Conquer Berlin

Chapter 234 Infiltrate

Boom~ Deafening thunder exploded in the sky, followed by another flash of lightning and thunder. Middelburg's defenses were extremely lax at this time, and the patrolling Nazi soldiers were lazily patrolling, and some even hid in shelters from the rain. Chatting in the local area is a bit irresponsible for being on duty. Soldiers are human too, aren't they?

Three black shadows sneaked into Middelburg. The Nazi soldiers on patrol at night didn't notice this at all. They were still chatting and bragging. Now that the entire island is blocked, it is really impossible to sneak in people. The Nazi soldiers didn't feel much emotion when Biers replaced the current commander.

The guards of the radar tower in Middelburg belong to a mixed organization, locals, French, and Nazis... a large number of soldiers were transferred from the east to the west. As the Nazi empire dwindled, Hitler had to deploy manpower to protect the last must-kill The radar tower is a magic weapon to restrain aircraft and ships, and many electronic equipment weapons under development need to use it.

During World War II, it is doubtful that the Nazi military industry was ahead of the world. Now even the rocket head has begun to develop electronic equipment, but the entry of the United States into the battlefield caused a headache for Hitler, who was tired of dealing with the Soviet Union. At the beginning of World War II, Hitler once stated that as long as the United States does not Joining the battlefield, there is no problem for him to dominate the world.

Hitler's grand plan dream is to kill the Soviet Union first and then unify the European and Asian plates, and gather a large army to attack and kill the United States that destroyed World War I. The dream is good, but the reality is cruel. His ally, the pig-brained Japanese, actually messed with it The Americans caused the United States to join the battlefield and set off the end of World War II, accelerating the fall of the Nazi Empire. [

If the Japanese did not provoke Pearl Harbor, the Americans might continue to help the Asian battlefield in secret. Since the outbreak of the Pearl Harbor incident, the Americans were completely angered, especially the then President Roosevelt, who calmly addressed the fascists at the speech conference. War was declared, and a large number of supplies and troops were airdropped into the chaotic battlefield of World War II.

Franklin?Delano?Roosevelt is the 31st and 32nd president of the United States, and the only president in American history who has been elected for four consecutive terms. Roosevelt played an important role in the Great Depression of the 20th century and the Second World War. During the Great Depression, he launched a New Deal to save the economy. After the outbreak of World War II, the Lease Act aided the Allies.

On December 1941, 12, Japan suddenly attacked Pearl Harbor.At the request of Roosevelt, the U.S. Congress met on December 7 and passed a resolution to declare war on Japan within four hours. On December 12, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. After participating in the war, Roosevelt mobilized all industries to actively engage in military production. These things Cruz was still a rookie who hadn't joined the army.

At this time, the military production of the United States was about the sum of Germany and Japan; in 1944, it reached twice the production of the Axis countries.During the war, he focused his energies on strategic issues and discussed future peace plans with the allies. In January 1943, he announced the principle that the Axis powers must surrender conditionally. The result was obviously impossible, and the United States began to fight.

As a statesman, President Roosevelt is both the most respected and hated in American history. The ones he hates are probably Hitler and the shitty emperor of Japan. His political opponents and enemies think that he is shallow, capable, cunning, and dictatorial; His supporters call him the savior of the American economy and the defender of democratic politics around the world.

After the Pearl Harbor incident broke out in 1942, it immediately began to declare war on the fascist countries. Hitler was almost vomited blood by the Japanese emperor's bullshit. As a result, the United States had an excuse to send troops. It was lucky that Hitler did not kill Yamamoto at that time.

Sigh... When the thunder sounded, the dull submachine gun let out a deadly sneak attack, which was very faint and sinister. On a tree 500 meters away, Michelle was holding the sniper rifle tightly. Under the weather, he was lurking motionless, watching the movement below through the telescope with the help of thunder flashing.

Nervous, now Michelle is super nervous, as long as there is any movement or exposure below, Michelle will immediately shoot to support, the most basic thing is to shoot down the lights of the guard tower and plunge Middelburg into darkness, It's easy to say, but it's a little difficult to do. The five guard towers can't be wiped out all at once.

"Be careful, be careful, don't expose yourself!" Michelle was praying at this time, he was really afraid of hearing the sound of exposed gunshots and sirens, and Michelle followed Vicky Bruce and the three of them with a scope. Well, to be honest, Michelle is really afraid that the three of them will be exposed suddenly, which is a terrible thing.

The Nazi soldiers suddenly lost some night-time manpower. This was something that the three of Vicky Bruce and the others did not expect. What they did not expect was that these Nazi soldiers became careless. It seems that Bills has seized power here, and he has not gained anything. The good thing is, at least his words don't have much influence.

