Conquer Berlin

Chapter 228 The situation is not satisfactory

"Hmm..." Outside the radar tower in Middelburg, a Nazi soldier who came out to urinate at night was suddenly dragged into the jungle, covering his mouth with one hand and dragging him into the jungle. The hijacked Nazi soldier He was so frightened that he wet his pants, he pulled them halfway out and then retracted them. Terrible pain and panic filled his brain nerves.

Faris dragged the Nazi soldier with a black face. He himself did not expect that the Nazi soldier in front of him was so frightened that he was incontinent, but now Faris did not think about these things, and dragged the captured Nazi soldier towards Middel Walking into the jungle outside the fort, there are Bruce, Vicki, Bruce, and Michelle waiting for news.

Amidst the thunderous wind and rain, it became a good time for Faris to grab the tongue of the Nazis. At least he could use the night and the thunder to cover up the sound. The Nazi soldiers were quickly dragged by Faris to the range of Vicky Bruce and the others. Three soldiers were seen The people hiding in the jungle, the Nazi soldiers felt a burst of panic, no need to ask these people must not be their own.

When Faris dragged the Nazi soldier over, Vicky Bruce glanced at the panicked Nazi soldier, punched him in the stomach and warned, "Listen, Nazi, if you want to survive, just cooperate with us, Otherwise, you know the consequences, we will kill or bury him, Faris, let him go, Michelle, if there is any change in him, shoot him immediately!"

Vicky Bruce has played a lot with these methods of interrogation, and he is even more polite when dealing with these Nazi soldiers. First, he will be rewarded with a big stick and finally a piece. There is no need for dead people to be polite. How many words on both sides are true?After being caught and interrogated, there is only one end, and that is death. [

"Hmm..." The Nazi soldier nodded under Faris' mouth covering, no matter what, it's better than the cold down here now. Compared with the three pairs of malicious eyes, agree to Vicki Bruce first. It's an important thing. The Nazi soldier didn't know what the consequences would be if he shook his head, but it probably wasn't much better. Michel's sniper rifle was already aimed at his forehead, and headshots at close range were not a good thing.

"Honestly, squat down, put your head in your hands, or else, hey... take a gun and blow your ass off!" Faris took the submachine gun thrown by Bruce, and hit the Nazi soldier on the back of the neck with the triangle-shaped butt position, and unceremoniously ordered the Nazi soldiers to do what they said, and there was no need to be polite when dealing with the enemy.

Under the threat of Faris, the Nazi soldiers held their heads in their hands and squatted on the ground. Even if Faris let him go, he would not dare to shout or anything. He is not a true Belgian. Humans do not have the spirit of not fearing death, and they are forced to join the army in war. In the current national crisis, Hitler is going around grabbing young men, calling on young people from all over the country to join the army.

This Nazi soldier was brought by Bills. His name was Drogba. He was a 20-year-old boy. It's really not a good thing to point a gun at the head. If the other party is a little bit dissatisfied, this headshot is indispensable.

Now even if Vicky Bruce and the others want to slap (violate) his chrysanthemum, I'm afraid they have to nod and agree humbly. I don't have the courage, I can't afford to be hurt and I'm a little entangled at the same time, just pissing everywhere, as for the retribution so big?

"Military status, age, name, which team?" Vicky Bruce spoke in a stereotyped interrogation tone. For these nonsense interrogation preludes, Vicky Bruce didn't think it was too nonsense, but it was quite easy to use, and he didn't know the name of the other party. And military status, it is difficult to find out any important news.

Drogba hesitated for a moment after Vicky Bruce finished asking, and was immediately hit by Faris' violent gun butt, and he grinned honestly and said: "Second, no, not a third-class soldier, 20 years old , My name is Drogba, I am from the mobile unit, and our commander is Second Lieutenant Beers, who was stationed yesterday..."

Drogba honestly explained everything, even the questions that Vicky Bruce didn't ask, he explained them one by one. If he didn't know the family situation of Second Lieutenant Beers, I'm afraid even Beers' family, old and young I have explained everything, which surprised Vicky Bruce, he is really a very cooperative person!

Viki Bruce kicked Drogba's helmet away, pulled Drogba's hair with one hand, and said viciously: "Okay, let me stop talking nonsense, let me ask you, how many people are stationed inside? What is the approximate strength of the troops? How many guards are there in the radar tower? How often does the patrol shift change? Be honest, if you dare to fool, you know the consequences!"

