Conquer Berlin

Chapter 241

"Ma Yingfei, get out of here at full speed, there are less than 20 seconds left, the submarine is about to explode!" Gou Bin didn't pay attention to Fei Luosi's abnormal state, and didn't have time to pay attention to these, he yelled at Ma Yingfei to retreat Order, Gou Bin threw all three packs of black sokin explosives into it, fearing that someone from the Nazis would dismantle the explosives, so Gou Bin deliberately shortened the time to 1 minute.

Gou Bin originally planned to blow up the bow and bow, but when he found that the submarine was approaching, he immediately had another idea. Delster's ignorant joint command just helped Gou Bin save trouble and effort, and directly took the three packs of black cables The gold explosives were thrown in. It is believed that with the dose of RDX and the torpedoes in the submarine, the explosion can spread to the surrounding submarines.

"Crazy!" After Ma Yingfei heard Gou Bin's words, her whole body was extremely human, and she shook off the rain that hurt her face from the raindrops. Gou Bin is really a lunatic. Turn the power of the speedboat to the maximum, and the whole bow of the speedboat seems to be flying in the wind and waves, and the waves go straight to the original direction to avoid the explosion.

20 seconds is not long or short. Ma Yingfei drove the speedboat anxiously, hating that he could not continue to accelerate. The explosion of the submarine was terrible. At least it was within a dozen or 20 meters. The torpedo inside was no joke. Not counting the debris attack after the explosion, that is the most deadly thing. If the big fan of the speedboat is reimbursed, it will be in big trouble.

Hiss~Boom~Boom... When the speedboat was far away from the range of more than 50 meters, I only heard a deafening explosion sound from behind, and the strong fire light illuminated several hundred meters around, and the strong waves rolled straight towards the speedboat. Immediately afterwards, there was another series of explosions, and the affected three-bow submarine exploded when the torpedo exploded. [

The submarine that exploded first exploded from the middle part. When the Hexokine explosives exploded, the good submarine seemed to be cut into two by someone, and the corpse on the hull of the submarine exploded abruptly , The Nazi soldiers on the deck of the surrounding three bows flew out directly when the explosion occurred, screaming and burning in the sea full of flames.

"Ah! It can be said!!" Delster almost had the urge to vomit blood. At the same time, he regretted letting the other three submarines approach and round up, and he didn't expect that Gou Bin would actually carry the powerful Hexokine explosives. , In the blink of an eye, the submarine with four bows was blown up and sunk, which is a terrible thing.

The leaking diesel oil was burning on the crackling sea surface, and a large fire circle tens of meters wide appeared on the oily sea surface. The wreck-like submarine creaked and creaked and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea. Suffering in the sea of ​​fire, they have learned what it means to have two heavens of ice and fire.

"Yeah~" Snoopy cheered and whistled towards the place where the flames were rising into the sky behind him, and made a gesture of contempt with his hands outstretched. These Nazis dared to challenge Gou Bin. Nubi took off his trousers and pissed on another submarine, discriminating and disdainful, what a crap!

Ma Yingfei directly lowered the speed of the speedboat, and now there is still a submarine that is not enough, and their buttocks are facing this side, Ma Yingfei recognizes this submarine, which is the submarine that started to float up, with four doors in the tail compartment The torpedoes were all launched, and except for the two torpedoes in front, the submarine now had no threat at all, unless he could immediately turn the bow and aim at his speedboat, then Ma Yingfei would have nothing to say.

"Huh~ Is it over? Vomit..." Michelle's face was paler, and she couldn't help vomiting under the Ma Yingfei Biao boat, seasick, very seasick, and Michelle only now knew that she also had seasickness At this moment, Ma Yingfei can only be blamed for the speed of the boat exceeding the limit, and the ups and downs made Michelle uncomfortable.

Sitting on the swaying speedboat, Gou Bin looked at the sea of ​​flames in the distance without any joy of victory. He looked down at Feiros who was still sleeping, and couldn't help saying in discouragement: "Hey, hey, Feiros , You pig? What time is it? You are still in the mood to sleep... Philos, Philos, what's wrong with you? Philos!! Blood?!"

When Gou Bin was shaking Ferros' back with his hands, he saw that he was still sleeping like a dead pig, and when he was about to reach out and turn him over, his hand touched Ferros' waist and it immediately became sticky. Seeing that Gou Bin suddenly messed up his hands and feet, forcibly turned Fei Luos over, put one hand on Fei Luos' nostrils, and his face changed.

Out of breath? !It is self-evident what the lack of breath means. Gou Bin is having a hard time explaining the facts in front of him. He scratched his hair with both hands frantically, raised his head and yelled mournfully, while Snoopy and Michelle ran away. When he came over, he found that Ferros had been shot several times in the waist, and the blood stained the hull of the ship.

