Conquer Berlin

Chapter 82 Who is more ruthless

After Adeline waited for Farlock to leave, she suddenly walked up to Gou Bin. Amidst his astonished expression, he grabbed Gou Bin's deadly part with a trick of monkey stealing peaches. Hiss~ Sean and the others saw Adeline's move. The deadly sneak attack, everyone couldn't help but gasp, ruthless!This trick of monkey stealing peaches is really amazing!

Adeline said fiercely: "From today on, please remember firmly that I am your instructor, and I will maintain three days of German, training, and skydiving. If any of you have any objections, you can Bring it up with Commander Farlock, Sergeant Cruz, do you have any concerns?"

When Adeline asked Gou Bin, the strength in her hand increased slightly, and Gou Bin with a look of disgust shook his head and answered Adeline. If other people, Gou Bin would definitely fight back and wait, the person in front of him wondered. But without this courage, she can be regarded as Mrs. Gou Bin, but I didn't expect her to be so ruthless!

Adeline glanced at the eight soldiers who were looking at each other, and said earnestly: "Before you accept my teaching and training, I have to mention my rules to you. The training is full of unknown dangers. Of course, you cooperate unconditionally." Training, I say these to make you pay attention, so that you can do it yourself..."

Sean and the others listened to Adeline's training program with guilty faces. It consisted of three stages, and each stage was divided into a day mode. The first stage: teaching the basic skills of special forces, about reconnaissance, survival, navigation and Physical endurance, the whole process seems simple but is full of danger.

The second stage: language course program, combat hand-to-hand combat courses, the use of weapons and specialized duties, such as medical and communication training, as well as combat sneak attack and even skydiving. Seven other Red Devils also came out, each with their own specialty The field taught them nine.

The third stage: There is nothing to say, it is a real guerrilla warfare exercise, and Gou Bin is the first to be excluded. Adeline does not know how strong his real combat power is. I believe the seven people behind her The temporary instructor of the school is also unwilling to test his grades.

Adeline didn't care about the stunned expressions of Sean and the others, she turned her head to look at Gou Bin, and said lightly, "Sergeant Cruz, do you have any questions?"

Gou Bin swallowed the saliva in his throat wildly, and said with a guilty conscience: "Yes! Adeline, that, if you can move your hands, the most... hiss!"

Adeline shook off Gou Bin with one hand, named a member of the Special Air Service Regiment and said, "Now let you experience the specific training items of the Special Air Service Regiment, Sean Faris, take them to experience the specific training , Anyone who disobeys the order will find it, Bruce Jason, you guys go get ready!"

The members of these special air service regiments are all experts in infantry tactics, good at ambush, abduction, assassination, blasting, etc., and have rich experience in surviving in enemy-occupied areas and harsh conditions, no matter how many physical trainings Gou Bin and the others have trained , they had absolutely not experimented with the harsh training of the Special Air Service.

The original crew of the Special Air Service Regiment can carry out airborne, diving, and special operations such as mountain warfare, jungle warfare, desert warfare, ski warfare, and guerrilla warfare in any place and under any environment, although their combat effectiveness is not as strong as that of Gou Bin. The cheating device is so strong, but it is enough to deal with those ordinary soldiers!

Cross-country running is an extremely difficult task. Gou Bin and the others have to carry tens of kilograms of equipment and run for more than ten kilometers in the complex terrain with ravines and ravines. The threat of destruction, such as the lethal grenade is very wicked...

When Sean saw a grenade thrown in, he was frightened and exclaimed: "Damn it! Grenade!!"

Sean Faris scowled, and said as he ran, "Don't worry, these are grenades that didn't go off. Next time they won't be duds. This time I'll remind them!"

What Sean Faris said really made Sean and the others look terrified. Isn't this training too wicked?If you're not careful, you'll be a ghost without knowing it. Who came up with such a wicked training?They are thinking about this question at the same time in their minds, how wicked!

Sean Faris suddenly opened his mouth to remind Gou Bin and the others: "This time it's real, you have to be careful, so you can take care of yourself!"

Gou Bin heard the words and looked along the place where the sound appeared. There were two people sitting on a jeep, one was in charge of driving and the other was in charge of holding grenades. They kept their running speed and slowly approached a distance of more than ten meters. Sean and the others looked After that, everyone couldn't help their scalps getting numb!

Suddenly, the people in the car threw a grenade at Gou Bin and the others, and Sean widened his eyes and exclaimed, "Damn it! I really threw a grenade!!"

