Master crossed his arms and looked at the sea with a sneer. Following the words of the submarine's first officer's microphone, the inside of the submarine suddenly became busy. The sound of chaotic footsteps was accompanied by the sound of the old-fashioned iron pipe communication loudspeaker. In the roaring submarine engine room, the entire submarine stopped when the engine stopped running.

"The sonar jamming signal wave is ready!" The submarine sonar operator adjusted the sonar jamming signal to the maximum frequency according to Master's order. Underwater people can't bear the beep sound ten times sharper than that of a dolphin. , The range of the beep sound of this interference signal is very wide, and it can be transmitted within a range of more than ten nautical miles.

Di... Didi... When the submarine approached the hiding range of Sean and the three of them, the sound of the interference signal was like the sound of thousands of dolphins, directly stabbing the eardrums of Sean and the three of them on the bottom of the sea. Nabo directly injured the brain nerves of the three of them, and the three of them couldn't stand it and jumped out of the sea immediately.

The bright lights shone on the undulating sea, and a sailor soldier on the submarine deck who was in charge of observation suddenly exclaimed, pointed at the three of Sean and the others, and shouted: "Here it is, here, the seven o'clock Direction, one two three, one not...uh..."

Following the shouts of the Nazi sailors, everyone on the deck of the Red Wolf submarine and in the watchtower looked in the direction the sailors were pointing. The machine gunner swung his dual cannons at Sean and the three of them, ready to shoot. At this time, the sailor soldier who had just spoken suddenly fell to the ground without a sound.

In the darkness, a dark and dripping man appeared on the deck of the submarine, panting heavily, holding a bloody dagger in his hand, a large amount of blood gushed out from the neck of the limp sailor, his limbs twitched unconsciously, blood was glowing The dagger slid down the rainwater and dripped bright red blood.

There was a bang, and the sky exploded with a shocking muffled thunder. In the heavy rain, Gou Bin was like a hell Shura. The dagger in his hand was under his conscious control, spinning in his hand like performing acrobatics. The machine gunner reacted. Suddenly, a bloody light flashed across his eyes, and the machine gunner only felt a tingling pain in his throat.

Sigh... The machine gunner suddenly covered his throat with both hands. He didn't know when his throat was cut by the evil god in front of him, but the blood that gushed out couldn't be blocked no matter how he tried, and he felt that his eyes were completely dark. Lightning flashed the moment it fell, and the machine gunner saw for the last time who it was that killed him.

Master was the first to react. Standing on the watchtower of the submarine, facing the storm, he raised his hoarse throat and shouted: "Enemy attack! Damn, there is another enemy! Shoot, shoot! Kill him, Quick, why are you so surprised? Shoot him quickly! First officer, order the submarine to dive rapidly!"

Master has been on the watchtower of the submarine. Gou Bin flew out of the speedboat to occupy the Qinglang submarine like he was against the sky. He saw it clearly in his eyes. He thought that if a torpedo was launched, Gou Bin, the perverted evil star, would undoubtedly die. It's just that he didn't expect that Gou Bin was not only not dead, but also alive and well. The most terrible thing is that Gou Bin is now occupying the machine guns.

Bang bang bang... The sailors on the deck of the boat reacted and immediately shot at Gou Bin. Unceremoniously, Gou Bin directly grabbed the dead machine gunner's body as a shield. Amidst the bang bang bang, all the bullets hit the machine gunner Gunner, while Gou Bin captured the dual cannons unharmed.

After the gunshots weakened, Gou Bin threw away the body of the machine gunner with one hand, put on the dual machine gun with both hands, and looked at the stunned Nazi sailors on the deck with a ferocious smile, until Gou Bin sounded the safety sound of the dual machine gun , only to wake up these stunned sailors.

Gou Bin looked at the Nazi sailors with a sneer and saw that the general situation was about to run away, and slowly leveled the cannon to aim at their backs, and said sarcastically with disdain: "Stupid Nazis! There is a price to be paid for slow reaction! Hehe...haha... Run, run, let's see how far you can run!"

Chi Chi Chi Chi... Gou Bin hooked the trigger of the machine gun, and a long tongue of flame came out from the dual machine gun. The bloodthirsty Gou Bin had a ferocious smile on his face, shaking his hands and swinging the dual machine gun, the deadly bullets mercilessly Harvesting the fleeing Nazi sailors, under the fire of large-caliber machine guns, severed limbs and headshots abound, and the whole deck is full of a strong smell of blood.

"Dive! Dive at full speed!" Master saw Gou Bin's strength, raised his throat and yelled to dive, hunting Gou Bin and the four of them is hopeless, and it's not bad that they didn't snatch the submarine The most feared thing is that Gou Bin and the others captured the watchtower of the submarine, and the Green Wolf submarine next to him would definitely not attack him politely.

Sean and the three of them climbed onto the Red Wolf submarine immediately when Gou Bin tortured and killed the Nazi sailors. Seeing Master get into the submarine, Sean coughed and said with a changed expression: "Ahem... Ke, Cruz , Great, you're not dead, oh, oh, oh, he, they're going to dive! Damn it! We're cornered now!"