Another one died!Ma Yingfei looked at the mournful Gou Bin, shook his head and sighed helplessly. Ma Yingfei gradually became numb after guarding too many deaths. How could anyone not die in war?It is the most painful thing for the living to remember the dead comrades in arms. Ma Yingfei wanted to persuade Gou Bin, but he couldn't say it out of his mouth.

"Impossible, this is not true, this is not true...Feros, don't sleep, get up quickly, Philos..." Gou Bin really couldn't accept the facts in front of him, shaking Philos' cold body with both hands, rationally Shaking his head uncontrollably, he couldn't believe the facts in front of him, which was not what he wanted to see.

"Cruz, cheer up, Philos is dead, he's dead!" Snoopy put a hand on Gou Bin's shoulder, comforting Gou Bin and reminding him at the same time, Snoopy didn't know Gou Bin's feelings for Philos. What kind of emotion exists, but every time he sees Gou Bin's attitude of treating Fei Luos as his younger brother, it can be seen how much Gou Bin values ​​Fei Luos in his heart.

"No, no, not really, Philos just fell asleep, Philos just fell asleep, he's not dead, yes, he's not dead..." Gou Bin shook off Snoopy's hand and shook his head He refuses to admit the facts in front of him, bits and pieces of the past emerge from Gou Bin's heart, and Gou Bin is unwilling to believe the facts in front of him.

Ma Yingfei walked behind Gou Bin, patted Gou Bin's shoulder with one hand, and comforted Gou Bin rationally, saying: "Keluzi, people cannot be resurrected after death, you have to believe the facts in front of you, when I lost my own brother, It's almost the same as you, and you don't want to believe the facts in front of you, but you have to know one thing, war is like this, so take it easy!"

Ma Yingfei didn't know what to say to Gou Bin, and it was useless to talk too much. Given his current situation, it was already good to hear it. After Ma Yingfei finished speaking, she slapped Gou Bin heavily with one hand. He gave Gou Bin encouragement on his shoulders, and he could feel that Gou Bin was in the same mood as himself at the beginning, and he couldn't believe the facts in front of him.

"If Cruz can pass this level, I believe he can face any death calmly in the future. Sometimes, death is just a catalyst for new life!" Ma Yingfei glanced at Gou Bin, who seemed to be falling into madness, shook his head and sighed, thinking about the situation when he came here, it may be difficult to get out of his inner shadow in a year or two.

The fear of war and the music of death live together. Where there is war, there will be death. After seeing it, there will be nothing. Ma Yingfei slowly waits for Gou Bin to recover. He believes that Gou Bin will recover soon. , when Snoopy looked over, Ma Yingfei just shook his head and didn't say anything.

Ma Yingfei took out a wet cigarette, and under the falling raindrops, with trembling and rough hands, lit the wet cigarette for a long time. After exhaling the smoke, Ma Yingfei smiled Looking at the remaining submarine, it will soon sink to the bottom of the sea, and Ma Yingfei believes that after Gou Bin temporarily recovers, this submarine will be suspicious.

Snoopy snatched the cigarette from Ma Yingfei's hand, took a sip, and handed it back to Ma Yingfei, saying, "Ma Yingfei, what do you think about this? This is not the way to go, I'm afraid that Cruz will be overwhelmed, After all, he has a special concern for Ferros, just like an older brother treats his younger brother!"[

Ma Yingfei shook his head with a wry smile at the second-hand cigarettes that Snoopy was ashamed of, and took a puff of smoke without caring, and said calmly: "Trust Cruz, and believe that he can get out of the price of death, By the way, Snoopy, have you experienced life and death between comrades in arms?"

When Michelle walked over to Ma Yingfei when Snoopy walked over, Michelle didn't know how to comfort Gou Bin, but Snoopy said that Michelle's face was full of black lines Words: "Huh? Life and death? If a company is wiped out, I don't know if it is considered an experience?"

"..." Ma Yingfei spoke, and Michelle even more, it was too cruel, too lucky, a company died, but Snoopy was safe, so Ma Yingfei didn't know how to praise him?What's the matter anyway, anyway, he is a guy who admires Snoopy all over the world, and his shit luck explodes.

"Ma Yingfei, turn the boat around immediately, I want those Nazis to pay with their blood!" When Ma Yingfei agreed, Gou Bin suddenly stood up and turned his head, his hands didn't know whether it was because of anger or excitement Clenched into fists, trembling consciously, Ma Yingfei didn't say much, just nodded and restarted the speedboat to turn the bow.

Gou Bin glared at the submarine that was about to abscond, couldn't hide the anger in his heart, and said through gnashing of teeth: "There is a debt to be paid, Philos, don't worry! I will let all the Nazi soldiers in front of you be buried with you! Immortal If you let them go, it's really a shame to face you!"

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