Conquer Berlin

Chapter 188

When Gou Bin squatted on the tree.Immediately, a group of Japanese soldiers shouted the offensive slogan of silly Gadi.After the figure of the Japanese soldier appeared.Immediately ushered in a fierce attack.The heavy machine guns of Philos and Snoopy.Issues a rate of fire comparable to hailstones.Chi Chi Chi Chi... reaping the lives of Japanese soldiers like a nightmare demon.

Ping ping bang bang... The sound of carbine automatic rifles rang out immediately.There are also two super fast-firing Toms submachine guns.A dozen Japanese soldiers on the opposite side were knocked down with one shuttle.No one knows each other very clearly in the dark night.But hear the Japanese voice.Immediately shot without feeling good.

Ferros, who was full of firepower, directly let Sean and Jimmy talk to each other.This guy is still nibbling on the deer to retreat.One hand holds a heavy machine gun on the back.Holding the deer in one hand, he backed away and gnawed.He didn't seem to care about the person in front of him at all.Swipe left and right with one hand and shoot.That's really a really accurate shot.

The appearance of Sean to Philos.Holding the carbine, he couldn't help cursing and said: "Damn it. Don't compare yourself with these abnormal people in the future. The more you compare, the more annoying you are. Jimmy, you think I'm right. This guy Pure perversion. Don't know how Cruz met him."

Jimmy rolled his eyes at Sean angrily.Jimmy felt very sorry for what he said.really.This guy Philos is a little too perverted.Jimmy's heart fluttered for a while.It's okay, what are you doing so perverted.Also eat while shooting or something.Isn't this obviously showing off to irritate people? [

"Cruze. These guys are Japanese. It's strange how there are so many Japanese." Just after killing a Japanese soldier.Michelle turned to Gou Bin.Say something that confuses you.How come there are so many of these Japanese.Didn't there only be more than 100 people in the beginning?Now the number in front of me is definitely more than 100 people.

Gou Bin glanced at the Japanese soldiers swarming out.His face became a little difficult and he said: "Who knows. It must be the backup. These damn Japanese are shamelessly planning to use crowd tactics. The commander of the opponent is either a brain-dead or a lunatic. They want to put We die."

really.At this time, Yamamoto really wanted Gou Bin's life.If it wasn't for Gou Bin's design, his subordinates suffered heavy casualties.Yamamoto wouldn't use this kind of brainless charge to dismiss him.Yamamoto also had his own troubles.These new recruits are equipped with submachine guns.Not even a single grenade was distributed.This was the most intolerable thing for Yamamoto.

Except that the veteran who has been following him has a grenade.None of the rest.Yamamoto watched batch after batch of Japanese soldiers fall down with an expression on his face.In the blink of an eye, he saw the opponent's fierce battle.Seven to eighty people died.Yamamoto took care of all this calmly.After waving Mayama Honda, two sergeants stepped forward.

Yamamoto glanced at the two loyal guards.Turning to a broken house full of firepower.He gestured and said, "Zuo Mulang. You. Lead a small team to sneak attack from the left. Guibantian. You. Lead a small team to sneak attack from the right. Sneak past. Do you understand."

"Hi." After the two sergeants received instructions from Yamamoto Tianichi.Standing straight and bowing in salute, he ran out.At the same time, he ordered enough manpower to start acting according to the plan.Yamamoto glanced at the figure of the two leaving with the team.Then came the Japanese soldiers who were retreating steadily.His face became a little gloomy.

"Baga. Stop charging. Find a place to cover. Consume their medicine. Increase firepower to attract their attention." Yamamoto Tianyi issued a series of orders.In this situation, don't expect them to be able to capture the broken house.These recruits are all gutless.There is absolutely no baptism of the warrior spirit that is not afraid of death.

If only they had all baptized the spirit of the warrior.The broken house on the opposite side has already been broken by now.Hundreds of people charged and made the opponent retreat.This combat power really humiliated Yamamoto.If it was anyone else, he would have drawn his sword and killed him.But not now.Just killed one and now kills the words again.There will definitely be a mutiny or something.

After all, they are still underage children.Yamamoto Tianichi now has a kind of dumbfounding illusion.It seems that I have become the father of more than 1000 people.Everything has to be taken care of by oneself.Unless you make a big mistake and you need to get angry.It's like a little Japanese soldier who just started to play.It was something that almost made Yamamoto vomit blood.

Bang~ah.A sniper shot awakened Yamamoto.Raising his head for a moment, Yamamoto's eyes widened.A Japanese soldier who ran back was bloody on his crotch.After the whole person screamed, there was no movement.His limp body fell to the ground forcefully.Deshan Honda was worried all over.

