Chapter 52 Joy Come
Back at the six gates, Lu Yao threw Jin Rufeng into the prison, and asked Wang Dashan to lead someone to watch him, and then asked Zhao Yuan to notify Catcher.

Knowing that Lu Yao had captured the members of the same boat club again, Catching God also rushed over with Guo Juxia.

After the two came to the prison, they saw Wang Dashan and Lu Yao standing at the door of the cell.

"I have met Lord Catcher, Lord Guo."

"The humble job has seen the two adults!"

Lu Yao and Wang Dashan saluted together, then stepped aside and said nothing.

Catching God with a cold face came up, glanced at Jin Rufeng who was locked in the cell, and asked in a deep voice: "Is he the killer of the same boat club?"

"Tie Butou and the others were attacked by the same boat club tonight. The killer Hua Piaoying has already been executed. This is his accomplice Tianlong Taoist."

Lu Yao stepped forward and explained: "This person has another identity, and he is one of the captors of the capital government office. This person was responsible for the recent fox demon case in the capital. After the investigation of the iron captor, he was arrested by them." Attack and kill."

He didn't take the credit, and the case of the fellow boat club was no longer under his control. It should be Tie Feihua's credit, so he definitely wouldn't take it.

He is not the kind of person who is overjoyed by Cen Chong.

After listening to Lu Yao's explanation, Guo Juxia nodded and asked, "How is Tie Feihua? Is the injury serious?"

"It will take a while to recover."

Regarding his question, Lu Yao didn't say too much, but looked at him intently.

It can be seen that their Lord Catcher doesn't care about Tie Feihua's injury, but is very concerned about the fellow boat club.

This made Lu Yao a little disappointed.

To be able to sit in this position, Catching God should not be that kind of stupid person.

Now it seems that this catcher is not what he thought. Without the help of Guo Juxia, I am afraid that the six doors are full of traitors.

Such six doors really need a big baptism, and it must be after the death of the catcher.

The copper mold project has also started, and the day when the six doors will be changed is not far away.

"That's right, you step down first, I will personally interrogate this person."

Catcher stared at Jin Rufeng with disheveled hair, and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, since he is not an important member of the fellow shipmate, I will not kill him easily, after all, the West Factory and the East Factory are still waiting."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, motioning for Lu Yao and the others to leave the prison first.

There was no way, Lu Yao could only turn around and back away without saying a word.

After he got out, Wang Dashan said anxiously: "Boss Lu, why didn't you take the credit for this just now? It's obvious that you caught this man, and the injuries on his body are obviously caused by you."

The members of the same boat club are being watched by many people. If such an important person is caught, there will definitely be a lot of silver rewards.

Now that Lu Yao gave up to Tie Feihua, they were naturally a little dissatisfied.

Sighing, Lu Yao explained softly: "What do you know? If I need credit, how could I give it up to others?"

"Excuse me, I don't read much, I really don't understand your intentions, Chief Lu." Wang Dashan scratched his head with a silly smile.

Seeing this, Lu Yao had no choice but to continue: "Tie Feihua is backed by Lord Nine, and her father is Tie Canglong, the chief arrester of the capital's government, and her appearance is not bad at all. If you meet this kind of woman, you will take credit for her." ?"

Hearing what Lu Yao said, Wang Dashan immediately understood.

Their boss Lu is going to find them a sister-in-law.


It is also worthy of Mr. Lu.

In the final analysis, this credit belongs to their own people. After all, Tie Feihua will be their sister-in-law in the future, and they will be their own people in a serious way!

"Boss Lu is brilliant, and the young ones have a lot of knowledge."

Wang Dashan envied: "No wonder we are not treated well by those female arresters. This is incomparable to you, Mr. Lu."

Glancing at Wang Dashan faintly, Lu Yao stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and said solemnly: "Have you ever thought that the reason why the female arrester doesn't want to see you soon is actually because of your looks?"

Wang Dashan:? ? ?

Are you talking about people?

Be yourself!

"It's getting late, rest early."

Lu Yao laughed, stretched his waist and walked towards his small courtyard.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and at night I have to go to the mountains and rivers with Ji Yaohua to talk about the creation and research and development of new human beings. Tonight is destined to be a big project worth hundreds of millions.

Back in the small courtyard, there was a dead silence in the courtyard, and the midsummer night was hardly cold, but Lu Yao, who was walking towards the room, felt the endless coldness in his heart.


It was released as a pigeon.

Should not be ah.

It was agreed during the day that Ji Yaohua was coming, who would have thought that the plan could not keep up with the changes?

Lonely empty yard alone cold bed, cold ah.


Unable to fall asleep after tossing and turning, Lu Yao simply sat on the bed and practiced the "Most Sacred Qiankun Kung Fu". His current strength is considered to be one of the best in the entire six doors.

To be specific about how strong it is, he probably needs to fight against the God Catcher.

But once he fights with Catcher, his true strength may be exposed, and it is uncertain how Catcher will guard against him.

After a long time, Lu Yao let out a foul breath, put on his clothes and went outside.

If you can't sleep, it's better to go to the Tsing Yi Lou stronghold in the capital to have a look. It's also good to take a few non-stressful tasks.

After leaving the six doors, the watchman just happened to come from not far away.

"When you are ugly, watch out for the candle!"

The sound of the gong sounded, followed by the reminder of the watchmen.

Under the darkness of night, Jin Yiwei wandered around the capital, searching for some of the restless Jianghu people in the capital.

Lu Yao came all the way to Changle Square. At night, Changle Square was extremely lively. Almost all the people from the rivers and lakes were here to have fun, and there were some fights from time to time.

On weekdays, Jinyiwei didn't care much about this place, and the court agreed that Changlefang was the place where the people of the Jianghu seek pleasure, so they just turned a blind eye.

Walking along the street, not long after, Lu Yao came to an inn with a lantern hanging on it.

The inn was brightly lit, and there were quite a few Jianghu people drinking and beating, and there were many guests coming in and out.

After walking into it, the waiter of the inn greeted him: "Guest officer, are you staying at the inn or eating? Our Yuelai Inn has just arrived with a batch of fine wines. Do you want to taste it, guest officer?"

Lu Yao glanced at the people in the inn, and said, "Open an upper room, and send a pot of wine and half a catty of sauced beef."

"Come on, sir, this way please!"

Xiaoer led the way, and soon brought Lu Yao to the innermost room on the second floor of the inn.

After settling down, Xiao Er withdrew to prepare the things Lu Yao needed.

It didn't take long to walk in with wine and meat, while Lu Yao sat by the window, quietly watching the people from the rivers and lakes passing by outside the window.

About an hour later, when it was almost Mao's time, it became quiet outside the inn, and there were a lot fewer people on the street.

At this time, the inn was completely silent, and the people from the rivers and lakes who had gathered on the first floor were also silent in tacit understanding.

Lu Yao on the second floor put on a mask, opened the door and went outside...

(End of this chapter)

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