Conquer Berlin

Chapter 146

In the open area outside the Free City of Rueg, a group of six sneaked through the Nazi outpost. Thirty Nazi soldiers guarding the outpost gathered and chatted together. Within the range of the outpost, they never expected that allied troops would come here, and even slip past their guarded positions.

The Nazi soldiers in the bunker were even more amazing. They put their feet up and leaned against the chair to sleep with their heads tilted. A soft lullaby was playing on the phonograph. In addition, this place belongs to the central region of France, even if the Allied forces came here, they would not get here so quickly.

Barbara and Snoopy both sprawled out of the ditch, and Snoopy, who had recovered from his fever, became a fierce dragon and a tiger. He was so energetic that he almost didn't carry a pack of explosives to blow up a bunker. , A lot of time has been wasted, if they don't make it to the assembly point in time, they will miss something.

Barbara observed the Nazi barracks in Liberty City from a distance, and said cursingly: "(Damn), it's the barracks area again. Why are these damn Nazis building so many barracks areas? It's a bit difficult to sneak through. , these Nazis in broad daylight have bright eyes!"

Snoopy observed the exact number of people in the Nazi barracks from a distance, and said with a puzzled face, "I'm wondering how many people are inside, but there seem to be very few people in this barracks, and I don't know where they went, or are they still inside?" Sleeping or something? But it seems impossible, why sleep in broad daylight? Strange!"

After Snoopy finished speaking, Barbara nodded and shook her head and said uncertainly: "It may be possible, but the possibility is very low. Look at the traces of the track on the ground, it is obvious that they left Not long ago, I wonder where did they go?"

Snoopy patted Barbara on the shoulder and said: "Well, we are just guessing now. We really only know when we meet when we go out. If there are only dozens of people guarding the barracks, maybe we still have a glimmer of hope. If There are sleeping Nazi soldiers in there, God bless! Go back and inform the recruits that they are mentally prepared."

Under Snoopy's gesture, Barbara nodded and backed away while crawling and said: "Okay, this is the only way things are now, the time is running out, and things will change a day or two later, and I don't know that Cruz Have they arrived, if they don't see us when they arrive, they will be in big trouble!"

When Barbara and Snoopy ran back to the spot, the four of Michelle and the others had already crouched on one side and kept vigilant all around. The enemy's territory must be kept on high alert at any time, and it may even cause unimaginable trouble if you are not careful. The most frightening thing is the encirclement of the encounter. It is too dangerous to be undisguised here.

Barbara glanced at the soldiers around her, sighed and said, "Okay, guys, now we can only rely on luck to break into the barracks in front, we don't know how many Nazi soldiers are stationed inside, and we don't know who they are. It’s not about going out on missions, now we can only rely on luck!”

Barbara glanced at the four recruits with hesitant faces, and when she turned to look at Snoopy, Snoopy just nodded and didn't say anything more, now is not the time to be moaning, the world is unpredictable , Snoopy doesn't know what will happen in the next moment, the most important thing in front of him is to set off quickly.

"Josh, how is your wound? Can you still hold on?" Barbara glanced at Josh, the correspondent on the other side. Last time he had a shoulder injury and he had no time to recuperate all the way here, nor did he have time to recuperate. During the journey, his wounds were healed and cracked again and again, and now I don't know what happened.

Josh endured the numb and itchy pain of the wound. The wound has only fully healed in the past two days, and it has not started to heal and crack repeatedly. Under Barbara's concern and inquiry, he grinned and said, "It's okay, it still hurts a little." , Barbara, don't worry, I won't drag you down, I can continue to fight!"

Barbara picked up her Thomson submachine gun, glanced at the four of them and said, "Okay, if you don't have any comments, let's set off as soon as possible. Things change very quickly, and no one knows what will happen next moment. It's okay." Let's go, let's hit the road!"

After Barbara finished speaking, she picked up the submachine gun and pointed at the Liberty City of Rueg behind her. The four recruits hesitated for a while, but they couldn't let them think about the situation now. They had already wasted a lot of time, almost There was no time to meet up with the team, and the current situation had to be forced to pass.

In the barracks area of ​​the Free City of Rueg, three Nazi soldiers were chatting, and all the troops were transferred out. As for where to go and what to do, they didn’t know. Their main task was to keep an eye on everything in the barracks, even though it was a Nazi In the occupied area, but there are also many armed rebels, if it is empty, it is easy to be used as a nest.

"There is a situation! It's the Allied forces! Allied forces are invading!" Suddenly three Nazi soldiers found Barbara and the others, dropped the cigarettes in their hands and shouted, notifying the casual chatterers in the barracks. Some Allied troops passed by, and Nazi soldiers who didn't know what they were coming shouted that someone was invading.

