The Heavens: A Qing, the Yue Girl at the beginning

Chapter 281 The Joy of Chime Bells, Secrets of the Jin Kingdom

Chapter 281 The Joy of Chime Bells, Secrets of the Jin Kingdom (4k)

"Let us do some research first to see if we can find clues from the map displayed on the bamboo slips. If we find anything, we will confirm the secret location in the bamboo slips, and we will not forget to remind you guys."

After taking out a large stone slab with murals and a large shelf of bronze chimes, Zhao Qing casually invited a few words, and began to study the two collections.

Regarding the originator of the original music, some people think that it was created by Linglun, a music official in the Huangdi era, others think that it was created by Fuxi in a more distant era, and some people say that it was created by Zhu Xiangshi and Ge Tianshi. In short, it is not clear.

Following the "Ten Songs of the Drum", "Jiuyuan", "Chengyun", "Jiu Shao", "Liu Lie", "Liu Ying", "Da Zhang" and "South Wind" in the age of ancient emperors, to the Xia and Shang Dynasties Zhou Dynasty's "Nine Debates", "Nine Songs", "Da Yi", "Morning Dew", "Da Wu", "Three Elephants", "Under the Thorns";
Although most of them have been lost, or there are only remnants that have been repaired many times, and new chapters created by later imitations, which are similar to "Lianshanyi" and "Guizangyi", which have many versions and are difficult to distinguish from the authenticity, but they still have With the power of the heaven and earth.

Most of the Qi refiners and wizards in the ancient times studied the way of music, and used it as a medium to communicate with the heaven and earth, and to convey messages to mortals.

In the current era, since the Duke of Zhou established the ritual and music system, music is needed everywhere in various ceremonies and feasts such as court banquets, court appointments, and sacrifices. .

"Yi Li Xiang She Li" records: "The bell and drum are used by the princes of the world." "Mencius Wan Zhang Xia" says: "The sound of gold and the vibration of jade are the ones that gather great achievements."

In the Zhou Dynasty, the chime bells surpassed the qin, se and flute in terms of rhythm, range, and sound quality. Only one side can be used.

The set of chime bells collected by Wei Yang in Lanfeng Pavilion is divided into two groups: the upper, the lower, and the lower. Beautiful beaulieu and swirls.

On the surface of the fifteen bronze bells, a large number of seal characters are engraved, recording the repertoire and music scores that this set of chime bells played in the past.

According to Zhao Qing's careful investigation, it seems to be "Da Lu" written by Shang Tang, but because it is not written in Yue, she can only recognize the outline of it for the time being, and it seems that only a small part of the accompaniment of "Da Lu" has been engraved.

The smaller the bell, the quieter its sound but the higher its pitch.Conversely, the bigger the bell, the louder but lower the pitch.By striking the front and side sides of the bell, you can play two tones, rising and falling.

Although he had never studied musical arts in the official school that taught the six arts in Kuaiji City, Zhao Qing had gained a lot of music experience from Xiaoyaozi after all. Seeing such an exquisite set of bronze chime bells, he couldn't help but give it a try.

I saw a stream of air visible to the naked eye coming from around the chime like a vortex towards her finger, and then condensed into a heavy mass, hitting the side of the smallest bell.

The bronze bell was hit by the air mass, and immediately there was a solemn, high-pitched and loud bell, which echoed melodiously and continued for a long time.

However, unlike Zhao Qing's imagining that the bell contained great power, the sound from the bronze bell seemed to have nothing special after she just struck it casually, except that it was much heavier than musical instruments, and the sound was continuous. Except for a long time, it is completely an ordinary musical instrument.

Of course, if it was really just an ordinary musical instrument, it would obviously not be able to withstand Zhao Qing's random knocking force, and would be shattered into pieces.

Could it be that this bronze chime, which seems to be assembled in a complete set of fifteen pieces of "Xialiuqi" and other magical artifacts, is worth at least half of a magic weapon, and the only feature is that the material is particularly strong?
Guessing the doubts in her heart, Wang Zi and Wu, who were born in the court and had been exposed to chime bells before, smiled slightly, put their sword back into its sheath, and used the hilt of the sword as a mallet, and came to this set of chime bells that were more than five feet high and about eight feet long. , simply tried the audition, and began to play music.

Following the crisp sound of the upper-level button bell, in Zhao Qing's mind, he seemed to see a group of elk leisurely eating wild grass in an open field, and heard their yo-yo calls, one after another.

Soon, the perspective turned to a grand reception banquet. Amidst the musical accompaniment of "drums and lutes", the host and the guests presented gifts and drank to each other, and the atmosphere was very cheerful...

