zombie girlfriend

Chapter 33 Postponed 3 Days

The two quickly ran back to the villa. The whole villa looked peaceful from the outside, but when they entered the courtyard, they found that it was a bit lively. People were coming and going, and many people had parked a lot of cars. Many people were getting out of their cars. Take your luggage inside and out.

It turned out that the trial of the original world was going to be held tomorrow, and now many junior jerks who were approved to go to the original world were preparing their luggage. Jiang Haishan frowned, stood in the yard, and looked around for a long time, but found nothing. Something special happened.

He turned to Zhang Jingjiang and said, "I have to report what happened to the Great Elder just now, you should go back to your room first."

Without waiting for Zhang Jingjiang to nod in agreement, he strayed away and entered the hall first. Zhang Jingjiang stood there for a long time in astonishment, thinking that he had no need to stay besides going back to his room. The lively atmosphere outside did not belong at all. himself, because he knew no one.

The appearance of the old Taoists in the Han Dynasty will obviously bring some crises to the elders and the others, and I can't help much. If there is a chance, I'd better talk to Jiang Yiling. After the incident, Zhang Jingjiang felt that Jiang Yiling had no choice but to, after all, his feelings for him were true.

"If two people can live forever, it's a good thing to stay together like that!" Zhang Jingjiang thought of this, but felt that Jiang Yiling's intentions were well-intentioned, and he couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

A man was walking forward with self-pity, when suddenly a crisp voice called him from behind.

"Brother Jiang!"

Zhang Jingjiang turned around in astonishment, only to find a young woman with bright eyes and bright teeth walking towards him, and when she came to her, she grinned and revealed two small canine teeth!Looks naughty and cute.

"It turned out to be Jiang Xiaomei!" Zhang Jingjiang smiled and took care of her. This girl is the girl who has a very good relationship with Jiang Yiling. Her full name is Jiang Xiaomei, but everyone calls her Xiaomei because she looks good. It's really cute and small.

"Brother Jiang, why are you here alone? Where is Sister Yi Ling? Are you not with you?" The little girl began to chatter and ask.

"Oh, this... Yi Ling seems to be resting in the room!" Zhang Jingjiang scratched her head and smiled foolishly

"Hee hee...!" The little girl looked up at Zhang Jingjiang and snickered from the corner of her eyes, which made Zhang Jingjiang even more embarrassed, at a loss as to what to say, but fortunately, the little girl accepted it when she finished, and didn't ask any more questions. But she moved her head closer and lowered her voice, telling Zhang Jingjiang quietly.

"Brother Jiang, do you know? The original trial was postponed by the Great Elder and the others!"

Zhang Jingjiang looked at Jiang Xiaomei, who opened her eyes and nodded vigorously, emphasizing that what she said was absolutely true, Zhang Jingjiang shrugged her shoulders and said: "Push it back, I don't care too much!"

"Isn't it?" Jiang Xiaomei was very surprised: "Don't you know, you are already a celebrity now! Among our group of people, you are the only one who can break through the seal within four days! Everyone said that You must be No.1 in a trial in the original world! Jiang Wu and those boys are still not convinced!"

Zhang Jingjiang frowned and said, "You always talk about trials in the original world, but what exactly is the trial in the original world?"

Jiang Xiaomei widened her eyes and asked, "Ah! You don't know? You can get advanced exercises from the elders of the original world in the trial of the original world, and you can even get combat skills! But this trial in the original world is really difficult. No one has been able to successfully obtain anything from the original world for several years!"

Jiang Xiaomei babbled and shook her head and said, "That may be a mysterious technique! Do you know? All of us sisters are very optimistic about you. Everyone said that sister Yi Ling has the best vision. She I found a genius! Hee hee...!" After speaking, Jiang Xiaomei laughed again.

Zhang Jingjiang asked: "Then have you ever been to the original world? And Yi Ling, did you also succeed?"

