zombie girlfriend

Chapter 301 The feeling of imminent disaster

Cinnabar's teleportation method actually scares Gu Gui even more.His evil spirit burst out again.Several figures collided together again.Actions are lightning fast.Zhang Jingjiang uses body skills and cinnabar to attack the lonely ghost.The flames in the space spit out rockets.And the speed of the lonely ghost is not slow.Under the cover of the white demonic aura, he escaped the flames one after another.

suddenly.Queson let out a roar.Then he snorted.Everyone was shocked.It turned out that the lonely ghost fell into obsession and attacked Kui Chen who was slowly gathering the power of thunder and lightning again.This time, Queson's injury was compounded.Immediately unable to stand up.

Among a group of people beside Zhang Jingjiang.The only ones who were not injured were Qingqing and Chuchu.But they are taking care of lily of the valley alone.One is taking care of Zhu Fakui.No one noticed that Kuchen was also attacked.And Kuichen was injured again, causing Zhang Jingjiang's mind to be in turmoil.The speed dropped again.

There was a scream.Zhu Sha was kicked by the lonely ghost.flew out.Gu Gui stretched out his hand to extinguish the flames on his body and laughed again.Zhang Jingjiang rushed over to pick up Zhu Sha.It was found that its leg was broken.

Now the situation has taken a turn for the worse again.In this place where the five elements are missing, there is no real combat technique available, and it is impossible to stop the giant monster in front of him.But the power of thunder and lightning only wounded the general and did not kill him.Now he has a fresh army of lonely ghosts.Zhang Jingjiang and his group are really in danger.

The lonely ghost was also secretly startled.One is to marvel at the strength of Queson.I didn't even kill him twice in the sneak attack.The second is the pressure brought by Zhang Jingjiang and Zhu Sha.His evil spirit is afraid of flames.The attributes of both guys restrain themselves.Now the body is exhausted.In addition, the master and general were seriously injured.It seems that I don't use thunder to kill all these people.Today is likely to fall here.

Thinking of this lonely ghost, he didn't dare to delay any longer.He slapped his chest.Suddenly spit out a few things from his mouth.That thing rises when the wind blows.In an instant, it became the size of a football.Those are three white skulls.But his eyes were filled with black smoke.The mouth is full of sharp teeth.The face is hideous and terrifying.

Three skulls spun endlessly around the lone ghost.There was a whining sound from his mouth.The lonely ghost bit his tongue again and spewed out a mouthful of blood.His demon blood is blue.As soon as it exits, it becomes foggy.The three skulls suddenly let out a cheering sound.Get into the blood dance.The blood mist was absorbed in an instant.

The three skulls were more than doubled in size.The appearance at this time is even more terrifying.And there are two feet long sharp horns growing out of each skull's head.The whining sound in the mouth became louder and louder.The lonely ghost's face became very ugly.This is his housekeeping spell.I definitely want to solve Zhang Jingjiang and the others at once.

"Gu Gui. Today's matter is over. I will repay you generously." The general saw that Gu Gui used his trick.Immediately feel relieved.He knows the power of this secret technique.It seems that none of these people present today will survive.

The atmosphere of terror is getting heavier and heavier.Zhang Jingjiang could clearly feel the dangerous aura brought by the three skulls.But he didn't know what to do.The Poxian Mace circled out.Rotate continuously around the body.At the same time, he looked at Queson.

"Master Kuchen. What should we do?"

"Ahem..." Kuichen coughed.Sitting up with difficulty, "Their time of death has arrived. Look behind them."

His words reminded everyone present.They all looked behind the lonely ghost and the general.The general and the lonely ghost were also very surprised.Hastily looked back.Behind them is a light blue halo.That halo is very large.Enough to wrap around a dozen people.

The general didn't look afraid.He actually exclaimed in surprise: "She has completed the fusion. That's great. The lonely ghost killed them all. Then he took this little girl away."

Kuichen suddenly laughed. "This bastard is always so stupid." He turned his head and said to Zhang Jingjiang: "Among the three of us, Qing Chen is actually the smartest guy. The most stupid is Jiang Chen. But he always plays tricks. I just want to guard against him He was assassinated when he was clever. But his stupidity is rooted in it. It can never be changed."

"Asshole. You are stupid. Ignore the lonely ghost and do it quickly." The general roared.

But now the lonely ghost can't move his hands.Because there is a person standing in front of him now.A young girl.A shawl with long hair.A girl with a beautiful appearance but a dazzling blue light in her eyes.

The lonely ghost was a little puzzled.Also a little surprised.But the three skeleton ghost heads revolving around it didn't dare to do that.This thing is basically out of Lone Ghost's control now.He opened his sharp teeth and bit the girl in front of him.

"Yi Ling, be careful." Zhang Jingjiang shouted loudly from a long distance away.

But Jiang Yiling's body naturally carried that light blue halo.After the skeleton ghost head came into contact with the halo.Immediately hissed and screamed.In an instant, it turned into flying smoke.

The three skeleton ghost heads were instantly turned into flying smoke by the blue halo.The lonely ghost felt as if he had been hit hard.He put his head in his hands.There was a scream.Staggered and fell to the ground.Rolling on the ground.Painful groans continued.

The general was stunned immediately.Kui Chen sneered again.No one expected this scene.Zhang Jingjiang and the others stared dumbfounded.Even Zhu Fakui straightened his body and stared.Only Lily of the Valley breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Yiling's eyes were full of blue light! This gave her a noble and mysterious aura.Zhang Jingjiang felt something very strange from her.that kind of thing.I am not familiar with it.This made Jiang Yiling lose the intimacy with him in an instant.He opened his mouth.I don't know what to say.

Jiang Yiling turned his head and seemed to be looking at everyone present.Immediately reach out.Raised the index finger of his right hand.There was a hint of blue halo on it.But in an instant, the light brightened.The blue light in the halo is like a substance full of mysterious bright spots.Not only does it make you feel dizzy.

The general stepped forward to help the lonely ghost.He had a sense of impending doom.Once again, he had no choice but to increase the remaining magic energy in his body.Wrap yourself and the lonely ghost in it.He knew things were screwed up today.

Jiang Yiling stretched out his right hand, and a blue light spot containing a blue halo flew out immediately.Directly enclose all Jiang Chen and Gu Gui.Then gradually lift off.Fly towards the dome of the entire space.Suddenly, the blue halo glowed brightly.It is getting brighter and brighter.getting brighter...

"Don't let them go," Queson shouted.

But this sentence is too late.The halo suddenly closed.It disappeared without a trace in an instant.Together with the generals and lonely ghosts inside.And the blue halo on Jiang Yiling's body at this time also dissipated.Her body suddenly lost its pillar-like fatigue and fell to the ground.Zhang Jingjiang was shocked.Immediately got up and flew forward.

Jiang Yiling woke up again.I was studying to see Zhang Jingjiang.Her body suddenly shrank into his arms.The serious glow is also gone.The appearance gradually recovered.

"Ah Jiang. Why are we here? My father." Jiang Yiling said suddenly.

"You defeated those two just now... Yi Ling, what did you say?" Zhang Jingjiang turned pale with shock.The tone and content of Jiang Yiling's words were exactly the tone she used when she was trying to lose her memory.Did she regain her memory?

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