Da Qin: I became a purple girl

Chapter 96 The rain is coming

Chapter 96 The rain is coming
Yan Dan, who couldn't remember how she got back to the prince's mansion, looked dispiritedly at the soldiers who came from the palace, and tidied up the house in an orderly manner.

With a thought of greed, Yan Dan couldn't figure out why he fell into such a situation in such a short period of time.

Zi Nu, as the most despised businessman in the past, originally wanted to use the resources in her hands to maximize her own benefits and strengthen her own strength.

Everything was fine at first, but when Zi Nu came to Yan Country again, there was such a big change, Yan Dan couldn't figure it out.

Looking at the soldiers who were busy before and after with a sense of loss, these people are the most trusted personal guards of his father and king. They are called to protect his own safety and will escort him all the way into the Qin Kingdom, but Yan Dan doesn't know, they are probably more It's just to monitor my eyeliner.

Frightened and overwhelmed, Yandan has never been so helpless in her short 20-year life.

There was a sound of footsteps, and a tall figure stopped beside Yan Dan.

Seeing the disciple who lived up to his former self-confidence, the Black Man with Six Fingers was heartbroken.

Zi Nu's deeds exceeded his cognition. He thought that returning Mr. Nian Duan and making a face-to-face apology after the incident would reduce the major incident to a minor one.

I never thought that although Zi Nu put Yan Dan back, she made a big publicity about it.It became known to the world overnight, and Yandan's reputation has plummeted since then.

Zi Nu's method is very simple, but it is precisely because of the simplicity that it is more difficult to deal with, because all these are facts.

"I'm sorry, teacher, I didn't expect things to develop into such a situation."

Six Fingers Heixia's guilty voice came to Yan Dan's ears, and he, who was extremely depressed, suddenly seemed to have grasped at straws.

With a plop, he knelt down in front of Six Fingers Heixia.

"Master, this disciple realizes his mistake. Please ask Master to save this disciple!"

"What are you doing? Get up!"

Six Fingers Heixia hurriedly bent down, trying to help Yan Dan up.

But seeing Yan Dan struggling, leaving the Black Man with Six Fingers in the air.

"Master, you treat me like your own son. This time, I was confused and greedy for profit and did something wrong. Dan will bear whatever you want to punish my disciples. But disciples from the state of Qin can't go! Please master save me. "

Six Fingers Heixia raised his arm, hesitated for a while, but finally couldn't bear to blame Yan Dan.

After all, he was the child I watched and grew up. When Yan Dan was hostage in Zhao Guo, he had already worshiped under the Six Fingers Heixia family.

Along the way, the Black Man with Six Fingers placed high hopes on him, even putting pressure on the future of the entire Mo family.Today's changes, although difficult.But it wouldn't make Yandan so frightened.

"Get up first, why are you so afraid of going to Qin?"

Seeing what his master said, Yan Dan realized that there might be a turning point, so he got up and moved a chair respectfully for Six Fingers Heixia to sit down.

Then he said respectfully: "That Shangqing Helou Qiongyu used to be a Korean businesswoman, her name was Zinu. Although she cooperated with me, more of us were plotting against each other.

He must compare pennies and pennies, and is narrow-minded.This time I offended her, it's okay in the country of Yan, because I have the status of the crown prince, she didn't dare to take action against me.

But when he arrived in Qin State, he was able to become the High Minister of Qin State in such a short period of time, and he must have a close relationship with the King of Qin. "

The Black Man with Six Fingers thought about it for a while, and the first image of Zi Nu was pretty good, even though his position was different.Although what Zi Nu did afterward was too lowly in his opinion, it was understandable, and it was not as unbearable as Yan Dan said.

He couldn't help reminding: "Although the purple girl is hostile to you and me, she is very lenient towards people. It's not what you said. Is there any misunderstanding between you and her?"

Yan Dan was a little surprised by the attitude of the six-fingered black man. Now that the last straw is around him, he must grasp it no matter what.

