zombie girlfriend

Chapter 146 One-eyed Rhinoceros

Zhang Jingjiang's decision is undoubtedly the best way. The battle between his companions is not easy to grasp. Except for Shuibo Qigong, his other fighting methods are all extremely powerful. If he wants to be careful not to hurt the opponent, Zhang Jingjiang himself No way, instead of doing this, it would be better to find the monsters below to fight!

"Brother Jingjiang! What monster are you looking for?" Chu Chu asked.

"Level three to four monsters, I want to fight with them and collect the inner alchemy of monsters!" Zhang Jingjiang said after thinking for a while.

"Okay! We want to play too!" Qingqing shouted excitedly.

Zhu Fakui was a little prudent at this time, he felt that Zhang Jingjiang's decision was a bit strange: "Brother Jiang, are you okay?"

"It's okay! I'm thinking about a problem. We people don't have enough combat experience. Fighting with people who practice Qi is not like fighting with your companions. These people are all cruel and merciless. To ensure our own safety, Also in order to improve the combat effectiveness of us people, you say, why don't we find those monsters to train and train?"

Zhu Fakui said: "You're right, even if the monster doesn't have inner alchemy, we can still eat barbecue in the future!"

"Qingqing, why do you think this fat man always wants to eat?" Chu Chu said, rolling her eyes.

"You don't know, fat people generally have poor self-control, the most uncontrollable thing is their own mouth!" Qingqing said.

Zhu Fakui also rolled his eyes and said: "Okay, if you have the ability, you two don't eat the barbecue I made!"

"Chuchu, let's ignore him, let's go to fight monsters. The inner alchemy of monsters is a good thing. I heard from Elder Gu that this thing is very valuable in the Central Plains, and there is an urgent need for a lot of monsters in the medicine that Elder Gu refines. Beast Neidan, this time we brought him back a lot, I think he won't be angry with us!" Qingqing pulled Chuchu, and the two girls lowered their heads and fiddled with the wooden sign on the boat.

Monsters have breath, Zhang Jingjiang knows this, he has to spread his consciousness to sense it, instead of blindly looking for it, he stopped Qingqing's move, pointed to the north direction: "there are The powerful aura of the monster is probably at level three, so let's go there and fight with it!"

Of course, everyone responded one after another. The place Zhang Jingjiang pointed to didn't have many big trees, but there were dense bushes. Chuchu and Qingqing worked together to stop the wooden spirit boat on the ground. The four of them came down and looked around. wearing something.

"Come out!" Chu Chu pushed aside a mess of grass, a panicked hedgehog suddenly shrunk into a ball, the spikes all over its body stood up, Qingqing laughed loudly while watching!

Zhang Jingjiang shook his head. He could feel that there was indeed a monster of no less than three levels, but it was obviously not a small hedgehog. Suddenly his expression changed and he raised his hand to signal to everyone , it seems that the monster is coming towards them!

"Boom...!" The ground was vibrating violently, as if something was running, that guy must be heavy, because if it was light, the ground wouldn't be shaking like this!

"Roar!" With a beast roar, a huge rhino rushed out of the bushes. This rhino had two horns behind its long horn, but it only had one eye. It had the aura of a tyrannical third-level monster. It suddenly enveloped the crowd, and after the guy came out, he shot a ferocious look from his one-eyed eyes, and rushed towards the four of them with his head bowed!

Compared with its huge bull body, Qingqing and Chuchu are like two rag dolls. The four of them were taken aback by the sudden appearance of the one-eyed rhinoceros. It must be too late for the two girls to use the joint combat technique. I had no choice but to turn around and run. As soon as the two of them started running, they immediately attracted the attention of the one-eyed rhinoceros, which spread its hooves and chased after them!

The one-eyed rhino was extremely fast, and it caught up with Qingqing and Chuchu in an instant!The scared faces of the two girls changed color!Hearing a sharp shout, the one-eyed rhinoceros was suddenly covered with a layer of ice!The body suddenly stopped moving!Zhang Jingjiang flashed out from behind!It was he who made a meritorious service with a cold ice palm just now!

