Conquer Berlin

Chapter 303 Revenge Assassination

In the Church of Our Lady in Berlin, three black shadows climbed along the walls of the Church of Our Lady. After patrolling the ground, the Nazi soldiers turned around and left to patrol other places. Today's patrol soldiers only perform patrols according to the usual practice. After patrolling here, the mansion opposite the Church of Our Lady is the residence of Simmler.

Simler's mansion is suspected of being a nouveau riche. At least Gou Bin climbed up and saw the mansion with almost three acres of land, equipped with small farms, gardens and extravagant fountains. Wijesina picked up the sniper rifle Right now, the only thing to do is wait until Simmler returns and give him a fatal blow. As for Gou Bin and Werner Heisenberg, they are just foils for the time being.

Originally Wijsina planned to assassinate Simmler before dawn, but he never thought that Simmler would actually seek his own death by making the headlights at the house look like daytime. Naturally, Weijiesina would not be polite, and waited for the moment when Simmler came back, and gave him a fatal blow.

Gou Bin slapped the mosquitoes with one hand. I have to say that there are many mosquitoes and thieves at night. In addition, it is in the bell tower of the church. The narrow space can only hide about five people, and the space is limited. Werner Heisenberg Watching Simmler's mansion closely, there are really not many patrol soldiers guarding it. It seems that Simmler is also a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

After Werner Heisenberg finished his observation, he patted Weijiesina's fragrant shoulder with one hand, and said cautiously: "Weirjesna, you only have one chance, take it well, leave here immediately after assassinating, Go as far as you want, don't come back here again, I have arranged for Aunt Xuebi and Grandma, and this is their address!" [

"Well, I see, thank you, Heisenberg." Weijiesina looked at Werner Heisenberg gratefully, and at the same time felt a sense of despair in her heart. Weijiesina knew what Werner Heisenberg said. It means that after killing Simmler, Werner Heisenberg will probably stay and will not leave with him.

What Werner Heisenberg decides, except for himself, no one really can influence him. Wei Jiesina is too clear about Werner Heisenberg's character, and feels a little helpless for his ignorance , I also feel that I can do what I can, and people have their own ambitions. They can't force too much of anything.

"Well, Heisenberg, don't you leave with us?" Gou Bin didn't know Werner Heisenberg's character, nor did he know his so-called diehard loyalty. After hearing that he wanted to stay, Gou Bin felt a little strange , After finishing the assassination, why did you stay foolishly, waiting for Hitler to invite him to drink tea?

"Well, I have to face the mistake of my choice, Cruz, Wei Jiesina will trouble you to take care of it in the future." After Werner Heisenberg finished speaking, he didn't intend to continue, which made Gou Bin on the side puzzled, This guy is really loyal, but he actually wants to stay in ignorance.

When Werner Heisenberg saw the lights of the cars on the street, he said, "Come on, Simmler's car is back, Vegesna, remember, you only have one chance, if you miss it, there will be no chance in the future." Alright, Cruz, let's go down and cover, and leave Weijiesna alone!"

A car was moving forward slowly, two motorcycles opened the way in front, and three trucks were behind to protect it. This Simlei really had a lot of ostentation. Gou Bin couldn't help wondering for a while when he saw these escort teams lined up. It is really rare for people to be afraid of death to such an extent, at least Gou Bin thinks so.

Gou Bin didn't know how Werner Heisenberg was sure that it belonged to Simmler, but after Werner Heisenberg said so, Gou Bin didn't say anything more. According to Werner Heisenberg's words, Weijiesina should really think about whether to kill Simmler or not.

Werner Heisenberg couldn't understand why Simler, the kind and amiable head of the military academy, became so insidious and cunning. He could even betray his own brother for the sake of unrealistic fame and fortune. Lay had been planning for a long time, waiting for the moment to carry out his dastardly plan of action, and he succeeded, and of course tonight was when he would pay the price.

Weijiesina held the sniper rifle tightly in both hands, aiming at the late vehicle, hesitating whether to shoot or not. Although Weijiesina hated Simmler very much, there was some hesitation in her heart As for why this happened, Weijiesina herself couldn't figure out what was going on.

Simmler felt that after returning from Hitler's residence tonight, his right eyelid was beating violently, and he felt uneasy in his heart, as if something was about to happen. The ominous omen filled Simmler's heart. The crisis is walking towards me step by step, and I feel very clear and real.

"Could it be that Heisenberg and the others got in, that's impossible. If they got in, there must be some news, but if it wasn't for them, why would you be so flustered?" Simmler sat impatiently In the car, Simmler, who couldn't figure it out, was thinking hard about what was going on, shaking his head.