I don’t know if the other side threw something intentionally, but the grenade exploded five meters away from Gou Bin’s running team, and with a loud bang, it was confirmed that the grenade in the other party’s hands was a real one, which made Sean’s scalp tingle even more. , what the hell is this?Before they thought too much, a grenade was thrown over.

Amidst the rumbling explosions, Sean and the others were cursing anyway, and Gou Bin hadn't spoken yet. These so-called crises were a piece of cake for him, and Gou Bin followed him during training. The pace of Sean Faris.

Gou Bin has been paying attention to Sean Faris. The tacit understanding between them seems to be cultivated very well. As long as he follows Sean Faris closely, Gou Bin doesn't even bother to use his special ability to sense crises. The second is that it is a bit of a fuss. After the crisis-ridden grenade bombing, a new challenge training is ushered in.

They need to pass through long-distance obstacle areas, or climb over water obstacles, wade through rotten waist-deep swamps, or wear gas masks to accelerate through polluted areas. Nazis are also experts in playing drugs, and there are countless biochemical viruses , these were not taught by Captain Thomson.

After that, waiting for Gou Bin and the others is a new problem - to cross a variety of special obstacle areas, including dangerous minefields, dense smoke areas that are difficult to distinguish, and scorching fire areas. The so-called fire zone is all the jungles on both sides of the mountain road lit with gasoline, and the training cost is still big enough!

When passing through these training areas, there will be heavy transport tires hanging in the air in these areas. They swing around in the thick smoke and heat, and hit the heads, legs, arms and torsos of special forces from time to time. , Those who are unlucky will definitely fly out, and there are raging heat around them!

During the difficult course of more than ten miles, Gou Bin and the others had to crawl or jump forward from time to time to avoid the live ammunition from the insidious instructors. Not grenades, but heavy machine guns!

Sean Faris just said that after the training agreed by Commander Farlock, Gou Bin and the others were powerless to resist, and three jeeps came after them one after another. Well, these guys can tell at a glance that they are their own people. It must have come to assist under the order of Commander Farok again!

The three jeeps that joined in behind followed Gou Bin and his right side all the time, exerting so-called psychological pressure, heavy machine guns buzzing non-stop, shooting along the top of them crawling, and even throwing grenades at their sides, Increased obstacles by blowing up mud or something.

After passing through these many tests and completing the cross-country running, the next step is sprinting; after that, you have to climb over various obstacles and practice various super difficult stunts. No one who succeeds will come again. Anyway, the soldiers who are assisting behind are also idle. Wouldn't mind coming again.

After completing these first basic trainings, the next step is for Sean Faris to demonstrate his combat skills, using anti-tank rocket launchers, howitzers, machine guns, automatic rifles, pistols, sniper rifles and other shooting weapons to quickly and accurately hit the target , these are the only flaws of Gou Bin.

The shooting training ground is filled with all kinds of training weapons, ranging from small pistols and daggers to heavy machine guns, howitzers, and anti-aircraft guns. Here, four temporary instructors are assigned to teach specific Projects, such as installing explosives or something, and quickly assembling radios, are all kinds of dazzling.

The four of Gou Bin and Sean are doing shooting training. Sean Faris doesn't care if they are veterans or not. They will gradually deepen their training according to the level of recruits. Their afternoon task is to finish the box here. Ammunition, this shows how much money Commander Farok has spent on training.

Josh was embarrassed by a new instructor, and within ten seconds he ran to a table where radio station parts were placed, quickly assembled it, and contacted the headquarters to report that he had completed the assigned task, and Burstyn also had The new blasting project, to blow up those old buildings, Farok is worrying that he has no time to rebuild, and if he has the opportunity to work for free, he will definitely not miss anything.

With a Thompson submachine gun in his hand, Sean approached Gou Bin with a guilty conscience and said, "Cruz, don't you think these instructors are embarrassing us? Look, your lover is hiding on the top to observe, it's sinister enough , As for? It seems that we have hatred with her!"

Jimmy struggled to lift the machine gun, sadly urging to correct Sean's words: "Wrong, Sean, I think she is taking revenge. Of course, the target must be Cruz, and we are innocent backs! Barbara, you Does what I said make sense? This training is really more ruthless than Captain Thomson!"

Barbara and Snoopy didn't answer, and looked at Gou Bin with self-evident eyes, which made Gou Bin stand aside in sweat. If it's just ordinary fixed shooting, it's nothing, but Sean Snoopy Faris carried out the goals they had trained, and increased the difficulty of shooting moving targets. There are even more amazing things waiting for them!

(The second update is late, the network is not strong recently, you guys, save more points to support the bad work, and update it from time to time!)

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