Before the three could catch their breath, the ice on the one-eyed rhinoceros shattered. It shook its head violently and roared again. The one-eyed rhinoceros had turned blood red. This guy was completely enraged. The bull's horns shone with a cold light, and he flicked sideways, and swiped at Zhang Jingjiang and the three of them. If they were hit by it, the two girls must be in trouble!

Zhang Jingjiang jumped back and pulled the two girls out at the same time. The bull's horn flashed by, and the three of them managed to dodge, but the one-eyed rhino's attack was obviously not over yet. The three rushed over again, and the huge body of the bull was like a running locomotive, unstoppable!

Zhang Jingjiang couldn't help being a little panicked at this time, and backhanded a water wave qigong, hitting the one-eyed rhinoceros staggering but still unable to stop its impact!Suddenly, a huge khaki palm appeared out of thin air!That palm slapped the one-eyed rhinoceros heavily, and immediately sent him flying!At the same time it let out a scream!

Zhu Fakui slapped the one-eyed rhino into the air, and was stunned for a moment. He struggled to pull out his legs and feet from the soil-enclosed shell, and rushed towards the one-eyed rhino with Zhang Jingjiang!Now that the strength of both of them has greatly increased, they never expected to be able to deal with a third-level monster so easily!

The one-eyed rhinoceros spit out blood after being hit by Zhu Fakui's Earth God's Palm, but the furious red in its eyes was even deeper, and it struggled to attack. Zhang Jingjiang mobilized his spiritual power and sent out another cold icy palm, giving the bull's head to the ice Sealed!Seeing the one-eyed rhinoceros gradually stop struggling, both of them were surprised and delighted!They also didn't expect to end the battle so easily in the face of a third-level monster!

This time the harvest is not small. Although there is no inner alchemy in the rhino's head, he got a good rhino horn, and the rhino's cowhide is also considered a very strong material. Zhang Jingjiang thinks that the peeling thing is too cruel. And dirty, so I didn't want the cowhide, but thinking that this thing is probably something the giants like very much, I had to pinch my nose and dry it!

Afterwards, Zhang Jingjiang asked Granny Yun, whether the vigorous use of the ice palm could consume part of the cold spiritual power in her body?Granny Yun told him that the yin and cold spiritual power cannot be consumed through frequent use. He has become a part of your body and must be strengthened with a strong fire attribute to strengthen the yang attribute. It is recommended that he use his spiritual consciousness as an attack method as soon as possible!

Zhang Jingjiang felt that this should be the reason, so the four of them set out again. Qingqing and Chuchu were very embarrassed when they first met the monster, and felt that they had lost face in front of Zhu Fakui, so they began to volunteer later. When they were level two monsters, the two of them always rushed to the front. Occasionally, when they faced level three monsters, their joint combat skills also began to show their power.

The combination combat skills of the two are extremely domineering, and the image of the giant tree behind them is not one but many, which can produce a crushing and squeezing attack effect on the target, and many powerful monsters will be crushed by the squeeze , along the way, there are third-level monsters like the one-eyed rhinoceros, as well as rock pythons, steel-skinned wild boars, nine-horned sheep monsters and other monsters.

Qingqing and Chuchu have almost become brute force thugs. They are the two of them who encounter monsters with strong skin and thick flesh. As a result, Zhang Jingjiang and Zhu Fakui can only fight mobs, but this also makes him try to use his spiritual sense Manipulating the Immortal-Breaking Mace became more proficient, and he was often able to make meritorious deeds in one blow against first-level and second-level monsters!

And the inner alchemy of monsters has also been harvested, but basically they are some wood and earth attribute demon pills. According to the degree of preciousness, pure water attribute demon pills and metal ones are the most precious!These monster inner alchemy and the spoils along the way were all put in Zhang Jingjiang's storage belt!

When they used the spirit boat to drive this day, they suddenly felt that the trees in front of them were very few, and the terrain gradually rose, and the earth and rocks also increased. There was a huge rocky mountain in front of them. A powerful monster breath came!

He immediately called out to the three people next to him: "Beware of monsters! It's probably level four!"

Qingqing asked excitedly, "Where is it?"

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