zombie girlfriend

Chapter 205 Snow Line Figure

Zhang Jingjiang named the fire wolf spirit dog: "Cinnabar." After the spirit dog raised his head and glanced at him, he seemed to have a feeling for the name, and then continued to eat barbecue.

The wild boar meat was very fragrant, and Zhang Jingjiang seemed to be aroused by the desire to eat, but he picked up a small piece, put it in his mouth and chewed it a few times, and couldn't help but spit it out, because he still had a fit. Feeling sick for a while, it seems that I am going to lose the ability to eat, so I can only watch "cinnabar" to eat.

Zhang Jingjiang's stomach can only accept water. He is very worried about himself. If he loses the ability to eat now, is he still a human? Even if he is not a zombie, is he really a non-eating Is there a god of fireworks in the world? Then what is the meaning of this god?

The reason why people become human is because they have the seven emotions and six desires. The seven emotions and six desires are rejected by gods, but Zhang Jingjiang feels that it is precisely because of this that life is interesting. He has never experienced these things before, even if he becomes a fairy, what's the point of that.

Losing the joy of eating, wouldn’t it be a great joy to be a human being? “No,” Zhang Jingjiang said to herself, “We must insist on keeping this function.”

He thought of grilled fish, that was the most delicious food he and Zhu Fakui had eaten together, only that could arouse his desire to eat, Zhang Jingjiang felt that he could start with grilled fish, and gradually In order to restore his ability to eat, he needs to replenish his body’s energy. In addition to cultivating and absorbing aura, the way of absorbing the juice essence of plants or absorbing animal blood is really enough for him, and he still wants to be an ordinary person.

But even though he insisted on being an ordinary person, in fact he was no longer ordinary. The next day he found the stream and caught the fish. After it was really cooked, the fish chewed in his mouth was so tasteless, it tasted like chewing wax Not to mention, it still made him feel disgusted by that statement, he felt that it stinks.

If the smell of fish was used to cover up the stench, Zhang Jingjiang took a big bite of the raw fish, which made him feel less sad, and all the delicious grilled fish he baked were eaten up by cinnabar Now that the situation of one person and one dog came to an end, Zhang Jingjiang could only eat raw food, but Zhu Sha insisted on eating cooked food.

"Are you a dog, or am I a dog?" Zhang Jingjiang patted Zhu Sha's head.

Zhu Sha looked at him, stuck out her tongue and licked his hand, then wagged her tail desperately at him, which showed that the dog was in a good mood and very happy, Zhang Jingjiang couldn't help but envy it a little bit, as long as it can eat enough, it can be happy It's really good to forget everything.

Zhu Sha's injury healed quickly. For the first two days, Zhang Jingjiang gave up his speed and walked with it. In the next two days, he could go down to the ground and slowly keep up with it. There are many mountains and ridges in the wasteland. Going north, turned a big circle, and then found a big river flowing through the middle of the mountains.

On the fourth day, after Zhang Jingjiang crossed the big river and turned over the mountain ridge blocking the road, he found that there were more and more mountains in the distance, and the temperature dropped rapidly. The direction to the south was also an east-west direction. mountains, and snow-capped.

If you want to turn south and go south, you don’t need to go through this mountain range. At this time, Zhu Sha’s arrow wound on the north side is almost healed, and you can follow him slowly on the road. Zhang Jingjiang slowly let go of the speed and headed towards The mountains in the south were advancing, and Zhu Sha kept up with him without using teleportation.

Qinglong told him that he had taken a fork in the road. If ordinary people want to go from the Yuntai Mountains to Zhongtu City in the Central Plains, they must go southwest to reach Qingmu City, then cross the Broken Dragon Mountains in the northwest direction, pass through the Black Soil Plateau, and then head north. Only then can they reach Zhongtu City, and Zhang Jingjiang chose to take a straight-line distance, which seemed to shorten the distance, but due to the road conditions, he took more wrong roads.

Zhang Jingjiang is helpless. After losing Xiaobai, his habitual straight-line distance movement has become the chief culprit of his wrongdoing. On the ground, as long as you find the coordinates and reference objects, the straight-line distance is no problem, but on the ground can not be like this.

The terrain on the ground is very complicated. Sometimes it is flat land, but there will be woodland swamps, plus lakes and rivers. If the terrain in this section is relatively undulating, hills and mountains will appear from time to time, and there are even ravines and canyons. Straight-line distance is no longer possible, only going around.

Zhang Jingjiang didn't have a guide, and didn't know if there was a road nearby, so he could only walk in the general direction he identified. Sometimes even though he used the escape technique, he couldn't keep his head on the road. Accelerate quickly, but when the terrain changes, you must stop, otherwise there will be a dangerous situation.

Wood escape can be used when there are trees and weeds, but after arriving in the wasteland, Zhang Jingjiang is unwilling to use earth escape, or the sudden appearance of rivers and lakes, which makes him have to concentrate on the journey, although this It is of great help to his consciousness and perception, but it is really tiring after a day.

After entering the snow line in the mountains, Zhu Sha's injury was completely healed. She had been running with Zhang Jingjiang, but recently she suddenly ran in front of him. Zhang Jingjiang found that the route it was walking was actually easy.

"Zhu Sha, have you been here before? You know the way," Zhang Jingjiang asked Zhu Sha.

Zhu Sha looked up at him and nodded. He couldn't speak, but he could understand what Zhang Jingjiang said, and answered by nodding and shaking his head. Sometimes when the question was complicated, he would tilt his head to think about it. But nodding and shaking his head obviously can't answer too complicated questions, so Zhang Jingjiang will take a selective approach to its questions, because it can give its own answers by nodding and shaking its head.

Zhu Sha nodded, proving that it had indeed been here before and recognized the way, so Zhang Jingjiang was relieved. He had to pass through this mountain range as soon as possible, but the overall altitude of the mountain range was relatively high. A short place or a canyon where two mountains intersect, and cinnabar is now leading him to a canyon.

And this canyon is the angle between the two mountains. After crossing this canyon, he passed through this mountain range. Zhang Jingjiang was very happy. He walked on the snow with a lot of brisk pace, but at this moment he Suddenly heard a voice from afar.

Looking up and looking around, I found that some figures suddenly appeared on the side of the canyon, but those figures were all white. When the sun shone on them, the shadows cast on the ground betrayed them. Zhang Jingjiang found those people and immediately put himself on alert stand up.

"Zhu Sha, don't run far away, someone is in danger," Zhang Jingjiang yelled at the Fire Wolf Spirit Dog. Zhu Sha had already spotted the white figure in the distance, but it obviously meant to tell Zhang Jingjiang to hurry up, don't Stay where you are.

Zhu Sha ran over, opened his mouth and bit Zhang Jingjiang's sleeve, and pulled him out. Zhang Jingjiang finally realized what it meant. The figure in the distance was obviously familiar with the terrain here, but he was not. If you do it yourself, you will be very passive, and it is the best policy to leave this area quickly.

After figuring this out, Zhang Jingjiang followed Zhu Sha and started running away...

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