Captain Thomson carried his submachine gun on his back, led Jimmy and the others to Gou Bin who was in control of the situation, glanced at the three skeleton paratroopers who were seriously injured and bleeding profusely, frowned and said to Gibbs: "Gibbs, help them Stop the bleeding, don't let them die!"

Gibbs was stunned for a moment, unable to understand what Captain Thomson meant. Under the gesture of Captain Thomson, Gibbs immediately woke up, picked up the medicine bag and helped the three seriously injured skeleton paratroopers stop the bleeding. Sean and Barbara and the two watched the three seriously injured skeleton paratroopers.

The rest of the people were guarding the surrounding movement to prevent any emergencies. The guard work shown by the four recruits made Gou Bin feel sweaty. He thought that he was a recruit who provoked people to scold him. So far away.

When Gou Bin was sweating profusely, Captain Thomson came over and patted Gou Bin on the shoulder and said, "Cruz, you did a great job, oh~ you are better than I imagined, I was worried about you commanding Insufficient ability, seeing your performance now, far exceeds my expectations!"

When Captain Thomson praised him, Gou Bin was not humble, and replied with a salute: "Yes, sir!"

For Gou Bin's actions and actions, Captain Thomson is neither arrogant nor impetuous, calm, kind and courageous. He is a rare commanding and leading talent. Thomson believes that as long as Gou Bin is trained well, he will be a rare and outstanding general in the future. With a brave side and a calm mind, he is undoubtedly the best general talent.

But how did Thomson know that Gou Bin's wish is not to become a leading general, but to go back alive and enjoy life, as long as his service period is up, he can apply for resignation. As for the bonus of non-commissioned officer level, Gou Bin does not If you dare to think about it, you are destined to enjoy this kind of treatment.

With Gou Bin's current corporal treatment, he can participate in any command and combat plan, but it is a pity that Gou Bin doesn't value that kind of vain honor. Why don't you think about how to make enough money on the battlefield to retire? If Captain Thomson knew what Gou Bin was thinking, would he wake Gou Bin with the butt of his gun?

Captain Thomson didn't look at Gou Bin's wandering gaze, and frowned at Gibbs, who was giving first aid, and said displeasedly, "Gibbs, that's enough, do you really want to be a life-saving doctor? You can't die if you barely stop the bleeding." Come on, you two help him over!"

Gibbs wiped his body with bloodstained hands, and stepped aside in embarrassment. After hearing Thomson's order, Sean and Barbara grabbed one of the skeleton paratroopers, and each held him hostage. He walked over and threw the skeleton paratrooper to the ground under Thomson's nod.

Captain Thomson took out a pack of cigarettes, lit a cigarette leisurely, squatted on one knee and looked at the skeleton paratrooper, and said in a light tone: "Name, rank, number, what are you doing here? What is your mission? How many people? You can try to challenge my patience."

Chirping... When Thomson opened his mouth, the Nazi skeleton paratroopers whispered in German, bang~ Thomson raised his fist and punched the Nazi skeleton paratroopers hard in the face. Sean and Barbara held him and couldn't move.

After the punch, Captain Thomson, as if nothing had happened, threatened with a cigarette in his hand: "Nazi, if you don't know how to speak human, I don't mind using the cigarette butt in your hand, you know Yes, I just need an ashtray, your face should be pretty good!"

The Nazi skeleton paratrooper babbled in German, looked at the cigarette in Thomson's hand with cold sweat and hesitation, ah~~ There was an earth-shattering scream, as long as anyone could understand it, the scream resounded through the woods , Sean and Barbara looked at the expressionless Thomson with fearful expressions on their faces.

Thomson held a sparking cigarette butt in his hand and squeezed it on the face of the Nazi skeleton paratrooper. A faint smell of burnt meat emerged from the face of the Nazi skeleton paratrooper. After Thomson took back the extinguished cigarette butt, he threw it aside and smoked it again. A cigarette, lit and signaled to Jimmy to bring a prisoner of war.

Captain Thomson caught another skeleton paratrooper prisoner in Jimmy, took a puff of cigarettes and sprayed smoke on his face and interrogated him: "Nazi, don't say good things twice, name, rank, number, what are you doing here? ? What is your mission? How many people are there in total? I hope you can understand human language and avoid suffering!"

The skeleton paratrooper prisoner captured by Jimmy snorted coldly and said in fluent English: "Hmph, kill as soon as you like, the great warriors of the empire will not just accept this..."

Boom~ The skeleton paratrooper prisoner hadn't finished speaking, and was punched firmly by Jimmy. A tooth flew out under the bombardment of Jimmy's old punch. Jimmy threw another old punch when the skeleton paratrooper turned his head back. After the fight, Captain Thomson folded his hands on the ground and watched Jimmy's extreme beating indifferently.