'Verjesna.impossible.If it's really Weijiesina.Why should she help the Allies. 'Yamamoto was dumbfounded all over.A sniper shot with Weijiesina's famous hit.Specializes in small **.As Vejsina's classmate.Yamamoto knew every time Vejesna hit the target.It's all going against the sky to hit the small buttocks.Even the instructor felt a pain in the ass watching it.That's where men die.

"Hide. Get down. All hide and get down and shoot." Yamamoto, who came to his senses, shouted loudly.At the same time, he ran to the tree and hid himself.Snipers are long-range sniper masters.Yamamoto didn't expect that there were snipers in the opponent's team.Mistake.If the opponent kills himself.Then these Japanese soldiers must be in a mess.

This is something that Yamamoto is extremely unwilling to do.All are fledgling recruits.No experience and no combat capability.Although the slogan is the imperial elite.That's all deceitful.After studying at the Nazi Academy, you are the elite.This is the case with Emperor Hirohito who wanted to save face.A shameless and capable old guy.

Bang~bang~ Two more sniper shots sounded at the same time.Hear two sniper shots.Yamamoto's face turned black.All right.Not a sniper.But two snipers.This is simply a matter of death.The Japanese soldiers who crawled back and forth steadily.Tokuyama Honda was furious.No matter how he scolded.Those Japanese soldiers just ignored him.

Sean's eyes widened.A Japanese soldier fell to the ground.The whole person exclaimed and said: "Oh my God. Cruz's move is too sinister. It is specially designed to snipe the little bastard. It seems to be the must-kill move of General Tanlang. Chatter...I like this move. It is very powerful and very * *. It makes my beast blood boil now. Haha... good. Good sniping."

Sean was not surprised by the retreating Japanese soldiers.What surprised him was when Gou Bin learned Weijiesina's fame blow.This little sniper is famous.Back then, Sean and the others were lucky enough to witness the terrifying scene of sniping the little girl.That sounds like five words.The blood of the beast is boiling.

Vicki Bruce glanced at the retreating Japanese soldiers step by step.After hesitating for a while, he said, "Sean, don't babble here. The firepower should be weakened. The other party obviously intends to consume my medicine. And the two teams that left just now may be outflanking us. Now Time to retreat. Let's go."

Sean could only curl his lip at Vicky Bruce's words and didn't say much.And Vicki Bruce was right.There were really two teams sneaking away just now.Although it is very concealed, when they shoot at each other.Those sparks betrayed all their whereabouts.I really thought that Tianyi Seam was full of mistakes and omissions.

Hear the order to retreat.Snoopy and Philos immediately retreated from the pile of shells under their feet.You can hear beeping as you walk.It can be seen how much the two played.Now the two of them have only one row of chain left.Not much, that's all there is anyway.It's all gone unless you find a shop where the Nazis have heavy machine guns. [

Michelle was a little afraid of Gou Bin who was pretending.This is a matter of spying on the little girl.It's really wicked.When Michelle was about to say something.It was found that there were figures on the left and right wings.Immediately exclaimed: "Damn it. Cruz. Those Japanese attacked from both sides. They are still inside. What to do."

Gou Bin glanced at the Japanese soldiers on both sides who rushed out.To the sequence of those Japanese soldiers messy chapters.She curled her lips in disdain and said, "Cold salad. These are all rookie soldiers. They are easy to deal with. I'm afraid that they will capsize in the gutter. Michelle. Take it. I'll greet them with a grenade."

Gou Bin directly handed the sniper rifle to Michelle.Now these Japanese soldiers who rushed out.What is the power of short-range sniper killing?The only way to remind the people inside is to throw a grenade out.This insidious Japanese commander really ate too much kohlrabi.Look for trouble, make cheap, look for smoke.If people don't offend me, I won't offend everyone. If anyone offends me, I will blow you up to meet Rizhao Tiangui.

Gou Bin slammed the grenade in his hand.In Michelle's stunned expression.Struggling to cast a distance that he can hardly look up to.There was a bang.When the grenade was thrown at the feet of the right-wing Japanese soldiers rushing forward.Immediately explode.Two or three Japanese soldiers were implicated in the bombing.This annoyed Kameita, who led the team.The sneak attack failed.

"Baga. Shoot." After knowing that the sneak attack failed.Don't care about other things.He directly directed his recruits to shoot towards the big tree in the distance.As for where there is Zuo Mulang in the broken house, it is enough.Kameita hated the people who attacked them very much.It was originally a sneak attack.Now it becomes someone else's sneak attack back to yourself.It is strange not to be angry.

Da da da... The old-fashioned World War I submachine gun in Kameita's hand made an old-fashioned gunshot.Compared with the chug chug of the group of recruits behind, it was much more shabby.Suddenly, two black objects were thrown from the tree.After hearing two ding dings, Gui Bantian heard it.The whole person exclaimed: "Grenade. Withdraw."

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