Conquer Berlin

Chapter 277 Coincidental Timing

"Stop, this is a forbidden area, who are you?" Two Nazi soldiers pointed their guns at Josh and stopped him after he approached for a dozen steps. Josh's face was so unfamiliar, So unfamiliar that the two Nazi soldiers had to be cautious. They had never seen Josh before, and they didn't know what he was doing here?

Josh raised his hands and stopped, pretending to be scared and said: "Don't, don't, don't be impulsive, impulsiveness is the devil, I came from a long way to repair the team Tanim, the marshal asked me to repair the engine Yes, um, I just don’t understand some things, and I want to ask you some things, I hope you can cooperate, otherwise I have no choice but to find the marshal!”

"Tanim? Well, what's the matter? Tell me!" The two Nazi soldiers looked at each other, dumbfounded by Josh's words, and finally nodded in compromise. They also knew that there was a maintenance team tonight. Come here, but I didn't expect to come so soon. If the so-called Tanim in front of me goes to sue, it will be very troublesome for them!

After the two Nazi soldiers let go, Josh opened his eyes with joy and said nonsense: "Well, it's like this, I can't open the oil pipe cover of the engine, I don't have enough strength alone, please help me, I will occupy it After a while, very quickly, the people on the ship didn't know what was going on, and no one could be found!"

"..." The two Nazi soldiers spoke. Josh really knows how to pick time. Now the people on the ship are either in the dining hall or in the bathroom. How can they have time to come out to do coolies with you?Even if they met someone who knew how to be a coolie, they might turn around and leave. Under Josh's gaze, the two Nazi soldiers bit the bullet and reluctantly agreed. [

After the two Nazi soldiers were transferred away by Josh, Gou Bin immediately strung out and passed away at the speed of a civet, which made the Nazi soldiers on the watchtower who were in charge of monitoring the hull depressed and dazzled?He clearly saw a figure flashing past, but why did he disappear in the blink of an eye?This made the Nazi soldiers on the watchtower confused, shaking their heads to drive away their inner doubts.

Gou Bin dodged to the bottom of the watchtower's blind corner, no matter how the Nazi soldiers in the middle of the center looked down, they couldn't find his figure. After Gou Bin exhaled softly, he checked left and right to make sure there was no danger, and immediately took off the coveralls on his body. Nazi military uniform, took out a dagger and tore the uniform in half, then picked up the torn clothes and wrapped them around the shoes.

If you want to sneak attack, you can’t make a sound. When you go up the stairs with your clothes wrapped around your shoes, you can reduce the sound. As long as you are careful, it is still possible to kill the four Nazi soldiers above. Gou Bin wraps his hands After the foot, with a dagger in his mouth, he looked up at the four Nazi soldiers in the middle of his eyes, and immediately started to act.

When Dönitz returned to his command room, he sat down on the chair in the command room. Due to the power problem in the command room, all important communications were shut down, and only the sonar was kept to detect the movement of the surrounding sea. He listened suspiciously to the sonar fluctuations, and a red dot appeared on the screen.

In addition to a stationary U-77 submarine, a ship of unknown origin was found in the radar scanning wave. I don’t know what it is. Anyway, it is still outside the sonar detection range. It was discovered by the radar scanning wave at the first time. The launching ship A detection radar covering a distance of [-] nautical miles was installed, and sonar fluctuations were used to avoid unnecessary false alarms.

At this time, Dönitz poured a cup of coffee to refresh himself, thinking about one thing, a strange thing, Dönitz always felt that Gou Bin and the others were a little strange, as for where was the strangeness?Denitz couldn't say it for a while, years of command experience and experience made him feel a panic in his heart, as if something was going to happen?

"Sir! There is an unknown object approaching us, the speed is less than 13 knots, it is suspected to be a submarine, sir..." When Dönitz was wondering in his heart, the sonar officer suddenly turned his head and reported what Dönitz was even more worried about. , Submarine again?What exactly is going on?Denitz suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

Compared with Doenitz's confusion and confusion, the u-77 submarine that was submerged under the water was even more nervous about preparing for battle. The shouts sounded, and the tense people in the submarine became nervous and busy like running at both ends.

Jissbon was very calm and did not feel any panic, and ordered decisively: "Turn the hull, hurry up, turn the hull, the front of the submarine is aligned with the skeleton of the launching ship, and the buttocks are aligned with the approaching submarine, Mira Gee, prepare torpedo cabin No. [-], Medu, and report the direction of the submarine at any time!"

Messy footsteps and shouts sounded in the submarine. After Jissbon’s order was issued, the submarine slowly turned its direction. Viagra temporarily acted as the captain of the engine room, controlling the engine speed and shutting down the engine at any time. Latent warfare It is to be still and not let the opponent's submarine detect its own existence first.

