Conquer Berlin

Chapter 174 The Battle of Chrisan Bridge

When the battle started on Gou Bin's side, the Chrisan Bridge side was also preparing to start the battle. Fortunately, Snoopy can also disguise himself as a Nazi soldier this time. Who has time to see him in the dark? who?Snoopy and the recruit trio and Donoma as the vanguard.

Leading the way was Vicky Bruce, who was familiar with the journey, and a group of six people disguised themselves and sneaked into the Chrisan Bridge. First, they stepped on the spot to familiarize themselves with the surrounding soldiers, because the people behind except Burstine, the other three were all absent. It's really hard to start a sneak attack if you don't step on the spot to get acquainted with the environment.

Because of the rain or something, the Nazi soldiers became lazy, and there was no clock or o'clock. These Nazi soldiers would never be able to cheer up. Fortunately for Vicky Bruce, those who were introduced by himself and Gou Bin The patrolling soldiers in the forest seem to have not come out until now, or else the patrolling soldiers here have already stepped up their guard.

Vicky Bruce's men are all lurking not far from the Krissan Bridge, waiting for the signal of Vicky Bruce's sabotage. As long as Vicky Bruce kills those machine gunners, they can rush over to fight or something. Hit the opponent by surprise.

Vicky Bruce looked around and memorized everything around him. Except for some newly transferred positions, there were almost no changes. The veteran Vicky Bruce led five people to avoid the patrolling Nazi soldiers. He has not yet reached the super giant. When the gun entered the station, the surrounding staff had already begun to slowly increase. [

Vicki Bruce led five people to a remote place, pretended to be patrolling and said: "We will quickly kill all the important machine gunner positions later, so that the outside team can rush in. If it is later, there will be more Nazi soldiers, if that's the case we'll be in trouble!"

Snoopy has roughly understood the specific situation of deploying soldiers. After Vicki Bruce finished speaking, he thought for a while and said: "Burstine and I secretly went to kill the machine gunner by the bridge, and you can arrange the rest yourself. Killing the people below may only take more than five seconds to be discovered!"

Vicky Bruce has no opinion on the selection of Snoopy. Burstyn is the main character who wants to blow up the bridge, and it is just right for Snoopy to lead him. The rest are Donoma, Michelle, and Josh. There are three people, and Vicky Bruce is thinking about how to arrange these three people. If he cooperates with Michelle and Josh himself, he will definitely not be able to play a tacit understanding.

Vicky Bruce thought for a moment, then glanced at the waiting person and said, "The three machine gunners hidden in the grove are a bit troublesome. Donoma and I will solve the problem. The two machine gunners on the platform, Michelle, Josh, I'll leave it to you two, is there any problem?"

Vicky Bruce can only arrange it like this now. If Gou Bin and the others are here, he doesn’t have to be so sad. Now that Gou Bin, who is the main force, is intercepting the Japanese, he has no choice but to arrange it like this. Michelle and Josh heard Vicki Bruce's arrangement, without thinking too much, nodded and agreed.

Seeing that Michelle and Josh had no objections, Vicky Bruce immediately said: "Okay, if there is no problem, then we are ready to start, Michelle and Josh, you two should find a way to get along first, 3 Minutes, no matter whether you succeed or not, we will start to act in unison in 3 minutes! Let's start!"

After Vicki Bruce started, the four divided into two groups and dispersed. Vicky Bruce led Donoma towards the machine gunner in the woods, while Snoopy led Burstine towards the machine gunner on the bridge. , leaving Michelle and Josh to go directly to the top floor of the station.

The time passed minute by minute. Vicky Bruce was a little worried about whether Michelle and Josh could catch up at the same time. Now it was useless to worry about it. Vicky Bruce raised his wrist and looked at the old-fashioned watch. There was no time to hesitate, and he shook his head towards Donoma, who was pretending to be patrolling, and signaled that he was ready to start.

After Donoma received Vicky Bruce's signal, he followed Vicky Bruce to deliberately approach the machine gunner's position. The six main and deputy machine gunners sat and chatted together. If the captain didn't show up before the time, they could be lazy and even connect to the machine gunner. The corporals and sergeants are lazy, not to mention their fixed-position machine gunners.

"Brother, you lost your money, yo, what's the matter if you have a lot of money? If you have a lot of money, we can spend it for you, haha..." When Vicki Bruce walked towards the machine gunner who was chatting, he deliberately dropped a few marks to attract the Nazi machine gunner Attention, the machine gunners chatting with dim oil lamps, immediately found the mark that Vicky Bruce had dropped, and started to instigate Vicky Bruce.

Viki Bruce pretended to pick up the mark, patted his head with one hand and said, "Huh? Really, I don't know what's going on, this pocket seems to be pierced, someone bring an oil lamp over here to help me, I'll give him 10 marks Repay! If there is a way to help me fix it, I will add 5 marks!"

