zombie girlfriend

Chapter 207 Yunyan Xuezhi

Zhang Jingjiang and Zhu Sha teamed up to kill the silver-backed cold ape.The big guy was finally burned to coke.Cinnabar stuck out her tired tongue.Panting hard.If it weren't for Zhang Jingjiang's sneak attack with the Poxian Mace from behind.I guess he is still really dangerous.

He thought that Zhang Jingjiang would team up with him to breathe fire together.They must have fought side by side.We have dealt with half-orcs together.But she didn't know.In a place full of ice and snow.There are not many fire elements between heaven and earth.Zhang Jingjiang is not like it.Naturally, the body is full of fire elements.His fire element comes entirely from between heaven and earth.It is absorbed by the spirit-absorbing method.

So Zhu Sha looked at Zhang Jingjiang with puzzled eyes.Zhang Jingjiang still has to explain it.Whether it understands it or not.Anyway, Zhang Jingjiang told him.But Zhu Sha nodded after listening.Instead, he ran towards the distance.

Zhang Jingjiang followed behind.But found that cinnabar ran very fast.It disappeared in a moment.Zhang Jingjiang yelled twice.After a while, cinnabar ran back erratically.As soon as it came, it bit Zhang Jingjiang's sleeve.Drag him forward.

Zhang Jingjiang followed Zhu Sha and ran forward.The canyon is full of ice and snow.In addition, ice cones are hung on the cliff.Unexpectedly, under the guidance of Zhu Sha.After a swipe and a turn.It even entered a crack in the mountain.The crack is not wide enough for only one person to enter.But the scenery that appeared on the other side made people feel suddenly enlightened.

There is actually an escape from the world.Green grass is everywhere.All kinds of wild flowers bloom extremely brightly.A thin mist hung over the whole place.The scent of flowers permeates the air.And the temperature is not low and very warm.Zhang Jingjiang looked around and found that the whole place was not big.It's like the inner space of a mountain split.

And the heat source inside was also discovered by him.There is a hot spring in the middle of the grass.It was bubbling and bubbling upwards.A small pool formed by the hot spring makes the surrounding temperature rise.Plus it's pretty much closed off here.Surrounded by steep rock walls.It makes it look like a garden in the middle of a mountain.

This place has a strange smell.Zhang Jingjiang found huge footprints on the grass.This was left behind by the silver-backed cold ape.This place is its old den.Looking around, I found a cave.Inside the cave was the stench of that giant ape.But the cave is not big.Judging by the guy's size.This can't be where it lives.

Zhang Jingjiang squeezed his nose and got in.But it turned out that there was a pile of wild fruits that were about to rot.Carcasses of various birds.Then there is a pile of rocks.Zhang Jingjiang suddenly understood.Why is the sound of birdsong here.If it is said that this is a closed space.Or there are small animals that dare not get in.Everyone is afraid of this giant ape.But birds should be off limits.

But all the birds that landed or flew over here were stoned down by the giant ape.And also collected the corpses.Invisibly, the birds regard this place as a no-fly zone.The longer the time.and no more birds will pass by.

Inside this cave.Zhang Jingjiang could clearly feel the strong aura fluctuations.And the aura comes from that pile of stones.It seems that this giant ape still has the habit of collecting treasures.I just don't know what treasures it has collected.Zhang Jingjiang pushed aside the pile of stones.

as expected.Sure enough, the giant ape hides a lot of treasures here.It was a pair of gold spirit ore.An expensive metal ore capable of refining gold metal.In addition, he also discovered Lingshi.And all of them are middle-grade spirit stones.There are even two top-grade spirit stones.These spirit stones and gold spirit mines are undoubtedly a huge wealth for Zhang Jingjiang.

He originally gave Yu Lingzi one hundred thousand gold and has been regretting it ever since.These riches now more than compensated for his losses.In addition, he also found several crystal clear and jade-like stone slabs among the stone piles.This thing is very beautiful.But there is no aura in it.