"Turn around and turn around!" Jason immediately reported that the submarine had turned its direction, ready for ambush warfare at any time. Jissbon walked up behind Jason and patted Jason on the shoulder with one hand to show his praise for a good job. , Jason scratched his head with a simple and honest smile and became a little shy under the praise of Jissbon.

Jissbon raised his head and looked at the top of the submarine. After closing his eyes and thinking for a while, he suddenly opened his eyes and said with a golden light: "OK, Viagra, turn off the engine, stop running, and start the electric assist, Miraj, look For the goodness of God, what's going on in your torpedo bay? Why haven't you reported the situation yet?"

"Okay, I'm ready, I got stuck just now, and now it's all right!" Milaji ran to the communicator with sweat on his face, and conveyed his situation here. The water level almost reached his knees, which made Miraji feel a little headache. The seawater in the torpedo cabin could not be discharged for a while, and the main pipelines had been closed.

"Okay, the hunt has started, Miraj, pay attention, and wait for orders to launch torpedoes at any time, Almighty God, bless Cruz and the others to complete the task quickly!" After Jissbon informed Miraj, the entire bow of the submarine became quiet Sissi, the little witch, stood aside, walking back and forth with a worried expression on her face.

"Here, go down here is the engine room, you guys... uh..." When Raymond took Daniel to the entrance of the engine room, he just turned his head and put a pistol on his head, and saw Daniel trembling. In the astonished expression of Raymond, only a bang was heard, and Raymond fell to the ground with blood in front of his eyes.

After Daniel killed himself for the first time, he was dumbfounded, and his trembling hand holding the gun didn't know what to do. When Daniel, whose face was splashed with blood, couldn't help taking a step back, a voice came from the corner behind him. He cursed: "What's going on? Where did the gunshot come from? Alarm, hurry up, sound the alarm, someone is intruding!"

"Damn it!" After Daniel came to his senses, he immediately put away his pistol and rushed towards the engine room with his luggage on his back. No matter what, he had to rush to repair it to see if he could detect any faults with the engine. After Daniel ran into the engine room door, he immediately closed the thick iron door and locked it to prevent the pursuers from rushing in.

When Gou Bin had just climbed the last three stairs of the watchtower, a loud siren sounded all around the launching ship. The long siren almost startled Gou Bin. The wide fortifications began to be on alert immediately after hearing the siren.

"Ah~~ help..." Suddenly, a Nazi soldier fell from a high altitude, and the whole person screamed for help miserably. With a bang, the Nazi soldier quickly fell to the ground, his head showing red and white disgusting like a broken watermelon Silt, when the remaining three Nazi soldiers reacted and turned around, a white light flashed across the eyes of the three of them, followed by a tingling pain in their throats, they covered their necks with their hands and couldn't make a sound, their eyes widened He looked at the attacker in horror. [

Gou Bin sneered and looked at the painful appearance of the three Nazi soldiers covering their necks with their hands, and pulled them up one by one and threw them down. When the remaining Nazi soldier was about to fall down, Gou Bin caught his body with his feet and forcefully One hook directly lifted the Nazi soldier's body, followed by a straight kick, kicking the Nazi soldier out like rubbish.

When Josh took two Nazi soldiers to a dead end, he took out a pack of cigarettes and handed out cigarettes. The eyes of the two Nazi soldiers turned green when they saw the cigarettes. They had stopped smoking for a long time. As for the source of the smoke was Josh from It was found from a living corpse, and it cost two Nazi soldiers for nothing. Dead smoke is not so easy to smoke.

Josh walked up to the two Nazi soldiers and put his hands on their shoulders. When they were lighting cigarettes like hungry ghosts, he squeezed their necks tightly with both hands, and bumped into each other amidst the astonished expressions of the two Nazi soldiers. , With a sound, two Nazi soldiers shook their heads with staring eyes, and passed out with cigarettes that completed the figure 7 in their mouths.

Woooooooo... After the launch ship sounded a long siren, Josh immediately ran towards the watchtower that Gou Bin occupied. Then it was time for a massacre. Occupying the commanding heights equals a massacre. There is no difference, of course, under the premise It needs the assistance of Sean, who is lurking like a water ghost, or the two of them will not be able to completely control the situation.

"Damn old fox, even the back road is ready!" When Gou Bin operated a dual cannon, he looked down at the entire bow launcher and immediately found a single-lane escape runway on the right, an old-fashioned aircraft Standing still in the hangar on the right, Gou Bin noticed that the launch ship is really something else!

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