Conquer Berlin

Chapter 79 The Plan Can't Keep Up With Changes

Early the next morning, Gou Bin was kicked out of bed. Adeline looked at Gou Bin coldly like a queen who changed her face. She was not as crazy and enthusiastic as last night. She looked at Gou Bin as if she was looking at a stranger. Gou Bin was very depressed when he said get off, who came?Throw it away after eating?

The extremely depressed Gou Bin hurriedly put on his clothes and left. He still has training sessions. I hope Captain Thomson will not go crazy because he is late again today!Gou Bin who woke up confirmed one thing, his whole body has not changed, it seems that the so-called supernatural ability has a limit.

When Gou Bin walked back to the dormitory refreshed, Captain Thomson did not start the previous training, but sat alone on the side alone. The eight soldiers stood upright, with their hands behind their backs and their eyes wandering. Punishment or something, very weird and depressing atmosphere!

If Captain Thomson was furious, Gou Bin would not feel anything, but he is now looking sad, which really surprised and puzzled Gou Bin, could it be that he has caused him trouble again?The more he thought about it, the more Gou Bin felt it was possible, and walked into the dormitory uneasy.

Gou Bin couldn't figure it out after much deliberation, what's going on with Captain Thomson?The eight of them, Sean and Jimmy, stayed on one side, not daring to take a breath. Who knows if Thomson, who is in a bad mood, will take revenge on them when he makes a sound?The eight of them breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Gou Bin come back, and Thomson named Gou Bin early in the morning.

When the eight soldiers saw Gou Bin, they were jealous and envious. Isn't this guy's luck too strong?And when Thomson saw Gou Bin come back, he looked at Gou Bin up and down with a strange look on his face, as if he didn't know him. Seeing his proud appearance, Captain Thomson knew without thinking that this guy must have succeeded. !

Thomson glanced at Sean and the eight of them, waved his hands tiredly and said, "You guys go out for training first, don't come in if you have nothing to do, Cruz, come here, I have something to tell you!"

Under Thomson's order, Sean and the others ran out in a hurry, looking as if Thomson was a man-eating monster, which made Gou Bin feel speechless for a while, and at the same time he was confused, what did Thomson want from him?With anxiety, he sat down on Thomson's bed.

And Thomson took out a pack of cigarettes at this time, smoking a stuffy cigarette by himself, as if he wanted to use the addiction to anesthetize himself, sorting out the chaotic mood in his mind, Gou Bin sat on the side as if watching Thomson's hemorrhoid attack, thinking about it What is he doing?He didn't say anything and Gou Bin couldn't interrupt him.

Thomson took a puff of smoke, slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and said: "Cruz, the high-level commander issued an order overnight, and my mission will start tomorrow, and your training also includes skydiving, and there is basically nothing else to teach you. It’s up to you to consciously complete it!”

"Execution in advance?" Gou Bin was stunned when he heard Thomson's words, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. He thought it was something, that Thomson was worrying about what happened to him last night, and he was worried about his feelings for nothing, but Hearing Thomson's words, he couldn't help being surprised.

Gou Bin knew only a little about Thomson’s secret missions. As for the other Gou Bins, he didn’t know, and Thomson didn’t explain to him in detail. He only knew that their mission was somehow related to Thomson, and it was related to June. The landing battle is of great significance.

Thomson nodded hesitantly and said, "That's right, Cruz, don't worry about dealing with things all day long in the future. This trouble is also a time for us to fight to the death with the Nazi Empire. According to the information sent back by the intelligence agent According to the news, the enhanced V2 missile of the Nazis has been researched..."

'v' comes from the German vergeltung, which means means of retaliation. This is the Nazi's strong intention to retaliate after being bombed by the allies; v1 and v2 indicate that these two models are just the entire series of terrorist missiles Forerunner of weapons.

V2 is 13.5 meters long and has a total launch weight of 13 tons. It can send a 1-ton warhead to a distance of 322 kilometers. The rocket is propelled by a liquid rocket engine. The combustion medium is liquid oxygen and methanol, which were relatively advanced at the time. First vertically rise to a height of 24-29 kilometers, which is considered the most advanced technology in Germany.

Then, according to the control of the gyroscope on the bomb, under the action of the nozzle gas rudder, the ballistic trajectory rises at an inclination angle of 40 degrees. It can also be controlled by the ground control station by sending radio commands to the receiver on the bomb. The largest source signal of the ground transmitter is Advanced radar system covering the English Channel!

One minute after the V-type missile rocket was lifted into the air, the rocket has flown to an altitude of 1 kilometers, and its speed has reached 48 kilometers per hour. After the radio command, the control system ordered the engine to be turned off, and the rocket continued to rise to 5796 kilometers by inertia. At a speed of about 97 kilometers per hour, it falls roughly along a parabola and hits the target.

