The Heavens: A Qing, the Yue Girl at the beginning

Chapter 471 Encounter, Promotion, Infiltration

Chapter 471 Encounter, Promotion, Infiltration (4k)

A moment ago, Zhao Qing was wandering around the Kilburn area, gradually locking down the approximate range of the suspected enemy stronghold. At this moment, a group of homeless people under a bus stop on the side of the road caught her attention.

These homeless people were in ragged clothes, unkempt and looked listless. However, Zhao Qing keenly noticed a familiar figure among them. This person was particularly burly and was waving at him.

"You... are Finger?" She thought to herself and walked over quickly. The man had camouflage on his face and wore a worn-out coat. He was hiding in the shadows of the night, and Zhao Qing was concentrating on searching for the mastermind, so she didn't recognize him at first.

"Haha, Sister Qing, long time no see!" Finger grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth. He stood up, casually put on a Dracula mask, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to find this place too. It seems that we really have the same mind and the same aspirations."

"How did you find this place?" Zhao Qing asked. She knew clearly that Finkel obviously had a special information channel and used other means to investigate key information related to the attack on the London branch.

"Hey, don't ask me that. I heard about the attack on the London branch and rushed over here. Besides, I just happened to have some clues about this incident and I want to share them with you."

Finkel leaned against an oversized suitcase, or rather, a fully loaded weapons box, and his expression became serious. "A nearby manor is likely to be the secret contact point of the Solomon's Temple. They have been active recently, which may be related to the attack on the London branch."

"Solomon's Temple? Are you sure?" Zhao Qing's heart moved slightly, somewhat suspecting that this was just a smokescreen, and recalled detailed information about this hybrid organization.

The history of this organization can be traced back to the famous Knights Templar on the European continent.

The Knights Templar were originally composed of nine poor knights who were determined to protect believers who went to Jerusalem for pilgrimage from harm. Although the knights had ideals, they were so poor that they did not even have a camp. The King of Jerusalem at that time, Baldwin II, gave them a corner of the Al-Aqsa Mosque to camp.

This mosque was built on the site of King Solomon's temple. It has a very high religious status and is considered a holy place in Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The knights may have discovered some secrets there. In the next nearly two hundred years, the Knights Templar developed rapidly and became the backbone of the Crusades.

From its establishment in 1119 to its glorious victory in the Battle of Montgisard in 1177, the Knights Templar reached the peak of their power after 58 years.

In terms of military force, with more than 20,000 members, it represents the most powerful military force in the whole of Europe; in terms of wealth, it exceeds all European royal families; in terms of finance, the products it provides serve the entire European royal family and aristocracy as well as the Middle East war zone, and it is an international financial organization covering all of Europe;

In addition, the Knights Templar, who were directly under the command of the Catholic Church, did not need to pay taxes to any secular organization. The orders of the King of England and the King of France were all invalid in front of them, and they had to repay the loans they had lent them. The Knights Templar "fought only for God" and were admired by all classes in Europe.

Due to the countless debts owed to the Knights Templar, King Philip IV of France set his sights on the Knights Templar, who had suffered heavy losses after the Battle of Hattin. He forced Pope Clement V at the time to accuse them of heresy and suddenly arrested all the knights on a certain Friday, confiscating their property.

After a brutal trial, the last Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, was tied to the stake and slowly burned to death. On the stake, he cursed that Philip IV and Clement V would face eternal judgment within a year of his death.

This curse really came true. King Philip IV of France was killed by a wild boar while hunting, and the Pope died of a sudden illness a month later. Both died suddenly within a year, which was most likely an assassination attempt by the remaining Knights Templar.

The Knights Templar, which once dominated Europe and Asia, were destroyed. However, for some unknown reason, the Scottish King Robert at the time went against the Pope's will and showed leniency to the remnants of the Knights Templar. As a result, many Knights Templar went to Scotland to join Robert.

It is said that they presented the hidden wealth of the Knights to the monarch, the greatest of which should be the secret that the nine knights found in the ruins of Solomon's Temple.

A few decades later, an organization called the Order of Solomon's Temple appeared in Scotland. No one could clearly tell the relationship between this organization and the Knights Templar. They were also engaged in the financial industry, and no one could clearly tell the wealth they controlled.

