Ziyang Mountain was ready up and down, and they kept receiving news that Zhang Jingjiang had driven All Beasts into the Xianping Mountain Range, and the land they passed was a mess, and the goal was to come towards Ziyang Mountain.

The Xianping Mountains are different from the Monster Mountains. There are no gentle slopes and jungles. The mountains here are huge and steep, and there are few roads that people can walk on, not to mention the beasts. Therefore, it is very difficult for Zhang Jingjiang and the others to move forward. , It's okay to enter the mountain at the beginning, but once you enter the mountain, there is almost no way.

There are too many beasts. Due to crowding, trampling, and falling off the cliffs on the way forward, a large number of beasts are lost every day. Huang Yuhuan is so anxious that he has to postpone the advance. The beast went to open the way, the giant python could squeeze and widen the narrow mountain road, and the demon ape could also destroy the mountain and fill the ravine, but this was always too slow.

At this time, Shi Lang found Zhang Jingjiang, and he told Zhang Jingjiang that the giants should be allowed to do the mountain paving, and the dozen or so priests they brought were doing this.

This aroused Zhang Jingjiang's curiosity. He wanted to see how the priests of the giant tribe moved mountains to fill seas and split roads. This is a powerful ability passed down by the Pangu clan. Among the Jiuli Thirteen Clans, giants are not only famous for their warriors' physical strength, but also because of this supernatural power.

That night, more than a dozen priests of the giant race stood on several mountaintops and began to practice. When performing sacrifices, they took turns handing them barbecue, wine and other food. It was because this ability would overload the body. It was extremely exhausting, Zhang Jingjiang stood at the bottom of the mountain and watched with hands clasped, surrounded by a group of people, all watching this curiously.

With the sound of low-pitched incantations, a few huge figures of giants suddenly stood up in the thick night on several hilltops. Shi Lang explained from the side that the priests were mobilizing the energy of the ancient yellow scarf warriors. Successfully, it will be very simple to level a few mountains and lay a road.

Shi Lang's words were immediately confirmed. The figures of the giant yellow scarf warriors continued to speed up following the spells of the priests, and the illusory figures gradually solidified, but they still gave people the impression that they were phantoms, but that's how it was. Xu Ying, after roaring silently into the sky, raised his voice and fell down the mountain in one step.

The yellow-turban wrestler stretched out his hands and hugged a small mountain that was blocking the road. The muscles in his arms suddenly swelled. Under the exertion of such a giant, the whole ground shook, and the not-so-small mountain suddenly uttered "" Rumbling...," with a loud noise, countless gravel and soil rolled down.

People who were close immediately ran far away. As the noise and movement became louder, the yellow scarf warriors almost picked up the mountain peak. At this time, the faces of the priests were covered with sweat, and their bodies began to tremble. Trembling, the companion next to him immediately handed over the barbecue, and he took a bite and started to chew. After a while, he seemed to regain his strength, and once again used his kung fu on the yellow turban wrestler.

The sounds of "Kaka..." and "Boom..." from the rocks could be heard endlessly. The Yellow Turban Warriors easily pulled out the mountain and put it aside. Afterwards, more Yellow Turban Warriors appeared, and they ran towards the mountain. More mountains and rocks in the distance, this momentum of moving mountains and reclamation is very astonishing, without the existence of these yellow scarf fighters, it seems that it would not be easy to open up a road quickly.

The sound of "Boom," the sound continued without stopping all night. At dawn, the sound finally disappeared. The tired and exhausted giant priests were all carried down by the tribe to rest. A road leading directly to the Xianping Mountain Range The mainland finally appeared in front of everyone.

This road was built by destroying some mountain peaks that blocked the road and filling the ravines. The road that blocked the herd of beasts was finally paved. The road stretched for dozens of miles and went straight to the foot of Ziyang Mountain. Everyone immediately cheered There was a lot of noise, not only Zhang Jingjiang and others were surprised and silent, but even the orcs were incredulous.

The giant's mountain-moving technique is extremely domineering. In just one night, half of the mountainous area was almost flattened. The beautiful scenery like a fairy mountain was completely destroyed. The villagers living in the mountains were also scared away by this astonishing change.

The huge movement caused by moving mountains and filling the sea and the smoke and dust in the sky did not dissipate for a long time. Huang Yuhuan ordered the people to drive away the large beasts like land beasts and began to trample on the road again, compacting the road surface. After such a day, Zhang Jingjiang waved his hands and the warriors of the two races set off again with a large herd of beasts.

The herd of beasts rumbled forward again, and the startled birds in the dense forest on both sides of the road covered the sky and the sun. There was too much movement in the past two days, and they were already frightened, and the herd of beasts was moving forward. It is impossible to be quiet, there are constantly the sound of lions roaring and tigers roaring, and the huge herd of beasts along the way also needs to eat. Most of the time, they are catching animals outside, and the bronze drummer of the orc clan drives a large number of weak animals for them edible.

Along the way, the cattle, sheep and other things in the disappointing grassland were basically eaten in large quantities. When there was really no other food, they began to solve it internally. Anyway, the orc bronze drum master replenished the number of animals in the herd, so it basically kept This is a huge amount.

The villages along the way were all empty, and Zhang Jingjiang felt very helpless when he saw this, but thinking of Jiang Yiling still suffering in Ziyang Mountain, and Kuichen still buried in the sand in that dark cave, he had no choice but to get up again. Come with a heart.

When the herd of beasts approached Ziyang Mountain, it was night time. In the twilight, Ziyang looked like a huge monster crouching there. Its light blue protective mask shone with light fluorescence. Zhang Jingjiang could Keenly felt that it was much thicker than last time.

That night, Zhang Jingjiang gathered people together to discuss how to deal with Ziyang Mountain. Today is the three-day deadline Zhang Jingjiang proposed. The mountain array is not so easy to break through, this matter requires a plan.

Since there are so many large herds of beasts, it is definitely necessary to use them. Naturally, the first battle will be fought by the herds of beasts, and the giants must also prepare. Although Ziyang Mountain has a large number of people, there are only so many that deserve Zhang Jingjiang's attention. For a few people, the cultivation base of others is obviously not enough.

But Ziyang Mountain is an important place of Taoism and an important stronghold for Qi training. It is not ruled out that they will find helpers. The only people on our side who can fight against the enemy through cultivation bases are Zhu Fakui, Qingqing Chuchu, and if you add Granny Yun's help , should not be afraid of their numbers.

After the discussion was made, everyone went down to prepare separately. Qingqing and Chuchu were the most excited. The two girls have opened their eyes along the way. They will also be the main force in tomorrow's battle, and naturally they are eager to try.

Herds of beasts are hidden in the valley. The corpse village at the foot of Ziyang Mountain has long been flattened. The villagers don’t know where they went. Shrouded in a depressive atmosphere.

As the first ray of sunlight shone down in the morning, the giant beasts in the herd began to howl. The sound of apes and lions and tigers indicated that the battle was about to begin. Zhang Jingjiang stepped on the back of the white tiger , lightly frightened the white tiger's neck, the white tiger let out a low growl, and rushed up into the sky. Zhang Jingjiang was the first to set off, and he wanted Ziyangshan to give him an answer immediately.

The white shadow flashed across the air, and soon stopped outside the protective cover of the Ziyang Mountain's protective formation. Zhang Jingjiang took a deep breath and roared loudly...

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