Gou Bin sat on the side and listened to Thomson silently, without interrupting him. Hearing these unknown and secret histories, Gou Bin had a question in mind at this moment. As an ally of the victorious country, There is probably shame in not recording this history, in order to cover up the scars of the past and the myth of an undefeated powerful country.

This time, Gou Bin and his team’s final task is to completely destroy the radar stations built by the German Nazi Army. There is a super radar station in the open and two radar stations hidden in the dark. A total of three have to be found out. It is said that Hitler’s engineers are now researching precision If the radar locking system of the attack is combined with the large-scale bombing of V2, the consequences will be disastrous!

Gou Bin also knows one thing. Due to the limited accuracy of the current guidance system, the error is relatively large. Two of the ten missiles can hit the target 50.00%, which is not bad. Otherwise, Hitler could not have dropped nearly a thousand missiles on the UK. , London has long been in ruins and paralyzed, how can there be unscrupulous retaliation now that it is safe and sound?

According to Thomson’s dictation and information, the goal of the v2 project is to expand the volume and carrying weight to accommodate the automatic control, navigation system and warhead. On October 1942, 10, the v3 test was successful, and it was finalized and put into production at the end of the year. From the start of production to the defeat of Germany, A total of 2 v6000s were made in former Germany, 2 of which were used to attack the UK and the Netherlands.

According to the intelligence of Allied intelligence personnel in early 1943, the Allied forces discovered this plan and it was confirmed by the aerial reconnaissance of Peenemunde. Large-scale air strikes damaged the ground facilities of V1943.

It is said that the fighting was very fierce at that time. The British Royal Air Force dispatched close to the planes on board. When they came back, there were only a few dozen bombers. Nor will it borrow pilots from the United States to resist bloody revenge.

Hitler, who suffered heavy losses at the V2 factory, was said to have been so angry that he almost vomited blood. He had been lying in a hospital bed for two or three days. To prevent the disaster on August 8, the Nazis moved the V17 factory to a secret factory in a cave in the mountains of Germany. This process was delayed. The expected rocket offensive.

The Allied forces thought they had destroyed Hitler’s killer weapon, the v2 rocket. How could they know that the crazy Hitler’s v2 rocket was just a decoy, but the decoy suffered too much loss. The real killer is the enhanced v3 rocket, which is also a dog The three super rockets that Bin and the others encountered back then!

"Sir, is this the V3 rocket?" Gou Bin suddenly picked up the profile photo that Thomson handed over, and his face turned pale and bloodless. He had seen the picture on it before. This evolved version of the V3 rocket is really It's slender enough, and compared to the v2 version of the 13-meter-long rocket, it's really insignificant.

Of course, Gou Bin did not dare to underestimate these little fat guys. He had seen the power of these rockets before. The sky became bright and white due to the strong light of the explosion, and all the scenery on the ground lost all outlines.

This is something that Gou Bin has never forgotten. He did not expect that after seeing this information today, it would be even more insignificant in comparison. The fuel composition made in it is actually different from that of an atomic bomb. The entire body of the bomb is an explosive warhead. Seeing this, Gou Bin couldn't help hesitating again, could it be that Sophia deceived him?

Thomson glanced at Gou Bin's unbelievable face, and said with a strange expression: "Well, yes, Cruz, have you seen this kind of rocket? Impossible, the information sent back by the intelligence officer yesterday, the Nazis just a few days ago They have researched it, and now they have secretly loaded the ship and prepared to go to sea, and my mission has begun!"

Thomson thought it was absurd. This enhanced version of the V3 rocket was only researched by the Nazis a few days ago. How could Gou Bin and the others have seen it?Even if they have met before, they still look the same. Hitler, a destructive man, does he have any secret weapons?

Thomson sighed, put away the materials, patted Gou Bin on the shoulder and said, "Cruz, don't think so much, I believe your mission will start in a few days, and I know that there must be nothing when these British people arrive. Good thing, even the British royal family has sent key personnel to negotiate, war is inevitable!"

Gou Bin pondered for a moment with an ugly face, and when Thomson was about to stand up and leave, he said, "Sir, I know this is inevitable, but this is also..."

Thomson stretched out his hand to stop Gou Bin's words without looking back, and sighed with his back turned to Gou Bin, "Cruz, you don't need to say, I know that it may be difficult to ask you to carry it out hastily, and the Allied forces have already thought about it." If you have a countermeasure, you will know when the time comes, Cruz, I just want to warn you, be careful of the beret! Today's training session, you can solve it yourself!"

Gou Bin looked at Thomson in astonishment, and after Thomson warned Gou Bin, he shook his head and walked out of the dormitory. He has to go back to prepare materials and so on. As for Gou Bin's language and skydiving training later, someone will arrange that he doesn't have to worry about it. Yes, he believed that Gou Bin and the others were competent.

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