Conquer Berlin

Chapter 148

With a bang, after the continuous bombardment of the self-propelled artillery and armored vehicles, the pile of rocks that had collapsed and blocked the door exploded. When the rocks splashed, Burstine and Michelle retreated again and again, and the splashed rocks were billowing with smoke and dust. The opening of the cave was wide open, and the sunlight refracted in from the outside. Among the billowing dust, Burstyn and Michelle occasionally saw figures swaying outside.

Sudden... The dull sound of heavy machine guns came in, and the bullets shot inside. Without thinking, I knew it must be the machine guns of self-propelled artillery and armored vehicles. The Nazi soldiers who rushed in from outside really made Burstine and Michelle The two felt a moment of worry, and there was no doubt that the two hid in the corner of the stairs and shot to alert the people above.

At this time, Snoopy and Josh were completely shocked. In the news of the super cannon, after hearing the loud gunshot below, the two immediately became hesitant. Snoopy motioned Josh to get the notebook and go down Help, I ran outside the door and knocked on the door to see what was going on inside.

After Snoopy knocked on the door, he heard no movement inside, and couldn't help but said anxiously: "Gibbs, what's the situation inside? The Nazis are coming in, we may not last long, Barb How is La's injury? How long will it take?"

"Don't rush, Snoopy, it will take about 3 minutes, stick to it for 3 minutes!" Gibbs, who was cutting the broken glass with a knife inside, paused the gesture with sweat profusely, turned around and faced the door anxiously Snoopy With a shout, he also wanted to go fast, but the problem was that the glass couldn't go as fast as he wanted.

Hearing what Gibbs said, Snoopy's face became gloomy, and he muttered to himself: "3 minutes? I'm afraid I can't hold on for a damn minute. If this continues, the whole army may be wiped out. , I have no choice but to resist, baby, you will throw it away after you use it up, I really can't bear it!"

Snoopy took off the rocket launcher on his body. He still had the last grenade on his body. Without support, this last rocket was for his life. Now he can only rely on it to destroy a self-propelled rocket outside. Artillery and armored vehicles, as for the two of you, let's resign ourselves to the fate of the two!

Snoopy carried the bazooka and ran straight to the corner of the stairs where the fierce battle was on the first floor. Burstyn, Michelle, and Josh took turns to exchange attacks. Under the suppression of dense firepower, the three of them struggled to dodge It's not that they won't go out, but the firepower is so fierce that they dare not go out.

Michelle watched the dense bullets shooting down, and cursed with an ugly face: "Damn it! That self-propelled artillery armored vehicle is really abominable, the firepower is too fierce, so fierce that we dare not go out, if we can put it Destroyed, it might be better to block the door!"

Josh silently counted the few bullets he had, and said in a depressed mood: "Burstine, how many bullets do you have? I still have less than 100 rounds. If this continues, we will run out of ammunition sooner or later. At that time, I'm afraid I will have to fight with the barrel of a gun!"

Burstine looked puzzled, looked at Josh's face, and said a little frustrated: "Don't mention it, mine is similar to yours, but mine is better than yours, at least there are more than 120 bullets, damn, these self-propelled artillery Is the car sick? Why don’t the bullets cost money?”

The three of them also wanted to go out and shoot. The problem is that the opponent's firepower is too fierce. If they leave this corner, there is almost no hiding place above, and there are successive Nazi soldiers coming in from outside. The machine guns of the self-propelled artillery armored vehicle have been suppressed , so that the three of them could not come out and shoot the Nazi soldiers who got in.

Snoopy ran down with the bazooka on his shoulders, saw the three of them frowning, and said with a straight face: "You three go away, retreat to the second floor to guard, as long as we persist for more than two minutes, we can Evacuate here immediately, hurry up, go up and find something to do as an obstacle cover, I will blow up the self-propelled artillery armored vehicle!"

After Michelle and the three of them heard Snoopy's words, they immediately carried out without the slightest hesitation. The three of them lacked combat experience and leadership, and the three of them were flustered at first. Now Snoopy came down to save the scene or something. , immediately began to follow Snoopy's words as if he had a backbone.

Seeing the three of them leaving, Snoopy felt a big headache in his heart. The three recruits were just recruits. Facing setbacks, he immediately lost his mind. Just stand there and wait until the Nazi soldiers rush up before melee or something.

After Snoopy shook his head and sighed, he picked up the loaded rocket launcher. Although the self-propelled artillery armored vehicle outside was powerful, there were times for it to change bullets. As for firing the cannon, it was even more impossible. The pipes can't get in, not to mention they have to cover the infantry to get in.

After the firepower of the self-propelled artillery armored vehicle weakened, until the firepower was replaced by infantry covering gunshots, Snoopy jumped out quickly with the bazooka on his shoulders. He didn't even have time to aim. After shooting the bazooka, Snoopy immediately threw away the bazooka that he was tired of.