Sighing, Jiang Xiaomei seemed to be very regretful: "I have been there, but I didn't even pass the first level, but Sister Yi Ling is very good, and even made it to the last level! It's a pity that I failed in the end!"

"Going to break through?" Zhang Jingjiang asked.

"Yes, they are all levels set by the elders of Yuanjie, but they are different every time. I don't know what it will be like this time?"

"Is it something like a maze?" Zhang Jingjiang asked.

Shaking his head, Jiang Xiaomei told him that in fact, the trials in the original world are all related to your own spiritual power, and then your wit is tested. If you can pass the level smoothly, it means that you meet the standards of the elders in the original world. , will be taught in the original world for three years, and will definitely be absorbed into the Council of Elders when they return later!

Zhang Jingjiang was not interested in these situations at first, but now he has to inquire. One reason is Jiang Yiling, and his corpse poison can only be completely restrained after entering the original world. He was able to enter the original realm. Apart from looking for and capturing the Wuyin Lihun grass, Kui Chen also seemed to hope that he could enter the original world. It must be said that Zhang Jingjiang had been suspecting that he had some conspiracy, but Kui Chen swore that The original world will be good for him, it seems that the trip to the original world is imperative!

Now that he decided to go to the original world, Zhang Jingjiang had to make some preparations. Instead of wandering around, he went straight back to the room. He wanted to go to Jiang Yiling, but he asked Jiang Xiaomei to bring Jiang Yiling. In other words, he asked his younger sister to tell Jiang Yiling that he would definitely go to the original world and come back with a good ranking, because Xiaomei told him that even if he did not pass the test in the original world, he would still have a ranking ranking!

After returning to the room, Zhang Jingjiang sat down and thought about it. If it is said that entering the original realm is only to obtain the skills taught by the elders of the original realm, he is not too rare. There are also two powerful combat techniques. Naturally, I will not be too rare about some mysterious skills. As for the number of senior members, I am even less interested. At present, the most important thing is that I should accumulate my skills.

What Zhang Jingjiang couldn't understand was that he had clearly advanced to the stage of earth, why did the second elder say that he was of the seventh level of water?According to Jiang Xiaomei, it only takes two to three layers of water-based skills to enter the trial of the original world, and she already has earth-based skills, so it should be no problem to pass the level smoothly, but if it is seven layers of water-based skills, it means My skill is regressing, isn't it true that after a period of time, my practice will be in vain?

He raised this question to Quebec in his head, and after a long time, Quechon replied lazily: "That's so strange, the guy who tested your skill can only use spiritual power to detect whether your seal is the sea or not." The depth of the spiritual power in it, but you don’t know that your spiritual power has basically dissipated into your body, maybe after a while, your sea of ​​consciousness will be empty, of course he can’t detect it!”

"However! Now you also feel a heavy stiffness in the spiritual power in your body, which means that you are indeed within the earth nature, but because you acquired the power too quickly, which violated the solid requirements, so recently you So I can practice that Nine Suns Dragon Armor Art more and lay a good foundation for myself!"

What Kuchen said was very reasonable, and Zhang Jingjiang agreed, and he decided to follow what Kuchen said, laying a good foundation for himself first.

During dinner, the Great Elder really summoned everyone and informed everyone that due to some special reasons, the trial in the original world was postponed for three days, and after three days, he would enter the original world for the trial!

And Zhang Jingjiang also saw Jiang Yiling at this time, he walked towards her, Jiang Yiling raised her watery eyes to look at him, bit her lips and did not speak, Zhang Jingjiang gently held her shoulder, slowly Slowly hugging Jiang Yiling tightly into her arms, Jiang Xiaomei who was next to her saw it, stuck out her tongue, covered her mouth and sniggered, and then quietly dodged away.

"Don't worry! I won't let you down," Zhang Jingjiang said in Jiang Yiling's ear.

Jiang Yiling's tender body trembled, and she hummed softly, so the two of them have no grievances now!


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