Conquer Berlin

Chapter 3 The Wonderful Anesthetic

The sound of artillery bombardment deterred the entire battlefield of both the enemy and us, and the continuous artillery fire ravaged every corner of the battlefield. Gou Bin, who was hiding in the trench, gradually became numb. Human life is so fragile that it is almost impossible to survive under the raging shells.

A group of German soldiers fell and another group of soldiers emerged. The Allied forces on their side swear to guard the defensive front. The continuous sound of heavy machine guns fired at each other. Whoever survives to the end, there will be no pity or mercy on the battlefield.

Once again, the German army broke through the front line of the Allied forces, raised their rifles high and jumped into the trench on the front line, and staged a primitive bloody hand-to-hand combat. Amidst the screams, the Allies fired at the trench where their front line had broken through. The purpose of ruthlessly shooting people on both sides of the enemy and us is to keep the front line!

From time to time, the sky was filled with the roar of planes flying by. As long as these planes flew over the Allied lines, there would be a carpet bombing on the ground, and the whole ground would tremble during the bombing, and the chilling screams lingered around Gou Bin. In my heart, after the planes, mechanized troops came into the field, and German tanks drove to the front line one after another.

With a non-filtered cigarette in his mouth, Sean said happily with his back against the trench, "Cruz, don't look at it, the more you look at it, the sadder it becomes. These Nazis are really (mother) rich, they have planes and tanks, Well, as long as we survive tonight, we don’t need to be cannon fodder here!”

Gou Bin withdrew his head from the trees covered by the trench, imitating Sean, leaning against the trench, snatching the cigarette from Sean's mouth with one hand, and taking a strong breath to relieve the cruelty of the war he saw just now, and the shocking bombing Gou Bin has not recovered from the cruelty and shock of the war for a long time.

With trembling and dirty fingers, Gou Bin took a cigarette without a filter tip and put it into his mouth. After taking a sharp puff, he exhaled fear. He looked at Sean who had a clear look on his bloodless face and said, "Sean, you What does that mean? Why don't we need to be cannon fodder if we get through the night?"

Sean took back the filterless cigarette in Gou Bin's hand, flicked the ash and said, "The soldiers of our company F are only here to support, and they can withdraw to the main battlefield until the evening. Cruz, if all the people in your team die If so, come with me, Sean, you won't suffer from veterans leading recruits!"

Gou Bin did not speak, but nodded silently as an admission. He only knew this warm-hearted Sean on the battlefield. If it wasn’t for him, he would have gone to God by now. Gou Bin looked up and saw a ally who was shot in the distance. Army soldiers, at this time he was calling for medical soldiers outside the battle ditch.

Gou Bin embraced his semi-automatic rifle with both hands, pointed to the soldier who was shot outside, and said, "Sean, don't we go out to save him? It's strange, he shouted for so long, why didn't the medical soldiers come to treat him? "

When Sean heard Gou Bin's words, he couldn't help being surprised and said: "Save? Cruz, how many lives do you have to save him? The rules of battlefield medical soldiers, non-severely disabled wounded soldiers are determined according to the situation. If Cruz sees it, then There is also a buddy who broke his legs, and it is this buddy who needs to be rescued first!"

Gou Bin heard the words and looked over, there really was a buddy who broke his legs, seeing how miserable he was reaching out for help, Gou Bin couldn't help standing up and wanted to run out, when Gou Bin just stood up, suddenly there was a burst of pain behind his arm. Heartbroken, Gou Bin groaned and retreated into the ditch.

Sean looked at Gou Bin with a sneer on his face, shook his head and said with an expression of not listening to the old man's words: "Tsk tsk~~Look, Cruz, this is what happened to you as a hero, luckily the bullet just got into your arm, it's okay , I can’t die, how about this lesson? That buddy has already become a hornet’s nest!”

Gou Bin, who had found his reputation in the past, was furious. The soldier with the broken leg had already turned into a hornet's nest after being greeted by bullets. No more, a shell fell on him with a bang~ the only remaining smoking helmet was idling.

Sean sighed, pulled out a dagger from his military boots and said, "Cruz, war is not as simple as you think, and don't think it is so simple. If you want to live a good life, don't meddle in other people's affairs, and be wise and protect yourself. Things, turn around, buddy, I will act as a half-assed medical soldier and dig bullets for you!"

Sean didn't care whether Gou Bin answered or not, he corrected Gou Bin with his back leaning against him, and cut open the clothes on the back of Gou Bin's arm with a dagger. The terrified Gou Bin shivered, frowned and groaned, This guy's technique is really bad, he actually cut his own flesh when he cut his clothes!

When the dagger touched the wound, Gou Bin distorted his face in pain, and said in a panic: "Hey, Sean, wait, there is no anesthetic or something? You dug in with a knife, and the living people were also killed by you." Digging to death, buddy? I’m still young and I don’t want to just die like this, how about waiting for the medical soldiers to come and dig?”

Sean withdrew his dagger angrily, tapped Gou Bin's steel helmet with one hand and said contemptuously: "Cruz, you are really talkative enough, the medical soldiers don't bother to care about your minor injuries, these non-fatal bullet wounds are all I dug it myself, whether I like to dig it or not, it's not me who hurts!"