Gou Bin shook off the dual-link machine gun that had lost most of its ammunition, and commanded calmly, "I can't run away, Jimmy, Snoopy, you two go and hold the submarine's seal, Sean, you operate this machine gun." Machine gun, I'll blow up the submarine next to it, lest he linger and blow up our submarine!"

"Okay!" Snoopy and Jimmy answered Gou Bin in response, and ran to the observation tower of the submarine at the same time. The Green Wolf Submarine following behind seemed to have discovered the problem of the Red Wolf Submarine, and was hesitating whether to blow up the Red Wolf Submarine. There are unwritten rules in the wolf submarine, the cold-blooded and ruthless wolf pack team. When the submarine is robbed, other submarines are obliged to blow up the submarine.

In order to keep the technology loss of u-type submarines secret, Hitler issued these unwritten rules. The reason is to prevent the advanced u-type submarine technology from falling into the hands of the allies. Then Hitler's maritime supremacy will soon cease to exist.

"His grandma! Why is my fate so rough? There are really a lot of dangerous things!" Gou Bin cursed and complained. The green wolf submarine, that is a wolf full of hidden dangers!

"I hate the guns on the submarine, why do you only install one gun? Isn't this torturing people?" Gou Bin, who was cursing endlessly, quickly turned the direction of the boat's guns, and turned towards the four o'clock behind him. The deadly part of the submarine, Gou Bin was not sure that a single shot could deal with the u-shaped submarine with thick armor.

The only plan for now is to wait for the opportunity, and wait for the Green Wolf submarine to make a fatal mistake. This fatal mistake is that they use torpedoes to attack the Red Wolf submarine, and they intercept the torpedo directly with one shot at a close shot. There is also a wild wolf hiding in the bottom of the sea, and it is not an exaggeration to be besieged on all sides.

Fortunately, the ships in front attacked Croatia with all their strength, and they were only stunned for a while when they destroyed a destroyer. The sound of artillery fire directly covered up the situation behind. He is very worried about the safety behind him, not knowing that the crisis only exists for a moment.

Gou Bin looked anxiously at the Green Wolf submarine behind him who had no intention of attacking, and couldn't help reminding Sean: "Sean, the firepower attracts the submarines behind to attack our submarine, and now we have to fight for the last time. Otherwise we will all die here!"

"Okay! What a lunatic!" Sean heard Gou Bin's words, and while answering Gou Bin in wonder, he muttered to himself a lunatic. Gou Bin was indeed like a lunatic. How could anyone want torpedoes to attack him?Out of unconditional trust in Gou Bin, Sean followed Gou Bin's words, aiming the cannon at the Green Wolf submarine behind him and shooting.

When Master jumped into the submarine operation room, he directed the personnel in the submarine non-stop: "Close the sluice gate, tilt the hull by 10°, maintain the water balance of the tail, start the No. [-] and No. [-] engines at full speed, put away the binoculars, first officer, Close the hatch gate tightly, sonar operator, report to Commander Doenitz, there are powerful figures from the Allied Forces, the wild wolf is injured, please..."

Holding the old-fashioned iron communication pipe in the submarine, Master conveyed a series of orders. Before he finished speaking, three gunshots were heard from the sealed hatch of the submarine. Falling into the operating room, the bloody first officer stared at Master with wide eyes.

With a thud, a black shadow jumped down savagely. Just as Master woke up, he was about to pull out the gun on his waist, and with a bang, a bullet penetrated into Master's forehead. His gaze straightened back, revealing Snoopy's sneering gaze and expression.

Bang bang bang... The semi-automatic Walther p38 pistol, like a toy in Snoopy's hand, shot straight at the people in the operating room. When Jimmy jumped in, desperate Nazi sailors poured out of the hatch inside the submarine , two Walther p38 pistols banged and fired at the emerging people.

After Snoopy finished shooting the bullets in his hand, he threw away the Walther p38 pistol, and shouted loudly: "Damn it! This submarine is about to dive, Jimmy, go and tell Cruz to come in, without him, we can do nothing No, hurry up, let me deal with the little miscellaneous fish here!"

Jimmy was not too pretentious, he climbed up the stairs of the submarine exit non-stop, and now he could not afford to hesitate for a moment at the critical moment. The tendency of the submarine to tilt was obviously diving. In less than 2 minutes, the whole submarine would dive into the water. Then there will be big trouble!

Attracted by Sean's firepower, the Green Wolf Submarine finally launched torpedoes to blow up the Red Wolf Submarine, just as Gou Bin expected. The moment the torpedoes left the cabin, a strong crisis filled Gou Bin's nervous system. Under the tendency of diving at a ten-degree inclination, the sea water rushed to the top of Gou Bin's feet.

Gou Bin was holding the naval gun tightly with sweaty palms, and at the moment when the torpedo of the Green Wolf submarine was dispatched, he yelled at Sean and fired, saying, "Okay! Sean, that's enough, get into the submarine right away, God bless! 100% hit! "

With a bang, the naval guns fired a shell, and the roaring shells attacked the launch port of the Green Wolf submarine. There is no Gou Bin who is better at catching intuitive crises, as long as there is a crisis. Gou Bin doesn't need to use his eyes to observe the place, relying on his intuition of sensing the crisis, it is as simple as two steps to directly lock and fire the gun, it is really convenient, quick and practical!

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