Conquer Berlin

Chapter 261 Mutated Virus

The u-77 submarine was floating in the vast Pacific Ocean. In the dark night, the u-77 submarine floated like a ghost, rumbling...a burst of lightning and thunder flashed across, and there were eerie bloodstains around the observation deck of the submarine, and the swastika sign of the swastika. The blood was dripping with blood, and the word "devil" was written in blood, and the blood was slowly melted away under the washing of the violent wind and rain.

Crackling... With a bang, the thunder that exploded into the sky seems to tear apart the sky, and it seems to be accusing the devil in the submarine of resurrection. The airtight cabin of the submarine has been locked, and the top is still stuck with an iron chain and a shovel. Boom~boom ~ There was a dull crashing sound from inside the submarine, which was faint and chaotic at the same time. It was indeed quite eerie and frightening in such a dark night.

Tick...tick...the operation room was quiet, with the continuous sound of dripping water, the dark operation room seemed a bit gloomy, and from time to time there was a strange sound of gurgling~ grunting, and the gloomy operation room was full of floor There were dried blood stains, messy chairs fell all over the floor, and an unopened can rolled under the operating room.

The seemingly quiet operation room is full of murderous intentions. A pistol lies quietly a few centimeters away from the can, and one black hand is holding the gun, clucking... The submarine makes a gloomy sound of water pressure, and suddenly a black shadow appears Emerging from the lookout mirror in the operation room, roar~ His severely moldy face was revealed amidst the roar from hell, as if he heard something, he turned around and ran straight towards the submarine restaurant, but the slow speed made people dare not Compliment, like a child running.

"Ah~" The captain's room was pitch black, and an overly frightened female voice screamed in horror and got up, and with a click, the weak light of the flashlight was immediately measured, following the refraction of the weak light of the flashlight , with a dirty face showing an overly frightened beauty, and this beauty is none other than Weijiesina! [

That's right, the surviving person in front of me is Vejesna, General Greedy Wolf who is responsible for transporting the biochemical virus. A leak occurred a week ago, causing almost all the people on the bow of the submarine to die, and those who escaped did not live long, because They have also been bitten, and there are only two survivors in the entire bow of the submarine, and the other is someone Vejesina does not want to think of and remember.

Gululu~~Weijiesna cried out in disappointment, hungry, Weijiesna couldn't remember how long she hadn't eaten, three days or four days?It's too long, and it's dark here, so you don't know it's dawn outside day or night?Is it still dark?The culprit who caused such an accident was the Japanese.

To be exact, the Japanese, who are idle and hurting their eggs, have nothing to do to study the biochemical virus on the submarine, trying to dilute the biochemical virus, because the biochemical virus that Hitler's researchers started to develop is too strong, and the nervous system is too powerful. It is still strong Viruses break through the limits of the human brain, and those infected with biochemical viruses have the same existence as superpowers.

The so-called super power is of course not the ability to surpass nature, but the evolution of the human body that leads to geometric growth in skill, agility and strength. The Japanese extracted a biochemical virus, processed and diluted it, and developed the No. [-] biochemical virus, which was renamed It is hvtx—kg, which means, the evolution version: Junzhidai (君が代, kmyo) is the national anthem of Japan.

When the Japanese biologists successfully researched and shouted (success), tragedy happened. The forgetful Japanese overturned the virus. It is worth mentioning that the Japanese biologists made the virus into a gas pattern, and the Japanese began to He was also a little worried and yelled, and he was relieved that there was no mutation for more than an hour, and he was dejected to express his failure.

At the beginning, Weijiesina and the more than 30 Nazi crew members who were escorting did not pay much attention, but at night, the situation changed and became a mess. The people on the submarine began to feel nauseous and retched, and gradually turned into vomiting like nausea. , and finally vomiting blood turned into convulsions, and one-third of the entire bow of the submarine had such a situation.

At first, the captain thought it was due to unacceptable diarrhea or something, but when the person who had the attack began to vomit blood and convulse, the captain realized that something was wrong, especially those painful self-harms that tore their own skin, and their skin color changed seriously , until it began to rot to death, the captain panicked when such a situation occurred, and sought Wei Jiesina's opinion.

However, before Wei Jiesina made an effective decision, those dead people suddenly came back to life. People who knew it thought it was a false alarm, and the tragedy happened immediately. After the dead people came back to life, they bit everyone they saw, crazy The bloody dismemberment and the beast-like bite shocked everyone, including Weijiesina.

There was a lot of gunfire, but there was no way to destroy these living and soulless corpses. These dead corpses were not biochemical virus soldiers, at least Wei Jiesina thought so. Bite, a more primitive desire for the baptism of blood and flesh, not afraid of being shot by a gun, even if you smash a corrupt body, you can still move on!The Japanese created a more inhumane biochemical virus, and at the same time paid for it.

Weijiesina Xiaoxing escaped. The moment the captain was bitten, she immediately snatched the key from his waist, and immediately ran into the captain's room to hide. She didn't even have time to bring her sniper rifle. Jessina also wanted to run onto the submarine, but that was impossible. Where could she escape to in the vast sea?What's more, there are virus living corpses that are so perverted that they can't be killed.

