zombie girlfriend

Chapter 267 Sudden plot!

Zhang Jingjiang's crying voice echoed throughout the gloomy forest.He spread his legs and kept running.keep looking.But not only Jiang Yiling.Even Mr. Chu and those people have disappeared.

Zhang Jingjiang was anxious but forgot to release his consciousness.It stands to reason that Jiang Yiling would not go too far.After running back and forth a few times, he slowly settled down.Hastily released his consciousness like a tide.

"Senior Meng Zhang. Are you there?" Zhang Jingjiang would naturally ask Qinglong Meng Zhang.Because Qinglong Mengzhang is more familiar with this kind of breath than him.

"Little friend, don't panic. My current consciousness has basically merged with your real dragon consciousness. From now on, my consciousness will be yours. You can use it with confidence." Qinglong's voice came from his head Come.

Zhang Jingjiang felt relieved after hearing this.His spiritual consciousness quickly covered the forest for nearly a thousand miles like a tide.Immediately, he keenly caught Jiang Yiling's special spirit breath.To put it bluntly, this breath is very familiar.Just like the feeling that has existed in myself for a long time.

The spiritual sense locked Jiang Yiling at a location two kilometers to the southwest.Zhang Jingjiang quickly moved in which direction.He didn't understand why those people were running so fast.He actually ran two kilometers away in a short period of time.He launched the wood escape technique.The body is like a faint shadow.Fly away quickly...

After he ran for nearly two kilometers.The situation in front of him suddenly became clear.The forest suddenly disappeared here.The reason is that there are a large number of fault layers on the surface.Lots of gravel.It can be seen that the fault layer here is several kilometers deep.

Zhang Jingjiang ran here.Immediately, he saw Mr. Chu, Jiang Yiling and others.Duan brothers.Zhao Yuanhao and Yin Jiuxing are all here.But they are confronting a monster.

The monster looked very ferocious.It's actually an oversized lizard.The triangular eyes under the flat and long triangular head gleamed coldly.Its fine scales are very dense, and ordinary attacks obviously have no effect on it.Mr. Chu's blue diamond snake is its main opponent.

The golden-eyed cloud-swallowing beast is hiding behind.The ability of this monster is in the sky.Not on the ground.Yin Jiuxing's complexion was very ugly.Because the giant blue diamond snake seemed to be running away.The confrontation between cold-blooded animals only needs to catch the breath of the other party through the letter stretched out by oneself.

If the other party is afraid.The chemical smell in the body will be released immediately.The canyon monitor lizard immediately caught these smells through its huffing and spitting.Suddenly, a fierce look flashed in his eyes, and he rushed towards the crowd.

The monitor lizard attacked.Yin Jiuxing was shocked.With a flick of the right hand, a sharp gust of wind immediately hit the monitor lizard's neck.But there was a "ding." sound.It is reported that the steel-like scale armor is impenetrable at all.Young Master Chu also took action at this time.Black mist gushes out from the body.A black palm was pushed violently to stop the monitor lizard.

The Duan Brothers' brute force combination spell drew out a huge boulder and smashed it out.Zhao Yuanhao merged the two flying swords into one and transformed into a huge sword, and slashed at the giant lizard.Everyone's attacks are all powerful.Only Jiang Yiling's attack method was her unique hidden weapon: Yunmeng Flying Needle.But this thing obviously can't cause any harm to the monitor lizard.

Amidst the loud noise, smoke and dust filled the air.Monitor lizards are huge though.But extremely flexible.As his body twisted in the air, Zhao Yuanhao's huge sword suddenly slashed into the air.The Duan brothers' boulder attack also failed.Only Mr. Chu's black palm slammed onto its body.The giant lizard swung its claws.The Duan brothers were immediately sent flying.

Black Palm just pushed the monitor lizard sideways.But it didn't hurt him.This guy has the upper hand at this point.The long tail flicked violently.Zhao Yuanhao fled in embarrassment. "Crack." There was a loud noise, and the place where he was standing suddenly flew away at any time.

The long tail is obviously the monitor lizard's most powerful means of attack.When it is shaken again, it is the most yin and nine elements.Yin Jiuxing slapped the giant snake behind him.The giant snake arched fiercely to meet its tail. "Touch." There was a loud noise.The body of the snake collided with the tail of the monitor lizard.Both sides roared.Yin Jiuxing took advantage of the situation and fled.

The giant snake also quickly swam and escaped with Yin Jiuxing.And it was Young Master Chu and Jiang Yiling that the giant lizard flicked its tail again.Mr. Chu missed the first attack just now.At this moment, it was too late to pull Jiang Yiling to avoid it.The situation is extremely critical.

At this moment, there was a loud roar: "Jumang Shenquan." A huge fist suddenly appeared.It hit the giant lizard with lightning speed.Monitor lizards are attacked by this.There was a painful hiss.The body was smashed and flew outwards.It fell far into the cracks on the surface.

Everyone was in shock.Only then did I see clearly.The person who smashed the monitor lizard.It turned out to be Zhang Jingjiang.When everyone was so embarrassed by the giant lizard, they didn't expect that they would knock the giant beast away with just one move.Suddenly these people felt very embarrassed.

"Yi... are you okay?" Zhang Jingjiang only had Jiang Yiling in his eyes.Turned to ask her.

Jiang Yiling was still in shock.Wen Ting repeatedly shook his head to indicate that he was fine.The Duan brothers next to him ran back in disgrace.Although the two were rough-skinned and thick-skinned, they were sent flying by the monitor lizard's sharp claws.But it didn't actually hurt much.

"Cough... Thank you Brother Zhang for your generous help." Mr. Chu said to Zhang Jingjiang.They wanted to get rid of Zhang Jingjiang's group.But at the critical moment, they still came to rescue them.

"Brother Zhang is amazing. Yin admires it." Yin Jiu walked up and said.He's actually one of the safest.The attack was all borne by his giant snake.He was virtually unscathed.compared to others.He has nothing to lose at all.

Zhao Yuanhao snorted coldly.Although not convinced in my heart.But he had nothing to say about the facts.Now everyone in the crowd is in a panic.At first I thought there were a few of them to help.Jiang Yiling's itinerary in the canyon will be very easy.But now I realize that they underestimated the danger here.

Mr. Chu helped Jiang Yiling, whose legs were a little weak, to sit down.Zhang Jingjiang also wanted to step forward to express his concern.But he held back.He glanced at the pale Jiang Yiling.There was a pain in his heart.I was speechless in a daze.

"Brother Zhang. Although you beat that big bug away, there is still a group of them below. The location is very close to us. How should we deal with it?" Yin Jiuxing said.He is smart.Know to look at it in front of you.Zhang Jingjiang's skill is the strongest.It is also the best force to use.How could he let it go so easily.

"Lead me to have a look." Zhang Jingjiang said coldly.

Yin Jiuxing led Zhang Jingjiang to the crack in front and pointed it down for him to watch.This crack is deep.And whizzing up the cold wind.

"The lairs of those monsters are below. Brother Zhang, what do you think?" Yin Jiuxing said.

Zhang Jingjiang looked down.It was found that the underground was dark.At the same time, my own spiritual consciousness also wanted to detect it.But there are no monitor lizard lairs at all.That's not good for Zhang Jingjiang.At this time, a powerful force came from behind.

Zhang Jingjiang felt bad.The dragon scales and dragon cauldron armor on the body immediately emerged. "Bang." There was a sound.Still hit hard in the back.His body suddenly turned into the crack.fell like a stone...

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