This half-blood organization rarely interacts with other half-blood organizations. However, there is another "Westminster Bank" that is also engaged in financial business. Since the end of World War II, the Solomon Temple and the Westminster Bank have been competing secretly, intervening in everything from business to politics.

As an ancient force that was even more powerful than the Secret Party at its peak, the Knights Templar were once responsible for protecting and passing on the holy relic "True Cross" and were suspected of having obtained the legendary Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant - it is generally believed that such holy relics are powerful alchemical tools passed down from ancient times.

According to Zhao Qing's speculation, Odin most likely obtained the identity of "God" at some period of time. Therefore, the more ancient religious elements an organization has, the more likely it is to be related to Odin.

It is also worth mentioning that among the major hybrid organizations, the "Holy Grail" is also referred to as dragon bones and dragon fetal blood. The latter is also called liquid gold and panacea in ancient alchemical texts, and even has the effect of bringing the dead back to life.

From this perspective, the Holy Grail that is said to have contained the blood of Jesus may very well involve a Dragon King-level existence, or even the power of Odin or the Black King. It may be something similar to the Holy Relics of the White King, or it may represent the sacred bloodline of the Black King's direct descendants.

There are also some rumors that the current Solomon's Temple is connected with the Priory of Sion, Freemasonry, and Rosicrucianism. If they are combined, the power is quite terrifying, and it is feared that it is even greater than the Secret Party.

"So far, they are the most likely suspects." At this point, Finkel habitually changed the subject and complained, "It cost me dozens of pounds to take a taxi here in the middle of the night. I don't know if the cost of the bombed London branch can be reimbursed after the truth is found out."

"So what are you going to do next?" Feeling that the reliable image that Finkel had just established collapsed again, Zhao Qing was speechless and asked softly. She wanted to know Finkel's specific plan.

Finkel pondered for a moment, then said, "Since we have already found this base, why not just sneak in and see what they are doing." He pointed to the weapons box and said, "I have prepared the weapons. We can act at any time."

"Are you here alone?" Zhao Qing asked with a hint of doubt in his tone.

"There is also a team of elite soldiers from Westminster Bank. We have just contacted them. They are also coming for the base of the Templar Order. They are all professional killers from the firm. Their combat capability is at least that of a platoon."

Finkel scratched his head and said with a relaxed look, "However, their plan is to launch an attack from another direction, intending to surround the target from both sides and ensure that the target has nowhere to escape."

"Oh?" Zhao Qing raised his eyebrows. "In this case, our operation this time has a better chance of success."

Finkel suddenly smiled naively, pulled out a dark silver package from the compartment of the weapon box, and showed it proudly: "By the way, Westminster Bank was quite generous this time and provided several sets of combat uniforms that are immune to infrared thermal imaging detection. This thing is their unique research and development, it's amazing." He gently stroked the package, his eyes gleaming: "These combat uniforms use the most advanced coating technology, which can cleverly reflect, absorb or scatter the heat energy in the environment, allowing the wearer to almost blend in with the surrounding environment. Moreover, they can automatically adjust the color and texture according to environmental changes, making it more difficult for people to be detected when lurking."

"What's even more amazing is that these combat uniforms have built-in micro air conditioners, which can maintain a comfortable temperature regardless of whether it is extremely cold or extremely hot. For those who often need to perform tasks in various extreme environments, it is simply a magical tool."

While Finkel was introducing incessantly, he adjusted and changed the color of his "shabby coat" to blend into the environment, as if he had forgotten Zhao Qing's existence.

"It also has a built-in micro air conditioner? So advanced?" Zhao Qing finally couldn't help but interrupt Finkel's "shopping guide" mode.

Finkel chuckled and continued, "Yeah, isn't it exciting? But wait, I haven't finished yet. I heard that this combat uniform is priced at $9998, but if you add another $1888, you can enjoy more value-added services..."

"Alright, alright!" Zhao Qing interrupted Finkel, "Are you acting as a shopping guide? Why do you seem more enthusiastic than the people at Westminster Bank?"

Finkel seemed to be a little reluctant to speak, and patted his chest. "I am just stalling for time. I want to let those people from Westminster go first and test the Templar's defense methods. Don't worry, as your qualified bodyguard and guide, I will volunteer to explore the way ahead and ensure your safety."

"That's what you said." Zhao Qing agreed to the other party's request. After all, the Templars were a force suspected to be related to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. It was possible that their highest combat power was beyond her ability to deal with. So letting the Westminster people take over first was also a good tactic.


