Conquer Berlin

Chapter 154 The Krysant Bridge

The whole town of Merlin was under martial law. Nazi patrols could be seen faintly at ten steps and one sentry post. Three or five groups faithfully obeyed their respective orders. There were hardly any local residents on the street. They all stayed at home obediently, and even if they went out to buy things, they would hurry and dare not stay for a while.

Gou Bin walked towards the town with the three people behind him. When passing the sentry, the soldiers on guard just looked at Gou Bin and the four of them in doubt, and finally shook their heads and muttered to themselves that they were too suspicious, Gou Bin and the others appeared The soldiers standing guard always felt that Gou Bin and the others were a bit unfamiliar, but it was relieved to think that there were thousands of unfamiliar faces in a battalion as large as thousands of people.

Burstine heaved a sigh of relief, and when the soldiers on guard looked over, he was really taken aback, holding the gun in his hand nervously, looking like he was going to fight at any time, if it wasn't for Sean who discovered it earlier , Hitting him with your arm is really not sure what will happen. If you are too nervous, it is easier for the other party to become suspicious.

After entering the small town without any danger, Gou Bin walked along the side of the street. When there was a slight fluctuation sound from the ground, Gou Bin immediately felt that the way was wrong. The three people behind him saw Gou Bin walking along the side of the street , Immediately followed the footsteps and walked aside, Sean and Burstyn believed in Gou Bin's intuition, while Vicky Bruce followed the idea of ​​​​the large group.

Squeak... Ten medium-sized self-propelled artillery vehicles appeared on the street, and their tracks pressed against the road surface, making the sound of mechanical grinding. Seeing these ten medium-sized self-propelled artillery vehicles, Gou Bin's face became hesitant. This is very bad news. Unexpectedly, there are self-propelled artillery armored vehicles, which are more flexible than tanks.

Vicky Bruce saw the self-propelled artillery armored vehicle, his whole face changed. It has to be said that this is a very dangerous signal. When infantry encounters a self-propelled artillery armored vehicle that is still flexible, it is no different from suicide. The sensitive response The speed and power of the cannon is quite fierce, and it is absolutely terrible to fight infantry.

Gou Bin imitated other Nazi patrols, leaning to the side and saluting the Nazis when the self-propelled artillery armored vehicle passed by, Sean, Burstyn, and Vicki Bruce also saluted, although they didn't want to do this, but if they didn't, their identities It must be exposed or something, and I am afraid that no one is willing to do this.

After the self-propelled artillery armored vehicle left, Gou Bin slowly lowered his gesture and said: "Come on, let's take a ride to the Chrisan Bridge to have a look. The patrol team in front should be changing shifts. Let's go over to join in the fun, remember." , don’t talk to those Nazi soldiers after you go up, put on a bad face that others owe me millions, let’s go!”

There were two trucks parked where the self-propelled artillery armored vehicle appeared. Looking at the direction and U-turn of the trucks, Gou Bin had already guessed that the trucks must be used for pick-up and drop-off. The town of Merlin is five or six miles away from the Chrisan Bridge. It takes more than an hour to walk there just by footsteps, and Gou Bin doesn't have that much time to spend here.

The three people behind heard Gou Bin's words and nodded silently. A Nazi corporal in front of the two trucks waved and shouted: "Hurry up, hurry up, a few people are coming to change shifts, hurry up, you four soldiers, Hurry up, No. [-] car, get on No. [-] car, No. [-] car is full, hurry up!"

When Gou Bin ran over, he was immediately yelled at by the Nazi corporal. Pushed away by his rude actions, Gou Bin remembered this Nazi corporal, and when he had a chance, he would be killed immediately, Nazi corporal He didn't seem to notice Gou Bin's resentful gaze, and continued to yell at the rest of the patrolling soldiers to come over and set off.

After getting on the truck, Gou Bin and Sean sat together. After all, these trucks were better equipped with a long iron bench. More than 30 people crowded in the car, and the conversation of Nazi soldiers echoed in the noisy truck. Gou Bin seemed to be watching his heart, but his ears were listening to the conversation of the Nazi soldiers.

Most of them were talking about the garrison of Merlin this time. Although Gou Bin didn’t quite understand what he heard, he had roughly understood some of it. Looking at Vicky Bruce sitting opposite him, Gou Bin had already roughly understood, Vicky Bruce must have heard it clearly, and he was only asking when he reached his destination.

The one Sean wondered the most, he didn't know if he was lucky or what happened, unexpectedly found a talkative soldier, talking to him endlessly, and Sean followed Gou Bin's wishes Do it, put on a stinky face that you owe me a hundred and eighty thousand, who knows that the other party is still lifeless and continues to talk, it really makes Sean want to write a letter to him.