"Rocket!!" Someone in the Nazi formation yelled. After Snoopy fired the rocket, the Nazi soldiers who were shooting immediately dispersed. As for the Nazi soldiers who got into the hole, it was troublesome. Just like Snoopy thought, hit the target with one hit or something.

With a bang, the rocket directly hit the collapsed rubble and exploded. The Nazi soldiers who got half of the way in were immediately unlucky. The explosive rocket directly affected the empty dog ​​hole, and the Nazi soldiers who didn't react were getting in When it was time, he was crushed under the bottom as if he was hit immediately.

Didn't hear the explosion he imagined, Snoopy cursed inwardly, and at the same time regretted wasting the rockets, it's useless to regret now, the most important thing right now is to retreat to the second floor and start defending, Snoopy Bi Ke didn't want to face the siege of a bunch of Nazi soldiers who swarmed up. Although he was very good at fighting, he had to see what was going on now.

When Gibbs pulled out the last piece of glass behind Barbara, Barbara seemed to be asleep. From the operation to the pliers to clamp the glass, Barbara never cried out, which had to make Gibb Spey was amazed, if it wasn't for Barbara's trembling back, Gibbs really thought he was asleep.

Gibbs glanced at the bleeding wound on Barbara's back, took a white cotton dipped in alcohol, and said to the lying Barbara, "Barbara, how do you feel now? The glass shards were taken out. It’s over, the rest is disinfection, it’s a little painful, just bear it and you’ll be fine, here I come!”

"Come on, come on! Press..." Barbara nodded weakly. When Gibbs' alcohol was dipped in the disinfectant, Barbara trembled subconsciously, very violently, and the muscles on the back of her hands contracted rapidly. Holding back, resisting the icy cold stimulation, Barbara almost lost her breath.

Da da da... bang bang... After Gibbs dropped the bloody cotton ball in his hand, there were intense gunshots outside. The sound should have come to the second floor. These gunshots sounded very close, close As if the distance was only two or three meters away, Gibbs immediately began to quickly help Barbara wrap up the sterilized wound.

Barbara heard the gunshots outside and Snoopy's yelling, and said sadly with a pale face: "Gibbs, look, ahem... It seems that I, I have dragged everyone down, if, if not Because, because of me, they won't be like this, they all blame me, all blame me!"

After Gibbs bandaged Barbara's wound, he didn't answer Barbara's words. As for Gibbs, he didn't know if he was a drag or not. His job is to save everyone around him. Gibbs just cleaned himself up. When the medical equipment box was opened, suddenly the wardrobe on the wall of the house was opened, and two men with Nazi submachine guns pointed at Gibbs.

Chi Chi Chi Chi... Snoopy's heavy machine gun was placed on the wooden table that fell on the ground, squatting halfway and swinging the gun head, and the bullets shot densely at the rushing Nazi soldiers. Josh and Burstine were on the side Assisted, repelled the rushing Nazi soldiers, leaving ten freshly dead bodies in the stairs.

Chichi... With a click, the heavy machine gun was fired by Snoopy, and the skill of fifty bullets was exhausted in a blink of an eye, and Snoopy cursed and said: "Damn it, Michelle, Go ask Gibbs if he can handle it. We can't do anything if this goes on. There are two alcoholic positions on the right hand side of the second room. Hurry up, I can't hold it anymore, Burstyn Josh, increase the firepower and cover me. bullet!"

"Okay!" Michelle also knew that he couldn't help him now. If he was able to snipe the long-range enemy, he would go in behind with a pistol and shoot at close range. After hearing what Snoopy said, Michelle Immediately ran to the room Snoopy said, just when he was about to knock on the door, the door suddenly opened to reveal two strangers.

When Michelle saw two strangers and was about to take a shot, Gibbs shouted from inside: "Michelle, stop, they are our allies, please help me My buddies get out of here, they're in trouble!"

When Gibbs walked out, Michelle breathed a sigh of relief and put down the pistol in his hand. When the two strangers walked out just now, Michelle was really shocked, thinking that she had suffered double-sidedness. Outflanking or something, after Gibbs' explanation, he immediately let go of his mouth and collapsed.

After the two armed rebels walked out, Gibbs yelled at Snoopy, who was desperately changing bullets: "Snoopy, we have allies to support us, get out of there, get out of the way immediately, hurry up! "

Snoopy, Josh, and Burstine were startled when they heard Gibbs' words, and then they heard the hissing sound of burning grenades, and two unfamiliar armed rebels held grenades in their hands. Nodding to Snoopy and the three of them, he dropped the grenade in his hand at the same time.

Regardless of whether the two strangers in front of them are enemies or friends, the most important thing is to get out of here. Snoopy shouted without much nonsense: "Get out!"

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