Qinglong's voice suddenly rang in his mind: "This is a good thing. The slab of the spirit jade. This is a sacred object of the Jade Clan. I really don't know where that big guy got it."

"What is the Absolute Spirit Jade Slab?" Zhang Jingjiang asked.

"You already know the most valuable thing in the original world. That is the ore of the ultimate spirit. But there are several types of ore of the ultimate spirit. The most common one is called the ore of the ultimate spirit. It is like the top-grade spirit stone Ordinary. But the spiritual energy stored in it is more than that of high-grade spiritual stones. The ultra-spiritual ore that is several times higher than this is the ultra-spiritual jade mine in your hand.

According to legend, it has always been controlled by the Yu people.There are very few peerless jade stones that can be handed down from the outside world.It is absolutely unique to think of such a large piece.Presumably it must be those peerless jades in the hands of the Jade Clan. "

"But it doesn't have a trace of aura in it." Zhang Jingjiang said.

Qinglong explained to him: "The Absolute Spirit Jade does not actively store spiritual energy. It is a kind of spiritual body. It can speed up the absorption of spiritual energy by those who touch it. But the Absolute Spirit Jade is not the best spiritual body. The top-grade Absolute Spirit Body is called the Absolute Spirit Crystal. It is a rare treasure that cannot be found.”

"Ah. There are such good things." Zhang Jingjiang smacked his lips.There is also some envy in my heart.

"Could you be joking with the old man, little friend. Don't you know that kind of crystal of absolute spirit?"

Zhang Jingjiang said: "Of course I haven't seen it before. Did senior Meng Zhang think that there would be such a thing on me?"

Qinglong Mengzhang laughed for a while and didn't speak again.Zhang Jingjiang didn't care either.He began to pack all the treasures he found into his storage belt.This time it was sent.Zhang Jingjiang is in a good mood.But he found that Zhu Sha did not follow the cave.So he went out to find it.As soon as he came out of the cave, he immediately smelled a strange aroma.

"Little friend, go quickly. That spirit dog found something good for you." Qinglong said eagerly in his mind.

Zhang Jingjiang has already seen cinnabar.It is standing behind the hot spring.It seems to be breathing flames from its mouth.Where did that aroma come from?Zhang Jingjiang hurried over.

I saw cinnabar spraying thin flames at a strange plant.And that plant seems to be a ganoderma with a large fan.The difference is that Ganoderma lucidum is white.It is now stretched out under the flames of cinnabar spouts.And curled up full, and finally formed a light red fruit-like thing.

Cinnabar stopped breathing flames.Take a closer look at the fruit.Then he looked up at Zhang Jingjiang.He shook his tail.It seems to be asking for credit.

"Cinnabar. Is this for me?" Zhang Jingjiang asked.

Zhu Sha nodded.Then wagged his tail again.Zhang Jingjiang picked the "fruit" very strangely.Put it in the palm of your hand and look carefully: "What the hell is this?" He looked at Zhu Sha.The dog looked at him expectantly.

"This is called Yunyan Xuezhi. It is a supreme spiritual creature. I think that gorilla is probably guarding this thing. You are lucky." Qinglong said in his mind.

"But what good is this thing for me? How should I absorb it?" Zhang Jingjiang was puzzled.

"Of course I ate it."

"No way. I will spit up whatever I eat now. If I eat it and spit it out, wouldn't that be a waste of money?" Zhang Jingjiang suddenly said loudly.

"Didn't you smell its peculiar aroma? Don't you have the urge to devour it?" Qinglong said in a teasing tone: "If I were you, I would swallow it without hesitation, no matter how unpalatable it is. "

"Really?" Zhang Jingjiang was still a little confused.He knew Qinglong couldn't lie to him.So he finally gritted his teeth.He opened his mouth and threw that strange fruit into his mouth...

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