Thomson held back his eyes at Sean's shameless plundering, then turned to look at Jimmy and said lightly: "Jimmy, don't stop, keep beating until he is honest, these Nazis are born to be cheap, if you don't beat them until they are afraid You won’t confess honestly, Cruz, and you will deal with this situation in the future!”

Gou Bin stood aside in astonishment. He did not expect that Thomson would use inhumane interrogation and treatment in Geneva. Prisoners of war must be treated and protected humanely at any time. Prisoners of war must not be physically mutilated or used for any medical or scientific experiments. , shall not be subject to violence or intimidation, and to insults and public curiosity, prohibiting measures of reprisals against prisoners of war.

The belongings of prisoners of war, except for weapons, horses, military equipment and military documents, shall remain in the possession of prisoners of war; accommodation, food, health care, etc. of prisoners of war shall be guaranteed; prisoners of war may be detained, but in addition to applicable criminal and disciplinary sanctions Not to be imprisoned, this guy Sean actually went back to his old job and blatantly confiscated valuables from prisoners of war.

Disciplinary punishment must never be inhumane, cruel or harmful to the health of prisoners of war; prisoners of war must not be ordered to perform dangerous and humiliating labor; Thomson actually used one of the torture methods.

The convention requires all contracting states to formulate necessary laws to impose effective criminal sanctions on those who commit or instigate others to commit serious violations of the treaty. However, Captain Thomson ignored the Geneva Convention and openly tortured to extract a confession. Thomson's behavior shocked Gou Bin's cognition.

Gou Bin glanced at Captain Thomson, and asked hesitantly: "Sir, is this a violation of the Geneva Convention..."

Captain Thomson turned around and looked at Gou Bin, and asked with a sneer: "Geneva Convention? Cruz, you are still too naive, who pays so much attention to the rules on the battlefield? Sometimes death is an honor, even a relief, to be a Prisoners of war are almost inhumane..."

Gou Bin didn't know how to refute Thomson's words anymore, and he didn't know whether it was right or wrong to do so. Anyway, the so-called agreement was just a piece of weak blank paper with no binding force at all. The most obvious one was Hitler himself. Millions of Jews were used by him for biochemical experiments, and there was also a so-called Nazi prisoner-of-war concentration camp, where the inhumane torture was even more appalling.

Thomson seemed to have seen through Gou Bin's inner thoughts, and warned Gou Bin: "Cruz, you have to be careful in the future, don't fall into the hands of the Nazis, otherwise, they will do everything possible to torture and extract a confession , The degree of cruelty is beyond your imagination, compared to their methods, we are gentle now!"

Gou Bin nodded weakly when he heard Thomson's words. Gou Bin had never seen or heard of the torture by the Nazis. Anyway, it was very bad. Thomson's cautious and pale face showed that he seemed to be tortured before. I once experienced that when Gou Bin was about to say something, Thomson directly lifted his clothes from the back.

Thomson's wounds were opened one after another, and the traces of scars filled Gou Bin's optic nerves. The parts where the flesh was intersected looked extremely hideous. Each wound was more than ten centimeters long and two centimeters wide. Gou Bin really Can't figure out what instrument of torture caused this.

Thomson put down his clothes, turned around and looked at Gou Bin's shocking eyes, and said with lingering fear: "Cruz, have you seen it? This is the trace of my stay in the Nazi devil concentration camp when I was 40 years old. If it wasn’t for the assistance of prison traffickers, I’m afraid I’m already dead!”

Thinking of the unbearable past, Captain Thomson's face turned pale at this time. The unknown story was never disclosed to Gou Bin. Thomson left the stunned Gou Bin to interrogate Gou Bin under Jimmy's shouting of Nazi confessions. Hard Nazi skeleton paratroopers.

When Thomson walked away, Sean leaned forward and whispered: "Cruz, get used to it, Captain Thomson is right, the Nazis treat prisoners of war, you can go in and stroll around when you have time to know, Uh...hehe...pretend I didn't say anything!"

Gou Bin's murderous eyes made Sean flash away in embarrassment. Thinking of what he said just now, Sean blushed and was not out of breath. Gou Bin was angry and speechless when he interrupted Sean. If you have time to go in and stroll around, you will know?Who is full enough to go in for a stroll?Tired of life!

After the interrogation, Captain Thomson walked up to Gou Bin and the others and said, "Soldiers, the situation is not good! These guys are actually the elite paratroopers under Hitler's command. Lieutenant Tobias is a well-known Nazi raider. Destroy them before they reach their destination, Sean, Jimmy, you two pack up your hands and the rest get ready to go!"

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