"Rush over!" Barbara raised her submachine gun without any extra nonsense, and shot at the shouting Nazi soldiers. Under Barbara's shouts, the four-member group of recruits forcibly charged through the Nazi barracks and went straight to the ground. Running towards the Free City of Rueg, only through the Free City of Rueg would they have a chance to speed up to the predetermined location.

Chi Chi Chi Chi... Snoopy is like a mobile machine gun turret, the heavy machine gun trots and shoots all the way, his strong muscles burst out when he shoots, he shoots at the gate of the barracks with a grinning face, and dodges into the barracks. The Nazi soldiers on the edge of the fence didn't dare to put their heads out, the firepower was so fierce that the sawdust on the gate was flying everywhere.

Barbara snatched the grenade hanging from Gibbs, flicked off the safety, and threw it towards the barracks, shouting, "Snoopy, run, don't be so obsessed with fighting, there are Nazis chasing you, hurry up!" Run, grenade!"

Barbara threw a grenade at the gate of the barracks, and ran away when Snoopy was walking away with a gun. When the grenade was thrown into the gate of the barracks, it caused a chaotic shout. The Nazi soldiers inside did not think of Barbara. There would be grenades thrown in by Barra, who yelled to back off.

There was a bang, and when the grenade exploded, some screams were faintly heard. It was probably the people who were splashed and injured when the shrapnel exploded. The sentry behind heard the gunshots and came to support immediately. Meters away, Barbara and the others rushed over as soon as there was any movement on their side. Fortunately, it was not a mobile unit or something.

When Barbara and the others broke into the Free City of Rueg, there were exclamations from the crowd scattered in the street, and the French citizens who were afraid of harming the fish pond fled everywhere, causing serious trouble to the dozens of Nazi soldiers who were chasing after them. Gun shooting kills unknown how many innocent citizens.

"Whoa, whoa, damn it, there's an ambush ahead!" Michelle suddenly exclaimed, and a military truck suddenly sprang out from the corner of the street a few hundred meters ahead, and immediately laid across the street after hearing the gunshots. In the middle, a dozen or so Nazi soldiers jumped off the back of the truck, relying on the truck as an obstacle to block Barbara's escape.

Barbara saw the truck parked in front of her and shouted angrily, "Damn it, I didn't expect there to be a Nazi patrol truck here, Snoopy, blow up this truck, don't get in our way, Michelle Burstine and I block the pursuers behind, hurry up!"

"No problem, Josh, Gibbs, help me suppress the mice in front of me, I'll blow them up!" Snoopy made an OK gesture to Barbara, and signaled to Josh and Gibbs beside him The two helped resist the front attack, took down the bazooka they were carrying, and prepared to start blowing up the truck.

Barbara, Michelle, and Burstine hid by the piers in the street, and then the concrete piers resisted the Nazi soldiers who surrounded them behind them. Da da da... bang bang... submachine guns and semi-automatic rifles resisted The Nazi soldiers chasing after them engaged in a fierce urban obstacle shooting battle on both sides.

After Snoopy loaded the shells of the rocket launcher, he hid beside the pier and waited for the firepower to decrease. He immediately sprang out, squinted his eyes and aimed at the truck in front of him. Terrified Nazi soldiers shot from behind the truck and yelled fleeing cries.

Boom~ When the truck exploded, it made a loud explosion sound, and the glass of the houses in the surrounding streets shattered in an instant, and the raging flames came along with the screams. They couldn't extinguish it even if they threw it. They didn't expect that the other party actually had a heavy-fire bazooka.

"Okay, Barbara, the front is settled, we can withdraw!" After bombing the truck with one shot, Snoopy immediately put away his bazooka, turned his head and shouted to Barbara behind him, and the Nazis who were chasing after him tenaciously The soldiers attacked step by step, and there is no way to delay it like this.

"Retreat!" Barbara pressed her helmet with one hand, and retreated towards Burstyn and Michelle, who were stubbornly resisting. If they didn't run, there would be more chasing troops behind, Barbara didn't know Anyway, there must be many Nazi soldiers hidden in such a large Free City of Rueg.

When Snoopy carried his bazooka on his back, he led Josh and Gibbs to charge first, facing the firepower of the bullets flying across the back, and crossed the burning truck. All the Nazi soldiers injured by the explosion were blown away. Some were slightly injured, and only a small number of people were frightened and ran to the side. When they saw Snoopy, they rushed over and shot to resist.

"Fuck! Tracked armored self-propelled artillery vehicle, get into the house to hide, hurry up!" When Snoopy passed the truck, three lightly armored self-propelled artillery vehicles suddenly jumped out in front of him, and the 75mm caliber turret was rotating. Well, these light and medium self-propelled artillery vehicles are the deadliest combat vehicles for infantry.

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