Conquer Berlin

Chapter 164 Hello, Hello, Hello Everyone

Chi Chi Chi Chi... Gou Bin fired a warning shuttle in the dormitory of the Nazi barracks. The Nazi soldiers hiding inside heard the terrible sound of heavy machine guns and the sound of rustling, and they all flinched. Going out, the firepower is too fierce, and there are too many people outside.

The guerrillas came to take advantage of the fire!This was the first question that the Nazi soldiers who stayed behind thought of. Coupled with Gou Bin's threat of firepower, he shot when he saw no one appeared. Obviously he had something to say, otherwise the other party would not have made such a move , I have been waiting for them to come out and shoot, at least they won't be so stupid as to expose their firepower without showing up.

The sergeant major of the Hamas Toronto reserve barracks, his senior lieutenant took most of the men to the small town of Merlin to support, and the remaining 100 people stayed here to guard the barracks to prevent guerrillas from coming to the old nest or something , Now I didn't expect that the guerrillas would really come to their nests. The combat effectiveness of the guerrillas is stronger than that of the rebels.

It was a bad night, and this was the first thing that Hamas thought of. Under the panicked gaze of a group of dozens of people, Hamas did not act rashly. He was shrewd and knew that if he ran out now, he would sacrifice all of them. The guerrillas have taken their commanding heights, and that's the worst thing.

After Gou Bin shot a shuttle, he immediately stopped and continued shooting. When he went out, Gou Bin had already prepared two countermeasures. The first plan failed to kill the people inside without knowing it, so he activated the second one. Plan, negotiate!That's right, it's the negotiation. I believe the people inside are not diehard Nazi extremists. [

Vicki Bruce was carrying a large iron horn. It was built hastily according to Gou Bin's instructions before going out. More than 30 subordinates, when they went out, each carried two sealed kerosene lamps. As for what were they used for?I'll find out later.

Gou Bin glanced at Vicky Bruce climbing up, then at the three Sean who exposed their identities and left their bodies below, turned his head and said, "Bruce, how are your men preparing? Are they all ready? Well, Very good, let’s make some noises according to the above!”

When Gou Bin asked himself, Vicky Bruce nodded immediately and said he was ready. By the way, he waved his hands to his subordinates on the guard tower. Donoma and Neil, who were hiding outside the barracks, all nodded after receiving the signal. The bright kerosene lamp was placed a few meters away from the barracks, and even took off his raincoat to cover it not far from the kerosene lamp.

After confirming that the brothers behind were ready, Vicki Bruce immediately turned around and placed the special loudspeaker towards the dormitory of the Nazi barracks, took the note held by Gou Bin with one hand and coughed dryly as he said, "Uh huh, ...Here, Cruz, are you sure you didn't take the wrong manuscript? Or did you make a mistake? I just read it as it is?"

Sean and Jimmy looked at each other. Both of them knew what Gou Bin wrote in the negotiation language. Anyway, one sentence was a bit cheating. Vicky Bruce’s words of “respect and love” stopped abruptly before they were pronounced, which made Sean and Jimmy who were waiting The two of Jimmy couldn't laugh or cry, even the Nazis have become respected warriors, so what are they?bandit?robber?

Gou Bin lit the kerosene lamp without changing his face, and said as a matter of course: "Right? Starting tomorrow, everyone's life is precious, so stop talking nonsense and hurry up, or you will fight hard!"

Gou Bin's words really made Vicky Bruce dumb, and a sense of strength emerged in his heart, and he couldn't find a suitable reason to refute. Looking at the cheating negotiation words, Vicky Bruce gritted his teeth, okay, who is it? He is so fluent in German?You can't find a stutterer to fool the other party, can you?

Seeing that there was no movement outside, a Nazi corporal immediately approached Hamas with great surprise, and expressed his inner doubts: "Sir, it's a bit abnormal! What are the guerrillas outside trying to do? Why don't they attack?" ? Doesn't this conform to their logic?"

Hamas angrily scolded the ignorant corporal: "Shut up, you like fighting, don't you? Didn't you see that they have already occupied the guard tower? You are so capable, you go and kill the guard tower outside, I will attack immediately, no Dare to stay on the sidelines, don't act rashly! See what they want to say!"

To be honest, Hamas is not in the mood to fight now, just because they have dozens of people now, and the guard tower of the barracks has been killed by someone, and they don't know who the opponent is and how many people there are. It's just looking for a dead end, Hamas will not be so stupid as to fight to the death, this person is a bit mysterious!