Although there are only fifteen bronze bells and thirty tones in theory, the sound that can be played can be played through different striking methods, changes in chords, and the manipulation and interference of strength and qi on the air in the bell. , Far beyond the imagination of ordinary people, extremely rich and colorful.

The song "Deer Crying", which is the song of the banquet, has not yet finished playing, and Zhao Qing already has a general understanding of the role of this chime instrument in playing music.

"Book of Rites · Music Book" says: "Musicists are not Huang Zhong, Da Lu, Xian Ge, Gan Yang, but the last part of music."

"He who is happy is also happy. A gentleman is happy to find his way, and a villain is happy to get his desire. If you use the way to control your desires, you will be happy and not chaotic; if you forget the way with your desires, you will be confused and not happy. Therefore, a gentleman turns his emotions to harmonize his aspirations. If you are happy to accomplish your teachings, and if you are happy to practice, the people will follow the direction, and you can observe virtue.”

The truly superior way of music is not simply to convey the information of sound, but to carry and explain the "Tao" and "virtue" with music, and to sound in the hearts of the audience. Through the collision and confrontation between world outlook and morality, let the People are convinced.

It is exactly "the sky has the sun, the moon and the stars, the earth has the mountains, the rivers and the sea, the years have the maturity of all things, the state-owned sages' palaces and the bureaucrats of the surrounding areas, and the people have speech, clothes and physical appearance, which is called happiness."

In short, if you want to use the way of music to deal with the sound of the enemy's injury, then the sound of the music played during this process is just a medium for the confrontation between the ways in the hearts of the two sides.

And musical instruments like chime bells are props that amplify the power of spiritual confrontation. They can project the Tao in the player's mind into the listener's mind after modification, and have a bonus effect.

For example, Wang Zi and Wu are playing the song "Deer Crying" at the moment. If he does it specially when playing the music, he can use the bonus effect of chime bells to make the listeners with insufficient cultivation temporarily change into the music in the depths of their hearts. Elk, wine bottle, control or defeat them.

But if you fail to integrate your own perception of Tao and morality when playing, it will be difficult to get the bonus effect of chime bells, and you can only play the role of ordinary musical instruments with better materials.

After trying to strike the chime a few times, Zhao Qing thought deeply: If he integrated his "Broken Heart Sword" which specializes in the flaws of the soul into it, what kind of result would he get?

After a brief exchange, she put away the bronze chime and asked several people about the content of the mural.

Under Ou Ye Wuxi's investigation, apart from the fact that this mural is long in age and suspected to have a history of 4000 to [-] years, there is really nothing special about it. It seems that it is just a product of the worship of giants in the south of Yue Kingdom.

The area where the Yue State is located was actually the residence of the giant Fangfeng clan before the Xia Dynasty.After Dayu beheaded the head of the Fangfeng clan, the Fangfeng clan gradually declined and scattered in all directions, leaving various legends in the surrounding areas of the Yue Kingdom.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are images of giants on ancient murals, which are relatively common.


Everyone collected and counted the damaged collections around them, and put them on the undamaged Ge boat that was docked at the edge of the wreckage of Lanfeng Pavilion.

Afterwards, Wen Gao, who had traveled to various countries and experienced in various fields, controlled the rudder and delivered the power, causing the whole ship to tremble slightly, backed up, bypassed the range of the destroyed attic, followed the trend of the underground waterway, and headed towards them. Drive in the same direction as you came.

He had already learned about the general situation of this place from the guests that Wei Yang had invited, and the group of people naturally figured out the correct way to leave here after communication and on-site investigation.

After entering the cabin inside the Ge boat, the internal and external ventilation passages were sealed, and several valves blocking the water flow were passed. With the closing of the last valve, the whole ship seemed to become a hollow submarine. , Floating extremely fast in deep water.

Passing through a water body several miles deep, the Ge boat was suddenly thrown out of the water, and then fell heavily, splashing more than ten feet of water.

Opening the sealed cabin and going outside, Zhao Qing quickly discovered that the water area where the Ge boat was located was actually the inner manor seen earlier in Wei's Shop, a large pond covering an area of ​​more than ten hectares.

Standing on the deck of the Ge boat, looking towards the entrance of the shop where she came, she saw an army that was somewhat similar to what she had seen in Wushe Xiaoyi, neatly lined up and with the same momentum, rushing in and guarding the shop There are more than a dozen internal and external passages.

These elite soldiers do not belong to the secret guards of the Yue Kingdom such as the Sword Ge Battalion and the Duanyu Battalion, but the "Gentleman Army" of the Yue King's personal soldiers stationed in Kuaiji City. Excellent, trained all the year round.

The so-called "junzi" means the son of a scholar-official nobleman.And the soldiers of this "gentlemen's army" can be called "gentlemen", and their status is also extraordinary, and they are highly valued. Therefore, they are loyal to Gou Jian and are one of the main sources of soldiers for the Sword and Ge Battalion.