At least Weijiesina thinks so. Weijiesna tried to run out on the third day after the incident and snatched the cipher machine from the sonar room. Originally, Weijiesna found some food in the kitchen. After seeing the living corpses gathered in the stern compartment of the submarine, a large number of living corpses chased after her. In a panic, Weijiesina fled back to the captain's room holding the cipher machine.

At first Weijiesina was chased by living corpses, Yamamoto hid in the first mate's room and waved to Weijiesna, Weijiesna did not go to get Yamamoto's love, because she caught Yamamoto's gaze, Seeing some extremely disgusting eyes from her, as well as pictures of her feeling chilling, she directly rejected Yamamoto Tianichi's kindness and refused to be with the Japanese even if she died.

"Very hungry!" Weijiesna shouted hungry at the first sentence. She was really hungry, but the living corpses outside frightened Weijiesna. A single one is not scary, the scariest thing is a group, the most deadly thing is that these living corpses are hard to kill, and Vijesina doesn't know how to kill them.

Bang bang...Suddenly there was a gunshot from the submarine. Judging by the gunshot, Wei Jiesina could guess that it was coming from behind the submarine. Good chance!Weijiesina thought about this question in her heart. The gunshot must have been made by Yamamoto. The gunshot must have attracted the living corpses to find trouble with Yamamoto. Weijiesna remembered that she found the control room in a panic. There are bottles and cans.

With a click, Vejestina, driven by hunger, ventured to open the cabin of the captain's cabin, holding the light of the flashlight in one hand, to prevent the light of the flashlight from disturbing the living corpses, and Vejestina was not sure whether there were still alive corpses The corpse stayed in the control room, and the control room was not far from the captain's room, only a few steps away.

Weijiesina moved forward cautiously, and the gunfire had stopped. As for whether Yamamoto was dead or alive, Weijiesna was not in the mood to know. She only had one idea now, to find the unopened cans according to the location of her memory. Weijiesina moved forward slowly relying on the faint light of the flashlight she was covering with her hands, and she didn't dare to run too fast for fear of disturbing the living corpses who would trouble Yamamoto.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer... Weijiesina prayed in her heart that there would be no living corpses. In the absence of robbery, she was no different from ordinary people. When Weijiesna found the canned figure with the weak and limited light When I breathed a sigh of relief and was about to bend over to pick it up, a stinky smell came, very eerie and deadly.

When Weijiesina let go of the flashlight blocking the light, she immediately found a gray-eyed corpse with black liquid on it. The severely decomposed face was as disgusting as it was disgusting. The bloody mouth suddenly opened to Weijies Na bit, Vijaysna's eyelids expanded rapidly, facing the threat of death, the whole person erupted into unprecedented screams.

"Ah~~~" Weijiesina screamed in a high voice, and the flashlight in her hand suddenly inserted into the living corpse that was about to bite her, gurgling~~ The mouth of the living corpse was inserted by Weijiesna with the flashlight After leaving, the rotten and smelly hands wanted to grab Weijiesna's chest, Weijiesna kicked the living corpse away in shock, and turned around and ran back. [

Weijiesina couldn't run if she didn't want to. There was a beast-like roar from behind, and there were messy footsteps running towards this side. Her high-pitched screams attracted the living corpses to run, and the terrified Weijie Sina ran desperately towards the captain's cabin, and the living corpse chasing after him funnyly bit the flashlight to light the way for Vejesna.

Bang ~ click, the captain's room finally closed the door, Vijesina stroked her golden hair full of sweat and sweat with one hand, panting heavily, the captain's room was heavy and heavy. There was a banging sound from the iron door, and the terrified Weijiesina seemed to collapse, slipping to the ground and covering her head in her hands, crying helplessly.

Weijiesina is very scared now, really scared. After crying for a while, Weijiesna wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with one hand, and looked at the code transmitter. She has sent no less than a hundred telegrams in the past few days. Sina didn't know why she did this, knowing that no one here could receive it, but Weijiesna still acted according to her own consciousness and sent the telegram.

"Hmm~" Weijiesina suddenly frowned, her beautiful face twisted, her hands were desperately covering her lower abdomen, suffering from dysmenorrhea, Weijiesna felt like crying at this time, a woman suddenly When the arrival came, plus she hadn't eaten for several days, Weijiesina felt in pain at this moment, rolling all over the floor trying not to make a sound.

Weijiesna didn't know if the captain's room could withstand the swarming living corpses, so Weijiesna didn't dare to cry out no matter how painful it was. She would rather die alive than die without a soul outside. The living corpse became a partner, Wei Jisina bit her slightly dry and white lips, struggling with dysmenorrhea.

Just when Vijesina was about to faint from the pain, the cipher telegraph that had been out of power for a long time replied, beep...beep...the flashing cipher telegraph spelled out a simple meaning: report the location, Name... Weijiesina endured the torture of dysmenorrhea, gritted her teeth and crawled to the cipher telegraph, typing her name and location.

Weijiesina believes that the person who owns the cipher telegraph must be her own. The Allied Forces do not have a cipher telegraph dedicated to the Nazi wolves. The will to survive is supporting Weijiesna. Weijiesina couldn't bear the double torment of dysmenorrhea and hunger, her eyes darkened and she passed out.

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