Hastily said vaguely: "Perhaps the disciple misunderstood her, but now that she has offended her, and she asked me to confront Qin, there must be someone behind her. In addition, the king of Qin, Yingzheng, was with me in the state of Zhao. At that time, there will be conflicts. If I go to the Qin Kingdom here, I am afraid that my apprentice will no longer be able to honor your old man, and I will be worried about dying in a foreign land, so I ask Master to save me."

What Yan Dan said was so emotional that she even shed tears, but in the eyes of Six Fingers Heixia, she was more and more disappointed.

A mistake is not hopeless, as long as you look back, you will see a bright future.

But slandering others like this made Six Fingers Heixia waver in supporting Yandan's decision.

But after all, watching the grown-up apprentice, Six Fingers Heixia hesitated again and again, but finally couldn't bear it and gave up Yandan.

"Hey!" With a sigh, Six Fingers Heixia stood up and looked down at Yan Dan, and said, "Say it! What do you want me to do?"

Yan Dan had already noticed the transformation of the six-fingered black man in an instant, and now he couldn't wait to worry about it.

Violence flashed in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said: "I also asked Master to help me kill Zi Nu. In this way, even if I go to Qin State. With the status of the prince of Yan State, with Ying Zheng's disposition , as long as you act in a low-key manner, you will never have to worry about your life."

Six Fingers Heixia finally understood that his apprentice was blinded by hatred at this moment, his life was never in Zi Nu or Ying Zheng's control, but in his own hands.

Although he was displeased and regretted that he had not taught Yan Dan well, the Black Man with Six Fingers still agreed.

"I will make a move. After this time, I will expel you from the Mo family. In the future, you and I will have nothing to do with each other. You can do it yourself."

Six Fingers Heixia finished speaking and left directly.As a Mohist giant, with Mohist thinking, he should not agree to Yan Dan's request, but that is his apprentice.

It's the apprentice he watched grow up, so let's help him this time as the last time!

Moreover, for the Mohists, Qin State has always been an opponent, and with Zi Nu's current strength, it is also worthy of the Six Fingers Heixia's attention, and even a shot.

Yan Dan looked at the tall master's back who had gone away, but his last words echoed in his mind.

"Why do you want to expel me from the Mohist family? I am the future giant, and even the future king of Yan Kingdom. You can't do this. You can't do this..."

The chaotic roars and angry screams can only be behind people's backs. In the end, Yan Dan still has no courage to face the cruel life in front of him.

It was night, the sky was covered by dark clouds, and there were bursts of thunder in the distance, indicating that a heavy rain was coming.

In the empty Zilan Pavilion, Zi Nu poured her own drink.

Here she has already sold it to the farmer's Qianlongtang, as the largest restaurant in the country of Yan, naturally sold it at a high price.

The former Yingge Yanwu is gone forever, and Zi Nu doesn't know if she will have a chance to come here again after leaving this time.

Tonight, one drink per person is the last farewell to this trip to Yan Kingdom.

Looking at the silver snake across the sky from time to time through the window, he picked up the jug and poured himself a glass, and the other wine glass opposite Zi Nu was also full of wine.

This is a drink for guests who don't know if they will show up.

After all, Zilanxuan is a restaurant, and the service must be good, although Zinu doesn't know whether her guests will come tonight, and who will come?
God seems to be very kind to Zi Nu, and doesn't want her to wait too long.

In the flickering candlelight, a tall, pitch-black figure appeared in the room without knowing when.

Zi Nu naturally knew when he appeared, but the visitor was just a guest, so it was better not to make swords drawn as soon as they met, which would damage Zi Lanxuan's image and reputation.

"Since you're here, come over and have a drink!"

Holding the wine glass, Zi Nu's eyes were like silk, and there was a little rosiness on her fair cheeks. She looked at the tall figure with great interest and said quietly.

"You knew I was coming?"

Hei Ying stared at Zi Nu in surprise, walked gently to the opposite of Zi Nu, and sat down on his knees.

Without answering his question, Zi Nu's eyes fell on the wine glass on the table.

"This wine is unique to my Zilanxuan. It is also the best among them. Since the Mo family giant is here in person, why don't you try it!"

(End of this chapter)

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