Conquer Berlin

Chapter 292 Competitors

When Gou Bin was swimming in the sea, Mei Du wiped his bad face and ran up to the watchtower, and shouted directly to Gou Bin that there was news. After many days of hard work, he finally intercepted the telegram from the rogue general Patton, and sent a copy to the striker Major Angela's telegram, the road to Berlin must be opened by the end of July, or he will kill himself by swallowing a gun.

For this batch of hidden gold, no matter how iron-blooded or famous Patton is, he can't help being a hero. The sky-high price of gold is close to [-] tons. Are you kidding me? Even President Fox knows about such a sky-high price of gold. Well, I'm afraid that all the people will be organized to come and rob. No one needs money in a war.

This batch of gold was looted when Hitler occupied neighboring countries and invaded. Except for most of the military use, a small part went into Hitler's small coffers. If the Nazis had no money, how dare they start World War II? Where did the money come from, and it was not obtained by squeezing and plundering. The military expenditures of the sea, land and air forces are astronomical.

However, Hitler thought that the small gold vault was very safe, but he did not expect that there were two wolves thinking about it. One was the most wanted criminal of the Nazis, and the other was even worse. Directly mobilize a company of tanks to rob, who is more ruthless.

I'm afraid Hitler knew it and couldn't help jumping up and down, yelling: Damn Hippie, who am I provoking, why are the bandits staring at his bank? Fortunately, Hitler doesn't know yet, if he knows that two wolves are plotting If you are holding your own gold, I am afraid that you have to set up defenses in advance, so as to prevent the gold from being taken away without knowing it. [

After Gou Bin got the news, he immediately climbed into the submarine and dressed quickly, without avoiding suspicion of the wide-eyed Princess Diana. After putting on the clothes quickly, he let out a strange cry in a good mood. When passing by Princess Diana, suddenly He stopped, and under Princess Diana's stunned expression, she forced a kiss and ran away.

Princess Diana didn't reply for a long time as if she was dumbfounded. The first kiss was gone just like that. When Diana realized, Gou Bin had already disappeared. Diana was so angry that she gritted her teeth and stomped her feet repeatedly, almost hating her. He couldn't kill that guy Gou Bin, he didn't have the slightest romantic atmosphere to ask for his first kiss.

The thin-skinned Diana couldn't help but blushed because of the weird screams from Sean and the others. She covered her red, fever-like face with her hands and turned to run away, leaving Sissy, the little witch who was swimming in the sea wearing underwear, with an extremely ugly face and cursed inwardly. Looking at that guy Gou Bin who is a big carrot, and seeing a stinky man who likes one.

Gou Bin ran back to the submarine in a hurry, which really made Jissbon, who was about to help carry things out, wonder, what's going on, Jack on duty didn't issue an alarm or something, Jissbon didn't think there was something wrong?I can only shake my head and feel very sorry, I don't know what that guy Gou Bin is doing in such a hurry?

All right!The chef has to work part-time by himself. The people on the ship are all uncles. Few of them know how to cook. Even the women are similar. I hope they can make some delicious food. I guess the submarine sank and hasn't made a decent one yet. At lunch, First Officer Jissbon and Viagra carried the cauldron out, and eating in the submarine every day would make them sick to their stomachs.

What was Josh writing with a tired expression on his face?Hearing the footsteps behind him, he raised his head and saw Gou Bin walking in, he smiled wryly with a weary face and said, "Keluze, our competitor is very strong, we have to speed up this time, otherwise we may have to Hit the wall with your competitors!"

After Josh finished speaking, he directly copied a piece of recorded information and handed it to Gou Bin to read slowly. Gou Bin probably felt a headache after reading it. Now there are only eight of them compared with a powerful competitor. The captain is Seeing nothing but nothing, Josh couldn't help but feel worried about this robbery plan, unless he could make it ahead of time.

"Damn it, General Patton also made do with it, is he poor and crazy?" Gou Bin took the telegram message from Josh, opened it and read it roughly, and couldn't help but yell. General Patton also made do with it. Well, this is something that Gou Bin never thought of. The most terrible thing is that it shows General Patton's robbery equipment.

Gou Bin can ignore the strength of a battalion, that's inevitable, they don't have the ability to pervert themselves and turn danger into disaster, but if it's a Xueman tank of an armored company, damn it, is this a big attack or not? What's going on, the most frightening thing is that the five-bow battleship was mobilized, the five-bow battleship!That's a bullshit gunboat.

