zombie girlfriend

Chapter 130 The Bluestone Road in the Sea

As soon as I left Feipeng Island today, I encountered some strange things like this, which really opened the eyes of Zhu Fakui, Qingqing and Chuchu. In order to avoid the return of Yasha just now, everyone obeyed Zhang Jingjiang's request and immediately prepared to go on the road.

"Wait a minute!" Granny Yun stopped everyone from moving.

"Although Yasha has left, those mermen under him are still in the water. If you go into the water now, you will definitely be their targets. Wait a little longer and get on the road!" Granny Yun advised.

"By the way, there are those mermaids!" Zhang Jingjiang exclaimed.

"Teacher, what are we waiting for? If those mermaids have been lurking in the water, wouldn't we still be trapped on the island? It's better to kill them!"

"These guys are good at sneak attacking in the water. Which of you is so good in water? I told you to wait until the sun approaches noon before leaving. Yasha and merman are the most yin things. They will automatically evade in extreme situations, and they will definitely be gone at that time!" Granny Yun explained.

Suddenly, Zhang Jingjiang scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and said to the other three people: "The teacher's method is very safe. In this case, we will wait on the island and set off at noon!"

Naturally, the three of them had no objection, so they found places to sit down and rest. They should eat and drink, and at this time Zhang Jingjiang discussed with Granny Yun and asked her to use the earthy mysterious steps specially prepared for Zhu Fakui. The combat skills were passed on to himself, and then he needed to find time to teach Zhu Fakui.

After leaving Feipeng Island, Zhang Jingjiang has realized that the current small group still has a lot of weaknesses. Qingqing and Chuchu's joint combat skills seem to be formidable, but they still lack the support of combat power. The combat effectiveness is an imminent matter.

Granny Yun pointed her finger to his head as promised, thus enabling Zhang Jingjiang to acquire this type of combat skill. Zhang Jingjiang studied it carefully and discovered a characteristic of an extremely powerful combat skill practiced by the earth-type spirit body clan!

That is, for people with other attributes, this type of combat technique can't exert one-third of the power of the combat technique at all, but for the spirit body clan who are earth attributes themselves, especially those who have already completed the earth attribute stage It is said that it is very suitable for cultivation. This is simply a combat skill created for Fatty Zhu. Zhang Jingjiang couldn't help being very happy.

Zhang Jingjiang closed her eyes and memorized this combat technique silently. She had to let herself master the formulas and methods of the exercise first, and then teach it to Zhu Fakui as a matter of course, and Granny Yun also returned to the jade pendant to rest.

When noon approached, Zhu Fakui went to the island to urinate, and checked to see if there were any sharks lurking nearby. Who knew that this guy suddenly yelled: "Lu! Lu, brother Jiang, come on, there is a way!" !"

Zhang Jingjiang was very surprised to hear his shout, so he stood up and walked over. Zhu Fakui turned around and grabbed his arm and shouted excitedly: "Brother Jiang, come and see, we have a way!"

There is indeed a road in front of him. Zhang Jingjiang was shocked to find that this is a very narrow passage leading to the coastline of the mainland. It was caused by the low tide of the sea at noon. Everyone did not expect that the road would be submerged after the high tide in the morning. Now that the tide has receded, the road is revealed!

This sudden discovery immediately made the four of them overjoyed. Qingqing and Chuchu cheered. It seems that it is really beneficial to follow Granny Yun's advice. Now that there is a way, everyone no longer hesitates, grabs the backpack and walks Qingshi Road.

I don’t know how long this bluestone road has been built. It has been soaked in seawater all year round and has been severely eroded. There are also a lot of seaweed on the road, and it is a bit slippery to step on. But the four people are all successful people in cultivation. The difficulty posed no danger to them at all.

The four of them lined up and moved very fast. In less than an hour, they had already walked across the bluestone road. After their feet stepped on the coastline of the mainland, Qingqing and Chuchu cheered again!

After landing, the four of them continued westward along the coast without delay. There seemed to be a long and narrow lowland there. Besides the sand on the coastline, there were dense vegetation and trees. They needed to find a way.

At this time, Granny Yun also came out. On such a wild and wild road, Granny Yun can be considered an experienced guide. Not only can she rise into the air to show the way for everyone, but she also has a strong sense of soul. Zhang Jingjiang and Zhang Jingjiang were responsible for discovering potential dangers in the surrounding environment, which shared a lot of security responsibility for Zhang Jingjiang.

After a few hours, they finally walked into the primeval forest, because there was really no way, but everyone followed Granny Yun's advice, and tried to find the water source of the Dao stream, and then walked upstream along the water source. Go to the high ground as soon as possible, so that you can judge the orientation and position based on the terrain.

This kind of travel is very hard. Not only do you have to walk in places without roads, but you need to open up roads without roads. The rocks and land under your feet are covered with thick leaves, and there are still some potholes that are easy to sink into. At the same time, there are still roads in the forest There are many unknown poisonous insects and beasts appearing!

Fortunately, the four of them are all of the spiritual family, and their physical bodies are very strong, so they don't feel tired, but their speed is relatively slow. Qingqing and Chuchu are very curious about everything along the way, and stop to pick some wild flowers and fruits from time to time. Children love beauty by nature, but wild fruit is thrown to Zhu Fakui for him to prepare dinner!

They camped by the river that night, and the dinner that Zhu Fakui prepared was really exciting. In addition to the dry food they brought, they also shot two hares, and Qingqing and Chuchu also caught fish from the river, which made them all Zhang Jingjiang and Zhu Fakui recalled their experience of grilling fish.

The sky at night was very clear. Zhang Jingjiang watched for a long time, but at the end he became dizzy and couldn't see where everyone was. He had to ask Granny Yun for advice, but Granny Yun couldn't give a specific direction, but she pointed out Come on, there is a mountain crevice not far ahead, which is likely to be the starting point of the river in front of me. Go up there as soon as possible tomorrow, so she can feel the terrain to judge the specific location.

After the night watchmen were assigned, the four of them began to rest. Zhang Jingjiang also spent the night in the practice. He had nothing to say all night. The next morning, the four of them set off again. This time, the goal was clear, which was the mountain in the distance. No delays, finally got there before the sun went down!

Grandma Yun first climbed to the top of the mountain, and then looked around from the high place. After a while, she came back and told everyone that this place seems to be the westernmost section of the Monster Mountain Range, and the westward position will be the fault zone composed of plateaus and valleys. It may be thousands of miles away from the protected area at the southern end of the Monster Beast Mountain Range!

The teleportation array actually transported them tens of thousands of miles, which really made them gasp. This area should have been one of the strongholds of the spirit body clan, but the four of them did not find any traces of the existence of the spirit body clan along the way. It may be covered by dense virgin forest, after all, hundreds of years have passed!

Now that the direction is clear, the next step is to go east. Zhang Jingjiang then considers how to increase the speed of progress, so he asks the opinions of the other three, but Qingqing and Chu Chu tell him that it is theirs to use the movement method to move fast. His strengths, there is nothing to say about this, just run!

"Bragging!" Zhu Fakui pursed his lips.

"Fatty is not convinced, right? Let's compare and see who can run faster?" Chu Chu immediately challenged Zhu Fakui.

"Compare, compare, are you afraid that you will fail!" Zhu Fakui was naturally unconvinced.

Zhang Jingjiang made the best use of the situation: "Okay, tomorrow we will have a foot race to see who can run faster, and the loser will make dinner!"

"No problem!" The three said in unison.

Walking in forests and mountains is a certain degree of difficulty, but the four of them are young people at heart, so the next days will be a process of racing desperately! ...

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