Nazi soldiers passed, Gou Bin saw the opportunity and pulled out the dagger under his feet. Compared with the cumbersome butt attack, Gou Bin preferred this bloodthirsty dagger. Ruthless, it is convenient and quick to cut the neck and insert the forehead.

When the last batch of search teams passed under their tree, they suddenly jumped behind them. When they were unaware, the dagger in their hand quickly drew an arc. A Nazi soldier heard the sound behind him and turned his head. During this period, his neck felt cold, and immediately after covering his neck with both hands desperately, Gou Bin kicked him down and used the momentum to rush forward.

"In..." When the No.2 Nazi soldier just shouted the word, Gou Bin's dagger had mercilessly cut his throat. It was thrown out, and the sharp dagger was directly stuck in his forehead, and the whole person fell to the ground with an unbelievable expression.

Bang bang... chug chug... The Nazi soldiers who noticed the movement behind shot immediately. Gou Bin rolled and jumped to the side of the last dead Nazi soldier. When he fell, he used his body as a shield and pulled out a dagger in one hand. Quickly put it back under his feet, picked up the submachine gun on the ground and counterattacked the Nazi soldiers in front.

After Moloch heard the gunshot, he turned his head and immediately found Gou Bin's trace, waved his hand and shouted: "Here, surround him, quick!"

Moloch had just finished yelling and his men surrounded Gou Bin to shoot, Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi ... the left direction suddenly appeared a heavy machine gun, the Nazi soldiers who could not react in time under the heavy machine gun fire, screamed again and again fell to the ground, The startled Moloch was thrown down by a loyal Nazi soldier, avoiding the danger of heavy machine gun fire.

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