Conquer Berlin

Chapter 33 The Black Belly Gou Bin

Boom~ The gray sky exploded with the first thunder in spring, clattering~ the heavy rain brought hail down, ding ding dong dong~ the six people who approached the small farm in the dark divided into left and right wings, and walked slowly against the heavy rain The house near the small farm, the house is pitch black and nothing can be seen.

The closed wooden door really made it difficult to guess what was going on inside. When Sean, Jimmy and Sophia approached, Gou Bin reached out to stop their movements. Barbara and Snoopy stayed behind Gou Bin, Letting the cold rain wash over his clothes, his hands were covered with mist from body temperature.

The mp44 assault rifle in Barbara's hand trembled unconsciously, and she didn't know whether he was afraid or cold or something. Her tense face and heart were throbbing, and her finger was placed next to the trigger, with the urge to shoot at any time. , especially now that the dark weather is approaching, my heart is even more nervous.

Snoopy was leaning against the wall of the house, his big black face revealed a tense expression, his thick black lips closed and closed, sincerely praying for the Almighty God, his strong muscles were transformed by holding a heavy machine gun. It was even more ferocious, and even the thick military uniform couldn't hide it.

With a suspicious expression on Gou Bin's face, he leaned against the wall and walked slowly with crab steps. The mp44 assault rifle in his hand was tight and tight, and there was a faint sense of crisis inside, which was stronger than the sense of crisis of biochemical virus soldiers. It looks a bit inferior, but it can't be ignored. If you are careless, you have to hurt your partners.

Sean and Jimmy, like Gou Bin, leaned their backs against the wall with crab steps, and gradually approached the edge of the door of the small farm house. Sophia Ping held up the MP44 assault rifle to show the safety of the two guards, and Gou Bin was led by Shi Nubby is in charge of the security at the back, and the reaction of heavy weapons is not as fast as that of assault rifles.

"Hi~ Cruz, what's the matter?" Barbara approached Gou Bin's back, found that Gou Bin stopped moving forward, and asked Gou Bin's back with one hand. At this time, Barbara had a nervous expression on her face. , I'm afraid that those biochemical virus soldiers will come to the door for trouble again later in the day.

"Shh!" Gou Bin just made a silence gesture, gestured silently to Sean and Jimmy on the opposite side, and silently asked how their preparations were, and the team's tacit cooperation increased rapidly invisibly. The lazy nature of people who are at the critical moment of life and death suddenly becomes full of tacit understanding.

Sean nodded to Gou Bin, and made a gesture of charging with one hand. When Gou Bin and Barbara realized that they were ready, Sean patted Jimmy's helmet with one hand, signaling him to go kick the door or something. The first step crushed people, and Jimmy ran to the front of Sean in wonder, and made an OK gesture to Gou Bin and Barbara.

Bang Dang~ The wooden door was kicked violently by Jimmy, and the door of the house was instantly opened. Just when Jimmy was about to raise his gun, five Mauser rifles pointed at Jimmy's face at the door, and Gou Bin, Sean and Barbara The three of them aimed at the people in the room at the same time, and Snoopy and Sophia came after seeing the movement.

The atmosphere of the five-to-five stalemate immediately spread. The two sides shouted two different languages ​​at the same time, forcing the other side to put down their weapons. Jimmy, who was in the center of the storm, was in cold sweat, and all five deadly Mauser rifles were aimed at his face. , as for?Can't you separate the four to aim at the guys in the back?

Boom~ Lightning flashed and thunder flashed for a moment, and the faces of both sides were clearly visible. Apart from being nervous, they were still nervous, and neither side would surrender. The German soldiers in the room thought they were their own. After seeing Snoopy's black face for a moment, well, this group of people is impersonating the Allies!

The three of Sean and Barbara Snoopy yelled loudly, put down their weapons, Nazis, and the like. The guns in the hands of the three were tightly tightened, for fear that the other party would suddenly shoot or something, and the German soldiers on the opposite side did the same. The same expression, the same screaming in the heart, no one wants to retreat.

At this time, Gou Bin had a worried expression on his face. If the stalemate continues like this, it is not an option. The sky is getting darker, and the active period of biochemical virus soldiers is gradually beginning. Who can guarantee that there are no hidden dormant biochemical virus soldiers nearby? ?The sound of this gunshot must have attracted their attention, not to mention that it was still a thunderstorm and it must have woken them up.

The most painful thing is Jimmy. These five Mauser rifles are simply terrible things. If one of them is cheap or something, he will be the one who accidentally pulls the trigger and dies. Fortunately, my life is at stake!

Gou Bin thought that such a stalemate was not an option, he shook his head and said: "Put down the weapons in your hands, or you will become a hornet's nest, your five guns can only kill one of us, and the five of us can kill you , Sophia, translate for these water-headed German soldiers!"