If it was Gou Bin who was crazy to rob, then this General Patton, who accidentally joined him, is simply a lunatic, to be precise, a super lunatic. He is really a rare and wonderful person in the world who is as upright as he is in robbery. No wonder history Comment that he is a rogue general, and everything he does is smooth.

George Patton is a four-star general of the U.S. Army and a famous U.S. military commander in World War II. George Patton fought bravely and tenaciously, attached great importance to the role of tanks, and emphasized rapid attack. It is said that Patton was not only a general but also a literati;

In December 1944, Patton led the 12rd Army to repel the German counterattack in the Ardennes area and rescued the besieged Allied forces. In March 3, Patton crossed the Rhine again before Montgomery. May 1945 At the beginning of the month, Patton's 3rd Army had not stopped until it reached the Austrian border. During the nine-month march, Patton's troops wiped out more than 1945 million enemies and achieved amazing results. On April 5, Patton was promoted to four-star Admiral.

Now Patton is still a three-star lieutenant general. Gou Bin couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart when he thought of the old history of the zodiac. Now that General Patton's glorious record has been diverted, Gou Bin didn't know if it was because of himself. Because of the reason, now Barton changed his route to attack the Nazi den, which made Gou Bin feel a little scared and hesitant.

If it really hits the wall with General Patton's team, then there are people who can't explain clearly. I'm afraid that I and others will become deserters. No matter how righteous a person is, Patton has to be cautious. If he puts a black gun behind his back, he will be in big trouble.

Although Josh was surprised by General Patton's participation, he thought that it would not be so easy for General Patton to fight to Berlin. The Nazi army guarding the border alone was enough for him to have a headache, and Patton was not like Gou Bin and the others who came here exclusively for sex. , Directly drive the submarine to the Nazi back garden to do bad things or something.

Josh stroked his chin with one hand to grow a fluffy beard, thought for a while and hypothetically said: "Cruz, General Patton hasn't killed him yet, even if they did, it would take about a month or two, let alone the Nazi border guards It’s not paper, it’s not that easy to defeat, maybe we still have a chance!”

Gou Bin shook his head and did not answer Josh's question. At this time, Gou Bin felt that he seemed to have overlooked something. After thinking for a long time, Gou Bin suddenly slapped himself on the forehead. Time, yes, Gou Bin almost ignored the time problem. It doesn't matter how things change now, as long as the time has not changed.

Amidst the astonished expressions of Josh and Medu, Gou Bin opened a map to study, and reported through the intercepted news that Hitler’s gold was hidden in Wittenberg. Where is Widtenberg, Gou Bin thinks about it Everyone felt a terrible egg pain, Wittenberg happened to be near Berlin, which is the direction just north of Nazi Berlin.

The more he thought about it, the more headache Gou Bin could not help rubbing his temples. He had a headache. Now Gou Bin is very troubled by this matter. If he storms Wittenberg, he will probably face double siege by the SS and Skull SS guards from Berlin. This is a very headache. It's a terrible thing, if one is not prepared enough, I am afraid that he will fall in Wittenberg. [

Sean and Jimmy rubbed their hair and came late. Seeing the silence in the sonar room, they couldn't help but stop and looked at Gou Bin and the three of them stupidly. They didn't know what was going on, but Standing outside foolishly, waiting for Gou Bin to talk to them or something, after all the sonar room is too quiet.

Gou Bin glanced at Sean and Jimmy, and said without any intention of hiding: "Okay! Sean, Jimmy, I have some sad news to tell you two. A strong competitor, General Patton and his lunatic subordinates, this is very bad for us!"

"Bah, General Barbaton!" After hearing Gou Bin's words, Sean and the others couldn't help but shudder. It would be a terrible thing for them to provoke any famous rogue general, especially Gou Bin. When Bin handed over the information with the news, Sean and the others became silent.

Gou Bin shook his head while nodding, sighed and said: "Well, it is quite a headache, but the good thing is that we are much faster than the team in front, and General Patton's team has fought so fast before. Sean, go and gather the rest of the people, I have something to say, go!"

"Oh, yes!" Sean immediately rushed out to call people after Gou Bin nodded his head. Of course, Gou Bin's so-called callers did not include Jie Shibang and the others. That's what Sean thinks so, Gou Bin Order to convene people, there must be some plan to start implementation.

"Josh, you need to take a rest first, Meidu, you don't have to work so hard now, but you can't relax your vigilance, and pay attention to General Patton's channel at all times!" Gou Bin told Josh to rest, and Josh seemed to be doing it right now. Very tired, and what about Josh being polite?Just nodded and went to rest.

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