Vicki Bruce read out with cold sweat on his face: "Dear warriors, you have worked hard guarding a broken camp. We know that you have worked hard, but we have worked hard as well. It is not easy to come here in the middle of the night to ask for money. Please accommodate me. Everyone take a step back... We only want the weapons in your arsenal, we don’t want to hurt anyone, hello, hello, everyone, isn’t it great? Think about it!”

Crackling...the weapons in the hands of a group of Nazi soldiers in the barracks seemed to be unsteady, and they all dropped their weapons in a daze. This is the most embarrassing thing they have ever heard in their lives. They robbed and typed magnificent words. This was the most absurd thing they had ever seen, and even Hamas had a broken expression on his face.

As for Sean and Jimmy, they snickered obscenely, only Philos looked confused, wondering what they were laughing at, what was so funny about it?Donoma and Neil were speechless. This was the most puzzling robbery they had ever seen, and they actually used despicable means to intimidate the Nazis inside.

Vicky Bruce said the first paragraph, and he had to bite the bullet and say the second paragraph: "Dear warriors, think about it, we have hundreds of people, if you don't believe me, you can send someone out to take a look. In the name of the guerrillas, we promise not to shoot, and it’s not easy to run in the rain in the middle of the night, so we can’t tell us to return empty-handed, right? Think about it, time is limited, don’t wait!”

Seeing that there was no movement in the barracks dormitory, Vicky Bruce continued to speak: "Our guerrillas have a fair heart and sincerely come to borrow some weapons from you. We will be embarrassed if you take more, and my brothers are not happy if you take less. You can figure it out, I will give you 2 minutes to think about it, you can either fight to the end, or surrender yourself, I promise not to hurt you, think about it yourself, start counting the time now!"

"Go out and have a look!" Hamas lowered his head and pondered for a moment after hearing Vicki Bruce's loudspeaker, and pointed to the corporal who was talking too much just now, and motioned him to go out and check the situation. Who told him to talk too much just now? The meaning of the team is only to borrow weapons, not to ask for trouble or anything.

The corporal who was pointed out and driven out had a puzzled expression on his face. Under the unquestionable expression of Hamas, he walked to the gate of the dormitory in a desperate manner. When he secretly glanced at the head with anxiety, he immediately retracted and his face changed drastically. He panicked and said: "Long, long, sir, good, many, good, many..."

"A lot of what? Come on, let's stammer and look at your worthless appearance!" Hamas's face suddenly darkened when he heard the corporal's words. He didn't know what the corporal said in front of him. Can't get away, and Vicki Bruce is counting down the countdown outside, and his heart is even more entangled.

Under the scolding from Hamas, the corporal managed to recover and said: "Sir, outside, there are many lights outside, oh, no, no, there are a lot of ambushes, a large area of ​​darkness, I don't know how many people there are, Anyway, the entrance to the barracks is blocked, sir, what should I do?" [

Hamas hesitated for a moment, looked around at the men who looked terrified, hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and said: "Do as they want, provided that they promise to get out of here quickly after taking the weapons, and don't hurt us." People here, brothers, when the time comes, we will have to wait to be punished!"

The Nazi soldiers behind Hamas did not speak. To be honest, this punishment is better than death in battle. At least they still have their lives. Even if the superiors blamed them, they directly said that the guerrillas came to attack and stubbornly resisted. Personally, at least I and others have tried my best to keep the barracks and lose the weapons in the arsenal.

Vicky Bruce yelled directly that there was still 1 minute left, and when he was tired of resting, he put down the loudspeaker and turned to look at Gou Bin and said, "Cruz, do you think these people will be deceived? There is 1 minute left, what are these guys doing?" No movement? Is this strategy not working? How about we attack now? There is not so much time to waste here!"

Gou Bin sneered calmly, shook his head and said: "Really? Bruce, you have to be calm when you do big things, don't worry, as long as the people watching just now have some brains, they will know that what they just watched is not so fun. I'm afraid they We are still discussing now, there will be some movement soon, just wait and see, don't rush for a while!"

After Gou Bin said this, Vicky Bruce sighed and didn't continue. He knew that what he was saying was useless. That's what Gou Bin decided. In addition, he didn't think much about sacrificing his men here for nothing. There is no need to have more important things at the same time. It will take a lot of people to attack the Chrysant Bridge tomorrow night.

Just when Viki Bruce was worried, the Nazi barracks dormitory shook a pair of white underwear with a wooden stick and said: "We surrender and compromise, but you must ensure our safety, or we will drag you even if we die. If you agree, everything is easy to discuss!"

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