The night was as dark as ink. About ten minutes later, Zhao Qing and Finkel quietly arrived at the secret base of the Temple of Solomon.

This is a private manor with a long history and a castle style. Its predecessor should be a monastery. It has always been the property of the Knights Templar. The tall walls and pointed towers look extremely eerie in the moonlight.

The two of them stopped temporarily at the wall outside the manor. The wall was not high, and the height of two and a half meters was easy for high-level hybrids to walk on, but they did not rush to move, but stayed in the deep ditch, sticking their heads out to observe the surroundings.

Finkel opened the weapons box and took out an assembled Steyr IWS 2000 sniper rifle, which uses a 15.2mm fin-stabilized armor-piercing discarding sabot bullet and can penetrate two solid walls from a thousand meters away. No one knows where he got it from.

Most likely, they had the same idea as the two of them. The Westminster assassins who had agreed to attack together seemed to have been silent, and they also wanted the other side to explore the way first. Of course, it was not ruled out that they had successfully sneaked in, or had been silently annihilated.

After hesitating for a moment, the two did not want to wait any longer and decided to formally break into the manor.

Zhao Qing did not wear camouflage combat uniforms, but casually unfolded a special field. This field can absorb light and shroud the two in darkness, as if invisible. Finger followed closely behind, and the two lightly jumped over the low wall and landed in the manor.

However, they did not know that the open areas of the manor were sprayed with a large number of unpowered fungal spores suspended in the air every morning and evening. These spores, which were cultivated in a targeted manner, naturally carried static electricity and were easily adsorbed on the human body.

Once they gather together, the ultraviolet scanners arranged around them will stimulate the fluorescent substance in the spores to emit a faint light, which can then be identified by the corresponding instruments. It cooperates with conventional infrared imagers and other equipment to form an insurmountable monitoring "barrier".

Before Zhao Qing jumped into the manor, he did not notice the existence of these spore detectors. At this time, he saw Finkel walking a few meters in front of him, and he was slightly surprised when he saw a light blue cold light emanating from his body.

After careful observation and sensing, she finally understood the principle of these spore detectors. She couldn't help but think that the biological technology of Solomon's Temple was indeed quite advanced. In addition to fluorescent spore detection, there might be many other types.

Although the cold light detectors high up in the tower could not sense the fluorescence of the two people shrouded in the invisibility field, they were able to scan the density changes in the spore distribution area and quickly transmit the relevant results to the personnel in the monitoring room.

Although the specific location of the two people could not be directly identified, it was enough to alert the guards.

Then, a bell-like alarm sounded in the manor, echoing in the night sky, breaking the tranquility of the manor. Immediately afterwards, a low and continuous buzzing sound was faintly heard in the distance.

The sound was getting closer and closer, and more and more frequent, until a large group of black figures appeared in front of them - they were countless genetically modified dragon blood killer bees, with an extremely high attack frequency and greatly enhanced toxicity. One bee was enough to sting an adult buffalo to death.

What's even more terrifying is that because they usually feed on specially formulated nutrient solution that contains various factors of Deadpool's serum, after a long period of cultivation, the toxins stored in their sacs have been integrated with a large amount of components similar to Deadpool's blood.

If a hybrid is encountered, if the amount of toxin injected by the sting is large enough, it can transform it into an unconscious Deadpool, causing the poisoned person to attack indiscriminately everywhere, including former friends, until he dies of exhaustion.

The targets that are contaminated with excessive amounts of fluorescent spores are exactly the targets that the poisonous killer bees are trained to attack. Once they lock on to the enemy, they will never let it go.

"Many times, on the battlefield, injuring the enemy can cause more trouble than killing them."

Assistant Arnold hurried out of the underground operating room, listened to the report from his subordinates, and decisively issued an order to release the Dragon Blood Killer Bees. His expression was grim: "Furthermore, when the teammates around a person are assimilated into their enemies, the morale of the army will collapse without a fight..."

At the same time, in the shadow cast by a row of plaster human statues not far away, a small sword tip emitting a seven-color glazed glow suddenly poked out from the marble floor of the corridor.


There are a lot of things going on recently, so I'll just leave it alone.
Edit some biotechnology~~
Wasps are probably the strongest insects of their size.

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