At this moment, Simmler feels like a poor lamb, being stared at by a wolf, and his life is in danger at any time. The very real and irritable thoughts are circling in his mind, and Simmler really wants to scratch himself crazily It is normal for Simmler to be afraid of death, and no one wants to die for a strange reason, let alone his dream of life has not yet been realized, and he is the highest ruler of the empire.

When the car turned into the mansion, a Nazi soldier immediately blocked the way of the car. Motorcycles and trucks were parked outside the mansion, in case something happened to Simmler, they could rush to support as soon as possible, and intercepted the mansion guards , The escorted Nazi soldiers did not get out of the car, quietly waiting for the order.

"Sir, this is the document just sent by the Intelligence Department. Please have a look." After saluting, the guarding Nazi soldier handed a copy of the information document to Simmler. After Simmler received it, he saluted and turned around Returning to his post, he pulled up the lowered railing and let Simmler's car go in.

"Information from the Intelligence Department." Simmler held the information handed over by the guard, and felt a little strange in his heart. What kind of information was Simler? Let's take it apart and look at it. After throwing the documents aside, Simmler rubbed his eyes wearily.

Simmler's negligence led to the pace of his death, because the information collected inside Werner Heisenberg's car was outside Berlin, and it has been controlled by the relevant personnel of the Intelligence Department, waiting for Simmler's decision-making. , if Simmler read the information inside, he probably wouldn't dare to go home now.

"Heisenberg, do you think Wei Jiesina will be able to do it?" Gou Bin took out a cigarette and lit it up, looking at Werner Heisenberg on the side, and asked Werner Heisenberg himself There is no way to answer the question, Werner Heisenberg himself does not know whether Wijsina will shoot and kill Simmler.

Werner Heisenberg shook his head and said with a wry smile: "I don't know, it depends on what Weijiesina thinks in her heart, but I'm sure Weijiesna will shoot because she loves her father very much." , all of this... Cruz, how did you meet Weijiesina, I am a little curious about this point, Weijiesna is a very stubborn girl, how could it be!"

Werner Heisenberg looked at Gou Bin with a strange face, thinking in his heart whether Gou Bin had conquered Weijiesina by force. To know Weijiesna's personality, Werner Heisenberg is the one who knows best Yes, Gou Bin's ability to conquer the stubborn Weijiesina has to be said to be a skill, and the curious Werner Heisenberg couldn't figure out what the story was. [

"Hey~ Don't bring up old things, don't bring them up again." Gou Bin made Werner Heisenberg dumbfounded with an expression that I've been here before. Naheisenberg really wished he could kick Gou Bin, who came here, pretending to be an old man.

"The time is coming, Cruz, get ready." Werner Heisenberg was directly defeated by Gou Bin's words, shook his head and sighed, Werner Heisenberg knew one thing, if he continued to entangle with Gou Bin If I go on, I am afraid that I will be the one who collapsed. Thinking about it, Gou Bin often says something that makes people speechless.

After receiving the reminder from Werner Heisenberg, Gou Bin picked up his submachine gun to prepare for the battle, raised his wrist to look at the time, and then raised his head to look at the movement of the bell tower above the church. In 5 minutes, the patrolling Nazi soldiers will fall back here, and slow movements will affect the escape time.

Weijiesina's palms were full of sweat at this time, looking at the movement below through the sniper rifle scope, the car stopped for a moment, Weijiesina's heartbeat began to speed up, and in the dim light refraction, a Nazi soldier Run to the car, open the door and step down Vegesna's gnashing target, Simmler.

The scope is aimed directly at Simler's crotch, which is Weijiesina's habitual aiming. To Weijiesina, the headshot said, what is the challenge? Let the other party enjoy the painful death, which is the real goal. West When Simmlai turned his head, Wijesna immediately pulled the trigger, and after a gunshot, Simmlai was seen lying upside down on the car.

"V~V, Jie~Jies..." When Simmlai was sticking to the car, he looked up at the church bell tower with a distorted expression, intermittently uttering the name of Weijiesina, and the word Wanna. The whole person breathed out, and fell limply on the ground, staring at the direction of the clock tower with wide-eyed eyes.

"Enemy attack!! The location of the church bell tower." After the Nazi soldier reacted, he immediately shouted out the location of the attacker. Simmler died at the door of his house, and all the Nazi soldiers who were waiting for orders outside immediately jumped out of the car. , ran directly towards the church to arrest the attackers,

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