It wasn’t until the Nazi sergeant jumped into the car and yelled that he was not allowed to chat, the talkative guy let him go, and the truck staggered towards the Chrisan Bridge. Gou Bin memorized all the routes around him along the way. The general deployment of troops and patrol times were explained in detail by the Nazi non-commissioned officer, and the Nazi non-commissioned officer did not expect that there would be allied forces mixed in, and it was still under his eyes.

After the truck arrived at the destination, Gou Bin and the others got out of the car in order, and pretended to carry out patrols in batches. There was no fixed order or designated place for the patrols. Each patrolled the safety of the vicinity for a week to ensure the safety of the railway without so-called armed forces. People ambushing around or something.

When patrolling the hillside, Gou Bin stopped and pretended to release water, but his eyes looked around at the appearance of the Chrisan Bridge. The whole bridge is more than 300 meters long, and the five arched bridge sections more than 20 meters high form a semi-arc. , There are rows of holes in the center of the pier that can accommodate one person to pass through, and there are iron railings in the center of the bridge, which can be used for people to go down to repair the bridge or something.

Passing through the right side is a dark passage. Two railroad tracks are laid on the bridge. On the left is a small platform. Except for a two-story platform, the surrounding area is full of temporary heavy machine gun pits and the like. There are two heavy machine guns, condescending and overlooking the surrounding security, which can be described as a defense like an iron barrel.

Vicky Bruce leaned against Gou Bin pretending to let go, and said in a low voice: "Sergeant Cruz, it seems that we don't need to scratch our tongues. Those Nazi soldiers just said that the super cannon will arrive tomorrow night. The exact arrival time is expected to be 8 At 45:8, I reckon the train will be here at 40:[-]!"

Gou Bin looked at Vicky Bruce with hesitation, and said with doubts: "The news is confirmed? Well, if we arrive here at 8:40, we estimate that we will occupy this place half an hour in advance. How much explosives does the bridge need and how long will it take to install?"

Gou Bin’s inquiries, Wiki Bruce, replied one by one, and even gave a rough overview of his own opinions. When Bo Siding heard Gou Bin ask himself about blowing up the bridge, he looked at the Chrisan Bridge hesitantly, roughly estimating the number of bridges he would need to use. The quantity and the specific installation time, Sean stood aside and carefully watched the movement around him, and he could notify you as soon as possible if there is any movement.

Burstyn made a rough calculation and said, "Cruz, if you judge according to the current situation, roughly two boxes of explosives in Vicki Bruce should be enough to completely paralyze this bridge. As for the installation of explosives, I want to go down." Take a look at the situation and get a general understanding of the structure below before you can make an assessment of the specific time!"

Gou Bin roughly looked at the surrounding troops and nodded, "Well, there are only more than 100 troops here, and the attack will be solved quickly, but when the gun here is fired, Merlin must know more or less. Especially those patrolling soldiers, they will go back and report as soon as possible, and if this counts, the time it takes for Merlin to react and come here is only about 10 minutes!"

Hearing Gou Bin's words, Burstine was surprised and said: "Only 10 minutes? Cruz, I'm afraid it's not enough time to put half of the explosives. It would take at least 20 minutes for two people to put the explosives together. This is still reluctant. If I alone It takes even longer for one person to place the explosives, with three people laying the explosives together, maybe it can be done in 15 minutes!"

Gou Bin rolled his eyes and really wanted to knock on the recruit and said, "Nonsense, of course the three of them were released together. Why don't you ask you, a professional, to run down to see the scenery? Show me what's going on below, try your best. When you don’t come into contact with the Nazi troops, blow up the super giant cannon as soon as possible!”

After Gou Bin scolded Burstine, he turned his head and looked at Vicky Bruce who was thinking, and said, "Vicky Bruce, have you ordered your men to call the UK? It's best to send the equipment ahead of time. We don't care about British weapons. How to do it smoothly, you have to get familiar with it!"

Vicki Bruce nodded and said: "I have already made arrangements before departure, don't worry, I asked my subordinates to arrange for the American weapons to be dropped there, and I directly said that I am not used to their weapons, I believe those intelligence agencies have a way to get them." , you can rest assured that I will do things, but I am a little worried about the situation here, and I am afraid that I don’t know how many brothers will die."

Gou Bin said in the words of fooling the undead: "There is death in war, and we are all ready to sacrifice at any time. Well, if there is nothing wrong, we will split up later. Burstine, please be more conspicuous, don't let me die." Fuck this, Sean, it's up to you, get ready!"

"Okay, no problem, hehe..." Sean smiled treacherously when he heard Gou Bin's words. It was too simple for him to create chaos. And Su Di trembled, wondering what Sean's gaze meant?

"That's good, let's go!" After Gou Bin finished speaking, he turned around and continued to pretend to be patrolling. After clarifying the specific situation, it is best to go back and study and formulate a perfect sneak attack strategy.

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