Crocker Forest is very quiet, there is no sound of wind blowing. Occasionally, a squirrel is biting a pine bud to the ground, or a bird is flapping its wings suddenly. The three soldiers will panic, and Gou Bin is speechless. Looking at the three people with tense eyes, the hazy sky can be seen from the sparse forest, covering several thick black peaks.

The forest is like a canopy, covered with vines, birds and flowers, and the refreshing air makes people forget the war. Looking out from the cluster of leaves, Gou Bin can see the wonderful scenery of the valley looming in the distance in the milky white mist

'What a charming place! Looking at the surrounding scenery, Gou Bin couldn't help sighing. It's spring now, surrounded by lush green bushes, full of pear trees, peaches, poplars, birches, linden trees, kudzu vines... There are also many bushes that cannot be named, and the buds are swollen and make people linger.

The cob-trees that densely covered the forest showed a fresh green, and white and blue pulsatillas could be seen among the moss, as well as oysters and ferns.There is a pleasant smell to the bark softened by the continuous rain, while in the forest, on the ground of pine needles and dead wood, there is a pungent smell, and the sun in the mouth of the tree and the edge of the branches Raindrops reflected a rainbow.

Snoopy held the heavy machine gun tightly in his hand, and observed the surrounding movement with his big black eyes. Barbara held a carbine and drove in front of the team. After learning from Sean and Jimmy, Barbara From time to time, La kept watching the movement between the two trees in front of him, and Michelle fell into the middle of the line, concentrating on what was about to happen.

When Gou Bin was thinking about something, his keen intuition told himself that something was about to happen, and Gou Bin immediately exclaimed in a low voice: "Guys! Cover up!"

As soon as Gou Bin spoke, Barbara, Snoopy, and Michelle immediately moved into action. The three of them hid their figures in the slightly raised gravel. Gou Bin bowed and ran to Michelle. Now I am going to play with sniper rifles. With such a good teacher here, Gou Bin will definitely not miss it.

The carbine in Barbara's hand trembled subconsciously. He didn't know how many enemies were about to appear. Although Captain Thomson had analyzed it, Tobias would definitely move forward in batches, leaving most of the people behind. Resist or something, but who can say for certain things?

The four of them went straight to the small road and pursued the dangerous road all night. They drove the forest road all night. Just snipe before reaching the top of the mountain.

It’s just that the situation at hand doesn’t know if it’s because they were lucky or bad luck. They encountered it halfway up the mountain. The sound of rustling footsteps and the sound of shrubs and jungles came from afar. Hearing these sounds, you don’t need to guess. It was someone who came, and the four people who were lying in ambush felt a burst of excitement and anticipation in their hearts.

When Gou Bin took out the grenade, Barbara moved her body and climbed up and asked in a low voice, "Hey, Cruz, is it the elite skeleton paratroopers of the Nazis? We took the trail to catch up with them?"

Gou Bin angrily handed the grenade he took out to Barbara and said, "Barbara, I found that you asked a very idiotic question. Isn't it obvious? Get ready to fight, wait for them to show up, Throw it over immediately, take advantage of the chaos and shoot immediately, as many as you can kill, no problem, right?"

Snoopy smiled at Gou Bin, and yanked the pin of the heavy machine gun in his hand, and a long row of ammunition chains probably started to fight. The opponent must have suffered a lot of casualties. Of course, the opponent is not a fool, it is impossible to stand foolishly and be shot , All of this depends on Thunder's speed, killing the opponent by surprise, and not letting the opponent know how many people he has.

Michelle held the sniper rifle tightly in his hand, and by aiming at the place where the prey appeared, bean-sized drops of sweat came out from the side of his face. He was nervous. This was the expression of his inner nervousness. The fried dough stick soldier is here, and Michelle is not sure if she will get scared.

He had heard about the elite skeleton paratroopers in the military training camp, and their instructors had also warned them that unless they were sure of winning, they would either wait for death or torture them to death. Their methods were extremely cruel. Without kind thoughts in mind, assassination methods emerge in endlessly.

Gou Bin doesn't know what Michelle is thinking, even if he knows Gou Bin will not be afraid, his perverted talent potential can predict the direction of the bullet in advance, of course the premise is that the other party shows killing intent or ambushing or something, for those Gou Bin, who was trapped or something, felt helpless again at this time, and his talent was not omnipotent.

In the tense atmosphere, the four people who were in ambush suddenly found that the sound of rustling footsteps stopped, followed by the sound of subtle footsteps. Observing the movement from the side, Snoopy and Barbara were ready to fight, and the sniper rifle in Michelle's hand was also aimed at the soldier's head.