Vicky Bruce hated the Nazi helmet the most. He couldn’t help but get angry when he saw the Nazi helmet. Although he also wore the exact same helmet on his head, and his clothes were also the Nazi uniform that he hated, but there was no way. It is the need of the mission, otherwise he would not have put on these clothes.

When Drogba was grinning in pain, Faris picked up the butt of the submachine gun and hit it again as if he was addicted to it. He shamelessly shouted at Drogba: "Say it quickly, you hesitate to think about it!" What are you going to do? If you dare to pause for a moment, I don't mind making a hole in the back of your forehead, if you don't believe me, you can try it!"

Drogba didn't expect Vicky Bruce to ask himself this question. Under Vicky Bruce's tightly pulled hair, and under the blow of Faris' shameful hand, he grinned in pain and said: "This, this, me, I , I don’t know either, really, really, just, I only know that there are about 300 people inside, counting the people supporting us behind, there are only less than 400 people, that’s all I know!”

Viki Bruce flicked the Nazi soldier's hair, smiled kindly and said, "Very well, thank you for your cooperation, there is one more question you haven't answered, how often does the patrol shift change? Don't tell me you don't know about this, uncle I don't like people being fooled, so if you don't suffer a little, you can tell me honestly, otherwise, do you know what it feels like when a cigarette butt burns into your flesh?"

After Vicky Bruce finished speaking, Bruce took out a cigarette and lit it and handed it to Vicky Bruce. When Drogba saw the cigarette in Vicky Bruce's hand, his face turned pale with fright. His heart trembled, his whole body shook his head and nodded, his face turned pale with fear.

Under the intimidation of Vicky Bruce, Drogba opened his mouth in fright and replied, "every, every 7 minutes, and now it's raining almost every 10 minutes. It’s a group of ten people, each group of two groups is responsible for the security around the radar tower, I, that’s all I know, please don’t kill me!”

Vikki Bruce smoked a small portion of the cigarette wetted by raindrops, spit out a puff of thick smoke and sprayed it at the unsuspecting Drogba, patted his face with a grin and said: "Very good, I like honest children very much, don't kill them." You can, but you have to sleep in the rain honestly, Faris, let's do it!"

"Ah? Uh..." Drogba exclaimed, and before he finished exclaiming, he received a violent blow from Faris. Drogba rolled his eyes and fell limply in the rainy night. Behind his submachine gun, he touched his nose with one hand and stepped on the fainted Drogba to the side.

Bruce took out a cigarette, sat down on the rock, smoked and said, "Vicky Bruce, what do you think now? The deployment of troops is very frequent, and the speed of changing guards is also very frequent. This is not very conducive to our bombing." There is only one chance to destroy the radar tower now!"

"Is it time for the guard change?" Faris heard Bruce's words, and directly said the guard change time, which was only 10 minutes and 7 minutes of the guard change time, which was enough, and the 5 minutes they planned to complete the task were completely enough. , It’s just that it’s a little difficult to adjust the frying time. It’s good to fry it on a regular basis, but the problem is not good now. [

Vicky Bruce nodded, and expressed his concerns with lingering fear: "Yes, we can only rely on the changing of the guard now. 7 minutes is enough. Even if the Nazis are alarmed, we still have time to complete the task. I'm just afraid These timing bombs are not waterproof, and the weather is our headache now."

Faris and Bruce didn't speak, and they exchanged cigarettes alternately. Now they don't have much spiritual food, and they can save as much as possible. The remaining cigarettes are used to celebrate the completion of the task, but the chances of returning alive are a little Low, Middleburg is at least two miles from the coast, and two miles is no joke.

Vicki Bruce threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and assigned the next task: "Okay, now let's arrange the task, Faris, Bruce and me who sneaked in, Michelle, you are more important. When you find out, help to snipe the opponent, understand?"

"Okay! No problem!" Michelle also knew that he was not good at melee combat, not to mention that his sniper was shooting from a long range. It was barely enough to help the sniper target to hold back the pursuers. His armored convoy showed up, and that was a lot of trouble.

Vicky Bruce glanced at Faris and Bruce, and after seeing them nodding, he continued to speak: "Is it all right? Well, let's get ready to go! Guys, I wish our mission a complete success. After finishing, run west immediately, run as fast as you can, Cruz and the others won't wait for us for a long time!"

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