Vicky Bruce and the three of them hid behind a truck that was parked on one side. Vicky Bruce pointed to the three dead Nazi soldiers and said, "Bruce, go and collect those corpses. Hurry up and be careful not to be spotted by the searchlights, or we will be in trouble." It's big, Faris, what do you think now? There are six patrolling Nazis gathered together, it's a bit tricky!"

"Okay!" Bruce didn't feel dissatisfied. He touched the raindrops on the corner of his face with one hand. Under Vicky Bruce's arrangement, he nodded and ran towards the three lost Nazi soldiers sneakily. When it was time, he quickly dragged the corpses one by one to the hiding place, and the remaining one kicked and rolled to the side.

When the searchlight refracted back, Bruce just dragged the two corpses to the blind spot of the searchlight. After the thrill, Vicky Bruce heaved a sigh of relief. If something was really discovered, troubles would come out one after another. This has something to do with their sneaking in secretly. incompatible.

Faris glanced at the direction of the Nazi patrol pointed by Vicki Bruce, and said hesitantly: "It's a bit tricky, even if we can kill six of them without being discovered, we still have less than 3 minutes left to install the explosives. After 3 minutes, it will definitely attract the attention of the guard tower, which is a bit troublesome!"

At this time, the six Nazi patrols were resting on the edge of the radar tower. The 15-meter-high radar tower was about [-] square meters in size. From a distance, it looked like a giant in the dark night, hovering in the center of Middelburg, surrounded by nothing but The barracks is the arsenal, and there are rows of dense anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns, even heavy machine guns. Of course, they all went back to take shelter from the rain.

After listening to Faris' analysis, Vicki Bruce nodded sadly and said, "It's really a bit tricky. The most terrible thing is those searchlights. The frequency of transfer is too fast, which is a bit nerve-wracking. If there is any way to create chaos Well, maybe we can delay for a while!"

After hearing Vicky Bruce's words, Faris opened his eyes and said, "Wait, are you creating chaos? Maybe these trucks can create a little bit of chaos, Vicky Bruce, I didn't expect you to say something important at a critical moment." Here’s the idea, not bad, huh, tnt explosives, plus gasoline and diesel, definitely enough for them to eat a pot!”

After being reminded by Viki Bruce, Faris immediately thought of the idea of ​​blowing up the truck. Under Viki Bruce's stunned expression, Faris got into the bottom of the car, took out a TNT explosive from his backpack, and stuck it directly Underneath the truck's fuel tank, all that's left to do is set the timer to explode.

After adjusting the time for about 4 minutes and the explosion, Faris climbed out from the bottom of the car again. When Vicki Bruce suddenly realized, he raised the ok gesture, and Vicki Bruce shook his head in a language. I agree with this approach and some object, blowing up the truck is good, but the problem is that when I escape, I guess there is no car. [

"It's done, what should we do next? Have you discussed it?" Bruce, out of breath, touched the water at the corner of his face with one hand. He didn't know whether it was wet or sweating from the heat. Anyway, it was about the same. It's not a good thing, it's a bit unlucky and at the same time a bit unlucky, the dead are respected!

Faris licked his mouth, and said what Bruce said angrily: "When is it? We discussed it earlier, and now it's up to you. Okay, let's get started! Time is running out, we still have It takes more than 5 minutes to complete the task, or we will not be able to catch up with the sailing boat, how about killing two patrol soldiers each? Do you have any opinions?"

Vicky Bruce and Bruce shook their heads in unison. Bruce has always been in favor of Faris's plan. Vicky Bruce also has an expression of no opinion. What can he say?Faris is ready to move, the rest is to see luck, it may be better if it succeeds.

At this time, Vicki Bruce felt panic and panic in his heart. Vicky Bruce seemed to feel that something dangerous was about to happen. The most basic thing was that someone was going to die. As for who died?Vicky Bruce didn't know or didn't know. He knew that the task of blowing up the radar tower was not easy, and that just escaping would be a problem.

"Okay, if there is no problem, we will start to act now!" Faris raised his wrist, and directly acted as the commander at the critical moment. Vicky Bruce didn't have any opinions on this, and even if there was, it would not be his turn to say more What, after all Bruce supported Faris.

After Faris made an action, Vicky Bruce and Bruce immediately bowed their heads, using the cover of the truck to touch the six Nazi patrol soldiers with their backs facing them, killing them with one blow, if the six Nazis If the soldiers make any noise, their mission failure rate is estimated to be more than half.

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