Is there such a good thing?The six Nazi machine gunners looked at each other, until Vicki Bruce repeated it, one of the Nazi machine gunners immediately reacted, and came over with an oil lamp in one hand, making the other five Nazi soldiers sigh for slow reaction, Donoma saw the Nazi After the soldier ran over, he stretched out and tripped him calmly.

With a snap, the tripped Nazi soldier fell, and the oil lamp in his hand fell to the ground and immediately fell into darkness. Before the remaining five Nazi machine gunners could react, Vicki Bruce and Donoma started to fight. Under the cover of the pain of the falling Nazi machine gunner, he quickly ran to the five machine gunners who hadn't reacted.

A dagger appeared in Vicky Bruce's hand, and as soon as the dagger swiped across, there was a scream. Without stopping, Vicky Bruce cut the throat of a Nazi machine gunner. Donoma also quickly killed one, and waited for the other two Nazis. As soon as the machine gunner reacted and shouted the word steal, he couldn't continue shouting anymore, and two daggers cut their throats.

"Help..." The Nazi machine gunner who fell to the ground heard the screams of his companions, and just got up and shouted for help. Vicky Bruce and Donoma rushed forward, and the dagger in their hands slammed into the man. The back and head of the Nazi machine gunner, Vicky Bruce took advantage of the chaos and covered the Nazi machine gunner who was about to shout.

"What's going on? What's going on inside?" The five Nazi patrols who came on patrol found something moving here, and immediately raised their Mauser rifles and shouted in the direction of Vicki Bruce. There was something unusual, which had to make them suspicious and ran over.

Hearing the shouts of the patrolling soldiers outside, he carefully let go of the dead Nazi machine gunner, looked nervously at Vicki Bruce, and whispered, "Bruce, what should we do? I didn't expect those patrolling soldiers to patrol so quickly. Come here, what now?"

Vicky Bruce withdrew the dagger in his hand, and answered in a low voice under Donoma's inquiry: "What else can I do? Go get the machine gun and prepare for the battle. I can't care about that much. Hurry up, I'm talking deliberately to attract their attention. Li, you immediately take the machine gun and shoot them dead, you know? Go!"

When Donoma moved towards the position of the machine gun, Vicky Bruce said deliberately loudly: "It's okay, it's okay, these guys just dozed off and accidentally tripped over the oil lamp. If you don't believe me, you will know when you come in and take a look..." [

The five Nazi patrolling soldiers were about to put down their rifles half-believingly. Suddenly, screams and the word enemy attack came from the bridge deck, and the sound disappeared immediately. When it was discovered that the five Nazi patrol soldiers who had been deceived raised their guns again, it was a pity that they were already slow to react.

Chi Chi Chi Chi... Donoma took a heavy machine gun and shot in the direction of the five Nazi patrol soldiers. Since there was no light, moonlight or anything, and the small station did not have any electric room, there were only two or three light bulbs with low wattage. At Liang Xiao Station, under the sweep of Donoma, five Nazi patrol soldiers fell to the ground screaming.

Vicky Bruce heard the voice of revealing his whereabouts from Snoopy, and he cursed secretly: "Damn, why is Snoopy so careless? It was exposed, Donoma, pay attention to the Nazi patrol ahead, Leave the rest to Snoopy and the others!"

Vicki Bruce didn't wait for Donoma's answer, and immediately took out his flare gun and fired a shot into the sky. After the sky exploded with a dazzling flash, the Nazi soldiers patrolling around immediately realized that when the two heavy machine guns at the top of the station noticed something was wrong, they immediately The transfer target shifts the position in the direction of Vicki Bruce.

"Do it!" Michelle and Josh just happened to be on the top floor of the platform at this time.Seeing has been exposed.Michelle didn't hesitate much.He picked up his rifle and shot at the four Nazi main and deputy soldiers who were transferring heavy machine guns.After Josh got Michelle's order.Simultaneously they shot at the Nazi machine gunners who had their backs turned to them.

Bang bang... After two gunshots, the two machine gunners fell to the ground and screamed.Michel, who changed hands quickly, when the remaining two Nazi machine gunners rushed over.Reverse the gun body and use the butt to slam the jaw of the rushing Nazi machine gunner.When the opponent retreats, add a shot with a bang.

After Josh killed another Nazi machine gunner.Michelle ran quickly to the entrance where the platform climbed up.He kicked down the iron plate and quickly snapped the lock.In order to prevent the Nazi soldiers below from rushing up.Josh when Michelle closed the entrance.Immediately fix the heavy machine gun condescendingly shooting the Nazi patrol soldiers emerging from all around below.

"Action!" Neil heard the gunshots.With a wave of his hand, he signaled the lurking subordinates to start action.The ten men who guarded the medicine box and Sophia.Neil rushed out with more than 20 guerrillas.Shoot Nazi patrols on sight.All of a sudden, gunshots erupted across the Chrisan Bridge.

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