Gou Bin glanced at the Nazi soldier, and said hesitantly: "Wait, Barbara, don't be nervous, this is probably a scout, and their team probably hasn't come up yet, wait for more people to come out and start fighting. Don't startle the snake, listen to my order!"

After hearing Gou Bin's words, the three let go of the scout in front of them temporarily. If they want to kill him at this time, it is estimated that Michelle's shot is enough. The sniper rifle scope in his hand has been aiming at him. Of course, if that is the case, It will definitely alert the main Nazi paratroopers behind, and no one knows how many people he hides.

The straight path leading straight to the top of the mountain forms a path less than one meter wide, surrounded by lush vegetation and shrubs, the sound of birdsong and the morning sun shining on the leaves. After observing for a while, the scouts immediately turned around and returned to report News, Gou Bin picked up the sniper rifle, he also wants to play with the power of this sniper rifle.

The scout walked back and forth to the 12-member team, saluted Tobias who was looking at the map, and said, "Sir, there is a wide road ahead, and the surrounding area is very quiet, so there is probably no danger!"

Tobias put away the map, heard the report from the scouts, and muttered, "Is there any danger? Not necessarily, we are now in the enemy's lair, safety first, the team is divided into individual forms, one immediately after Go out one by one, find a place to cover immediately when encountering a situation, and the signal soldier will go with me, let's go!"

Under the command of Tobias, the 12-member skeleton team continued to move forward, and each of them continued to move forward separately. They carried paratrooper bags and walked with clinking sounds, with their paraphernalia hanging on the back of their waists. In the event of an emergency, it is expected to arrive at the top of the mountain at noon to investigate the situation of the entire Croatian logistics base.

At this time, Tobias also had a worried expression on his face. He seemed to have a premonition that something was going to happen. Even if he knew something was going to happen, he would continue to complete the task. Failure to complete the task represented them. If they can't go home, the head of state Hitler will definitely not allow them to do so.

Losing so many planes as cover, if they can’t even complete the mission, and Hitler doesn’t need to shoot them, I’m afraid Tobias will also shoot himself. The elite skeleton paratroopers are not called for nothing. Fighting in the rain, they have already prepared for encounters and so on.

If they faced ordinary Allied soldiers, they might still see it, but unfortunately they met Gou Bin, who has a premonition of crisis like a cheating device, and can survive the guns and shells until now. His premonition The crisis provided him with the strongest protective umbrella.

Tobias saw a teammate walking out of the road, but there was still no movement. He was relieved and tense at the same time. He seemed to feel that something was wrong. Like people peeping, naked peeping feeling.

Barbara put her carbine aside, clenched a fist-sized grenade tightly in her right hand, and put the fingers of her left hand on the side of the safety pin, ready to follow Gou Bin's order to pull the pin and throw it out. Snoopy's fingers were directly on the heavy machine gun , squinting one eye through the body of the gun and roughly aimed at the place where people appeared one after another, and estimated the distance and gap swept in a straight line when shooting.

Barbara saw two skeleton paratroopers emerge, and asked Gou Bin, who had been aiming at the exit without moving, in a low voice: "Hey, Cruz, the big fish has surfaced, how is it? Is it time to close the net now?"

Michelle's palms were covered with sweat, and his heartbeat was beating so fast that it was strange that he was not nervous at this time when he participated in the second battle. He used to aim at whip targets, but now he aimed at living people. Shooting to death is his primary goal, and it is also the sniper's ultimate hunting method.

Gou Bin shook the sniper rifle in his hand, followed the second skeleton paratrooper who was sneaking around under the scope, and said in a low voice: "Wait, okay, now, Michelle, you are in charge of the first guy , leave the second one to me, Barbara, get ready, the middle exit, attack!"

As soon as Gou Bin’s words fell, bang~ the sniper rifle in Michel’s hand rang immediately, and then Gou Bin’s sniper rifle also rang, and Michel, who was killed with one blow, successfully killed the first skeleton paratrooper. With a sniper rifle, with limited accuracy, he only sniped the arm of the second skeleton paratrooper.

Barbara pulled the safety pin of the grenade, and after Michelle and Gou Bin's gunshots sounded, she quickly threw the grenade in her hand, Chi Chi Chi Chi... Snoopy's heavy machine gun aimed at the second wounded Skeleton paratroopers, wild and full of heavy machine guns fired all the way and pushed forward, and there was a rustling sound of bullets hitting the jungle.

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