Gou Bin grinned his teeth and grinned as he touched his injured arm with one hand. The stinging pain felt like a heart-pounding pain. Suddenly he saw the figure of a medical soldier. Just as Gou Bin wanted to call him over, there was a bang~ the medical soldier exploded. There was a snowflake, well, the whole person evaporated from this dark world.

When Gou Bin was wondering, a voice came from outside Zhangou: "Hey, are there any living people in Zhangou? The food has been distributed!"

Sean pretended to unload the magazine, and replied weakly: "Yes! Come in!"

A soldier delivering food rolled in from outside the ditch with a big cloth bag on his back. Seeing what was going on inside the ditch, he unloaded his rumbling backpack without saying a word, took out two cans and threw them into the ditch. At the feet of Gou Bin and Sean, the food delivery soldiers who were about to leave immediately stopped in shock.

Sean pointed the carbine at him and said angrily: "Send the beggars? How can two cans feed four people? One is safe and sound, one is slightly injured, one is killed in battle, and two are asleep. What are you looking at?" ? They just fell asleep, brother, I will help them get it!"

The food delivery soldier looked at Sean stupidly. Under the threat of Sean's scoundrel, he could only take out two more cans and throw them on the ground, and climbed up the trench without looking back. Gou Bin stared dumbfounded. Looking at all this, I couldn't help but think in my heart: "Damn it~ this Sean is really shameless!" '

Sean picked up the cans on the ground one by one, took them in his hands and said cursingly: "Fuck! Canned beans, canned beans again, Nima's... Well, fortunately, there is a can of beef, Cruz, can your bullet dig it? Don’t dig brother, I’m full and I don’t have time to talk to you!”

After thinking about it for a while, Gou Bin endured the pain and said resolutely: "There is no anesthetic, and I will live with bullets for the rest of my life!"

Sean took out a photo from his helmet with a painful expression on his face, climbed up to Gou Bin and handed it to him, saying, "Oh~ well, I'll accept you as a coward, since you and I met fate, private Reward your highest mental anesthetic, concentration anesthetic, it's cheap for you, appreciate it slowly!"

Gou Bin took the photo from Sean in a daze, what kind of crap is this?Is it as powerful as an anesthetic?When Gou Bin looked at the photo clearly, the whole small universe erupted with animal blood boiling desire, male hormones soared straight up, Nima's ~ cow-level photo album!

Sean licked his lips, picked up the dagger and approached Gou Bin's bullet wound, and obscenely taught Gou Bin: "Keluze, this is my secret mental anesthetic, think about it carefully! Let's fantasize obscenely! Evil is evil, God bless you!"

"Hiss~ oh yeah... press~ despicable..." Gou Bin hummed speechless words when Sean dug the dagger into the bullet wound, Sean bit his lip and the dagger dug out a bullet with thick blood , Gou Bin turned pale the moment the bullet was dug out, the heart-wrenching pain was really unforgettable.

Sean quickly took out a stack of white gauze, casually bandaged Gou Bin's arm a few times and said with a smile: "Hey~~ How about it? Is this mental anesthetic useful? It will help you bandage the wound for the time being. When you go back, you Go to the medical soldiers to change the anti-inflammatory drugs!"

Gou Bin seemed to be exhausted, holding a black and white photo in his hand, nodding his head weakly, panting and said: "Huhu~ well, it's wonderful enough, Sean, thank you, please eat it on time Come on, this dagger of yours dug it out, it made my stomach panic with hunger!"

At nightfall, the sporadic gunshots around gradually subsided, and the two sides had a rare harmonious truce. After this day's battle, both sides suffered a lot of losses. The German attacking side suffered the most losses, especially the mechanical troops, who lost more than a dozen armored tracks. vehicles, even two or three Elephant tanks were paralyzed.

Gou Bin sat in the ditch with a pale face, and that guy Sean sneaked out as early as the moment the war ceased. Needless to say, he must have gone to the front line of the battlefield to collect spoils. Close your eyes, if you can't limit it, just out of sight and out of mind.

Not long after, there was a clanging sound outside the ditch. Just as Gou Bin picked up the semi-automatic rifle, Sean jumped into the ditch, panting heavily with sweat on his face, and three or four pocket watches hung around his neck. , the belt is full of messy things, the most speechless is wearing five pairs of watches on the wrist, as for it?

After Sean breathed heavily, he took out a watch from his hand, and said with a smile on his face: "Harvest! Here, a private reward for your German watch, Nima's~ I actually met the other party while cleaning the spoils Let's go together, Cruz, get ready to clean up, we are going back to the rear camp!"

Gou Bin took a German mechanical watch from Sean, and felt warmly moved in his heart. Sean was willing to give himself the spoils that he had risked his life to clean up, which showed that he regarded himself as a brother, Gou Bin was silently moved by his patient teaching.

When Gou Bin was about to say thank you, there was a rallying cry from outside the ditch: "Soldiers of Company F, assemble immediately..."

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