'Your uncle!Cruz, my sincere regards to you! When Jimmy heard Gou Bin's words, he greeted Gou Bin with tears in his heart. This guy is too tired of talking, isn't he?Why five guns can only kill one of us, but five of us can kill you?Hard enough!Intentionally provocative isn't it?

Sophia read Gou Bin's words in German to the hostile German soldiers. The German soldiers hesitated after hearing it. All five of them had Mauser rifles, while Gou Bin and the others were all automatic rifles, and there were two deadly heavy guns. Machine guns, in this comparison, it is really difficult to choose.

If they surrender, they will become chopping fish and let them slaughter them. If they don’t surrender, it’s not good for them to be in such a stalemate. The biochemical virus soldiers wandering outside have driven them to a dead end, otherwise they don’t need to stay in this small farm house. Taking refuge here, making difficult and indecisive decisions.

Gou Bin didn't know what they were talking about with Sophia, he was holding the mp44 assault rifle in his hand tightly to attack at any time. It is impossible for the enemy and us to be friendly, unless the war is over. It's better than a dead donkey.

When Sophia was talking for a while, there was a shocking roar of a wild beast in the distance. Hearing this ominous roar, everyone's face suddenly turned pale, biochemical virus soldiers, endless fear spread in everyone's heart, These unbeatable Xiaoqiang are coming!

Gou Bin, who was bathed in the icy rain, found that the German soldiers were still confronting each other, and couldn't help but yelled: "Damn it~ Have you considered it? Damn German pig, Sophia, quickly tell them to drop their weapons, or don't Blame us for being cruel! Hurry up!"

Gou Bin really had the urge to vomit blood at this time, his tyrannical face showed a ferocious expression, and the mp44 assault rifle in his hand was tight and tight, for fear that if he made any moves, the other party would kill Jimmy or something, Gou Bin didn't want to lose his own in the current situation Comrades, there are already few people, and it would be dangerous to sacrifice one.

After the five German soldiers looked at each other, they chattered and slowly put down the guns in their hands. The moment they put down the guns in their hands, Jimmy, Sean, Barbara, and Snoopy breathed a sigh of relief, and Sophia tensed up. The tense heart also relaxes, but some people don't relax.

chug chug~ The mp44 assault rifle in Gou Bin's hand suddenly shot, killing five German soldiers with a grim expression. The speed was so fast that Sean and the others couldn't react. Amidst the patter, Gou Bin shot in less than ten seconds. Killing five German soldiers in a short time, this sudden change made it impossible for people to react.

Gou Bin carried the MP44 assault rifle in his hand, and said with a sneer, "Since the moment I came into this terrible world, no one has dared to point a gun at me, and even believe lies? Are you stupid in a war? What are you looking at?" Hurry up and throw these corpses out, Barbara, gasoline is about to be sprinkled at the door, hurry up if you don’t want to die! Dog dog..."

Gou Bin loudly reminded the dumbfounded five people, put his MP44 assault rifle on his back, pulled Sophia's sleeve into the room and said: "Sophia, don't be stupid, quickly erect the door, Snoopy, put these damned Throw the corpse out, Sean, what time is it? You are still thinking about beating people to death!"

Under Gou Bin's reminder, Snoopy ran into the house and put down the weapon in his hand, and they carried the corpse with Sean and Jimmy. There were bursts of beast-like roars in the distance, which really sounded scary enough. Barbara unloaded the gasoline barrel she was tied to, destroying the remaining breath of everyone.

Sophia and Gou Bin repaired the kicked down door, and asked Gou Bin in a puzzled heart: "Cruz, why are you breaking your word? Didn't you promise them not to kill them? Why do you want to take advantage of the other party's defenselessness?" Shoot while you're here? Do you know how shameful your behavior is?"

Gou Bin picked up the back handle of the mp44 assault rifle and knocked on the wooden door firmly, and said in a deep tone: "Sophia, speaking kindness to the enemy is cruelty and harm to oneself. The enemy will always be the enemy until the war is over. As the saying goes People don't kill heaven and earth for themselves, I can have no faith in the enemy, but I can't lose faith in the guys!"

Gou Bin ignored Sophia who was stunned, and greeted Sean with one hand and said, "Sean, Jimmy, Snoopy, hurry up, go inside and find something to block the door, Barbara, it's okay, you really want to Waste of gasoline isn't it? Come in!"

After Sean, Jimmy, and Snoopy ran in, Barbara ran in with an oil drum, and there was a flash of lightning and thunder, and a dark figure was clearly seen a mile away. No need to ask, it must be a biochemical The virus soldiers are here, and there are a lot of people coming. Gou Bin greets them to come in and immediately closes the door.

Gou Bin turned his head and looked at Sophia who had a weird face, and said with a sigh of relief: "Sophia, I forgot to tell you, I am the most normal among perverts, and of course I am also the most perverted among normal people. My purpose is not to be the cheapest , can only be more cheap, if you want to survive, you have to do everything you can, no compromise!"

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