zombie girlfriend

Chapter 340 The Monster in the Lake

When the beast roar came.Both Zhang Jingjiang and Zhu Fakui were stunned.The voice was unusually low.In the early morning, if you don't listen carefully.Thought it was the wind.

"Brother Jiang. You heard that too, right?" Zhu Fakui said.

Zhang Jingjiang stroked Ni Long's dragon pill from his bosom.The roar of the beast just now directly caused the instability of this dragon core.Jumping in his arms all the time.what on earth is it.

"Let's go. Let's go and have a look." Zhang Jingjiang packed his bags and said.

Zhu Fakui immediately packed up his luggage.Li Angran walked along the hilly area.Go in the direction of the sound.Lingnan Daze is just a common name.In fact, this is a huge lake.From west to east, at least two big rivers, one big and one small, pass through here.There are also various streams criss-crossing.Because to the west of this lake is a mountain range that spans thousands of miles.The rivers originating in the mountains converge here.

So the range of this lake is extremely wide.The surface of the water is vast and misty enough to have a range of several thousand kilometers.When the two came to the lake.Really catch up with the sun rising.The sunlight reflecting off the lake is spectacular.Under the ten thousand rays of sunshine.The water was rippling.It was refreshing to watch.

Looking across the water.What a beast.But the sound is indeed made within this range.Zhang Jingjiang and Zhu Fakui looked at each other in blank dismay.They all feel very incredible.

"The voice just now came from this direction, A Biao." Zhang Jingjiang asked Zhu Fakui.

"That's right. That's the direction I heard. If one person got it wrong, could it be that two people got it wrong too?" Zhu Fakui said doubtfully.

Zhang Jingjiang observed by the water.It was found that the water waves of the lake were calm.It's not like something just dived out of the water.Could it be that the other party moved too fast.He dropped the backpack on the ground.Shouted to Zhu Fakui.

"A Biao. Look at the bag. I'll go up and have a look."

After speaking.He took a deep breath.The body floated up slowly.When it floated to the height of two people.He stretched out his hand and sent a stroke of water wave qigong to the back.The water waves and air pushed towards the lake.After so many times.Zhang Jingjiang was already more than ten feet away from the shore.Looking down from his current position.As long as some things under the lake are not too deep.Basically, it can be seen clearly.

There is nothing in the deep lake.There are some aquatic plants floating near the water surface.Where the water is deep, it is blue.Going deeper is black.When Zhang Jingjiang was looking down.At the same time, he released his consciousness.But his consciousness was the moment he entered the lake.Immediately becomes sluggish and sticky.

This situation is normal.Zhang Jingjiang knew that his spiritual consciousness was less than one-tenth of what it was on land when he was in the water.It can only be regarded as barely able to detect.This has nothing to do with the size of the soul's perception.It is related to the characteristics of water.

Consciousness is a strange thing.He originally relied on his own soul perception.But that needs to be nourished by a lot of spiritual energy.So the more aura is full of places.The farther the consciousness is released.On the contrary, the aura in the water is relatively thin.Therefore, the distance from which the consciousness is released is the closest.And there is a great sense of stickiness.

The consciousness could not be put into the water.Zhang Jingjiang simply withdrew his consciousness.Just rely on the eyes to observe.While flying in the air, he kept using his own flying skills.Looking down.It went in a long circle like this.As a result, nothing was found.Can not help but feel a little discouraged.

Dejected, he returned to the shore.Shaking his head at Zhu Fakui.That means nothing was found.Zhu Fakui was no longer interested in things in the water.He was very interested in Zhang Jingjiang's flying style.

"Brother Jiang. How did you fly? It's amazing. Teach me."

"Ah Biao. You really can't learn this. At the beginning, I had this adventure thanks to cinnabar. After that, my body can float. Speaking of it, I really miss cinnabar. I don't know it. How is it now? After finishing our work in the New Territory, I must return to the original realm to find it." Zhang Jingjiang said.

"Your dog is really good. It's a pity that I don't know where it was lost. I don't know when I will have so many adventures like you. By the way. Didn't you find anything in the sky just now?" Zhu Fakui sighed with emotion It is emotion.But he is not rigid.It was quickly forgotten.

Zhang Jingjiang shook his head: "I didn't find any traces. But I'm sure there must be something weird here."

"By the way, A Biao. I'm here this time to find Master Kuichen. After I find him, I also want to ask him for an earth attribute combat skill for you. Although your back earth palm is powerful, it takes too long to activate it. It's been a long time. And it's too powerful." Zhang Jingjiang suddenly remembered something, "I forgot to ask you. It seems that you improved the Houtu God Palm when you were in Dongpu."

"Brother Jiang, you found it." Zhu Fakui said proudly: "I also think that it takes too long to activate the Houtu God Palm. It is too powerful to use it once. So I made some small improvements. Let the power come from different acupuncture points Send it out. The result is that kind of small palm. It seems that the effect is not bad."

"Well. A Biao. You are really good. I don't have this kind of brain. I won't ask you for that combat skill. But I can help you ask for a high-attribute exercise. For now, your Genshan Jue It's just a mysterious technique. It's still a little slow for you to improve your skills." Zhang Jingjiang said after thinking for a while.

"That's good. Thank you Brother Jiang. I'm also worried about the slow improvement of my skills." Zhu Fakui's face showed joy.

"Well, wait for a while. After the sun rises, the aura on the lake will be stronger. Then let's call Master Kuichen." Zhang Jingjiang took out Ni Long's dragon pill and said.

After Zhu Fakui finished listening.Didn't cater.Instead, he looked at the lake in the distance with surprise.In addition to being surprised, there was also a slight look of fear on his face.Zhang Jingjiang looked back immediately.A huge head protruded from the calm lake between them.

The head was obviously that of some kind of animal.Half of it is above the water.half underwater.Only two huge watery eyes are exposed on the water.Those eyes were looking at Zhang Jingjiang curiously.

"My god. What is this?" Zhang Jingjiang jumped up immediately.

That head saw Zhang Jingjiang frightened.He seemed to be frightened too.After a flick, he got into the water and disappeared.Zhu Fakui next to him shouted, "It ran away again. Hurry up. Brother Jiang. Fly up and have a look. What the hell is it?"

Zhang Jingjiang immediately stood up.Ready to take off.But at this moment.A large amount of black mist suddenly gathered around.The speed of this black mist is extremely fast.It was there in an instant.At the same time a voice sounded.

"Don't look at it. It's a camel dragon."

Zhang Jingjiang and Zhu Fakui heard this voice.Immediately overjoyed.They both shouted in unison: "Master Kuichen, are you here?"

That voice came from Queson.The black mist continued to shrink.Exposing the body of Queson inside.He laughed when he showed up.Then he looked at Zhang Jingjiang and the two: "I've arrived long ago. It's just that you can't see me."

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