zombie girlfriend

Chapter 350 Who Is In The Coffin?

Kui Chen found a pot in the third room, so he laughed proudly. It was the ancient artifact Yin-Yang pot he was talking about. What's so special about the kettle.

"Master Kuichen, what's so special about this pot? Why did you find this pot and that after so many hardships?" Zhang Jingjiang asked curiously.

"Hehe," Kuichen said with a smile, "Of course you don't know the magic function of this pot. The full name of it is: Hongmeng Yinyang Pot, after having it, I will be able to travel around all walks of life, so I can completely locate it."

Kuichen was very excited when he spoke, and the rebellious look in his eyes made him look very majestic: "It is said that the great gods of the gods have the magic power to travel through space, and can control other people's freedom. Now that I have it, I am the same God, "

The ancient gods were able to tear apart the barriers of space and shuttle freely between various interfaces, but this is also a very difficult thing. First of all, the void zone between different interfaces is difficult to figure out, and the degree of loss of divine power is also different. In fact, those great gods There is a certain risk to be taken when doing this kind of thing.

Compared with the shuttle between different interfaces, the channel with a fixed transmission fee at a certain node is the safest, but Quechen's thinking is obviously not limited to this. It seems that he has a deeper plan.

"Master Kuichen, if this thing is so powerful, wouldn't it be more convenient to travel across the same world?" Zhang Jingjiang asked.

"Shuttle within the same interface, oh, I don't know if this works. The key is that I need to locate it. According to records, Tianlao also has an ancient artifact of the astrolabe. I don't know where it was left. It is the key to positioning. I thought of looking for the mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor in Xuanyuan, but I found that this guy had entered the fairy world. I don’t think this kind of thing will be there anymore,” Kui Chen felt a little regretful. Said.

"The astrolabe," Zhang Jingjiang read, "is it similar to the astrolabe of our spirit body clan?"

"Kuichen wondered: "When did the Spirit Body Clan have an astrolabe, do you have it, show it to me,"

Zhang Jingjiang quickly dug out the astrolabe that Qingqing Chuchu gave him from his study belt, and handed it to Kuichen: "When I was doing trials in the reserve, they gave me this thing. This thing can not only locate and transmit information, but also Capable of storing all kinds of metal ores,"

"There is such a thing," Queson asked.

"Ask A Biao,"

"Brother Jiang is right. People in the protected area will be given an astrolabe to check their whereabouts when they go out. If something happens, they can be rescued. I heard that it was invented by a former elder," Zhu Fakui said. Said.

Kuichen didn't speak, just lowered his head and was just studying the astrolabe. After a while, he laughed with joy on his face: "Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the sky astrolabe fell into the hands of the spirit body tribe, and it was copied into this It looks like, haha... That old guy probably never thought of it in his dreams."

"Master Kuichen, you mean this thing can be used," Zhang Jingjiang asked hastily.

"It can be used, but I want to study it. This seems to be a simplified version of the astrolabe, um, it's a bit interesting." Kuichen raised the astrolabe in his hand and said proudly: "I have used this thing. Bailai, Qiyu Xiaoer didn't expect that the things you left for me are so good."

"Look, what is that, it seems to be a dead person," Zhu Fakui said suddenly, pulling Zhang Jingjiang's sleeve.

Zhang Jingjiang heard the words and looked to the other side. If this room is a training room, then the stone bed should be a place for meditation and practice. Now there is a dead man sitting on the futon on the stone bed. .

Zhang Jingjiang pulled Zhu Fakui and walked over slowly. Just now, he saw a dead person in the distance. It was because the person was sitting on the bed crookedly, and he was already half-mummy. Mummies can also be called mummies.

The skin of the corpse has been completely shriveled, wrapped around the skeleton, the hair was tied up, but now it is loose, and the moisture in his body has been completely lost, which makes Zhang Jingjiang very strange, the place is so dark How could it be so dry that all the moisture on the corpse was lost.

The corpse was wearing a blue robe, holding a jade card in his arms, Zhang Jingjiang was looking at it, Kui Chen walked over and pulled out the jade card, he held it in his hand for a closer look, shook it He shook his head and said, "Who is this card for the rain?"

Asking Zhang Jingjiang this question is tantamount to asking in vain, but Kuichen is obviously asking and answering by himself. He turned around the corpse in a circle and fell silent. gourd.

Zhang Jingjiang stepped forward to pick it up. He suddenly felt something moving on his left arm. After opening his sleeve, he found that the camel dragon suddenly came out. The little thing was waiting for its big watery eyes to look at Hulu turned back to look at Zhang Jingjiang pitifully, and yelled "chirp," twice.

"Do you want something from the gourd?" Zhang Jingjiang asked the camel dragon.

The little guy actually nodded, "chirp," and yelled twice, obviously he understood what Zhang Jingjiang was talking about, Zhang Jingjiang was immediately very curious, he unscrewed the plug of the sapphire gourd, and looked inside , found that there was a puddle of clear liquid inside, so he poured a little out into his palm.

The palm of his hand suddenly felt freezing cold, apparently the liquid did not know how cold it was, but the camel dragon let out a cry of joy, crawled over, stretched out its mouth and tongue, and began to suck, sucking up the icy liquid in a short while When it was over, he stretched out his small tongue and licked Zhang Jingjiang's palm, looking very satisfied, and then crawled back to his left arm.

"This thing seems to be used to feed this camel dragon," Zhu Fakui said.

Zhang Jingjiang nodded, this is obviously true, this corpse actually has special food for feeding the camel dragon, it is obviously the camel dragon raised by him, but who raised this camel dragon.

"Ice Crystal Emulsion, that thing is Ice Crystal Emulsion," Queson said.

"Master Kuichen, you recognize this liquid,"

"Well, I know this thing, it is the ice crystal rain dragon's favorite thing to eat, it seems that this camel dragon should be an ice crystal and dragon, it is an ancient beast used by the witch god to cool down and rain, ah, I know , this corpse should be Qi Yu, and only he can raise the Ice Crystal Rain Dragon," Kui Chen suddenly realized.

"Why did he die here? I was very surprised. It stands to reason that Qi Yu was originally a member of the spirit body tribe and a witch general. How could he die?" Zhang Jingjiang was puzzled.

"Whoever said that the spirit body clansmen will not die, how come the witch gods will not die, even the great gods of the gods will fall, let alone the witch gods, in fact, at the stage of the witch gods, unless they are killed by others, they will not die. but,"

"Unless someone killed him," Zhang Jingjiang said.

Zhu Fakui suddenly trembled: "Jiang... Brother Jiang, Qi Yu, if he dies here, then, who is in that coffin?"

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