Two hundred miles away, Kuaiji City is three hundred feet underground, a vast room with maps of Kyushu printed on all sides.

Xin Wenzi, dressed in black and with white eyebrows and broad forehead, casually put down the bamboo slips he had just finished engraving, and placed them on the bookshelf next to him.

Sun Di, who has been trapped here for more than a month, looked up helplessly at the thick stone slab above his head. There was nothing on it, but under his preliminary exploration of the "Upper Six Qi" realm, it was densely covered with changes. Unpredictable rules of heaven and earth.

There are six degrees of yin and yang: the sky is the rope, the earth is the standard, spring is the rule of spring, summer is the balance, autumn is the rule, and winter is the right.

After reaching the realm of the "upper six energies", he began to practice the mysterious qi of heaven and earth and the qi of the four seasons of the sun and moon, and came into contact with the "rules", "rules" and "balances" of constructing the way of heaven and earth, so as to sublimate the "order of all things". ", the way to cultivate oneself.

Although Xin Wenzi's realm is unfathomable, and his Taoism has reached the inconceivable "Tao Ying Liuguang" realm, but after a long period of investigation and research, it can be seen that Sun Di's cultivation base has just entered the "Upper Six Qi" realm. Some content to pass the time and chat for self-entertainment.

"This time, these two guys, Bi Zhen and Qin Yi, have made their own decisions." Suddenly, Xin Wenzi turned around and glanced at him, and said, "Sun Die, you are the one who ordered the arrest of the secret organization that King Cheng ordered in his later years." , Have you ever had some understanding?"

"The 'Void Dao' who is suspected of wanting to overthrow the name of Zhou's royal family?" Sun Die was very afraid of this gentle and ordinary old man on the outside. Is it the remnant of Wu Geng's old department?"

"For so many years, I haven't seen them do any big things. It's probably just a small organization. After thousands of years, in today's world where countries are rising one after another, even if this organization disappears, it's no big deal."

"In the past few years, you have relied entirely on Wu Zixu's meticulous planning." Xin Wenzi chuckled and said softly to himself: "Who would have thought that even a top expert in the Jin State Office in the past would have invested in it?" You have joined this secret organization, and you still have ideas similar to yours before, trying to cooperate with me."

"A top expert in the Jin government? This little-known 'Void Dao' can actually recruit people with such a background?" Sun Die was slightly shocked, and immediately felt that this statement was nothing but nonsense.

After all, since Duke Qing of Jin annihilated the last two families of the Qi family and the Yangtong family under the instigation of the Liu Qing, and Qi Ying and Yang Tongue eat me to death, the state of Jin has completely become "the frontier of the Six Qings, the humble public office" "In a situation like this, how can there be a top player in the opponent's mouth?
In fact, after Jin Pinggong, Jin Zhaogong, Jin Qinggong, and this generation of Jin Houwu, all only had the cultivation level of the "Six Middle Qis", and their strength was not enough to grasp the power of Jin, so they could only barely maintain it. With the power of the monarch.

Speaking of which, Uncle Wu and his father, the two peerless masters who have initially surpassed the upper six qi realms, will their power and reputation in Wu be somewhat overwhelmed by Fucha, the king of Wu who has not yet broken through the upper six qi realms? ?
Thinking of this, Sun Die was startled suddenly, and vaguely understood the reason why Wu Zixu often chatted with him about the affairs of Qi.

"No, Mr. Ji Ran, even if there is a master in the 'Void Dao' who comes from the Jin government, after all, you are a student of Lao Tzu who is hostile to the Jin country, how could the other party have the idea of ​​cooperating?" He thought for a while, Feeling more and more unreasonable, he continued to ask questions.

Could it be that the rumor that "Although Xin Wenzi was born in the Song Dynasty, his ancestors were actually troubled nobles who fled from the Jin Dynasty to the Song Dynasty" is indeed true?

"Although I belong to the Duke of Jin, I was extremely disappointed in the chaotic state of Jin, where the princes and ministers fought against each other, long before the rebellion of Duke Mu of the Zhou family. Otherwise, I would not be far away. Go to the land of Chu, and tell the way of governing the country to King Ping of Chu, who has just become self-reliant."

Xin Wenzi plainly revealed the fact that he was born in the Jin family, and casually revealed another unknown secret.

Sun Di never imagined that as early as 200 years ago, Wu She was still serving as the prince and Taifu of Chu State. When Wu Zixu was far away from the glory after he voted for Wu, Wen Zi had already become the honored guest of King Ping of Chu.

Looking at it now, the information that the other party knows about him is probably just a small part of Wenzi's magnificent experience.

(End of this chapter)

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